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Subject: JFK

Written By: Katluver on 11/21/13 at 8:53 pm

I can't believe tomorrow will be the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination!
So share your thoughts about this president or anyone from the Kennedy clan.

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: danootaandme on 11/22/13 at 2:37 am

I am one of the few posters old enough to vividly remember that day, and to this day I cannot watch the Zapruder film, I have turn away.  In 5 years we dealt 3 assassinations, Kennedy, King and Kennedy.  Some people do not realize that the Martin Luther King murder and the murder of Bobby Kennedy were only 2 months apart, and only 5 years after the assassination of JFK. 

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Paul on 11/22/13 at 7:37 am

Out of my time frame, I'm afraid, but I can vouch that my Ma still recalls it (and where she was and what she was doing) when the news first broke...

Of course, there was no mass media then - even TransAtlantic links were in their infancy, so the full scale of the news took over a day to reach us fully.

Being such a cultural significance, you'd think that there would be at least a hint of some commemorative event going on. But the BBC seems more interested in flogging the fact that Dr. Who's 50th anniversary is more important!  ::)

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Katluver on 11/22/13 at 8:22 am

Out of my time frame, I'm afraid, but I can vouch that my Ma still recalls it (and where she was and what she was doing) when the news first broke...

Of course, there was no mass media then - even TransAtlantic links were in their infancy, so the full scale of the news took over a day to reach us fully.

Being such a cultural significance, you'd think that there would be at least a hint of some commemorative event going on. But the BBC seems more interested in flogging the fact that Dr. Who's 50th anniversary is more important!  ::)

Yes, I just saw that Google made a design about Dr.Who instead...

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: warped on 11/22/13 at 2:12 pm

I was in diapers when JFK died. My mom said he was a great man...and we don't even live in America.  My parents thought RFK was an even better person and leader and a brilliant mind. Oddly enough one of my first childhood memories was when RFK was killed.

And like Danoota said, JFK, RFK and MLK killed within a 5-year period, and the latter two killed within a few months of each other. Just tragic.

My thoughts are with the Kennedy family today...

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Howard on 11/22/13 at 3:15 pm

I wasn't born yet but I wonder if he would've made a good president if he had stayed in office?  ???

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Zeb on 11/22/13 at 5:54 pm

  He felt that politics and social service were noble endeavors.  Whether it was soldiering, educating, helping those in need, holding office or the fine arts; he encouraged the young people of his time to get involved in a cause bigger than themselves.  I feel that if he had lived we wouldn't be so cynical about politics and public service today but maybe that's just wishful thinking.

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: 80sfan on 11/22/13 at 6:07 pm

I wasn't conceived yet!  :o :o

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Katluver on 11/22/13 at 7:59 pm

I wasn't conceived yet!  :o :o

Me either---I don't think my parents had even met at that point. 
I do remember when his son passed away.  :(

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: danootaandme on 11/23/13 at 3:25 am

Me either---I don't think my parents had even met at that point. 
I do remember when his son passed away.  :(

That was sad, my first thought was "poor Caroline"

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: apollonia1986 on 11/23/13 at 11:29 am

My mother was 13 in 1963. She told me after the assassinations, she didn't really understand what was happening, but that my grandmother and my aunt--mom's older sister--cried for days.

My father was in his late 30s at the time and frankly he didn't care because politics were not on his radar. And LBJ was sworn in before they even landed Kennedy's body in DC.

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Dagwood on 11/23/13 at 11:56 am

I wasn't born yet but my mom told me she was skipping gym class.  When they came back, they didn't believe the kids that told them what had happened.

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: karen on 11/23/13 at 1:43 pm

Being such a cultural significance, you'd think that there would be at least a hint of some commemorative event going on. But the BBC seems more interested in flogging the fact that Dr. Who's 50th anniversary is more important!  ::)

So you missed the minute by minute reporting on Radio 2?

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: 80sfan on 11/23/13 at 2:24 pm

Me either---I don't think my parents had even met at that point.
I do remember when his son passed away.  :(

My parents already met, but none of us four siblings were born yet.

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Howard on 11/23/13 at 3:15 pm

I wasn't conceived yet!  :o :o

Me either but My parents were alive, My father was 22 and My Mother was 18.

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Howard on 11/23/13 at 3:16 pm

Me either---I don't think my parents had even met at that point. 
I do remember when his son passed away.  :(

My Parents were 6 years away from getting married.

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Howard on 11/23/13 at 3:18 pm

My parents already met, but none of us four siblings were born yet.

My Brother was 8 years away from being born.

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Howard on 11/23/13 at 3:19 pm

Who was the mayor at the time?  ???

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: karen on 11/23/13 at 5:06 pm

Councillor R C Fletcher

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Zeb on 11/23/13 at 8:20 pm

My mom was in the third grade and she was on the playground when a recess lady came and told she and her playmates what happened.  My grandpa was a preacher and he was on the phone when my grandma pulled him aside to tell him the news. He opened the church that night for prayer and a few people came in. 

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Howard on 11/24/13 at 3:06 pm$_35.JPG?set_id=880000500F

Anybody read this magazine about The Kennedy Assassination?

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Paul on 12/05/13 at 8:55 am

So you missed the minute by minute reporting on Radio 2?

Obviously! They kinda kept that one pretty quiet!

Subject: Re: JFK

Written By: Howard on 12/05/13 at 3:24 pm

I read that the reason they shot Lee Harvey Oswald was to prevent Jackie Kennedy from having a court hearing, they could've at least saved the shot till afterwards? ??? Couldn't they?

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