The Pop Culture Information Society...

These are the messages that have been posted on inthe00s over the past few years.

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Subject: PLEASE! Use the report to moderator tool

Written By: ChuckyG on 03/09/05 at 11:20 am

There is a link on every message on the system, that says "Report to moderator".  With the volume of messages (over 2000 per day now) it's impossible for every message to be reviewed by the moderators, without appointing 20 or 30 moderators to handle it (an unwieldy amount of people to say the least).

I'm hearing complaints that there are sexual topics being discussed, or that certain members seem to be getting punished for infractions where others haven't.  If a post that violates the system guidelines goes unreported, it won't get taken care of, and it will only encourage more people to do it.

The rules are there for several reasons.  Primarily, the site is setup to allow anyone to use it.  If the messageboard receives a large amount of adults only content, it will hurt the site.  It reduces the ability of people to see the system from work accounts.  While it may seem harmless if it's buried in a bigger thread, the search engines still ferret the stuff out.  Too much, and you get added to a ban list.  That in turn, cuts the type of advertising I can receive way down, which limits the money coming in. Less money means I have to scale back the system, etc. 

If I can't afford to run it, I have to shut it down.  That's really the absolute bottom line.  The messageboard generally loses a little money every month as it is, but the other sites I run help pick up the slack.  If I can run ads on it at all, that would significantly dig into the other sites, which would be a bad thing indeed.

I also recieve comments from people such as "we're all adults here" which is NOT THE CASE!  The messageboard is setup to help people looking for information about the past three decades of pop music.  This means school aged children do drop by. 

Subject: Re: PLEASE! Use the report to moderator tool

Written By: Apricot on 03/09/05 at 11:42 am

Will do, mang.

Subject: Re: PLEASE! Use the report to moderator tool

Written By: Howard on 03/09/05 at 4:32 pm

Thanks Chuck.


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