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Subject: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/19/06 at 6:57 pm

I thought instead of being obnoxious, I'd join in.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Donnie Darko on 04/19/06 at 7:19 pm

Is France full of p*ssies?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: GoodRedShirt on 04/19/06 at 7:53 pm

What do they call French Fries o'er there?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: JamieMcBain on 04/19/06 at 7:54 pm

What do they call French Toast?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/19/06 at 11:35 pm

Is France full of p*ssies?

Nope, in fact, France is home to some of the burliest, nationalistic, violent bastards I know  :)

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/19/06 at 11:36 pm

What do they call French Fries o'er there?

Pommes frites.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/19/06 at 11:37 pm

What do they call French Toast?

Well.. it's not actually French.

I dare say you would find something similar referred to as pain perdu.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Dominic L. on 04/20/06 at 12:53 am

Is it true that the French have no sense of humor?!

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Donnie Darko on 04/20/06 at 2:07 am

Nope, in fact, France is home to some of the burliest, nationalistic, violent bastards I know  :)

That's nice :)

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Sister Morphine on 04/20/06 at 2:23 am

Is it true that kids start drinking at a very early age?  I had read somewhere that some kids are allowed to have wine at the dinner table with their parents.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/20/06 at 3:42 am

Will the French ever get their Ports/Borders and crossings controls sorted out? so that British truck drivers, driving on the continent won't be consistently affected by their beligerent and often petty industrial action.    >:(

sorry is this a serious thread?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Gis on 04/20/06 at 7:50 am

Is it true that the French have no sense of humor?!
No that's the Germans !  ;D

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/20/06 at 8:26 am

Will the French ever get their Ports/Borders and crossings controls sorted out? so that British truck drivers, driving on the continent won't be consistently affected by their beligerent and often petty industrial action.    >:(

sorry is this a serious thread?

Unfortunatly, due to the ridiculously strong unions and bizare government regulations, the French Port controllers, Truck Drivers, Dock Police etc can all strike on the drop of a hat.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/20/06 at 8:27 am

Is it true that the French have no sense of humor?!

Not at all.

It's the americans that have no sense of humor.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/20/06 at 8:29 am

Is it true that kids start drinking at a very early age?  I had read somewhere that some kids are allowed to have wine at the dinner table with their parents.

Of course.

A) Wine is actually very good for you in moderation, much like most fruit juices are very good for you.
B) Secondly, it's really only the Islamic nations and the puritanical factions in the United States (and some other Western nations) that have a hang up over alcohol.
In England, France, Germany, Spain etc.. I've seen 13-14 year old kids being able to go in to a bar and buy a beer.. and here's the thing, they can all handle it. Take the same 14 year old from Buttfudge; Idaho and they'd be trying to drink as much as possible.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/20/06 at 9:13 am

Of course.

A) Wine is actually very good for you in moderation, much like most fruit juices are very good for you.
B) Secondly, it's really only the Islamic nations and the puritanical factions in the United States (and some other Western nations) that have a hang up over alcohol.
In England, France, Germany, Spain etc.. I've seen 13-14 year old kids being able to go in to a bar and buy a beer.. and here's the thing, they can all handle it. Take the same 14 year old from Buttfudge; Idaho and they'd be trying to drink as much as possible.

Sorry but I beg to differ on this issue - English kids CANNOT handle alcohol. Have you seen our town centres at night, even daytimes kids hang around on street corners and public transport (METRO) while becoming more and more inebriated on bottles of cider or cans of beer.
Our French neighbours have got it just right, by allowing their children small amounts of wine with meals from an early age - then they don't gorge when they get older.

In England, it's all or nothing and makes me sick, not to say embarrassed aswell, to see young kids and adults so bloody drunk all the time.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Gis on 04/20/06 at 9:17 am

Of course.

A) Wine is actually very good for you in moderation, much like most fruit juices are very good for you.
B) Secondly, it's really only the Islamic nations and the puritanical factions in the United States (and some other Western nations) that have a hang up over alcohol.
In England, France, Germany, Spain etc.. I've seen 13-14 year old kids being able to go in to a bar and buy a beer.. and here's the thing, they can all handle it. Take the same 14 year old from Buttfudge; Idaho and they'd be trying to drink as much as possible.
Hmm, can't agree with you on the U.K bit of that.Whilst it's true kids as young as 14 can get served in certain bars/pubs/off licences where they aren't as strict as they should be, it is illegal to serve alcohol to anyone under 18 in the U.K. Also, as to handling it,sadly it's far from it.Which is why we have such an appaling problem with underage drinking and binge drinking in the U.K and all the crime and medical conditions that are associated with it.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Mr Tumnus on 04/20/06 at 10:48 am

Hmm, can't agree with you on the U.K bit of that.Whilst it's true kids as young as 14 can get served in certain bars/pubs/off licences where they aren't as strict as they should be, it is illegal to serve alcohol to anyone under 18 in the U.K. Also, as to handling it,sadly it's far from it.Which is why we have such an appaling problem with underage drinking and binge drinking in the U.K and all the crime and medical conditions that are associated with it.

Oh good, another Brit is here, yeah I can't stand going into town any longer at weekends cos' I just can't bear getting pushed around by drunken boozers as you stand in bars.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/20/06 at 12:47 pm

You're both forgetting I've lived in Britain as well.

Yes, it is probably the worst behaved nation as a whole in Europe when it comes to drinking, but even then, It's got nothing on what goes on here.
Countless individuals die at the age of 21 because as soon as they are legal they go out and drink themselves in to oblivion.
Growing up, most of my freinds could handle themselves because they'd been exposed to it from a much earlier age.
Of course there's gonna be a few that can't handle it, but I think a lot of that is due to the environment in which they were raised.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Windbreaker05 on 04/20/06 at 12:53 pm

You're both forgetting I've lived in Britain as well.

Yes, it is probably the worst behaved nation as a whole when it comes to drinking, but even then, It's got nothing on what goes on here.
Countless individuals die at the age of 21 because as soon as they are legal they go out and drink themselves in to oblivion.
Growing up, most of my freinds could handle themselves because they'd been exposed to it from a much earlier age.
Of course there's gonna be a few that can't handle it, but I think a lot of that is due to the environment in which they were raised.

I tend to agree with this. My first experience was my worst because I had very little practical knowledge, just the usual "don't drink" crud that comes at you from all sides. (My parents are both dry, so that didn't help.) Thankfully, it occurred in a private place and before I had a driver's license so that I was never in true danger. I think the best form of education about alcohol is practical experience. Be presented with the facts, dangers, etc., sure, a good and perhaps necessary start, but in the real world, that's never gonna be enough.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Ebontyne on 04/20/06 at 1:25 pm

Who's the longest reigning monarch in the history of France, and for how long did he/she reign? Give years too, if you can. :)

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/20/06 at 1:32 pm

Who's the longest reigning monarch in the history of France, and for how long did he/she reign? Give years too, if you can. :)

I believe it was Louis the fourteenth (Louis XIV)

He had something like a 70 year reign because he came to the throne as a young child and unlike numerous other monarch children, he wasn't killed, userped or simply removed.

You might know him as The Sun King  :)

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Ebontyne on 04/20/06 at 6:55 pm

I believe it was Louis the fourteenth (Louis XIV)

He had something like a 70 year reign because he came to the throne as a young child and unlike numerous other monarch children, he wasn't killed, userped or simply removed.

You might know him as The Sun King  :)

Yeah, it must be. Apparently Louis XIV reigned from 1643 to 1715, which amounts to 72 years -- a really freaking long time to be king.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/20/06 at 6:57 pm

Yeah, it must be. Apparently Louis XIV reigned from 1643 to 1715, which amounts to 72 years -- a really freaking long time to be king.


Those dates sound right.

There were numerous other monarchs that could have reigned for such a long period but of course, many of them were killed as I say.
We all know about the Princes in the tower of London.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: KKay on 04/23/06 at 6:55 pm

I thought instead of being obnoxious, I'd join in.

Joining in doesn't make you less obnoxious, sweetie.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/23/06 at 7:24 pm

Joining in doesn't make you less obnoxious, sweetie.

Would you have it any other way?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: JamieMcBain on 04/23/06 at 10:25 pm

Really what do the French think of Americans?  I have always been interesting in knowing the answer.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/23/06 at 10:53 pm

Really what do the French think of Americans?  I have always been interesting in knowing the answer.

That they're arrogant ignorant mongolids.

No.. not really.

Generally.. it will depend on political motivation, idealogy etc.

The point I will make is this.
The general public in France is far better informed than the general public here. Non-Partisan media sources and generally a not so insular world view would mean that the average guy in Paris is as well informed about events in Washington as.. the average guy in Washington.

But as I say, really it all depends.
Same way that some Americans may dislike the French, or the Germans or whoever..

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: KKay on 04/24/06 at 10:27 am

24 hours in France.  Where do I...

1. Take a picture of myself in front of something
2. eat something
3. learn something
4. sleep

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: nally on 04/24/06 at 10:53 am

So Davey... do you currently live in France? If so, do ya like it over there?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/24/06 at 2:15 pm

So Davey... do you currently live in France? If so, do ya like it over there?

No, not anymore.

I lived over there for a while a few years back and enjoyed my time tremendously.

Depending on where you are, it's a marvelous country.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/24/06 at 2:19 pm

24 hours in France.  Where do I...

1. Take a picture of myself in front of something
2. eat something
3. learn something
4. sleep

Ok.. 24 hours.

Let's assume you are capable of moving at the speed of light.

We ignore the typical Parisian landmarks and get back to nature.
Down to the Ardeche to have your picture taken in front of one of the amazing natural arches over the rivers.

To eat, we must venture to Avignon. Typical French faire perhaps. Wine, cheese, bread.

You want to learn, then we must take a trip to Paris. Maybe to the louvre to increase your artistic knowledge, no?


Lemme roll over.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: KKay on 04/24/06 at 2:37 pm

Ok.. 24 hours.

Let's assume you are capable of moving at the speed of light.

We ignore the typical Parisian landmarks and get back to nature.
Down to the Ardeche to have your picture taken in front of one of the amazing natural arches over the rivers.

To eat, we must venture to Avignon. Typical French faire perhaps. Wine, cheese, bread.

You want to learn, then we must take a trip to Paris. Maybe to the louvre to increase your artistic knowledge, no?


Lemme roll over.

Sounds excellent. How about end of August?!

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/24/06 at 2:54 pm

Sounds excellent. How about end of August?!

Bit busy.

I'm gonna be there from July 26th until about.. ooohh.. August the somethingth.

Feel free to come around.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: nally on 04/24/06 at 3:50 pm

No, not anymore.

I lived over there for a while a few years back and enjoyed my time tremendously.

Depending on where you are, it's a marvelous country.

I'm sure it is. (That's probably easy for me to say, given that I've never been there...or anywhere outside the United States.) However, my mom was there 31 years ago and didn't like Paree.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/24/06 at 11:08 pm

I'm sure it is. (That's probably easy for me to say, given that I've never been there...or anywhere outside the United States.) However, my mom was there 31 years ago and didn't like Paree.

What didn't she like about it?

Did she attempt to speak any French?

I've never EEEEVER seen anybody be treated in a rude manner, as long as they at least tried to speak a bit of French.

Much in the way that if somebody went to L.A you would expect them to know at least a bit of English.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Satish on 04/25/06 at 5:38 pm

Don't you think it's funny how the French refer to potatoes as apples?

The French word for apple is "pomme".

As some of you might know, potatoes originally came from America and weren't introduced into Europe until Columbus' voyage in 1492.

Potatoes grow in the ground, unlike apples, which grow on trees.

Do you know what the French term for potato is? It's "pomme de terre." That literally means "apple of the Earth"!

Isn't that a hoot? Who'd have thought you could confuse potatoes with apples?  ;D

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/25/06 at 9:37 pm

Don't you think it's funny how the French refer to potatoes as apples?

The French word for apple is "pomme".

As some of you might know, potatoes originally came from America and weren't introduced into Europe until Columbus' voyage in 1492.

Potatoes grow in the ground, unlike apples, which grow on trees.

Do you know what the French term for potato is? It's "pomme de terre." That literally means "apple of the Earth"!

Isn't that a hoot? Who'd have thought you could confuse potatoes with apples?  ;D

I must admit.. it is an odd one.

But you explained it there, 'apple of the earth'.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: danootaandme on 04/26/06 at 5:44 pm

Is Napoleon a hero or not?  I get these mixed signals about his place in French history.  Is it a love hate thing?  I visited Invalides while I was there and it is quite a shrine.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/26/06 at 6:57 pm

Is Napoleon a hero or not?  I get these mixed signals about his place in French history.  Is it a love hate thing?  I visited Invalides while I was there and it is quite a shrine.

I'd say Napoleon would be a hero of sorts.
He embodied some of the great characteristics of machismo which of course is a big thing in France.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: KKay on 04/26/06 at 8:44 pm

Is your favorite wine from France?
And are the girls really THAT pretty?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/26/06 at 10:37 pm

Is your favorite wine from France?
And are the girls really THAT pretty?

As you are aware, I'm not a biiiig wine drinker, but I enjoy a nice Rose.
That being said..
I suppose my favourite would be maybe like a Provence Rose.
I don't really have a favourite.

No, they're not, I'm not gonna say what you want me to, it was far too obvious.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Trimac20 on 04/26/06 at 10:51 pm

What percentage of the French population speak basic English?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/26/06 at 10:59 pm

What percentage of the French population speak basic English?

A large percentage.

Languages are taught in school's from an early age.
At a rough estimate I would say at least three quaters of the population have a very basic understanding of the English language.

You'd need to get out in to the far flung provinces before you could find anybody that could only speak French.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: KKay on 04/27/06 at 8:25 am

As you are aware, I'm not a biiiig wine drinker, but I enjoy a nice Rose.
That being said..
I suppose my favourite would be maybe like a Provence Rose.
I don't really have a favourite.

No, they're not, I'm not gonna say what you want me to, it was far too obvious.

1.  fair enough, not a wine drinker.
2. i'm always obvious...but really; there are magazine articles written about it! glad to hear your opinion.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/27/06 at 8:28 am

1.  fair enough, not a wine drinker.
2. i'm always obvious...but really; there are magazine articles written about it! glad to hear your opinion.

There are articles written  ???

I want you to give me your magazines. I never buy any nowadays after Q disgusted me.

But, no.. nothing special. Of course I'd say on the whole they're better looking than your average American girl, but fact is, most places are.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Tia on 04/27/06 at 10:05 am

Of course.

A) Wine is actually very good for you in moderation, much like most fruit juices are very good for you.

how many bottles a night can you drink before it's no longer considered moderate?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Tia on 04/27/06 at 10:07 am

Don't you think it's funny how the French refer to potatoes as apples?

The French word for apple is "pomme".

As some of you might know, potatoes originally came from America and weren't introduced into Europe until Columbus' voyage in 1492.

Potatoes grow in the ground, unlike apples, which grow on trees.

Do you know what the French term for potato is? It's "pomme de terre." That literally means "apple of the Earth"!

Isn't that a hoot? Who'd have thought you could confuse potatoes with apples?  ;D
i think it's because potatoes, like apples, are a basic staple. it's a form of reverence and gratitude, i think it's kinda poetic actually. apples are much sweeter than potatoes so it's a kind of compliment to the potato.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Gis on 04/27/06 at 10:26 am

What didn't she like about it?

Did she attempt to speak any French?

I've never EEEEVER seen anybody be treated in a rude manner, as long as they at least tried to speak a bit of French.

Much in the way that if somebody went to L.A you would expect them to know at least a bit of English.

Interesting I've heard that even the French think Parisians are arrogant ! I was treated in an extremely rude manner in a restaurant in Paris, as were the two American ladies at the table next to us.You could tell the waiter was deliberately 'not understanding' us.So I said lets go to leave without paying the bill you can bet your life he'll *suddenly* understand us then, and sure enough by some miracle he did ! Funny that......
Also I was amazed when I went to Versailles that there was no signage in any other language except french. Now that is arrogant and stupid I think. I've never been to a national treasure/monument in any other country where there weren't details provided in just about every language under the sun !

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: KKay on 04/27/06 at 10:27 am

how many bottles a night can you drink before it's no longer considered moderate?

If you ask me? 4 is moderate.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/27/06 at 11:37 am

Interesting I've heard that even the French think Parisians are arrogant ! I was treated in an extremely rude manner in a restaurant in Paris, as were the two American ladies at the table next to us.You could tell the waiter was deliberately 'not understanding' us.So I said lets go to leave without paying the bill you can bet your life he'll *suddenly* understand us then, and sure enough by some miracle he did ! Funny that......
Also I was amazed when I went to Versailles that there was no signage in any other language except french. Now that is arrogant and stupid I think. I've never been to a national treasure/monument in any other country where there weren't details provided in just about every language under the sun !

In all fairness, of all the people in the world, Waiters tend to be the most rude. (or the most polite).
In the U.S this isn't the case as they essentially work for tips, but in places where tipping isn't such a big deal (England, France etc) you'll find far more rude waiters.

I've never noticed that at Versailles, but to be honest, It wouldn't have any affect on me so I probably wouldn't even take notice.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/27/06 at 11:38 am

how many bottles a night can you drink before it's no longer considered moderate?

How many before you pass out?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Trimac20 on 04/27/06 at 11:40 am

I know the French aren't big beer the Germans or the Irish or the Czechs, is drunkeness part of the culture? I always hear that in Romance countries like Italy, France and Spain, drunkeness is considered 'uncouth'. Or is it more a socio-economic thing?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Gis on 04/27/06 at 11:44 am

In all fairness, of all the people in the world, Waiters tend to be the most rude. (or the most polite).
In the U.S this isn't the case as they essentially work for tips, but in places where tipping isn't such a big deal (England, France etc) you'll find far more rude waiters.

I've never noticed that at Versailles, but to be honest, It wouldn't have any affect on me so I probably wouldn't even take notice.

That's true waiter's can be a bit hit and miss ! I guess I noticed Versailles because I have pretty basic french and my friend had none at all so we were wandering round trying to figure out what room was which. In the end we paid to join a tour with an English speaking guide.Actually now I type that maybe that was the whole point behind it !! You end up paying extra to go on a tour.  ;D 

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 04/27/06 at 11:56 am

That's true waiter's can be a bit hit and miss ! I guess I noticed Versailles because I have pretty basic french and my friend had none at all so we were wandering round trying to figure out what room was which. In the end we paid to join a tour with an English speaking guide.Actually now I type that maybe that was the whole point behind it !! You end up paying extra to go on a tour.  ;D 

I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say yes, it's all for money.

They probably want you to do that, or invest in those headset things.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 09/26/06 at 5:18 pm

I know the French aren't big beer the Germans or the Irish or the Czechs, is drunkeness part of the culture? I always hear that in Romance countries like Italy, France and Spain, drunkeness is considered 'uncouth'. Or is it more a socio-economic thing?

Ok, so it took me 6 months to reply.. sorry.

In my experience.. drunkeness isn't so much frowned upon nationwide, but it's far less common to see a bunch of kids walking down the road throwing bottles at cars, or to see drunk old men laying in the gutter surrounded by pools of their own vomit. But then again, that's because of the relaxed drinking laws, it's not seen as taboo so nobody feels the need to consume as much as possible.

It's not uncommon to drink at lunch during a working day.. in fact (slightly unrelated) in Germany on building sites, you will generally find a cooler full of beer.. this is in line with the French ideas on drinking during the day.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 09/26/06 at 5:46 pm

Is there really a place in France where the ladies wear no pants?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 09/26/06 at 5:53 pm

Is there really a place in France where the ladies wear no pants?

But of course. I myself have visited a nudist beach in the south of France.. it's nice to hang out with one's wang out.. rock out with one's cock out.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 09/26/06 at 5:56 pm

But of course. I myself have visited a nudist beach in the south of France.. it's nice to hang out with one's wang out.. rock out with one's cock out.
Funny, when I first heard that song, for some reason nude beaches never came to mind. I pictured some remote village in the mountains where women are wearing blouses but they're naked from the waist down. 

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 09/26/06 at 5:58 pm

Funny, when I first heard that song, for some reason nude beaches never came to mind. I pictured some remote village in the mountains where women are wearing blouses but they're naked from the waist down. 

I've been there, it's called Fuque la busche.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Dominic L. on 09/29/06 at 4:36 pm

Is the rumor about all French people being incredibly boring and lacking any humor true?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 09/29/06 at 4:43 pm

Is the rumor about all French people being incredibly boring and lacking any humor true?

Not at all.. but if you don't speak French then I dare say you won't be able to have much of a conversation and you probably wouldn't understand the jokes.. so.. take from that what you will.  ;)

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Paul on 09/29/06 at 4:59 pm

Is the rumor about all French people being incredibly boring and lacking any humor true?

Ignore DT's answer...the rumour is true!

(I should know...I started it! Oops!)

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 09/29/06 at 5:03 pm

I don't know any French people, but French food is sure good!  :)

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: Paul on 09/29/06 at 5:07 pm

I don't know any French people, but French food is sure good!  :)

The kissing ain't half bad either, mon cherie...!  ;)  :-*

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 09/29/06 at 5:14 pm

The kissing ain't half bad either, mon cherie...!  ;)  :-*

O-ho!  :D ;)

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: spaceace on 10/26/06 at 9:11 am

Do the French think Californian wine taste like swill?  Do the French appreciate if an honest effort is made from a foreigner to speak French?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 10/26/06 at 9:18 am

Do the French think Californian wine taste like swill?  Do the French appreciate if an honest effort is made from a foreigner to speak French?

Hmm, presumably I would imagine that the general opinion is that it pales in comparison to French Wine, but I dare say that would be more of a nationalistic thing.

Yeah, in most cases as long as you attempt to speak French, you'll have a far easier and better time, of course.. in Paris, like any other BIG city, people are gonna be rude.. you just gotta deal with it.

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: spaceace on 10/26/06 at 9:24 am

I don't think it's a nationalitic thing.  The French have been making wine for centuries.  What is the best University in France?

Subject: Re: Ask me about France

Written By: La Roche on 10/26/06 at 10:55 am

I don't think it's a nationalitic thing.  The French have been making wine for centuries.  What is the best University in France?

Well, that's kind of like asking what the best University in the U.S is.. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT.. horses for courses.

I suppose the Pierre et Marie Curie is one of the top ones.. possibly in the world actually. It's essentially the main school in the University of Paris.
That's because the University of Paris is made up of several different schools.. kind of tied together in a loose manner, they're seperate but similar.

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