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Subject: It's a known known: Donald Rumsfeld dies at 88

Written By: nally on 07/01/21 at 12:27 am

Former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld has passed away from multiple myeloma at his home in Taos, New Mexico. He was 88, not quite 89.

He held many a position in his political career, but in the early 2000s during his second stint as Secretary Of Defense, he became known for uttering  "There are known knowns - things we know we know" in a 2002 press conference at the Pentagon about the lack of evidence linking the government of Iraq with the supply of weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups. He followed it up with "There are unknown unknowns - things we don't know we don't know."

R.I.P. Ronald Dumsfeld - I mean Donald Rumsfeld.

Subject: Re: It's a known known: Donald Rumsfeld dies at 88

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/01/21 at 2:01 am

I heard on the radio yesterday an interview with an ex British Ambassador in the USA, and he was saying that he had a wonderful sense of humour and was a charm to be with.


Subject: Re: It's a known known: Donald Rumsfeld dies at 88

Written By: andersenb11775 on 07/05/21 at 10:22 pm

I shed no tears for Saddam Hussein... but he should have been tried for war crimes at the Hague. Instead, he was lynched. I guess for the USians, having a head of state tried by an international court might have set an unfortunate precedent which would have emboldened their enemies and many progressive activists.

Subject: It's a known known: Donald Rumsfeld dies at 88

Written By: Dude111 on 07/06/21 at 12:01 am

Yes its very sad.........

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