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Subject: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: haleym8826 on 06/22/06 at 10:30 pm

Alright here is a board for people to express their favorite Pizza Toppings. I have Quite a bit of choices so hopefully I have all the Toppings needed.

Ready... Set... Debate!

I chosse Pepperoni because I like how sometimes it is spicy and sometimes it isn't. If i could choose another it would be cheese because I am simply a cheese freak. peppeeroni I think has a taste that makes you want more! ;D ;D ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Tam on 06/22/06 at 10:35 pm

Although I love Hawaiian, I chose other.

I love pepperoni pizza with green peppers, mushrooms and bacon! 8)

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Sister Morphine on 06/23/06 at 3:32 am

I chose other.

I like mushrooms, onions, red peppers and tomatos.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: woops on 06/23/06 at 4:39 am


Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 06/23/06 at 8:11 am


mushrooms (definitely all the time), black olives, pepper rings, onions.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Gis on 06/23/06 at 10:11 am

Other, another vote for Mushrooms from me. I also love Tuna and Sweetcorn, and I know from experience that Americans think that is the weirdest topping in the world but you can get it in any pizza takeaway in the U.K and it's delicious !

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: KKay on 06/23/06 at 10:31 am

onnions and mushrooms.

but i also love pinapple and onion.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: ktelqueen on 06/23/06 at 11:04 am

pepperoni..along with bacon,green pepper,onions and mushrooms  :)

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/23/06 at 12:24 pm

Hawaiian, for all its assortments.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: haleym8826 on 06/23/06 at 12:37 pm

Wow you guys really like mushrooms. :D

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/23/06 at 12:39 pm

Wow you guys really like mushrooms. :D
Yes, I do!

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: haleym8826 on 06/23/06 at 12:43 pm

I like them too But wow you guys are like gonna create a record for the thread with the word mushrooms on it 1 million times. ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/23/06 at 12:45 pm

I like them too But wow you guys are like gonna create a record for the thread with the word mushrooms on it 1 million times. ;D
In that case you can do the counting?

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: haleym8826 on 06/23/06 at 12:49 pm

LOL. Yeah lets forget about the record. ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Donnie Darko on 06/23/06 at 1:53 pm


Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/23/06 at 1:59 pm

Just had the last two pieces from the one we ordered the other day. Personally, I like everything but those little fishies and peppers (any kind) but Carlos doesn't care too much for meat on his pizza (pepperoni gives him heartburn) so this is our usual compromise:

Extra Cheese and Mushrooms (my HAVE to have), Onions, Olives (his HAVE to have). 


Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Tanya1976 on 06/23/06 at 3:30 pm

Green Peppers

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Stompgal on 06/24/06 at 8:25 am

Other - Chicken Supreme from Pizza Hut.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Trimac20 on 06/24/06 at 2:24 pm

Of the list I chose bacon...but my ideal Pizza would have some gourment cheese, spinach (tastes surprisingly good on Pizza), Oregano, Onion, Bacon, a sprinkling of Feta, blanched Capsicum (strangely enough I don't like fresh capsicum/peppers that much), a smidge of pepperoni, high quality meatballs and - wallah, you've got the perfect pizza.

The things are can't stand on my pizza; fruit of any kind (though its normally pineapple), SPAM (e.g. Pizza Hut, lol), Anchovies ( :P :P :P), fresh capsicum, those really meaty pizzas, too much mushrooms.etc.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: haleym8826 on 06/24/06 at 6:26 pm

Of the list I chose bacon...but my ideal Pizza would have some gourment cheese, spinach (tastes surprisingly good on Pizza), Oregano, Onion, Bacon, a sprinkling of Feta, blanched Capsicum (strangely enough I don't like fresh capsicum/peppers that much), a smidge of pepperoni, high quality meatballs and - wallah, you've got the perfect pizza.

The things are can't stand on my pizza; fruit of any kind (though its normally pineapple), SPAM (e.g. Pizza Hut, lol), Anchovies ( :P :P :P), fresh capsicum, those really meaty pizzas, too much mushrooms.etc.

That ideal pizza sounds good.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Dominic L. on 06/24/06 at 6:58 pm

Mushrooms and olives! :)

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Sister Morphine on 06/24/06 at 7:28 pm

Of the list I chose bacon...but my ideal Pizza would have some gourment cheese, spinach (tastes surprisingly good on Pizza), Oregano, Onion, Bacon, a sprinkling of Feta, blanched Capsicum (strangely enough I don't like fresh capsicum/peppers that much), a smidge of pepperoni, high quality meatballs and - wallah, you've got the perfect pizza.

The things are can't stand on my pizza; fruit of any kind (though its normally pineapple), SPAM (e.g. Pizza Hut, lol), Anchovies ( :P :P :P), fresh capsicum, those really meaty pizzas, too much mushrooms.etc.

Sbarro has a damn tasty spinach and mushroom pizza.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: haleym8826 on 06/24/06 at 9:12 pm

I feel like a calzone. A pepperoni calzone loaded with meat sauce an melted mozzerella cheese.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: whistledog on 06/26/06 at 2:38 am

Lately, when I go to Pizza Pizza, I see all these specialty pizzas on their menus, ever since I tried the one with Spinach and Feta, I am hooked.  Feta Cheese on a pizza is great 8)

Good toppings:  Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Mushrooms, and as many different kinds of cheeses that are out there

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 06/26/06 at 2:52 am

I like meat on my pizza, and my favorite toppings are sausage, pepperoni, and linguicia. I do like mushrooms, and olives, and onions and I like the red tomato pizza sauce, not the new white creamy sauces however Round Table has a specialty pizza with a creamy garlic sauce that is awesome & I think it's their bacon deli supreme or something like that. it's good

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: deadrockstar on 06/26/06 at 10:24 am

Black Olives

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: haleym8826 on 06/26/06 at 3:21 pm

I like meat on my pizza, and my favorite toppings are sausage, pepperoni, and linguicia. I do like mushrooms, and olives, and onions and I like the red tomato pizza sauce, not the new white creamy sauces however Round Table has a specialty pizza with a creamy garlic sauce that is awesome & I think it's their bacon deli supreme or something like that. it's good

Amen to meat on pizza. In like all pizza meats except for sausage. I also agree that there is no other way but the tomato sauce to make a pizza taste good.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Step-chan on 06/26/06 at 6:11 pm

Pepperoni, although I like most meat toppings.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: ultraviolet52 on 06/26/06 at 7:35 pm

Somehow I accidently chose ham.. but I can't stand ham on my pizza. I LOVE tomatoes, artichokes, mushrooms, sometimes olives, and sometimes pepperoni...

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Sister Morphine on 06/26/06 at 7:36 pm

Meat on pizza is gross.  It's already greasy......why add to it?

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Trimac20 on 06/26/06 at 7:58 pm

Somehow I accidently chose ham.. but I can't stand ham on my pizza. I LOVE tomatoes, artichokes, mushrooms, sometimes olives, and sometimes pepperoni...

Especially when it turns out it's actually SPAM.  ;D

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: haleym8826 on 06/26/06 at 8:25 pm

Especially when it turns out it's actually SPAM.  ;D

Spam is the most discusting thing in the world.

Could you imagine viena sausages on pizza?

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: deadrockstar on 06/26/06 at 8:58 pm

Spam is the most discusting thing in the world.

Could you imagine viena sausages on pizza?

Oh you're so wrong.  Theres nothing like a fried Spam sandwich, with mustard. :)

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: haleym8826 on 06/26/06 at 9:11 pm

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 06/27/06 at 1:50 am

Amen to meat on pizza. In like all pizza meats except for sausage. I also agree that there is no other way but the tomato sauce to make a pizza taste good.
heck yeah. pizza is like the perfect food choice

Meat on pizza is gross.  It's already greasy......why add to it?
meat is good, and it gets even better. you use a napkin to pat dry and soak up all the grease from the meat, then you hold the napkin over your open mouth and squeeze all the grease from the napkin into your mouth like a sponge. Now even you can't call that disgusting  :)

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Sister Morphine on 06/27/06 at 11:52 pm

meat is good, and it gets even better. you use a napkin to pat dry and soak up all the grease from the meat, then you hold the napkin over your open mouth and squeeze all the grease from the napkin into your mouth like a sponge. Now even you can't call that disgusting  :)

Ummm, yes I can.  I don't want a heart attack by age 30.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 06/28/06 at 12:01 am

Ummm, yes I can.  I don't want a heart attack by age 30.
me neither

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 06/28/06 at 3:22 pm

Italian Sausage



Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Suicidal Blonde on 09/06/06 at 3:04 pm

Hawaiian style

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: NbC on 09/08/06 at 7:06 am

I selected Mushroom

but I also really like:

Green Peppers
and fresh tomatoes

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Barefoot_Blues on 09/09/06 at 6:25 pm


Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Marian on 09/12/06 at 3:13 pm

has anyone ever had tofu pizza?

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: GoodRedShirt on 09/13/06 at 3:19 am

Meat. Lots and lots of MEAT. Forget the peppers, sauce, anchovies and whatever else. Meat is the most important thing on a pizza.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: KKay on 09/13/06 at 9:39 am

either pineapple and onion
mushroom, onion and peppers.

no meat.

unless it's a pie with EVERYTHING....including anchovies...extra name it.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/13/06 at 11:43 pm

Meat. Lots and lots of MEAT. Forget the peppers, sauce, anchovies and whatever else. Meat is the most important thing on a pizza.

Pizza is so greasy already.....I can't imagine making it worse.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 09/13/06 at 11:54 pm

pepperoni, sausage & linguicia, and double cheese  ;)

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Sister Morphine on 09/19/06 at 4:29 am

I personally go for pepperoni, pineapple, and pepperoncini (a.k.a. jalapenos). Sweet, spicy, and hot at the same time.

I HATE greasy pizza too, but what I do when making my own is three-fold:

1: Pre-cook the pepperoni in the microwave on like 4 paper towels with 2 covering (one plate is 35-40 seconds on high) This not only gets rid of 90% of the grease, but makes the pepperoni cook faster/crisper, even if there are toppings on top of it.

2: Squeeze all the extra juices out of any vegetables/fruits. The helps get rid of grease/moisture on the pizza.

3: Use good quality cheese(s). Crappy cheese(s) turn to oil when cooked; good ones don't as much. Even an extra all-cheese pizza will have oil pooling on the top when done; I blot the oil up with paper towels.

I blot my pizza as it is.  I can't get all of it, but I get enough that it's not all just sitting on the top. 

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: GREEN67 on 09/20/06 at 6:30 am

8) Pepperoni, Black and Green Olives, Jalapenos, Bell Peppers, Mushrooms, I really like thin crust too...My husband always gets ALL meat..Its just too much for me..I love the veggies..Oh yea..I forgot onions!

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: holicman on 09/20/06 at 9:21 am

I can reccomend a thin n crispy pepperoni pizza with Mushroom and onions from Dominos pizza, or your preferred chain, as long as they do thin n crispy :D

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Ashkicksass on 09/20/06 at 10:50 am

I like pepperoni, onions, green peppers, and black olives.  :)

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Satish on 09/21/06 at 1:40 pm


Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: spaceace on 11/28/06 at 4:27 pm


Ditto! :)

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Gidgxx on 11/28/06 at 8:33 pm

I like Thai Chicken pizza. It has a pesto sauce with thai chicken, springs, mango, and green pepper

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Tia on 11/28/06 at 8:46 pm

like everyone who isn't a freedom-hating terrorist, i love pepperoni more than i love life itself. but since i figured a lot of people would vote for it, i sounded off for pineapple. LOVE pineapple on pizza. so wet and fruity!

thin crust with pineapple and pepperoni. when i die, if i've been good, i'll go to heaven and young professional kim richards will feed me pineapple and pepperoni thin crust pizza for eternity.

or winona ryder, michelle williams, tina fey, susan george... whatever, i'm flexible.

can anyone tell i'm trying to lose weight? i'm totally sexualizing food in an intensely unhealthy way.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/28/06 at 10:41 pm

Pineapple on pizza?!  YUCK.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Tia on 11/28/06 at 10:48 pm

Pineapple on pizza?!  YUCK.
all the more for me! yum!

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: nally on 11/28/06 at 10:49 pm

all the more for me! yum!

And me! ;D

I eat little bits of pineapple on pizza all the time.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: spaceace on 11/29/06 at 11:24 am

I've had pineapple and ham on pizza, it wasn't bad.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/08/06 at 7:48 pm

Tonight I'm having one of my favorites...perogie pizza. Basically it is pizza crust with mashed potatoes, butter, garlic, cheese, and's very good (I couldn't eat it all the time...but it's yummy).

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: KKay on 12/08/06 at 8:57 pm

give me everything

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/09/06 at 12:44 am

give me everything
followed by another pizza?

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Snoopygirl on 12/23/06 at 8:25 pm

My favs:

Just cheese

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Max Power on 12/26/06 at 1:00 pm


Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: KKay on 12/26/06 at 1:07 pm

followed by another pizza?

yeah. with extra cheese!

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 12/26/06 at 4:56 pm

I love loads of cheese on my pizza, along with plenty of onions and tomatoes! :)

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Marty McFly on 12/27/06 at 4:34 am

"A lovely cheese pizza, just for me." ;D
-Kevin, from Home Alone

I like mushrooms and pineapple the best, probably. Can't stand anchovies. Back before I stopped eating meat, I always got sausages and pepperoni too.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: hood on 12/27/06 at 10:53 am

fresh maters, garlic, and artichoke hearts, with a splash of feta crumbles

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: KKay on 12/27/06 at 10:55 am

fresh maters, garlic, and artichoke hearts, with a splash of feta crumbles

yum. ....someone get me that phone and a menu!

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: deadrockstar on 01/01/07 at 5:17 pm

Spinach & garlic

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: nally on 01/04/07 at 11:22 pm

Last night we ordered pizza to be delivered...we had mushrooms, meatballs, green pepper and tomato for the toppings. I like any combination thereof...among others which I've shared earlier.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/04/07 at 11:23 pm

Last night we ordered pizza to be delivered...we had mushrooms, meatballs, green pepper and tomato for the toppings. I like any combination thereof...among others which I've shared earlier.

that sounds pretty good (minus the green peppers..I never could eat those).  Have you ever had a perogie pizza? It has mashed potatoes, cheese, & onions...on pizza's different, but yummy!

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: nally on 01/04/07 at 11:26 pm

that sounds pretty good (minus the green peppers..I never could eat those).  Have you ever had a perogie pizza? It has mashed potatoes, cheese, & onions...on pizza's different, but yummy!

I eat green peppers all the time (aka bell peppers)...I could never say no to them. As an Italian I have enjoyed them as long as I can remember. :)

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/04/07 at 11:35 pm

I eat green peppers all the time (aka bell peppers)...I could never say no to them. As an Italian I have enjoyed them as long as I can remember. :)

I do however like those yellow banana peppers...those are very good!

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: nally on 01/04/07 at 11:38 pm

I do however like those yellow banana peppers...those are very good!

Yes they are! :)

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/04/07 at 11:41 pm

Yes they are! :)

I love them on pizza...although I am the only one in my family who will eat we usually don't order them on pizza.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Dominic L. on 01/04/07 at 11:44 pm


Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/04/07 at 11:44 pm


even anchovies? ???

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Dominic L. on 01/04/07 at 11:46 pm

even anchovies? ???

Hmm... Nah, not on pizza. But I do like them by themselves.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/04/07 at 11:47 pm

Hmm... Nah, not on pizza. But I do like them by themselves.

interesting. I think they would be too salty for me. I'm not much of a fishy person...sometimes, but not often.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: conker on 01/24/07 at 11:59 am

Dill pickles anyone?

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/24/07 at 1:11 pm

Dill pickles anyone?
No thankyou.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: spaceace on 01/24/07 at 2:34 pm

Tomatoes and broccoli, and onions. :)

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Sister Morphine on 01/24/07 at 6:51 pm

Dill pickles anyone?

On a pizza?  Ew.

Subject: Re: Favorite Pizza Toppings

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/03/07 at 2:49 am

yeah. with extra cheese!

With more extra cheese!

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