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Subject: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: Trimac20 on 03/22/05 at 12:57 am

Even six years ago the idea of portable music hard-drives (ipods, etc) and the self-driving cars would have seemed like sci-fi (from a practical, everyday, standpoint) but it seems like 'lifestyle' technology is progressing at an ever quickening rate. Of course, on the whole this is a good thing. It means new possibilities, less time spent on work, etc. But what of the hidden 'disadvantages' (which, to some, may not be disadvantages to all). While personally I find using my hard-drive MP3 player (not an ipod thankfully) much easier than using CDs, but will this make our CD collections redudant in the future? Resigned to dusty boxes like vinyl records? Will future generations miss out on the feel and smell of a real book made of paper? Will video-conferencing take the place of regular visits to relatives (unlikely, and possibly a good thing). If so, I'm still glad I grew in the last generation before the 'true digital age.'

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: AL-B on 03/22/05 at 2:13 pm

I am fascinated with technology, yet I fear it at the same time. While it has drastically improved the quality of life, it also has the potential to enslave us. Sometimes I worry that people (myself included) are becoming too dependent on technology. I think about my grandparents and how they grew up on a farm with no electricity or running water, yet they thrived. I think about all the knowledge they accumulated about living off the land, and how this knowledge is becoming a lost art. If we were ever to become thrown into another Great Depression and people had to suddenly have to fend for themselves, I wonder how many people would survive. I also fear that the technology our government possesses (much of which we don't know about) could be used to turn our country into a "Big Brother" kind of society.

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: Webstor on 03/22/05 at 7:36 pm

I miss the days before cell phones.

You couldnt find anyone until they came home damnit!!!

Thats the way I like it.  If I miss something at home, leave me a note.....

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: Feiticeira on 03/22/05 at 7:41 pm

While personally I find using my hard-drive MP3 player (not an ipod thankfully) much easier than using CDs, but will this make our CD collections redudant in the future? Resigned to dusty boxes like vinyl records?

I don't really think so because the early pressed CD's are starting to bubble and melt. 

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/22/05 at 8:58 pm

Unfortunately our form of capitalism only has two uses for technology: gadgets and weapons.  The first clogs the landfills with obselescent junk, the second threatens to exterminate humanity.  I wish there was more of a concerted effort to use technology to conserve our natural resources and improve the well-being of the human race at large. 
We don't need self-driving automobiles or goggles that allow you to watch DVDs while you walk down the street.  We don't need cell phones that double as video cameras, tazers, and personal vibrators.
What we need is technology that will allow us to make clean water, nourishing food, and decent housing for every human being on the planet.  We need technology that will obviate our reliance on fossil fuels and polymers, that sort of thing. 
We don't need more exterminating weapons and dumb cyber-gadgets for shopping-obsessed fat Americans to play with.

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: JamieMcBain on 03/22/05 at 9:17 pm

Too expensive.

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: Harmonica on 03/22/05 at 10:44 pm

I love a lot of things about Technology, don't get me wrong, but here are the two major problems I see with it.

A: It creates monopoly's. For example Movies, music, and Video games. They can come out with a new machine that plays only certain types of "videos" and then quit making those certain types of videos, but come out with another new machine that plays different types of videos.  So theirfore they can make you by a machine for 100 bucks that plays on "VDV's" and then quit making "VDS" and make you spend another 300 bucks on a machine that plays "RDD's".  The process can go on and on forever, and no one can stop them.

B: It is diffenitely making our society a lot lasier.  Eat whatever you want, Never excercise, and lose 60 pounds in 3 weeks with the amazing "Fatloss pill".

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: Harmonica on 03/23/05 at 8:39 pm

What will technology be in the future?

I mean look at it today, it's far from what it was 50 years ago.

Imagine 2050.'ll be amazing..that I know.

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: ADH13 on 03/23/05 at 11:42 pm

The best kinds of technology, in my opinion, are:

Onstar: which can track your vehicle if it is stolen, send a signal to unlock your doors, call for help in an emergency

Motorized Scooters: (NO not the ones the kids ride up and down the street on) the ones for the handicapped, which give them alot more freedom than the old ones where the frail little old lady would be out of breath from pulling on those wheels)

Electric/Hybrid cars: Which will hopefully cut out the need to pay these ridiculous gas prices, and reduce our nation's dependency on other countries for oil.

The worst technology, or effects of technology are:

Computers in the classrooms: so students don't have to learn to think anymore

Portable DVD Players: (ok for responsible people, but not for those who like to watch a movie while driving)

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: ADH13 on 03/23/05 at 11:45 pm

What will technology be in the future?

I mean look at it today, it's far from what it was 50 years ago.

Imagine 2050.'ll be amazing..that I know.

I think there will be motorized scooters for the handicapped that are capable of climbing steps

And I would love to see some form of technology that would prevent car accidents.  I have often wondered if this could be achieved by use of magnets.  When you were a kid did you ever put two magnets together in a way that they kept pulling apart?  If this could be achieved somehow on vehicles, and was strong enough of a pull, I think it may be able to prevent car accidents... but maybe I'm crazy.

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: NullandVoid on 03/24/05 at 4:13 pm

Funny, I just realized today that I only use stamps to mail bills and registration cards for all of my electronic posessions and that's only if I haven't done it online already!! I can't remember the last time I actually WROTE a letter. ::)

As much as I love technology , I think it's making people really lazy.

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: NullandVoid on 03/24/05 at 7:16 pm

You mean you actually still MAIL your bills? :o  I do most of them online and I think I'm going to sign up for my bank's online bill pay service for those that don't have an online payment option ;)

yeah I do because of my wonderful experience with credit cards. I don't think i can trust myself with electronic money anymore.

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 03/25/05 at 7:53 pm

The best kinds of technology, in my opinion, are:

Onstar: which can track your vehicle if it is stolen, send a signal to unlock your doors, call for help in an emergency

Motorized Scooters: (NO not the ones the kids ride up and down the street on) the ones for the handicapped, which give them alot more freedom than the old ones where the frail little old lady would be out of breath from pulling on those wheels)

Electric/Hybrid cars: Which will hopefully cut out the need to pay these ridiculous gas prices, and reduce our nation's dependency on other countries for oil.

The worst technology, or effects of technology are:

Computers in the classrooms: so students don't have to learn to think anymore

Portable DVD Players: (ok for responsible people, but not for those who like to watch a movie while driving)

What about computers in special education classrooms for kids who cannot write due to things like cerebral palsy and missing arms? Or computers that speak for those who cannot(some people with cerebral palsy as well as people who have had their larnyx removed use the technology)

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: ADH13 on 03/25/05 at 7:58 pm

What about computers in special education classrooms for kids who cannot write due to things like cerebral palsy and missing arms? Or computers that speak for those who cannot(some people with cerebral palsy as well as people who have had their larnyx removed use the technology)

I don't have any problem with those things...  but have you ever been in a store where the power was out, or someplace where there was no cash register?  Most of the younger people do not even know how to make change... that kind of annoys me.

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: AL-B on 03/25/05 at 8:02 pm

Unfortunately our form of capitalism only has two uses for technology: gadgets and weapons.  The first clogs the landfills with obselescent junk, the second threatens to exterminate humanity.  I wish there was more of a concerted effort to use technology to conserve our natural resources and improve the well-being of the human race at large. 
We don't need self-driving automobiles or goggles that allow you to watch DVDs while you walk down the street.  We don't need cell phones that double as video cameras, tazers, and personal vibrators.
What we need is technology that will allow us to make clean water, nourishing food, and decent housing for every human being on the planet.  We need technology that will obviate our reliance on fossil fuels and polymers, that sort of thing. 
We don't need more exterminating weapons and dumb cyber-gadgets for shopping-obsessed fat Americans to play with.
What we need are...

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 03/25/05 at 8:03 pm

Improved television technology has made TV sports more exciting....especially racing...The quality of NASCAR broadcasts has improved hugely over the past 20 years...the sound quality is awesome on a stereo TV or home theater...and much more driver info is shown because of computer graphics and text...Of course FOX broadcasts all their major sports,including NASCAR,in HD...

Now if only Fox would pink-slip Big Mouth Darrell(Waltrip)..NBC's Benny Parsons is actually better than DW...

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 03/25/05 at 8:27 pm

I don't have any problem with those things... but have you ever been in a store where the power was out, or someplace where there was no cash register? Most of the younger people do not even know how to make change... that kind of annoys me.
I've been in stores where the power was out..the cashiers used battery/solar powered calculators to do their jobs...

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: ADH13 on 03/25/05 at 8:29 pm

I've been in stores where the power was out..the cashiers used battery/solar powered calculators to do their jobs...

exactly my point.. shouldn't they be able to make change by using their head?

Subject: Re: Technology...advantages and disadvantages?

Written By: boyof90s on 03/28/05 at 6:04 pm

I love technology. I love Apple Comps. except they are way too expensive :\'( Wish my school gave us all laptops.  Technology seemed so primitive event 10yrs ago.

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