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Subject: Anybody remember this commercial?

Written By: Rosequartz2000 on 01/28/18 at 12:26 am

Flashback to fall of 2001. I'd just started seventh grade. I merely forgot about Sonic after Adventure released, as the character redesigns were such a letdown, yet I had to play because my neighbor Elizabeth thought it was good from a gameplay standard. I never touched another non-90s Sonic game (Adventure came out in 2000, I thought? I don't consider it a 90s Sonic game.) after, and I moved onto other games, like Crash Bandicoot and even Mario.

Until this fateful day, when I settled down for some afterschool Toonami on Cartoon Network. DBZ faded to black, Tom led us to a commercial break, and a live action scene came on. Only ten or fifteen seconds into the advertisment did I realize what it was, and how it could change me.

I am, of course, talking about the "Introducing Shadow from Sonic Adventure 2" commercial. This blew twelve year old me away, made me forget about how pissed I was at the redesign. Sure enough, my neighbor had the game. We played it just long enough to see Shadow.

Two words. David Humphrey. Another two words? British Shadow.

Shadow became the new Knuckles for me that month. Of course, I outgrew my crush because I was 12. But damn, every time that hedgehog opened his mouth, my lower regions went all wonky. I even got a heat flash once. My heart beat faster, I mean, just something about the way Humphrey voiced Shadow sent my 12 year old in hormonal mode.

Where was I? Oh, yeah. The commercial. You can see it here:

Hope you enjoyed my story.

Subject: Re: Anybody remember this commercial?

Written By: LooseBolt on 01/28/18 at 8:26 am

If you ask me, nothing beats this commercial:


The game itself was a bit crap though.

Subject: Re: Anybody remember this commercial?

Written By: 2001 on 01/28/18 at 11:16 am

I don't remember the commercial. I didn't pay attention at all to the Dreamcast, sadly.  :-\\

But Sonic Adventure 2 is one of my favourite childhood games! Shadow was really badass. Right when you get into the first scene and you hear that epic music. Unforgettable!


Sonic Adventure technically came out late 1999 (late 1998 in Japan), but I also consider it a 2000s games because it's 6th gen. Also, because I didn't play it until 2003 when it came out on the Gamecube.

If you ask me, nothing beats this commercial:


The game itself was a bit crap though.

Now that's a commercial I remember! The hype for this game was unreal.

Too bad it turned out to be really mediocre compared to SA2. I missed the Chao Garden.

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