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Subject: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: McDonald on 06/25/07 at 10:44 pm


I think she's an amazing woman and political figure of astronomical proportions and I would be very happy to see her gain the Democratic nomination and also the presidency. It's about time the US had a female head of state, and she's the perfect one to do it. She has not only the experience necessary, but also a dynamic and competent team behind her to affect real change. The next year and a half is going to be very exciting I think.

So what are your opinions on this? You, the Democratic members of the board, are you ready to declare your preferred candidate? You, the Republicans, what are your honest opinions (be nice)? And also, those who live outside the US who do not have a vote in US elections, what is your opinion of Mrs. Clinton? Do you think she would make a good leader for the States as it has to do with relations to your home country?

As someone who has always held two nationalities (Canadian and US), my perspective is often very different when it comes to the foreign affairs of the United States, especially those between the US and Canada. I think having a Democratic president south of the border would make things more difficult for the Conservative Party of Canada and their leader, the Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada. I like that idea, frankly. I am not a supporter of the majority of our leader's policies. They are too neoconservative and too much aligned with what Bush has done in the States. Removing an ideological ally from the White House would diminish the Conservatives' gusto a bit and force them to reconcile the policies of their government with those of a strong, female, liberal Democratic president in the USA, Canada's greatest ally (and sometimes her worst enemy, but that's another discussion). It's even possible that the Liberal Party of Canada and their leader, Stéphane Dion, leader of the official opposition, could gain from Hillary's election that little push it needs to put M. Dion into 24 Sussex where (in my humble opinion) he belongs.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 06/25/07 at 11:49 pm


Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: Red Ant on 06/26/07 at 12:46 am

Oddly enough, I'm not even looking at Hillary 4 Prez. At this point, and if I could cast my vote right now, Ron Paul would get it hands down. Though he's running as a Republican, he's not like any Republican I have seen. From what I've heard so far, his views are much more in line with my own than any other candidate's. Plus, he doesn't appear to be pussyfooting around hard issues, something I greatly admire. He's taking a stance on almost everything, and though I can't say I agree with all his views, it's a lot more than I can say for everyone else...

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: SemperYoda on 06/26/07 at 6:58 am

Oddly enough, I'm not even looking at Hillary 4 Prez. At this point, and if I could cast my vote right now, Ron Paul would get it hands down. Though he's running as a Republican, he's not like any Republican I have seen. From what I've heard so far, his views are much more in line with my own than any other candidate's. Plus, he doesn't appear to be pussyfooting around hard issues, something I greatly admire. He's taking a stance on almost everything, and though I can't say I agree with all his views, it's a lot more than I can say for everyone else...

Ron Paul definitely has a good head on his shoulders.  When I listened to what he has to say, I see a person of integrity and intelligence as well someone who carries himself very well.  Even if he doesn't get the nomination, I hope that he has a job in the next President's cabinet.  Secretary of State I think would suite him well.  Only problem, I think he is not even remotely in the same ballpark as the rest of the GOP candidates.  I'll tell you this much, I wont vote for any of them.  On the Democrat side, i'd rather Edwards get the nomination.  I dont think Obama has enouch experience and I wont vote for Hilltary, not because she is a woman, but because I just dont think she really knows what she wants.  Its time we have an intelligent person in the White House who remembers that they serve all the people, not just a select few who paid for their campaign.  Someone who remembers that our government is made up of 3 seperate branches, and that checks and balances were created to make sure that one branch would not get too powerful and turn our country into a toltalitarian dictatorship.   

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/26/07 at 9:55 am

I like Ron Paul too, but some of that libertarian orthodoxy gets a little kooky--but that's another discussion.

I don't like Senator Clinton.  I swore I'd never vote for her.  She's long on pandering and short on principles.  But then I have to consider who a president would appoint for cabinet positions and the judiciary.

If it came down to a neck-and-neck race between Clinton and Romney, I'd have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary.

That's what I did with her husband in '92!

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/26/07 at 10:20 am

If Hillary gets the nomination, I may hold my nose and vote for her. Of course that depends on who is running against her.


Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: spaceace on 06/26/07 at 10:46 am

Bill Richardson for President!!!!!

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/26/07 at 11:15 am

Bill Richardson for President!!!!!

I'd much rather vote for Richardson than Hillary, but I don't think Richardson's got a snowball's chance of getting nominated.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: McDonald on 06/26/07 at 11:22 am

See, Hillary is so unliked that you lose credibility if you admit that you like her... Hold your noses indeed if  you must, but I think you are giving her a bad rap. Has she ever done anything really bad that you know of? All I know is, I heard her presentation on her plans for health care, and they make some solid sense.

The Clintons are an extraordinary political couple, and I would be happy to see them back in the White House because I know that they can help to fix what is broken in the United States. And I know it's unpopular to say as well, but I admire Bill Clinton. He was in Québec City last week as a keynote speaker, and all the politicos from all the parties, provincial and federal alike, packed into that place to hear him speak, even if it was just for a few minutes. There have been a handful people in the world who have an amazing charisma, and when they speak people listen, no matter who they are, they listen. Bill and Hillary are two of those people and they can count themselves among some amazing historical company. They're often love or hate characters, but love them or hate them, they will be heard. I cannot imagine Hillary's personality and influence being eclipsed by anyone else in the race for the candidacy, or for the presidency for that matter.  

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: spaceace on 06/26/07 at 11:31 am

I'd much rather vote for Richardson than Hillary, but I don't think Richardson's got a snowball's chance of getting nominated.

Yeah, I know.  Just let me hold on to some form of hope.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: danootaandme on 06/26/07 at 12:44 pm

I've hit the switch for worse.  So has anyone who voted for bush.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/26/07 at 9:07 pm

I've hit the switch for worse.  So has anyone who voted for bush.

Lower case "b," I'll vote....for that!

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: whistledog on 06/26/07 at 9:16 pm

Hilary ... NO!

Fred Dalton Thompson for President! O0

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: LyricBoy on 06/26/07 at 9:18 pm

I think it would be great for former President Bill Clinton to be able to "get busy" in the Oval Office again.  ;D

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/26/07 at 9:41 pm

I think it would be great for former President Bill Clinton to be able to "get busy" in the Oval Office again.   ;D

No suh! Hillary ain't gonna let Bill set foot in the Oval Office again!  She'll let him set up a special playroom in the basement, complete with a trapeze, tumbling mats, and whatever the hell else he wants!

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 06/27/07 at 1:52 am

I'd vote for Bush again before I'd vote for Hillary.

That's how bad I think she is.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: esoxslayer on 06/27/07 at 6:43 am

I'd vote for Bush again before I'd vote for Hillary.

That's how bad I think she is.

Same here...no way she'd ever get my vote..

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: McDonald on 06/27/07 at 9:55 am

Pssh, whatever. I bet half of you can barely cogently verbalise why you have such a hate for Hillary. It just seems like the thing to do these days. Is it because of who her husband is? Republicans are her ideological opponents, so I understand. But where are my Dems? What gives?

I got only one beef with Mrs. Clinton. She does seem to be trying to court everyone, and she does seem to be moving Democratic politics in order to match the too-conservative beliefs of many Americans... but I understand that that is what the party will have to do if it is going to get elected again. Once she's president, she can move things back to the centre, and maybe one day back to the centre-left. 

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/27/07 at 10:59 am

Pssh, whatever. I bet half of you can barely cogently verbalise why you have such a hate for Hillary. It just seems like the thing to do these days. Is it because of who her husband is? Republicans are her ideological opponents, so I understand. But where are my Dems? What gives?

I got only one beef with Mrs. Clinton. She does seem to be trying to court everyone, and she does seem to be moving Democratic politics in order to match the too-conservative beliefs of many Americans... but I understand that that is what the party will have to do if it is going to get elected again. Once she's president, she can move things back to the centre, and maybe one day back to the centre-left. 

That is my beef with her, too. Like most of them, she is an opportunist. She sways with the wind instead of holding her stances on her beliefs. That was proven with her vote on the war. Now, she is saying that her first priority will be ending that fiasco-granted, that is a good priority to have. But she refuses to say, "I was wrong when I voted for that." Yeah, she has gone around the issue but she has not used the word "WRONG" when referring to her vote. She has a "D" next to her name but to me, she is among the "Republican-Lite" crowd-Big money, & Big business.

What scares me about ALL of them, I'm afraid that it will just be business as usual. Bush has really made a mess of this country (yeah, I know, an understatement) and there is A LOT of cleaning up to do and I'm afraid whoever gets in there will NOT clean up.


Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: spaceace on 06/27/07 at 11:43 am

Pssh, whatever. I bet half of you can barely cogently verbalise why you have such a hate for Hillary. It just seems like the thing to do these days. Is it because of who her husband is? Republicans are her ideological opponents, so I understand. But where are my Dems? What gives?

I got only one beef with Mrs. Clinton. She does seem to be trying to court everyone, and she does seem to be moving Democratic politics in order to match the too-conservative beliefs of many Americans... but I understand that that is what the party will have to do if it is going to get elected again. Once she's president, she can move things back to the centre, and maybe one day back to the centre-left. 

I never said I hated her.  I just have my heart set on Bill Richardson.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: La Roche on 06/27/07 at 11:54 am

Hilary is a populist, through and through.

She has a couple of major ideas that I absolutely love, but I couldn't vote for her as a single issue candidate simply because I don't think she's fit to lead the country. I don't think she has the mental strength and I don't believe she understands the nuances of politics anywhere near as well as Bill.

Talking about who her husband is, the only reason I would vote for her would be to get Bill back in the white house in some capacity.

Now if Edwards and Hilary ran, with Hilary as VP, that's a ticket I could certainly vote for.

She has good ideas, like I've said before and at least in the VP spot, would have the ability to work to push some of those through as legislation.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 06/27/07 at 2:37 pm

Pssh, whatever. I bet half of you can barely cogently verbalise why you have such a hate for Hillary.

Because she's a CREEP.

'Nuff said.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/27/07 at 7:11 pm

I'd vote for Bush again before I'd vote for Hillary.

That's how bad I think she is.

If Bush was running again, you could cast your vote for Hillary and Bush's boys would change it to a vote for Bush!

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: KKay on 06/27/07 at 8:41 pm

I asked a few friends and even some on the democratic committee (I'm on it) are not going to vote for her for different reasons.
one is that they do not feel that she has spent enough time working for NY to be adequately prepared. Another thought was that "she will be shot dead within a month".

I'm up in the air about all the candidates.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: Dagwood on 06/27/07 at 10:21 pm

I guess it would depend on who was running against her, but I couldn't support her.  She is way too polarizing to be President.  Not much can get done when it is an "us against them" mentality.  Besides that, I just don't like her.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: La Roche on 06/28/07 at 4:29 pm

I guess it would depend on who was running against her, but I couldn't support her.  She is way too polarizing to be President.  Not much can get done when it is an "us against them" mentality.  Besides that, I just don't like her.

Well, Hillary isn't quite as polarizing as Curious George.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/28/07 at 4:51 pm

Oddly enough, I'm not even looking at Hillary 4 Prez. At this point, and if I could cast my vote right now, Ron Paul would get it hands down. Though he's running as a Republican, he's not like any Republican I have seen. From what I've heard so far, his views are much more in line with my own than any other candidate's. Plus, he doesn't appear to be pussyfooting around hard issues, something I greatly admire. He's taking a stance on almost everything, and though I can't say I agree with all his views, it's a lot more than I can say for everyone else...

Amen.  Ron Paul gets it.  Him and Tancredo are my top choices.  After that, I like Fred Thompson.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 06/28/07 at 10:09 pm

Oddly enough, I'm not even looking at Hillary 4 Prez. At this point, and if I could cast my vote right now, Ron Paul would get it hands down. Though he's running as a Republican, he's not like any Republican I have seen. From what I've heard so far, his views are much more in line with my own than any other candidate's. Plus, he doesn't appear to be pussyfooting around hard issues, something I greatly admire. He's taking a stance on almost everything, and though I can't say I agree with all his views, it's a lot more than I can say for everyone else...

I agree...that's probably who my vote will be for.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: Dagwood on 06/30/07 at 6:10 pm

Well, Hillary isn't quite as polarizing as Curious George.

No, she isn't but she is too polarizing IMO.  George is as well. 

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: La Roche on 07/01/07 at 5:23 pm

No, she isn't but she is too polarizing IMO.  George is as well. 

Oh I'd agree, I don't think it would be a bad thing for the country to have Hilary in a position where she could get her points across, but I wouldn't want her to have the final say as it were.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: Davester on 07/01/07 at 6:27 pm

I like Ron Paul too, but some of that libertarian orthodoxy gets a little kooky--but that's another discussion.

I don't like Senator Clinton.  I swore I'd never vote for her.  She's long on pandering and short on principles.  But then I have to consider who a president would appoint for cabinet positions and the judiciary.

If it came down to a neck-and-neck race between Clinton and Romney, I'd have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary.

That's what I did with her husband in '92!

  Jerry Falwell once said that Hilary Clinton running for president would energize the Republican base more than Satan himself running on the Democratic ticket...

  I believe the first female, black, etc. president will be conservative.  As a member of a minority group, they'll get a lot of minority votes.  As a conservative, they'll get conservative votes.  It's a win/win...

  A liberal minority, on the other hand, gets the liberal and minority votes.  But those are the same votes.  There's no cross over appeal...

  I know what you're thinking about Falwell's credibility (especially after 9/11) but he definately knew the Republican base.  Remember the angry white males..?

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/02/07 at 12:04 am

   Jerry Falwell once said that Hilary Clinton running for president would energize the Republican base more than Satan himself running on the Democratic ticket... "

"Every good American should kick Jerry Falwell in the ass!"
--Barry Goldwater

   I believe the first female, black, etc. president will be conservative.  As a member of a minority group, they'll get a lot of minority votes.  As a conservative, they'll get conservative votes.  It's a win/win...
Condi city baby!

  Remember the angry white males..?

Yeah...I always wanted to say, Angry White Male, you think you're angry now?  Try being Black!

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: annonymouse on 07/02/07 at 12:23 am

RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT! it would either be him or gore. unfortunatly gore isn't running... YET!

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/02/07 at 12:28 am

RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT! it would either be him or gore. unfortunatly gore isn't running... YET!

How about a Gore/Paul ticket?
Or a Paul/Gore ticket?
Probably not...

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: annonymouse on 07/02/07 at 12:50 am

How about a Gore/Paul ticket?
Or a Paul/Gore ticket?
Probably not...

man that would be a dream come true. actually, it wouldn't. i wouldn't be able to decide who to convince my parents to vote for. although were democrats, i think i'd prefer ron paul. as much as we need to adress the problem of global warming, gore might be to focused. but seriously, ron paul is AWESOME. with ron paul as our president, we can win the $106,000,000 lottery, and actually keep the majority of the money. wouldn't that be nice.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: esoxslayer on 07/02/07 at 6:33 pm


I think she's an amazing woman and political figure of astronomical proportions and I would be very happy to see her gain the Democratic nomination and also the presidency. It's about time the US had a female head of state, and she's the perfect one to do it. She has not only the experience necessary, but also a dynamic and competent team behind her to affect real change. The next year and a half is going to be very exciting I think.

So what are your opinions on this? You, the Democratic members of the board, are you ready to declare your preferred candidate? You, the Republicans, what are your honest opinions (be nice)? And also, those who live outside the US who do not have a vote in US elections, what is your opinion of Mrs. Clinton? Do you think she would make a good leader for the States as it has to do with relations to your home country?

As someone who has always held two nationalities (Canadian and US), my perspective is often very different when it comes to the foreign affairs of the United States, especially those between the US and Canada. I think having a Democratic president south of the border would make things more difficult for the Conservative Party of Canada and their leader, the Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada. I like that idea, frankly. I am not a supporter of the majority of our leader's policies. They are too neoconservative and too much aligned with what Bush has done in the States. Removing an ideological ally from the White House would diminish the Conservatives' gusto a bit and force them to reconcile the policies of their government with those of a strong, female, liberal Democratic president in the USA, Canada's greatest ally (and sometimes her worst enemy, but that's another discussion). It's even possible that the Liberal Party of Canada and their leader, Stéphane Dion, leader of the official opposition, could gain from Hillary's election that little push it needs to put M. Dion into 24 Sussex where (in my humble opinion) he belongs.

To answer your original question, and from the postings of the last 7 days...I'd say not many people would/are planning on voting for her..thankfully...

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: shackled on 07/02/07 at 8:50 pm


Never ever.
She has a head that spins around like a roller-rink upside down.
Her ideas sound OK at first, but I'd really like to keep the couple guns that I own.
And she sure as hell isn't taking them away from me.

I honestly don't believe she is the right person for the job. And I don't even know why she's trying.
It will never happen. Look at NY state- I live here and she hasn't done a damn thing for us. Nothing!

If the Dems put her up there they will lose miserably.
There are better options...

And no, I did not read this whole thread.  8)

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: popking on 07/06/07 at 6:11 pm

I would have to say that despite Hillary's shortcomings, the GOP party has been severely damaged by George W. Many of whom are saying Hillary will lose are forgetting the public's tarnished view of the Republican party thanks to George W. Bush.

So many of the people who wouldn't vote for Hillary will in fact vote for her if the Republican ticket were Guliani, who is the GOP front runner. Guliani will alienate much of his conservative base because he is pro choice, pro gay, and his marriage track record isn't so hot.

Against Romney though, that would be a little stickier, alot of people like him, including myself.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/07/07 at 10:56 am

Hillary isn't going to take your guns away.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: esoxslayer on 07/07/07 at 3:40 pm

Hillary isn't going to take your guns away.

And neither is anybody else, for that matter...

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: La Roche on 07/07/07 at 3:45 pm

Here's the long and short of it.

The same people that voted against Clinton will vote against Hillary.. then a percentage of the people who voted for Clinton won't vote for Hillary because she's a woman.. then a percentage of the people who voted for Clinton won't vote for Hillary because she's clearly not even in the same league as Bill.

If Hillary were to become President, it wouldn't so much be that she was the best individual for the job, more a backlash against 8 years of George W. Bush.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/07/07 at 4:21 pm

Here's the long and short of it.

The same people that voted against Clinton will vote against Hillary.. then a percentage of the people who voted for Clinton won't vote for Hillary because she's a woman.. then a percentage of the people who voted for Clinton won't vote for Hillary because she's clearly not even in the same league as Bill.

If Hillary were to become President, it wouldn't so much be that she was the best individual for the job, more a backlash against 8 years of George W. Bush.

It's obvious Bush/Cheney do not care if the next Republican presidential candidate succeeds!

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/07/07 at 4:33 pm


Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: esoxslayer on 07/07/07 at 4:46 pm

Just think how many hours of air brushing went into the picture on the left....

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: La Roche on 07/07/07 at 5:46 pm

It's obvious Bush/Cheney do not care if the next Republican presidential candidate succeeds!

Pretty much.


The question is - Who's wearing the most makeup.. and who would you trust?

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: McDonald on 07/09/07 at 12:40 am


It's things like this that I find ridiculous. I mean, what has Senator Clinton done in particular to merit this level of disrespect? There are people who make fun of Bush in such ways, but as president he's done much to deserve to be ridiculed. But seriously... the Emperor?

I'd say she's more of an Aunt Beru...  :P

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/09/07 at 1:08 pm

It's things like this that I find ridiculous. I mean, what has Senator Clinton done in particular to merit this level of disrespect? There are people who make fun of Bush in such ways, but as president he's done much to deserve to be ridiculed. But seriously... the Emperor?

    Obi-Wan Kenobi: I have failed you Anakin. I have failed you.
    Darth Vader: I should have known the Jedi were plotting to take over!
    Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!
    Darth Vader: From my point of view the Jedi are evil!
    Obi-Wan Kenobi: Well, then you are lost!
    Darth Vader: This is the end for you, my master.

Seemed appropriate :)

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: La Roche on 07/09/07 at 6:04 pm

Here's the thing.

Even if Hillary was elected, I can pretty much guarantee she'd be assassinated.. not that I'd be out to shoot her or anything, but there so much hate directed at her, she'd be dead for sure.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/09/07 at 6:51 pm

Here's the thing.

Even if Hillary was elected, I can pretty much guarantee she'd be assassinated.. not that I'd be out to shoot her or anything, but there so much hate directed at her, she'd be dead for sure.

I disagree.  Hillary would not be assassinated for the same reason Dubya will not be assassinated and the same reason Bill Clinton was not assassinated.  All three of these politicians have seething hatred from the population, which includes a few people wrathful enough to take the law into their own hands.  The security apparatus protecting the U.S. president the most sophisticated in the world.  After the attempt on Reagan, they really tightened things up. 

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: La Roche on 07/09/07 at 9:42 pm

I disagree.  Hillary would not be assassinated for the same reason Dubya will not be assassinated and the same reason Bill Clinton was not assassinated.  All three of these politicians have seething hatred from the population, which includes a few people wrathful enough to take the law into their own hands.  The security apparatus protecting the U.S. president the most sophisticated in the world.  After the attempt on Reagan, they really tightened things up. 


Although I think Hillary actually has the guts to visit other countries, one reason George is still amongst the living.

I'll say this, Hillary has bigger balls than Dubyah.  ;D

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: diofan on 07/10/07 at 2:48 am

Hilary ... NO!

Fred Dalton Thompson for President! O0

Took the words right out of my mouth Dawg! But then again, I consider myself a Republican (Albeit not a BUSH Republican)

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: tokjct on 07/11/07 at 10:57 pm

If Hillary gets the nomination, I may hold my nose and vote for her. Of course that depends on who is running against her.


This woman is so evil and so corrupt...If she were the Democrat nominee, only another Bush-type,  fundie, right-wing, Republican would make me hold my nose and vote for this phony! http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/14/sad3.gif

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: Foo Bar on 07/12/07 at 12:07 am

If she were the Democrat nominee, only another Bush-type,  fundie, right-wing, Republican would make me hold my nose and vote for this phony!

Will you kindly please stop giving them ideas?  It only encourages them! 

If I was the kind of puppet master who wanted to ensure that the sane 30% of the American electorate never voted again in their lives, running someone to the right of Bush II against Clinton II would be just the ticket. 

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: Green Lantern on 07/12/07 at 12:25 am

Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?
........................ME! ME! ME! ^

I just ooze courage ... so ... Yea! Go Hillary! You've got MY  vote!

Oh .... should I point out that since I'm of British/Australian citizenship, and a resident of Australia, that I'm inelegible to vote .... so it takes heaps of courage to state the above  ;) :D

Alright .... forget Hillary. You'd be mad to not vote for ........


Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/12/07 at 11:27 am

Will you kindly please stop giving them ideas?  It only encourages them! 

If I was the kind of puppet master who wanted to ensure that the sane 30% of the American electorate never voted again in their lives, running someone to the right of Bush II against Clinton II would be just the ticket. 

Sure, that's the same 30% that would might still vote for Bush.  Majority should rule only when the majority agrees with me!

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/12/07 at 3:14 pm

This woman is so evil and so corrupt...If she were the Democrat nominee, only another Bush-type,  fundie, right-wing, Republican would make me hold my nose and vote for this phony! http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/14/sad3.gif

I wouldn't call her evil but corrupt-yeah she is, along with more than half the other candidates. That's why I said, it depends on who she is running against. Most of the line-up from both sides of the aisle scares me. I am so afraid of whoever gets in (whether they have an "R" or a "D" next to their name) it will just be more of the same. This nation is sooooo corrupt and sooooo bankrupted-both literally & morally. We really need someone who will be happy with the status quo that so many of the candidates do.


Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: Foo Bar on 07/12/07 at 9:59 pm

Sure, that's the same 30% that would might still vote for Bush.  Majority should rule only when the majority agrees with me!

Naw, I was talking about the sane 30% of the electorate. You'll never get votes from the other side's radical partisans, so why do anything for them?  Your own side's radical partisans votes are already in the bag, so you don't have to do anything for them either!  The problem is the rest of the population.  They might change their mind and tip an election one way or the other.  Rather than trying to make 'em happy, why not just get them so cheesed off that they remove themselves from the equation?

When 35% of the people love you and 35% of the people hate you, and the other 30% are still making up their minds, you have to fight the guys on the other side of the aisle for the biggest possible voting share of the remaining 30%.  That takes effort and costs tax dollars that could otherwise be diverted to your friends, or horse-traded with your enemies. 

When 35% of the people love you and 35% of the people hate you, and the last 30% have given up on politics altogether, things are better for politicians on both sides of the aisle.  The further you alienate the swing voter, the easier it is for everybody.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: popking on 07/13/07 at 3:45 pm

A democrat will win in 2008.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/13/07 at 7:34 pm

Naw, I was talking about the sane 30% of the electorate. You'll never get votes from the other side's radical partisans, so why do anything for them?  Your own side's radical partisans votes are already in the bag, so you don't have to do anything for them either!  The problem is the rest of the population.  They might change their mind and tip an election one way or the other.  Rather than trying to make 'em happy, why not just get them so cheesed off that they remove themselves from the equation?

When 35% of the people love you and 35% of the people hate you, and the other 30% are still making up their minds, you have to fight the guys on the other side of the aisle for the biggest possible voting share of the remaining 30%.  That takes effort and costs tax dollars that could otherwise be diverted to your friends, or horse-traded with your enemies. 

When 35% of the people love you and 35% of the people hate you, and the last 30% have given up on politics altogether, things are better for politicians on both sides of the aisle.  The further you alienate the swing voter, the easier it is for everybody.

Say your 30% is correct.  The two business parties (D/R) try to choose a candidate who will get 16% of that swing vote.  However, what happens is the Dems choose a candidate repulsive to conservative-leaning swing voters and the Repubs choose a candidate repulsive to liberal-leaning swing voters.  Thus it's not how many swing voters like your candidate, it's how many swing voters hate the other party's candidate enough to vote for your candidate...for whom they would not vote otherwise.

For instance, a guy I work with is a big Giuliani supporter but he worries the social conservatives would spoil his chances.  I told him not to worry because the Dems will pick Hillary, which will get the social conservatives on board with Rudy.  Rudy might be pro-choice and gay-friendly, but Hillary's the antichrist!

I didn't vote for Michael Dukakis so much as I vote against George H.W. Bush.
I didn't vote for Bill Clinton so much as I voted against George H.W. Bush.
I didn't vote for Al Gore so much as I voted against George W. Bush.
I didn't vote for John Kerry so much as I voted against George W. Bush

Good thing I didn't go into landscaping, I haven't been able to cut the Bushes my entire voting life!

(I did vote for Ralph Nader in '96, but that's because I didn't need to vote against Bob Dole!)

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: spaceace on 07/14/07 at 10:12 am

A democrat will win in 2008.

Yeah, I just hope it's Richardson.  (Did I mention I'm fond of Bill Richardson??) :)

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: popking on 07/15/07 at 4:40 pm

Yeah, I just hope it's Richardson.  (Did I mention I'm fond of Bill Richardson??) :)

Richardson is a good guy, I like him, Edwards and Obama. Hillary I'm sort of meh about.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: spaceace on 07/15/07 at 4:55 pm

Richardson is a good guy, I like him, Edwards and Obama. Hillary I'm sort of meh about.

Edwards, Obama and Hillary always seem like they're trying way too hard.  I'm not really sure how to explain it. :-X

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/15/07 at 4:58 pm

Edwards, Obama and Hillary always seem like they're trying way too hard.  I'm not really sure how to explain it. :-X

I'm for Dennis Kucinich.  He's closest to my political convictions (and height).

He hasn't got a chance!

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: spaceace on 07/15/07 at 5:04 pm

I'm for Dennis Kucinich.  He's closest to my political convictions (and height).

He hasn't got a chance!

The same thing was said about Howard Dean and still hear that scream to this day.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/15/07 at 6:11 pm

I'm for Dennis Kucinich.  He's closest to my political convictions (and height).

He hasn't got a chance!

I agree with you there. I would love to see Kucinich get in there but like you said, no chance.  :\'( :\'(


Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/15/07 at 6:17 pm

The same thing was said about Howard Dean and still hear that scream to this day.

A few with access to the media tried to explain that Dean was in a big, noisy room and his voice was amplified by microphone.  Had you been standing at the back of the room, Dean's scream wouldn't have sounded so wild. 

Even so, who is whackier...a man who once screamed, or a man who thinks Jesus talks to him every day (Dubya)?

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: popking on 07/15/07 at 7:20 pm

Edwards, Obama and Hillary always seem like they're trying way too hard.  I'm not really sure how to explain it. :-X

I'll agree Edwards is a bit phony, Obama I think is an honest man but he needs that extra spark.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 07/15/07 at 8:00 pm

I'm for Dennis Kucinich.  He's closest to my political convictions (and height).

He hasn't got a chance!

Dennis Kucinich looks like Preparation H Raymond.  ;D

http://msnbcmedia3.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/070424/070424_Kucinich_hmed_4p.hmedium.jpg          http://tv.infinitecoolness.com/10/conan11.jpg

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/15/07 at 11:57 pm

Dennis Kucinich looks like Preparation H Raymond.  ;D

http://msnbcmedia3.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/070424/070424_Kucinich_hmed_4p.hmedium.jpg           http://tv.infinitecoolness.com/10/conan11.jpg

Who the heck is Preparation H. Raymond?

If he grew a little moustache, he'd look like Hitler.  Sad but true.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: LyricBoy on 07/16/07 at 12:25 am

Who the heck is Preparation H. Raymond?

I wonder if he gets 'Rhoid Rage?  ;D

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: La Roche on 07/16/07 at 11:22 am

If he grew a little moustache, he'd look like Hitler.

You know.. you're right.

Maybe, with just the right level of mind-control.. and a few hits of testosterone every day....

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 07/16/07 at 1:49 pm

Who the heck is Preparation H. Raymond?

He's a character who occasionally appears on Late Night With Conan O'Brien, and he'll walk through the audience singing this goofy song extolling the virtues of Preparation H (often going into a littke too much detail) while handing out free samples to the audience members.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/16/07 at 1:59 pm

He's a character who occasionally appears on Late Night With Conan O'Brien, and he'll walk through the audience singing this goofy song extolling the virtues of Preparation H (often going into a littke too much detail) while handing out free samples to the audience members.

Going off topic:

I heard that Preparation H was one the most items that is shoplifted from drugstores.  :D ;D ;D ;D

Ok, back to topic now.


Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 07/16/07 at 5:35 pm

Going off topic:

I heard that Preparation H was one the most items that is shoplifted from drugstores.  :D ;D ;D ;D

Ok, back to topic now.


That, and KY Warming Liquid.  :o :o :o

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: spaceace on 07/16/07 at 5:39 pm

I wish two would stop making accusations about Bush and Cheney's relationship and get back on topic.  Besides, I just ate. http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/08/pukeface.gif

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: Davester on 07/16/07 at 6:04 pm

Edwards, Obama and Hillary always seem like they're trying way too hard.  I'm not really sure how to explain it. :-X

  At least Clinton and Edwards are...

  AP: Clinton & Edwards overheard talking about excluding some rivals from debates

  Dems are interestingly quiet on this.  Imagine if this had been Bush and Cheney - WHOA NELLY...!

  I hate fascism.  Apologies to fascists...

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: spaceace on 07/16/07 at 6:07 pm

  At least Clinton and Edwards are...

  AP: Clinton & Edwards overheard talking about excluding some rivals from debates

  Dems are interestingly quiet on this.  Imagine if this had been Bush and Cheney - WHOA NELLY...!

  I hate fascism.  Apologies to fascists...

Politics is a strange bedfellow.  Who the heck said that?  You'd be surprised at who talks to whom.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: Davester on 07/16/07 at 6:15 pm

Politics is a strange bedfellow.  Who the heck said that?  You'd be surprised at who talks to whom.

  Indeed.  Kinda like love and sex...

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: spaceace on 07/16/07 at 6:16 pm

  Indeed.  Kinda like love and sex...

Yeah, that too.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for President?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/16/07 at 7:48 pm

As one of a few Lefties who took Ralph Nader's side in re Florida 2000, I think that little banter between Clinton and Edwards reflects poorly on them personally, and reflects the problems with our campaigning system.

Subject: Re: Who has the courage to go ahead and say that they support Hillary for Presid

Written By: LyricBoy on 07/17/07 at 7:41 pm

Going off topic:

I heard that Preparation H was one the most items that is shoplifted from drugstores.  :D ;D ;D ;D

Ok, back to topic now.


Sticking to the off-topic topic...

A few months after Johnny Cash passed away, the makers of Preparation-H asked to use his clsssic song, "Burning Ring of Fire" for an ad campaign.  8)

The Cash Estate denied the request.  :P

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