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Subject: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/03/13 at 6:49 pm

You have (Facebook Twitter Tumblr Pintrest Instagram NewMyspace SnapChat GooglePlus FourSquare,) all of which are social networks.  A big criticism lately of social networks is people are becoming more alone and isolated than before due to the fingertips touch of information.  A new development in the future of the popular social network occured when  Facebook Director Blake Ross wrote the following goodbye letter to the company on his profile.

"I’m leaving because a Forbes writer asked his son’s best friend Todd if Facebook was still cool and the friend said no, and plus none of HIS friends think so either, even Leila who used to love it, and this journalism made me reconsider the long-term viability of the company."

A few sentences later, Ross wrote, "In all seriousness, even after switching to part-time at Facebook, it’s just time for me to try new things,
At some point, adding these details, like hundreds of photos from a recent vacation and status updates about your new job amounted to bragging — force-feeding Facebook friends information they didn’t ask for. What was once cool was now uncool. Worse yet, it started to feel like work. Maybe the burden of constantly constructing immaculate digital profiles of ourselves is tiring. "I find it boring, and I don’t really care about knowing all my friends’ details anymore," my fifteen-year-old cousin Neah Bois wrote to me. "I think it’s stupid when people post a lot of pictures about their lives and all that stuff… I go on to talk to family and connect, but really I only go on once a week or so."

So the question is do you think Social Media will get this  " OK ENOUGH" reaction. I mean it is getting pretty over saturated at the moment.
I genuinely believe there is underlying backlash against information-heavy social media in general.

People are tired of having to document and share every bit of there lives to their family & friends.

Twitter/Tumblr has capitalised on this as it allows for the GP to continue their obsession with self-promotion/narcissism but with strangers instead of people close to you.

Facebook, for me, is nothing more than a convenient messaging service. And this will be the case for most users over the coming years.


Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: sonikuu on 03/03/13 at 9:48 pm

No, there will be no backlash.  Social media is far too entrenched by this point for that to occur.  Heck, people who don't have Facebook profiles have been questioned as to why they lack one in job interviews.  It is true that it is not "cool" anymore though.  It's progressed to the stage of "normal."

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/03/13 at 11:51 pm

No, there will be no backlash.  Social media is far too entrenched by this point for that to occur.  Heck, people who don't have Facebook profiles have been questioned as to why they lack one in job interviews.  It is true that it is not "cool" anymore though.  It's progressed to the stage of "normal."

it could happen

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/04/13 at 6:30 am

The only social network I'm on is GooglePlus and I'm barely on that.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: snozberries on 03/04/13 at 11:10 am

The reason teens are turning away from fb is because all the adults came in and took over  ;D

I don't understand tumblr and twitter, while I'm in it, I don't use it as much. I find its hard work trying to keep up. I have I life I can't be on twitter every minute of the day.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/04/13 at 11:47 am

The reason teens are turning away from fb is because all the adults came in and took over  ;D

I don't understand tumblr and twitter, while I'm in it, I don't use it as much. I find its hard work trying to keep up. I have I life I can't be on twitter every minute of the day.

As soon as the grown ups came  Facebook became uncool

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/04/13 at 11:49 am

You mention all these social medias but you neglected one: INTHE00S.COM!!! Yes, this forum is social media-and it has been around a lot longer than MySpace and/or Facebook or any others of those mentioned.

It is true that people spend more time on the computer then they do DOING things. I'm guilty of this myself but then again, I am retired and don't have a life.  :D :D ;D ;D ;D  But, as I am writing this, I am sitting in Puerto Rico instead of in my home in Vermont. So, I am still doing things. I remember in the '70s, people used to b!tch that kids would spend all their time watching t.v. Then in the '80s, it was that kids would spend all day playing video games. Now, with smart phones & such, people can bring their internet/social media with them-so they are no longer confined to sit at home to use it.

Is it good? Is it bad? There are compelling arguments on both sides. It does make the world smaller-that's for sure. Where else can I make friends from Canada, England, The Netherlands, Spain, as well as all over the U.S. and other places around the world? However, it is addicting and I should be doing other things but yet, I sit here reading & typing (and playing games).  :-\\

Will it die out? Perhaps-but I left my crystal ball at home so I can't look into it to see.  ;) :D ;D ;D ;D  Who knows, maybe it will evolve into something else. Only time will tell.


Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 03/04/13 at 1:19 pm

It is interesting to watch all of this evolve before our very eyes.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Bobby on 03/04/13 at 4:43 pm

I can't say anything for the world in general but I had to come off Facebook because it was just so tiresome to keep up with. I was addicted to it and bored with it at the same time, becoming a habit.

I don't have problems with social media per se because they are a great way of keeping in contact with people I didn't think I would see again. I gained new photos from years ago that I wouldn't have received otherwise. It's a great melting pot.

However, Facebook is like a conveyor belt. It is designed to just keep turning and turning with no let-up. I realised when I have had too much of a good thing and finally let it go and I guess a lot of other people have made that decision too.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/04/13 at 7:53 pm

The reason teens are turning away from fb is because all the adults came in and took over  ;D

I don't understand tumblr and twitter, while I'm in it, I don't use it as much. I find its hard work trying to keep up. I have I life I can't be on twitter every minute of the day.

What do you use tumbler and twitter for? Who the hell should follow you if you're on twitter? ??? ::)

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/04/13 at 7:54 pm

You mention all these social medias but you neglected one: INTHE00S.COM!!! Yes, this forum is social media-and it has been around a lot longer than MySpace and/or Facebook or any others of those mentioned.

yes this has been around for 15 years.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/04/13 at 7:56 pm

social media is great, you can talk to people from all around the globe. :)

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/04/13 at 11:36 pm



Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: snozberries on 03/05/13 at 2:43 am

What do you use tumbler and twitter for? Who the hell should follow you if you're on twitter? ??? ::)

I don't use tumblr at all. I don't get it.  It seems like its all memes and lame annoying pics.

I use twitter for my celeb stalking. I have spoken to many a celeb via twitter.  My fellow Paley friends follow me. We use it to coordinate with each other during events and we use it to brag about who we met/got pics with.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: 80sfan on 03/05/13 at 3:52 am

I like Facebook, but I don't understand the need for anything else?

Oh, maybe I will start a blog one day. I don't mind blogs, especially when they're interesting!

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 03/05/13 at 4:27 am

I don't use tumblr at all. I don't get it.  It seems like its all memes and lame annoying pics.

I use twitter for my celeb stalking. I have spoken to many a celeb via twitter.  My fellow Paley friends follow me. We use it to coordinate with each other during events and we use it to brag about who we met/got pics with.

I actually "follow" you on twitter... but I only use it like - once a month maybe - so it's kinda useless to me.  Sometimes I wanna see what some of my favorite celebs are doing... but I don't think I've ever said more then an introduction on my own twitter. 
I follow too many people and there isn't possibly enough time to read everything... so I ended up not reading any of them.  :-\\ ;D

I get on Facebook to read about what's happening with my family (cousins mostly)... over the years we've lost touch with one another and only see each other at weddings/funerals/an occasional family reunion (although I didn't go to the last one.)  I use facebook for games that make me feel productive (even when I haven't the energy to be such in my "real life")  I post a heck of a lot of cat and other animal memes... because they make me laugh (and I don't do that (laugh) much anymore.)  I use facebook to see what is happening in the people I graduated high school with... I might not have seen them in 25 years (aside from seeing them last summer at the reunion.)  I post some inspirational quotes... because I'm hoping to inspire myself to be better then I am.  None of that works for me... I end up wasting alot of time and not getting enough sleep because I need to build another part of my cyber rollercoaster.  ;D

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/05/13 at 7:21 am

I don't use tumblr at all. I don't get it.  It seems like its all memes and lame annoying pics.

I use twitter for my celeb stalking. I have spoken to many a celeb via twitter.  My fellow Paley friends follow me. We use it to coordinate with each other during events and we use it to brag about who we met/got pics with.

How many followers do you have?

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: snozberries on 03/05/13 at 11:49 am

I actually "follow" you on twitter... but I only use it like - once a month maybe - so it's kinda useless to me.  Sometimes I wanna see what some of my favorite celebs are doing... but I don't think I've ever said more then an introduction on my own twitter. 
I follow too many people and there isn't possibly enough time to read everything... so I ended up not reading any of them.  :-\\ ;D

I get on Facebook to read about what's happening with my family (cousins mostly)... over the years we've lost touch with one another and only see each other at weddings/funerals/an occasional family reunion (although I didn't go to the last one.)  I use facebook for games that make me feel productive (even when I haven't the energy to be such in my "real life")  I post a heck of a lot of cat and other animal memes... because they make me laugh (and I don't do that (laugh) much anymore.)  I use facebook to see what is happening in the people I graduated high school with... I might not have seen them in 25 years (aside from seeing them last summer at the reunion.)  I post some inspirational quotes... because I'm hoping to inspire myself to be better then I am.  None of that works for me... I end up wasting alot of time and not getting enough sleep because I need to build another part of my cyber rollercoaster.  ;D

I have corrected the oversight and now I follow you too,... Even if you don't tweet much  ;D

I lve your inspirational images on FB. 

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: snozberries on 03/05/13 at 11:50 am

How many followers do you have?

83 people follow me including some 00ze members and a few paleypals.
I just looked and saw that Cleo king, the actress who plays Carl's grandmother on Mike&Molly, is following me!
Also...degrassi quotes follows me  ;D

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: snozberries on 03/05/13 at 1:47 pm

This morning I had a conversation on twitter with Yvette Nicole brown about my crazy ass already being in line for the Comminity paley event tonight... That will result in her waving to me from the stage  8)

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/05/13 at 2:18 pm

83 people follow me including some 00ze members and a few paleypals.
I just looked and saw that Cleo king, the actress who plays Carl's grandmother on Mike&Molly, is following me!
Also...degrassi quotes follows me  ;D

What do they follow you about?

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: snozberries on 03/05/13 at 2:35 pm

What do they follow you about?

Following is just a way saying they want to be bales to see the tweets I make as I make them. I'm not too fascinating to follow because I don't tweet a whole lot. I feel sorry for. Y sollowers because 99% of me tweets are done to get a celebs attention lol

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Erman on 03/06/13 at 4:47 am

The IQ on social networks and the Internet in general went down when average white-trash Joes and their grannies got computers. ;D In all seriousness, I no longer like the Internet and social networks. As an early adopter of the Internet, I get furious over some things people post online these days, e.g. posting fake bios about their enemies online. Most of these people only got computers/web access after it became cool and are not truly interested in how exactly they work.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Bobby on 03/06/13 at 6:27 am

The IQ on social networks and the Internet in general went down when average white-trash Joes and their grannies got computers. ;D In all seriousness, I no longer like the Internet and social networks. As an early adopter of the Internet, I get furious over some things people post online these days, e.g. posting fake bios about their enemies online. Most of these people only got computers/web access after it became cool and are not truly interested in how exactly they work.

One thing that seriously annoyed me on Facebook was the use of what is called 'fraping' (a contraction of the two words 'Facebook' and 'raping'). What people would do is take their friend's mobile phone, use their login username and write rubbish on their update pretending to be their friend saying something stupid like 'I love it in the ass' or something like that.

Because people were doing it to each other all the time it didn't seem embarrassing to them after a while. It just became a very cheap way of gaining attention.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Slim95 on 03/07/13 at 1:46 pm

I don't see why that would happen. Social Media is great. It will not die anytime soon. Facebook backlash however may happen soon if something else comes along and Facebook dies and goes down the same path as MySpace did.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/09/13 at 1:45 am

I don't see why that would happen. Social Media is great. It will not die anytime soon. Facebook backlash however may happen soon if something else comes along and Facebook dies and goes down the same path as MySpace did.

facebook is finished

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/09/13 at 5:35 am

facebook is finished

and how do you know that?

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: warped on 03/09/13 at 6:28 am

facebook is finished

Yeah, there are hardly any members left and no one goes there anymore.

R.I.P facebook :\'(

Maybe you and Gaga can write another song on how finished facebook is.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Inertia on 03/09/13 at 8:32 am

facebook is finished

It is not. Facebook is still one of the most pervasive forms of social media.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/09/13 at 1:43 pm

It is not. Facebook is still one of the most pervasive forms of social media.


Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/09/13 at 1:44 pm

Yeah, there are hardly any members left and no one goes there anymore.

R.I.P facebook :\'(

Maybe you and Gaga can write another song on how finished facebook is.

hahah yes  that pic is hilarious

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Inertia on 03/09/13 at 1:55 pm



Your argument is seriously lacking.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/09/13 at 2:28 pm


Your argument is seriously lacking.

He has an argument?


Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Inertia on 03/09/13 at 2:44 pm

He has an argument?


He is trying to make the argument that Facebook is dead -- even if it is a very poorly constructed one.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: warped on 03/09/13 at 4:01 pm

He is trying to make the argument that Facebook is dead -- even if it is a very poorly constructed one.

Naw, he wasn't making an argument. He just through it out there. Facebook is as dead as google and hollywood right now.
He wasn't being serious. Might have been he was just trying to get a reaction to it. He wants attention, that's all.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Inertia on 03/09/13 at 4:14 pm

Naw, he wasn't making an argument. He just through it out there. Facebook is as dead as google and hollywood right now.
He wasn't being serious. Might have been he was just trying to get a reaction to it. He wants attention, that's all.


I'm not impressed by his shenanigans regardless.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/09/13 at 7:08 pm

Naw, he wasn't making an argument. He just through it out there. Facebook is as dead as google and hollywood right now.
He wasn't being serious. Might have been he was just trying to get a reaction to it. He wants attention, that's all.

i wasnt being serious, I don't need attention

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/09/13 at 7:09 pm


Your argument is seriously lacking.

shall I bring out the statistics zuckerberg?

:P :P :P :P :P

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/09/13 at 7:16 pm

Yeah, there are hardly any members left and no one goes there anymore.

R.I.P facebook :\'(

Maybe you and Gaga can write another song on how finished facebook is.

or Taylor Swift. ;D

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/09/13 at 7:17 pm

It is not. Facebook is still one of the most pervasive forms of social media.

Yep just about everyone uses it.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/09/13 at 7:20 pm

Yeah, there are hardly any members left and no one goes there anymore.

R.I.P facebook :\'(

Maybe you and Gaga can write another song on how finished facebook is.

ill write one about you instead  ;D

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/09/13 at 7:21 pm

Yep just about everyone uses it.

do you think facebook will be replaced?

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: warped on 03/09/13 at 7:30 pm

ill write one about you instead  ;D

OK but don't use my name fully due to legal stuff. You know the drill  ::)

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: warped on 03/09/13 at 7:31 pm

shall I bring out the statistics zuckerberg?

:P :P :P :P :P

Pissing off mods won't make your stay here a long one, bud.  ;)

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/09/13 at 8:05 pm

OK but don't use my name fully due to legal stuff. You know the drill  ::)

Got ya

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/09/13 at 8:25 pm

do you think facebook will be replaced?

don't think so.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Inertia on 03/09/13 at 8:39 pm

shall I bring out the statistics zuckerberg?

:P :P :P :P :P

I hope you know I don't find you very funny.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: warped on 03/09/13 at 9:43 pm

Is that what you take to inspire you when you write songs with Gaga?

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/09/13 at 9:57 pm

Is that what you take to inspire you when you write songs with Gaga?

No not me  :)

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Inertia on 03/09/13 at 10:07 pm

No not me  :)

Are you sure it is not your own insecurities talking?  ;)

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: snozberries on 03/09/13 at 11:45 pm

To Thenewtattoo.

I'm not clear why you're posting Viagra themed pics in a thread about social media but its not acceptable. I will lock this thread if the antics continue.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/10/13 at 12:01 am

Are you sure it is not your own insecurities talking?  ;)

Im 24, not 50 ;D

Im afraid I don't have any insecurities , if i was 50 and bitter I might be tho

back on topic tho,  I seriously think Facebook is riding a fine line of becoming obsolete if it continues to change
and it is, a new layout is coming!!!  Im not thrilled about this

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: warped on 03/10/13 at 7:19 am

"I got a new's stupid!"

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/10/13 at 7:47 am

Im 24, not 50 ;D

Im afraid I don't have any insecurities , if i was 50 and bitter I might be tho

back on topic tho,  I seriously think Facebook is riding a fine line of becoming obsolete if it continues to change
and it is, a new layout is coming!!!  Im not thrilled about this

You're 24? You are acting like you are 12.


Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/10/13 at 9:55 am

You're 24? You are acting like you are 12.


When someone trys to zing me and gets ZUNG back even worse is funny.  I never provoke anyone, however if you make a snide comment about me    expect one back,  and thats what I did.  Moral of the story is don't write checks that youre mouth cant cash.  Go back and look at the posts he made about me.
Are you ignoring that?

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/10/13 at 9:56 am

"I got a new's stupid!"

Im sorry you look like you were arrested for dealing meth at Heisenberg's house

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Inertia on 03/10/13 at 10:02 am

When someone trys to zing me and gets ZUNG back even worse is funny.  I never provoke anyone, however if you make a snide comment about me    expect one back,  and thats what I did.  Moral of the story is don't write checks that youre mouth cant cash.  Go back and look at the posts he made about me.
Are you ignoring that?

Your grammar is truly interesting. Lol

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/10/13 at 10:12 am

Your grammar is truly interesting. Lol

typing with one hand on a iFOne  ;)

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Inertia on 03/10/13 at 10:20 am

typing with one hand on a iFOne  ;)

What are you doing with the other hand?  :P

I am typing on my laptop with its stellar charging issues. Although, I type pretty accurately on texts and my tablet too.

I tend to want to correct grammar errors when I see them. It comes from years of writing stories.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/10/13 at 10:49 am

What are you doing with the other hand?  :P

I am typing on my laptop with its stellar charging issues. Although, I type pretty accurately on texts and my tablet too.

I tend to want to correct grammar errors when I see them. It comes from years of writing stories.

Going on AMAZING Retro sites and JUNK  ;)
ask my gf

O, what did you write? Curious , Grammar Nazi  ;D

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Inertia on 03/10/13 at 11:12 am

Going on AMAZING Retro sites and JUNK  ;)
ask my gf

O, what did you write? Curious , Grammar Nazi  ;D

I always liked writing -- even as a child. I wrote short stories about anthropomorphic cats mostly in elementary school.

By middle school, I turned to fantasy and wrote my first novel. Mind you, it was not very good, but I was proud of it for my age. I never published it, and it still remains in an ancient green notebook.

I have also participated in NaNoWriMo for several years. The last time I participated I wrote about a dying terraformed planet. Likewise, I also write short stories and fanfiction. I also use to role-play in the past.

At one point, I was even working on a space western. :)

Right now, I am working on a historical fiction piece set in 1903 during the Edwardian era. It is sort of a Southern Gothic mystery novel with romance as well as a darker twist. Some of the themes in the story include communication barriers, culture shock, and family secrets.

It remains to be seen if I will finish it or be inspired by another idea.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/10/13 at 11:26 am

I always liked writing -- even as a child. I wrote short stories about anthropomorphic cats mostly in elementary school.

By middle school, I turned to fantasy and wrote my first novel. Mind you, it was not very good, but I was proud of it for my age. I never published it, and it still remains in an ancient green notebook.

I have also participated in NaNoWriMo for several years. The last time I participated I wrote about a dying terraformed planet. Likewise, I also write short stories and fanfiction. I also use to role-play in the past.

At one point, I was even working on a space western. :)

Right now, I am working on a historical fiction piece set in 1903 during the Edwardian era. It is sort of a Southern Gothic mystery novel with romance as well as a darker twist. Some of the themes in the story include communication barriers, culture shock, and family secrets.

It remains to be seen if I will finish it or be inspired by another idea.

O sick, you should make an E-book , its very easy to get stuff published on platforms like the Kindle .

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: warped on 03/10/13 at 11:38 am

You're 24? You are acting like you are 12.


He's either 12 or an attention seeking troll.

When someone trys to zing me and gets ZUNG back even worse is funny.  I never provoke anyone, however if you make a snide comment about me    expect one back,  and thats what I did.  Moral of the story is don't write checks that youre mouth cant cash.  Go back and look at the posts he made about me.
Are you ignoring that?

Make that a whining attention seeking troll. 

The thread he created regarding the Sandy Hook shooting, using the tragic murder suicide that shocked the world as a platform to talk about music and pop culture tells you everything there is about this troll. Pathetic.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Inertia on 03/10/13 at 11:59 am

O sick, you should make an E-book , its very easy to get stuff published on platforms like the Kindle .

It isn't finished yet, but when I do complete it eventually I will consider it.

One of my dreams is to become a published author, but I mostly write for my own amusement.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Advertising as a more practical career option in case I never achieve my goal. I am a very pragmatic person.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: warped on 03/10/13 at 12:06 pm

To Thenewtattoo.

I'm not clear why you're posting Viagra themed pics in a thread about social media but its not acceptable. I will lock this thread if the antics continue.

snoz, I'm thinking this thread has nothing to do with "Social Media Backlash" anymore, just the pompous attitude of this guy.
I think he leads the world in # of threads locked, for good reason  ;D

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/10/13 at 12:44 pm

snoz, I'm thinking this thread has nothing to do with "Social Media Backlash" anymore, just the pompous attitude of this guy.
I think he leads the world in # of threads locked, for good reason  ;D

I seriously think twitter could overtake facebook. I mean its basicly the same thing without a profile.
In other news prostate checks for men over 49 have gone up.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Inertia on 03/10/13 at 12:57 pm

I seriously think twitter could overtake facebook. I mean its basicly the same thing without a profile.
In other news prostate checks for men over 49 have gone up.

Fifty is still young you know. My mom turns fifty-one in two days and she rocks her age.

Older people are cool.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 03/10/13 at 12:58 pm

Fifty is still young you know. My mom turns fifty-one in two days and she rocks her age.

Older people are cool.


Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/10/13 at 2:12 pm

Im 24, not 50

but you're acting a little juvenile. ::)

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/10/13 at 2:13 pm

Im sorry you look like you were arrested for dealing meth at Heisenberg's house


Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/10/13 at 2:16 pm

fifty is still young you know. My mom turns fifty-one in two days and she rocks her age.

and my Mother is going to be 69 next month.

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Inertia on 03/10/13 at 2:19 pm

and my Mother is going to be 69 next month.

Cool Howard. :)

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: warped on 03/10/13 at 4:26 pm

and my Mother is going to be 69 next month.

I hope both your parents live a long & healthy life, Howard. :)

Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: snozberries on 03/10/13 at 9:47 pm

but you're acting a little juvenile. ::)

The great and powerful Howard has spoken! O0


Subject: Re: Is a Social Media Backlash set to take place?

Written By: Howard on 03/11/13 at 6:30 am

I hope both your parents live a long & healthy life, Howard. :)

Thanks.  :)

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