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Subject: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: 2001 on 12/28/15 at 3:47 pm

Let's hear 'em! Do you keep resolutions or nah? Do you have general goals? Spill it out!

I don't usually keep resolutions, at least not the "I'm going to start this January 1 and be done by December 31!" kind. But I do like to remind myself of my goals and work towards completing them.

1. Learn a new programming language. I learnt PHP in 2014, which I regret. Then I learnt Python in 2015 which I love! I spend 1-2 hours everyday programming just for the fun of it. Something about problem solving is very accomplishing. In 2016, I'd like to learn a new programming language and expand my skill set. Java keeps coming up (used in making Android apps), so I might learn that, though I have to admit I'm not really excited. It's a really ugly language. I might learn Haskell, which is super obscure and very difficult, but I love a challenge nonetheless! I could use having a functional programming language under my belt.

2. Continue learning French. In 2015, I spent 3197 hours listening to French and 294 hours reading it. I fell off the bandwagon around the Canadian election in October and Paris attacks in November. Racist comments online and on the news make me very discouraged and uninterested in the culture. The worst seems to have ended (except the Ajaccio riots) and I'm trying to get back into it. I see it as a ticket out of the poverty class for me. If you have a university degree and can speak French in Canada, you're guaranteed a comfortable public-sector job. No Millennial with a Physics degree working at Starbucks for me! I'm aiming for 6500 hours of listening and 700 hours of reading (that might be too hopeful).


3. Finally graduate. This might be more January 2017. I went on academic leave in Janury 2013 because my sister fell really ill, and got back in the next year. I was already a year behind since I took a gap year in 2010-11 after I graduated high school. I'm really regretting it now, since all my friends have graduated and gotten jobs, while I'm still stuck for at least one more year if not two. That's one year IF I take 120-140% course loads. I'm starting to feel burnt out, and my grades are showing it! But if I persevere, I can graduate at a reasonable time. Here's to hoping!

2015s Pass/Fails

1. Start learning French (Pass) - I started with the Duolingo app and I finished the French tree in about 4 months. Then I bought a Chromecast and started watching French TV and news. I also started borrowing French children books from the library and devoured about two or three a day. I feel off the bandwagon towards the end of the year as aforementioned, but I did so great for the first three quarters of the year, I can't really fault myself.  ;D

2. Read 50 books (fail) - I'm only up to about 21 right now. I'll be finishing 22nd and 23rd in the next few days. Still a huge failure though! I want to say I read mostly 700-1000 page books unlike the 150-300 page books my friends were reading, but the truth is I was a very lazy reader in the summer. My fault.  :-X

So let's hear yours!

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: 80sfan on 12/28/15 at 3:58 pm


If you're over 16, I only count someone finishing a 'book' if it's at least 300 pages.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: on 12/28/15 at 4:38 pm

Go to at least two more Platinum Blonde concerts.  ;D

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: 2001 on 12/28/15 at 4:51 pm


If you're over 16, I only count someone finishing a 'book' if it's at least 300 pages.

I know eh! Unfortunately we agreed to the rules before we started: a book is at least 100 pages, audiobooks count too if they're over 5 hours.  >:(

Are you keeping any resolutions this year?  :D

Go to at least two more Platinum Blonde concerts.  ;D

;D ;D ;D I'll have to check thi band out if they're that good

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 12/29/15 at 2:56 pm

continue to keep being organized.
make new friends
try to get into a relationship ( My Mother keeps bugging me)  ::)

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Ripley on 12/29/15 at 6:39 pm

Not anymore. The one I have made and kept was in 2010. I decided to be a vegetarian and lose weight. Both thing I did. I went a year and a half without meat. I think I could do it again if I put my mind to it. But I don't make resolutions anymore cause I would just let myself down.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: on 12/29/15 at 6:55 pm

I know eh! Unfortunately we agreed to the rules before we started: a book is at least 100 pages, audiobooks count too if they're over 5 hours.  >:(

Are you keeping any resolutions this year?  :D

;D ;D ;D I'll have to check thi band out if they're that good


Platinum Blonde puts on an amazing show.  I saw them this past September in Markham and it was the best show I ever saw in my life!

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/30/15 at 11:34 am

My new year's resolution is to never make new year's resolutions.  :D :D ;D ;D

Seriously, I would like to:

-Lose more weight (10-20 lbs)
-Get rid of a bunch of crap (i.e. sell more)
-Find my garage & the 4 back rooms (which are buried under a bunch of crap)
-Have the garage done (replace rotten boards, replace windows, paint, & have it electrified)
-Finish doing up the spare bedroom (put in a chandelier, put pics on the walls, etc.)
-Fix the upstairs bathroom tub
-Win the lottery  ;D ;D ;D
-After winning the lottery, have the downstairs bathroom redone
-Entertain more


Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 12/30/15 at 3:09 pm

-Win the lottery

I want to make that one of my resolutions.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: annimal on 12/30/15 at 4:25 pm

both you two  come on down        you're the next contestants on The Price Is Right

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: apollonia1986 on 12/30/15 at 9:35 pm

Go on a date.

I'd like to see what's it like to go on one before I die.

Start work on my novel.

2015 was a clusterfudge and I hope 2016 treats me better.

See 3T on an American Tour.

Because I'm sick of them hauling ass to the Netherlands.  8-P

Eat better.

I've been on frozen meals the last two months. I've got to do better.

See more classic films.

I've been lacking on my hobby lately and I need to get back to viewing more films.

I'm optimistic about all of them except the date and 3T one.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: annimal on 12/30/15 at 9:44 pm

I'd still like to be able to keep from ringing my mothers neck

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: 80sfan on 12/30/15 at 10:48 pm

I'd still like to be able to keep from ringing my mothers neck

I wish I had your grace and patience. My resolution is to keep from wringing my parents' too.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Toon on 12/30/15 at 10:55 pm

Learn Programming Languages
I've been trying to learn Java and C, but I kept putting it off. By 2016 I'll be starting my Computer Science college courses which will keep me covered in terms of Programming lessons.

Draw a lot more
I've always wanted to be a cartoonist (or at the least be good at drawing cartoon characters). I hope that by Mid 2016 I'll be able to see my differences in skill level. I just need to keep at it. Drawing is easy to learn, but impossible to master.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: TheKid99 on 12/31/15 at 2:24 am

2015 was an alright year for me and ended on a high note. I can't wait for 2016

2016 resolutions.
Lose 50 pounds by December 2016

This one is going to be challenging but I believe I can do it. If I lose 50 pounds I will be a lot healthier and be at a good healthy weight for my height(I'm 16 and I'm already 6'4)
Maintain friendships and find a new good group.
This year taught me not to over trust friends. At anytime a friend could leave you. I lost a very good friend of mine when we had a huge fight in August. I reconnected with an old grade school pal and me and him have become really good friends. If I didn't have that friend I would probably be friendless. I hope to find a good group of friends and just fit right in.  :-X
Go on my first real date and have my first kiss.
Girls in my life this year have been nothing but trouble but I hope I can find a genuine honest good looking gal. I have gone on a date with a girl before but it literally lead no where.
Try to enjoy pop culture.
Keyword try. This year was a better year than 2014 considering pop culture. But I did not get to enjoy it much. I need to get as involved in pop culture as I was from 2010-2013.
I hope I can I achieve all of these somehow and I am actually surprisingly lokking forward to 2016.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 12/31/15 at 7:25 am

Go on a date.

This is what I want to go back to doing but I want to wait till I'm financially stable.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: 80sfan on 12/31/15 at 10:44 am

To be a lot more positive about myself and my life. But also to other people.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: annimal on 12/31/15 at 4:48 pm

I said I still want to keep from ringing my mothers neck,but I as well am never going to make anything better if I don't try to be a little more positive with her.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: 2001 on 12/31/15 at 5:22 pm

Not anymore. The one I have made and kept was in 2010. I decided to be a vegetarian and lose weight. Both thing I did. I went a year and a half without meat. I think I could do it again if I put my mind to it. But I don't make resolutions anymore cause I would just let myself down.

I've been thinking about going vegetarian too. It really isn't easy. >_<

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: 2001 on 12/31/15 at 5:24 pm

Learn Programming Languages
I've been trying to learn Java and C, but I kept putting it off. By 2016 I'll be starting my Computer Science college courses which will keep me covered in terms of Programming lessons.

Draw a lot more
I've always wanted to be a cartoonist (or at the least be good at drawing cartoon characters). I hope that by Mid 2016 I'll be able to see my differences in skill level. I just need to keep at it. Drawing is easy to learn, but impossible to master.

Try or They're a lot cheaper than college courses! I'd especially recommend the latter one, it's where I learnt Python from. Great sites.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: on 12/31/15 at 5:42 pm

I resolve to fight my own battles and pick and choose my friends very carefully.  I won't lose any sleep over saying good bye to someone who doesn't know what happened between myself and the person that I was fighting with because quite frankly I don't care.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Ripley on 12/31/15 at 5:47 pm

I've been thinking about going vegetarian too. It really isn't easy. >_<

No the one thing I really really don't want to give up is jerkey. In fact, deer jerkey is the last thing meat I ate before going vegetarian lol

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: KatanaChick on 01/01/16 at 6:22 am

I need to do a little more outside the house than oversleep. I'd love to go to a few movies or a couple festivals in the state, maybe even a county fair. Last year I did make it to a couple concerts and a Renaissance fair, but only saw one movie.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 01/01/16 at 7:44 am

To be a lot more positive about myself and my life. But also to other people.

I'm going to try being more positive about myself too.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 01/01/16 at 7:47 am

continue to buy new clothes (i.e. shirts, pants, socks and shoes and indeed coats and jackets)

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: KatanaChick on 01/01/16 at 7:43 pm

continue to buy new clothes (i.e. shirts, pants, socks and shoes and indeed coats and jackets)

I want a new faux leather jacket, one that isn't so short like what I have. I will need new athletic shoes soon too.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: 2001 on 01/01/16 at 8:10 pm

continue to buy new clothes (i.e. shirts, pants, socks and shoes and indeed coats and jackets)

This is the best resolution ever. I will try it out.  ;D

I also need to get a new jacket. The one I have right now makes me three times my size, not even my final form. It helps when it gets -40C/-40F here, but it looks ridiculous when it's just -10C (15F). I've got nothing for the in-between.  :(

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: meesa on 01/01/16 at 10:19 pm

1)take the vacation time that I earn. I earn 5 weeks of vacation a year and I always carry over the max allowed and give away most the other to people at my work in need of it.
2) slow down and notice the scenery once in a while.
3) write
4) read more
5) try not to break any of these resolutions.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Slim95 on 01/01/16 at 10:49 pm

My resolution is 2560 x 1440. It was like that in 2015 too!

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 01/02/16 at 7:17 am

I want a new faux leather jacket, one that isn't so short like what I have. I will need new athletic shoes soon too.

How much will that cost?

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 01/02/16 at 7:18 am

My resolution is 2560 x 1440. It was like that in 2015 too!


Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/02/16 at 12:17 pm

My only resolution is get my weight back down to 85kg.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 01/02/16 at 4:12 pm

My only resolution is get my weight back down to 85kg.

My resolution is to try to make more friends.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: KatanaChick on 01/03/16 at 4:56 am

How much will that cost?

Faux leather coats are anywhere from around $75 to $100 and up range depending where you go and the style of it. I have to buy comfortable shoes, so they aren't going to be the cheapest I can find either. I  try to keep that around $50.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 01/03/16 at 2:41 pm

to try to be patient with situations.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: LyricBoy on 01/03/16 at 3:29 pm

Learn Programming Languages
I've been trying to learn Java and C, but I kept putting it off. By 2016 I'll be starting my Computer Science college courses which will keep me covered in terms of Programming lessons.

Good old FORTRAN and PL/1 are still getting the job done for me.  8)

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/19/16 at 12:20 pm

My new year's resolution is to never make new year's resolutions.  :D :D ;D ;D

Seriously, I would like to:

-Lose more weight (10-20 lbs)
-Get rid of a bunch of crap (i.e. sell more)
-Find my garage & the 4 back rooms (which are buried under a bunch of crap)
-Have the garage done (replace rotten boards, replace windows, paint, & have it electrified)
-Finish doing up the spare bedroom (put in a chandelier, put pics on the walls, etc.)
-Fix the upstairs bathroom tub
-Win the lottery  ;D ;D ;D
-After winning the lottery, have the downstairs bathroom redone
-Entertain more


-Well, I didn't lose 10 lbs, but I am lighter than I was when I wrote that.
-I did get rid of a bunch of crap stuff. Had 2 yard sales-and one was pretty successful but I still need more. If I have about 3 more yard sales as successful as that last one, I will have a good handle on the crap stuff.
-Still working on the back rooms. I am actually hoping by the end of this week some of the rooms will be workable. Will be heading to Home Depot to pick up some shelves for it.
-Haven't really found the garage yet but I can actually walk in it-unlike this time last year when I had to climb over crap. 
-Nope, the garage didn't get done. Maybe next year.
-Spare bedroom was done for the most part. The chandelier is up and we do have some pics on the walls. I would like to do a little bit more in that room.
-The upstairs bathtub was fixed-but still needs a bit more work.
-Unfortunately, I still didn't win the lottery.  :\'( :\'(
-Of course that means that the downstairs bathroom didn't get done-but it is planned to be done in January.
-Yeah, we did entertain but not as much as I would have liked to. Got to do better next year.

Overall, I think I did very well on my New Year's Resolutions. How about you?


Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: annimal on 12/19/16 at 12:27 pm


Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: 2001 on 12/19/16 at 2:10 pm

Woah, I completely forgot I even kept any. Mess! ;D

1. Learn a new programming language. I learnt PHP in 2014, which I regret. Then I learnt Python in 2015 which I love! I spend 1-2 hours everyday programming just for the fun of it. Something about problem solving is very accomplishing. In 2016, I'd like to learn a new programming language and expand my skill set. Java keeps coming up (used in making Android apps), so I might learn that, though I have to admit I'm not really excited. It's a really ugly language. I might learn Haskell, which is super obscure and very difficult, but I love a challenge nonetheless! I could use having a functional programming language under my belt.

I learnt JavaScript and some Java! Hurray! Pass

2. Continue learning French. In 2015, I spent 3197 hours listening to French and 294 hours reading it. I fell off the bandwagon around the Canadian election in October and Paris attacks in November. Racist comments online and on the news make me very discouraged and uninterested in the culture. The worst seems to have ended (except the Ajaccio riots) and I'm trying to get back into it. I see it as a ticket out of the poverty class for me. If you have a university degree and can speak French in Canada, you're guaranteed a comfortable public-sector job. No Millennial with a Physics degree working at Starbucks for me! I'm aiming for 6500 hours of listening and 700 hours of reading (that might be too hopeful).

Ouch. My goal was to listen to 3500 hours of French and to read for 400 more hours.

I read for 177 hours. The listening hours is tricky since I lost some of my data  :( I estimate that I'm at 4360 hours total at the moment, so 4360 - 3197 = 1163 hours of French listening this year.

177 / 400 hours of reading (44.3%)
1163 / 3300 hours of listneing (35.2%)


I fell way short, but at least I'm making progress. I acknowledged my goals were really lofty, but I wish I at least came somewhat close ;D

Here's my graph for my reading hours!

There an extra +200 hours that should be on the Y-axis, since I used to use a different tracking method on a separate graph.


3. Finally graduate. This might be more January 2017. I went on academic leave in Janury 2013 because my sister fell really ill, and got back in the next year. I was already a year behind since I took a gap year in 2010-11 after I graduated high school. I'm really regretting it now, since all my friends have graduated and gotten jobs, while I'm still stuck for at least one more year if not two. That's one year IF I take 120-140% course loads. I'm starting to feel burnt out, and my grades are showing it! But if I persevere, I can graduate at a reasonable time. Here's to hoping!

Naw, this won't be happening for a while and I'm okay with that. A degree is not the end all be all of a successful work life like I used to think it was. I got a work-placement/co-op in the spring. It pays really well, I enjoy what I do, and most important of all I'm learning a lot and growing! I've put school on hold.

My secret resolution was to read 20 books. I didn't announce it publicly because I had a feeling I'd fail. Well, there are no surprises here. I only read 6 books this year.  :\'( I hope I can finish a 7th soon, but damn. 2015 was better.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 12/19/16 at 2:39 pm

I'm going to try being more positive about myself too.

I've been trying to do this.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 12/19/16 at 2:42 pm

continue to buy new clothes (i.e. shirts, pants, socks and shoes and indeed coats and jackets)

accomplished, this year I bought a few dress shirts, few pairs of pants, socks but I didn't need shoes but I did buy a pair of boots. And as for coats, a winter coat for the cold weather.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 12/19/16 at 2:44 pm

My resolution is to try to make more friends.

didn't happen.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 12/19/16 at 2:44 pm

to try to be patient with situations.

I'm trying to accomplish this.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: on 12/25/16 at 9:02 pm

I already started my New Year's resolution almost 4 months ago.  I'm going to add Yoga to my exercise regimin in the New Year.  :) 

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Baltimoreian on 12/25/16 at 9:18 pm

I'm just planning to not consume a lot of gum, since I really don't want to accidentally swallow more.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: 80sfan on 12/25/16 at 9:29 pm

To keep healing, mentally.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Baltimoreian on 12/25/16 at 9:34 pm

To keep healing, mentally.

Same here.

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: 80sfan on 12/25/16 at 9:40 pm

Same here.

I hope you do.  :)

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: apollonia1986 on 12/26/16 at 12:15 am

I made a lot and I intend to see all of them through!
-Lose more weight (10-20 pounds max)
-Get more sleep
-Make myself prettier
-Take better care of myself
-Stay positive
-Learn to budget better
-Start work on my novel
-Try to put out more than ONE erotica a month
-Try to get asked on a date
-Make my parents proud

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/26/16 at 11:46 am

Just so everyone knows, this is about resolutions from LAST year. Here is the thread for this year.


Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: apollonia1986 on 12/26/16 at 12:37 pm

Just so everyone knows, this is about resolutions from LAST year. Here is the thread for this year.


Whoops! Thank you!  :)

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 12/26/16 at 2:56 pm

I made a lot and I intend to see all of them through!
-Lose more weight (10-20 pounds max)
-Get more sleep
-Make myself prettier
-Take better care of myself
-Stay positive
-Learn to budget better
-Start work on my novel
-Try to put out watch more than ONE erotica a month
-Try to get asked on a date
-Make my parents proud

That's my resolution.  ;) ;D

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: 2001 on 12/26/16 at 5:51 pm

That's my resolution.  ;) ;D

More like one a day LMAO

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: Howard on 12/27/16 at 2:49 pm

More like one a day LMAO

Yeah, you could say that.  ;D

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: on 12/27/16 at 4:07 pm

I made a lot and I intend to see all of them through!
-Lose more weight (10-20 pounds max)
-Get more sleep
-Make myself prettier
-Take better care of myself
-Stay positive
-Learn to budget better
-Start work on my novel
-Try to put out more than ONE erotica a month
-Try to get asked on a date
-Make my parents proud

I think we all want to make our parents proud. But #1 and 2 in your list are tops on my list because I've got so much in my life left to do and at 40 years old I still have a lot more of my "TO DO" list that I have yet to accomplish.  ;D

Subject: Re: New Year's Resolutions (2016)

Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/28/16 at 11:20 am

-Get more sleep
-Stay positive

Those are things I want to accomplish.

Howard, that should be in the other thread-the 2017 Resolutions. This thread is for the resolutions you had LAST year and if you achieved them or not.


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