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Subject: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: HeyJealousy on 09/05/17 at 1:08 pm

Say a prayer for me, and everyone in Irma's path.
I'm in Boca Raton, FLA. I might get the brunt of this beast of a storm, but I plan to ride this one out regardless.
I might be gambling with my life, but you gamble with your life when you drive everyday.
I think I'll pull through this one but I'll admit to my anxiety

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: 2001 on 09/05/17 at 1:15 pm

Why don't you use this as an excuse to take a vacation? :P

Anyway, I hope you stay safe. :)

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/05/17 at 1:16 pm

Say a prayer for me, and everyone in Irma's path.
I'm in Boca Raton, FLA. I might get the brunt of this beast of a storm, but I plan to ride this one out regardless.
I might be gambling with my life, but you gamble with your life when you drive everyday.
I think I'll pull through this one but I'll admit to my anxiety
Please take good care, but do listen to the authorities when direct to.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Howard on 09/05/17 at 2:44 pm

Say a prayer for me, and everyone in Irma's path.
I'm in Boca Raton, FLA. I might get the brunt of this beast of a storm, but I plan to ride this one out regardless.
I might be gambling with my life, but you gamble with your life when you drive everyday.
I think I'll pull through this one but I'll admit to my anxiety

Please stay safe and take care. :)

Subject: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Dude111 on 09/05/17 at 8:30 pm

I hope everyone stays safe thru this :)

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: TheKid99 on 09/05/17 at 9:29 pm

Irma, the name of my great grandmother, has been such a surprise.... such a horrifying yet beautiful hurricane.

The meterological history, has been quite interesting to say the least. It went from a Tropical Storm to a Category 2 in 6 hours, almost unheard of! It then strengthened all the way to a Category 3 and maintained a 120-110 wind range for 2 days while undergoing rapid Eye Wall Replacement Cycles and navigating some cooler waters.

However yesterday that began to change and it rapidly organized into a Category 4 Hurricane. It underwent a EWRC that I thought would make it have an impressive eye and was thinking it would only be a 150 mph max Cat 4 at this stage.

Boy was I wrong, I woke up today to an almost perfectly symmetrical terrifying beast. I went back to sleep (was home from school today, very complicated as to why, I will fill you all in ASAP) and woke up to the NHC issuing a Special Advisory that it was now a 175 mph Category 5.


This storm has continued to strengthen the entire day and while it was looking like an EWRC would hinder its intensity in the past hour it appears the outer and inner eyewall just decided to combine without any weakening.... very scary.

The storm reminds me so much of Katrina on August 28th, kinda annular yet not completely and so so stunning. The eye having a famous stadium effect. Its amazing and horrifying.

The 11 PM update should see 180-185 mph...... a run to 200 mph... never recorded in the Atlantic.... could be possible IMHO.... and it is heading right towards the Lesser and Greater Antilles.... I am praying for Antigua and Barbuda... St Barts and Nevis.... the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico... just wow...

This will be heading towards the Straits of Florida, we all know that... but its the timing of the north curve, where it happens and how it does it that will affect everything.

South Florida, as famous Meterologist Bryan Norcross stated, "Should expect AT MINIMUM, Wilma-like conditions" Wilma was a Cat 3 125 mph hurricane at landfall.

FLORIDA.... anyone on the Pennisula... must make preprations, must look at local officals and weather statements for guidance.

The Florida Keys at this time are currently under a mandatory evacuation. Miami Dade will most likely tommorow be issuing Mandatory Evacuations to most of the areas near the coast.

If the European model verifies, anyone from Miami, Tampa, Orlando, Melbourne and the Big Bend of Florida WILL have sustained hurricane force winds.

This could track up the spine of the Pennisula and in effect not weaken much.... and caused horrific devastation to many.

This is shaping up to be a quite catastrophic scenario unfolding....

Irma is the strongest hurricane outside of the GOM and Carribbean ever recorded.

And the warm waters especially near Florida and the straits with the loop current, gulf stream, etc... means this storm has every reason not to weaken much and could be almost the same strength it is now, their.

Pray for the people in the path, and make preparations now.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: nally on 09/05/17 at 10:48 pm

Say a prayer for me, and everyone in Irma's path.
I'm in Boca Raton, FLA. I might get the brunt of this beast of a storm, but I plan to ride this one out regardless.
I might be gambling with my life, but you gamble with your life when you drive everyday.
I think I'll pull through this one but I'll admit to my anxiety

I will definitely pray for you and hope you stay safe through all this.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 09/05/17 at 10:54 pm

Wow. Hurricane Irma is the STRONGEST hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean. It's a Category 5 hurricane but since it's so powerful some people are calling it a "Category 6" (which doesn't exist but if it did....Irma fits the bill) beast of a typhoon.

If you are in Florida....GET OUT NOW! DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES! Save your life and just leave. Evacuations should be mandatory sometime by Friday. Irma becomes even more eerie by the fact that it will make landfall in the U.S. near the 16th anniversary of 9/11.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: mxcrashxm on 09/06/17 at 11:04 am

Stay safe out there!

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: violet_shy on 09/06/17 at 1:20 pm

I'm watching the news, and everyone in Florida is leaving to go to shelters. I hope this hurricane loses strength and that everyone is safe!

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: exodus08 on 09/06/17 at 6:13 pm

God is Punishing the South.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: HeyJealousy on 09/06/17 at 6:14 pm

It's calm so far. Winds are calm, still clear out.
The first rainbands should arrive late Friday. And then it's all downhill from there.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: HeyJealousy on 09/06/17 at 6:16 pm

God is Punishing the South.

For what? The urbanized South is more progressive than given credit for. If God really wanted to give the ultra-redneck, bigot cesspools hell... it'd target the rural parts of America (anywhere from Pennsylvania to Arizona to Indiana), not just the deep south.
And South Florida is pretty safe from far-right BS, mostly.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/06/17 at 6:18 pm

I am worried about Carlos' Aunt & cousins who live in Puerto Rico.


Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: exodus08 on 09/06/17 at 6:20 pm

For what? The urbanized South is more progressive than given credit for. If God really wanted to give the ultra-redneck, bigot cesspools hell... it'd target the rural parts of America (anywhere from Pennsylvania to Arizona to Indiana), not just the deep south.
And South Florida is pretty safe from far-right BS, mostly.

Harvey attacked Texas, Irma is gonna attack Florida and a third hurricane named Jose is coming.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: 2001 on 09/06/17 at 6:49 pm

God is Punishing the South.

Probably easier to convince Southerners of that than get them to accept that climate change is a thing.  :-X

Maybe "God is punishing you for polluting his air" will do the trick. ;D

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 09/06/17 at 6:52 pm

Probably easier to convince Southerners of that than get them to accept that climate change is a thing.  :-X

There is a Pro-Trump rally happening over the weekend near South Beach in Miami. However, the FAKE NEWS MAINSTREAM MEDIA won't report on it. There is also going to be free beer....SPREAD THE WORD!

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: 2001 on 09/06/17 at 7:04 pm

There is a Pro-Trump rally happening over the weekend near South Beach in Miami. However, the FAKE NEWS MAINSTREAM MEDIA won't report on it. There is also going to be free beer....SPREAD THE WORD!

Life imitates art

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 09/06/17 at 7:17 pm

Life imitates art

Anyone who listens to Rush Limbaugh lost their brains a long time ago.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: 80sfan on 09/06/17 at 7:18 pm

Probably easier to convince Southerners of that than get them to accept that climate change is a thing.  :-X

Maybe "God is punishing you for polluting his air" will do the trick. ;D

I think God and nature aren't the same thing, but are related. I think that he's (or she's) saying the US needs to wake up and stand together, left, or right.
We're extremely hateful and divided right now. 

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 09/06/17 at 7:21 pm

There's currently 3 hurricanes in the Atlantic (Irma, Jose & Katia) and they are ALL headed for Florida. Rest in peace to the Sunshine State.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: exodus08 on 09/06/17 at 7:23 pm

There's currently 3 hurricanes in the Atlantic (Irma, Jose & Katia) and they are ALL headed for Florida. Rest in peace to the Sunshine State.

Lol yikes

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: mxcrashxm on 09/06/17 at 7:24 pm

It's calm so far. Winds are calm, still clear out.
The first rainbands should arrive late Friday. And then it's all downhill from there.
Are you going to evacuate?

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: 2001 on 09/06/17 at 7:38 pm

I think God and nature aren't the same thing, but are related. I think that he's (or she's) saying the US needs to wake up and stand together, left, or right.
We're extremely hateful and divided right now.

Some people are saying God is punishing the South for voting Trump, you're saying God is punishing the US for being divided, and some say God is punishing the US for legalizing gay marriage. It seems everyone has their own interpretation depending on what their ideology is.

Meanwhile, scientists have been predicting more violent weather patterns for the region since the early 2000s, and have predicted that large swaths of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico states will be underwater by 2100. And they get ignored. ;D

Subject: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Dude111 on 09/06/17 at 7:58 pm



Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: HeyJealousy on 09/07/17 at 2:24 am

There is a Pro-Trump rally happening over the weekend near South Beach in Miami. However, the FAKE NEWS MAINSTREAM MEDIA won't report on it. There is also going to be free beer....SPREAD THE WORD!

Except Miami, as a whole, is anti-Trump.
South Florida, in general, is very liberal on social issues.
The only homophobe that I know lives in Seattle. Seattle. Imagine that.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: HeyJealousy on 09/07/17 at 2:26 am

Probably easier to convince Southerners of that than get them to accept that climate change is a thing.  :-X

Maybe "God is punishing you for polluting his air" will do the trick. ;D

Again, generalizations. Midwesterners aren't pure either, Michigan is NOT a liberal utopia by any means. Neither is Pennsylvania these days. The only state(s) where progressive ideas seem to prosper are Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont, California and Oregon.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 09/07/17 at 9:12 am

Except Miami, as a whole, is anti-Trump.
South Florida, in general, is very liberal on social issues.
The only homophobe that I know lives in Seattle. Seattle. Imagine that.

Again, generalizations. Midwesterners aren't pure either, Michigan is NOT a liberal utopia by any means. Neither is Pennsylvania these days. The only state(s) where progressive ideas seem to prosper are Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont, California and Oregon.

Slowpoke is Canadian and he was just joking. Wow, sarcasm and jokes are really hard to get through to people online in the form of text.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: mach!ne_he@d on 09/07/17 at 10:36 am

Our area could see something from the storm. If it goes up the coast of Florida and makes landfall around Savannah, we would likely get some heavy precipitation, and possibly Hurricane level winds.

The last Hurricane to cause any damage around here was Hurricane Charley, which was around 2004.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 09/07/17 at 10:39 am

Our area could see something from the storm. If it goes up the coast of Florida and makes landfall around Savannah, we would likely get some heavy precipitation, and possibly Hurricane level winds.

The last Hurricane to cause any damage around here was Hurricane Charley, which was around 2004.

Stay safe down there.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: HeyJealousy on 09/07/17 at 2:49 pm

Winds roughly 10-15 MPH at the moment. Still clear out.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Henk on 09/07/17 at 4:05 pm

In case you missed it: this is what Irma did to the island of St. Martin...

The harbor and airport have become inaccessible, which means it's hard to bring the help needed.
So far, one fatality has been confirmed from the Dutch part of the island, while at least four were killed on the French part of the island.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/08/17 at 12:20 pm

There is a Pro-Trump rally happening over the weekend near South Beach in Miami. However, the FAKE NEWS MAINSTREAM MEDIA won't report on it. There is also going to be free beer....SPREAD THE WORD!

;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/08/17 at 6:29 pm


Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Henk on 09/09/17 at 2:27 am

A reminder of what you're up against:

Final seconds of a beach cam during hurricane Irma...

Cat and Carlos: I hope your Puerto Rican relatives and friends are all safe.

Subject: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Dude111 on 09/09/17 at 8:00 am

I heard its coming in FULL BLAST up the west coast!!

G0D BLESS ALL!!!!!!!!

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 09/09/17 at 9:36 am

I heard its coming in FULL BLAST up the west coast!!

G0D BLESS ALL!!!!!!!!

The west coast? ??? It's not even coming close to the West Coast.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: HeyJealousy on 09/09/17 at 1:06 pm

Winds are gusting over 40 MPH now, but the lights are still on. No damage yet, as far as I can see.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/09/17 at 1:34 pm

A reminder of what you're up against:

Final seconds of a beach cam during hurricane Irma...

Cat and Carlos: I hope your Puerto Rican relatives and friends are all safe.

Thanks for your concern. SIL is in California. She is planning on flying back to PR on Monday but that might not happen because she is SUPPOSED to fly through Ft Lauderdale. She talked to the cousins in San Juan and they are all fine but they are without electricity. The ones on the southern side of the island didn't get the brunt of the storm so they are fine, too.


Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/09/17 at 1:36 pm

The west coast? ??? It's not even coming close to the West Coast.

I think he means the west coast of Florida.


Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 09/09/17 at 1:36 pm

I think he means the west coast of Florida.


Oh OK.

Subject: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Dude111 on 09/09/17 at 9:27 pm

Yup sorry ReignMan... (Thank you catwoman :))

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: nally on 09/09/17 at 9:37 pm

I've heard that pro sports games scheduled in the area are going to either be cancelled or postponed. For example, the NFL's Tampa Buccaneers and Miami Dolphins, who were scheduled to play each other tomorrow, are gonna cancel their game. In MLB, the Tampa Bay Rays are gonna move their series with the Yankees to CitiField in New York.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Emman on 09/09/17 at 10:14 pm

I live in middle eastern part of Georgia, we are expected to get strong tropical storm force winds and there were buses of evacuees coming from Florida coming to local centers.

This storm is so big it will basically cover the ENTIRE state of Georgia come Monday. :o 

Subject: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Dude111 on 09/10/17 at 9:23 am

Yes its very scary.......

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Howard on 09/10/17 at 2:41 pm

My friend Robert was supposed to come to New York from Florida on the 22nd after almost 15 years that I haven't seen him and he used to live in New York and moved to Florida in 2002 so I guess forget the visit now.  :(

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: nally on 09/10/17 at 7:02 pm

My friend Robert was supposed to come to New York from Florida on the 22nd after almost 15 years that I haven't seen him and he used to live in New York and moved to Florida in 2002 so I guess forget the visit now.  :(

Yes, it's probably more important for him to find safety somewhere.

Still praying for all those in the state of Florida.

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Henk on 09/11/17 at 12:04 am

The harbor and airport have become inaccessible, which means it's hard to bring the help needed.
So far, one fatality has been confirmed from the Dutch part of the island, while at least four were killed on the French part of the island.

Death toll on the Dutch half of the island has risen to four. :\'(

Thanks for your concern. SIL is in California. She is planning on flying back to PR on Monday but that might not happen because she is SUPPOSED to fly through Ft Lauderdale. She talked to the cousins in San Juan and they are all fine but they are without electricity. The ones on the southern side of the island didn't get the brunt of the storm so they are fine, too.


Glad to read they're all safe! :)

Subject: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Dude111 on 09/11/17 at 3:01 am

God bless everyone there!!

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: Howard on 09/11/17 at 7:15 am

Yes, it's probably more important for him to find safety somewhere.

Still praying for all those in the state of Florida.

Will he able to come to New York by that time? ???

Subject: Re: Hurricane Irma thread

Written By: happyflower20 on 09/14/17 at 5:32 pm

omg  i hope the peoeple there are safe! :(

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