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Subject: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts !!

Written By: John Titor on 09/09/17 at 5:35 pm

get ready guys lol, radio may be ignoring pop punk, however MTV is giving it its full support for the new TRL.
Viacom is already contacting pop punk labels for a huge resurgence according to Adnews


Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: HazelBlue99 on 09/09/17 at 6:21 pm

Well if that's the case, radio stations will need to give in eventually and start supporting pop punk acts, especially if the genre continues to grow.

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: LooseBolt on 09/09/17 at 9:41 pm

That song and video are pretty jammin'. Of course, I hit the jackpot on the Similar Videos sidebar:

Guitar music is coming back with a vengeance and I love it. I'm actually rather surprised at the whiplash reaction insofar as a 2016-2017 cultural changeover that nobody seems to be noticing.

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: HazelBlue99 on 09/09/17 at 11:20 pm

Guitar music is coming back with a vengeance and I love it. I'm actually rather surprised at the whiplash reaction insofar as a 2016-2017 cultural changeover that nobody seems to be noticing.

I have definitely been noticing it. Although, I can understand why a lot of people haven't, because the changes have been relatively subtle so far and EDM, trap and the ilk are still dominating the charts.

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: BornIn86 on 09/10/17 at 5:48 am

I wish there was a grunge resurgence instead of a pop punk resurgence.

Anyway. Although I can totally see a lot of guitars being used in a lot of songs...they're still not utilized in any transformative way.

How much do people actually care about MTV these days? I get that I'm older but is MTV still relevant besides it's VMAs?

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: LooseBolt on 09/10/17 at 8:19 am

I wish there was a grunge resurgence instead of a pop punk resurgence.

Anyway. Although I can totally see a lot of guitars being used in a lot of songs...they're still not utilized in any transformative way.

How much do people actually care about MTV these days? I get that I'm older but is MTV still relevant besides it's VMAs?

As much as I wish it too, I think grunge was a one-time thing. They were inspired by the Summer of Love because they weren't too far removed from it (in fact, many of their parents probably conceived them during the Summer of Love) and they were basically "hippies who can kick your ass."

As for the transformative use of guitars, I'm sure it's coming. I mean we're just fresh into this new era, so we're basically still getting used to the ideas of guitars in music again and figuring out just how they're going to be utilized going forward. Pushing the envelope comes later.

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 09/10/17 at 8:55 am

As much as I wish it too, I think grunge was a one-time thing. They were inspired by the Summer of Love because they weren't too far removed from it (in fact, many of their parents probably conceived them during the Summer of Love) and they were basically "hippies who can kick your ass."

As a Boomer who lived through the 60s and 70s, my immediate reaction was to dismiss your notion that grunge artists were "influenced by the Summer of Love" or that they were "aggressive hippies". But the more I thought of it, the more correct a theory it seems. To be accurate, it would not be that the grunge artists were influenced by the hippie era itself, as they were far, far too young. Kurt Cobain, for example was born in 1967, the very year of the Summer of Love, and Dave Grohl was born in 1969, the year of Woodstock. It would be that the grunge players were influenced by their PARENT's tastes. Dave Grohl repeatedly talks about how he heard "Abbey Road" from his mother and how she had fantastic taste in music. Grunge bands were also influenced by punk, of course, so you had a marriage of hippie and punk. Who would have ever thought THAT would happen? The 70s punks themselves, of course, were a REJECTION of all things hippie, being that they were the generation immediately following it and made it their business to stamp out all things hippie-ish and Sixties-ish. But by the time grunge rolled around 10 years later, the 60s were cool again.

By the way, all this talk about TRL making any difference at all in today's ain't gonna happen. So it doesn't matter WHAT they're pushing. The world is completely different now, thee monocuulture is gone, MTV is irrelevant. The ability it once had in the monoculture to completely make or break superstars, hit songs, etc, is completely gone. The new TRL will pass without a ripple and quickly be forgotten.

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: LooseBolt on 09/10/17 at 9:57 am

That's where you and I disagree. If anything, the monoculture is back because of choice fatigue. Because there's too much music out there, people just default to whatever is popular or whatever they were already into.

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 09/10/17 at 10:16 am

That's where you and I disagree. If anything, the monoculture is back because of choice fatigue. Because there's too much music out there, people just default to whatever is popular or whatever they were already into.


Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: John Titor on 09/10/17 at 5:29 pm

That's where you and I disagree. If anything, the monoculture is back because of choice fatigue. Because there's too much music out there, people just default to whatever is popular or whatever they were already into.

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 09/10/17 at 7:01 pm

That's where you and I disagree. If anything, the monoculture is back because of choice fatigue. Because there's too much music out there, people just default to whatever is popular or whatever they were already into.

I would heartily agree that there is "choice fatigue" (a great phrase!), and that though it is now easier than ever to make music and have it available to the masses, it paradoxically makes it harder than ever to hear it. So people might lazily rely on the gatekeepers such as TRL, Spotify recommendations, etc. People want to feel they are PART of something. But I don't see that we can ever go back to the monoculture the way it was in the days of three TV networks and terrestrial radio and print media when everybody was watching the same shows and listening to the same Billboard top 40 music (for those who were into that kind of music) at the same time in REAL time. The digital genie is out of the bottle, for better or worse. Even now there is a concurrent thread going about TV in the Trump age and people are talking about Netflix, Hulu, etc. There was a time when we had to sit down and watch a show at a specific given time on a specific network and that was it, or you just didn't see it. It was rerun maybe once in the summer and never seen again. THAT was a monoculture.  Choosing when, where and how to watch or listen to something, or "binge watching"? It was unheard of! I don't even like the sound of that phrase, but I come from the days of the actual monoculture. Today's world just doesn't look like that to me, so I hesitate to call it a monoculture.

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: LooseBolt on 09/10/17 at 7:13 pm

Oh I'm most certainly not saying the monoculture is total and complete, or even that the theory of its return is conveniently not falsifiable (any good theory should be). Although even in the case of video streaming, whatever platform you have whether Netflix or Hulu, I think most people can agree that they still made the effort to watch or download the latest Game of Thrones episode. Because whether you're bingeing The Handmaiden's Tale or Stranger Things, the one show on everyone's lips will be GoT. Not everyone may be sitting down at the same time or in front of the same platform to watch it, but it's GoT that will be talked about in front of the water cooler.

Same arguably with Twin Peaks, and yes, even Stranger Things to some extent. Even non-Netflix users found a way to watch it because it was the hot topic in its time. But yeah, of course the days of three television networks and everyone being on the same page is gone. But arguably that went out the window as early as a couple decades ago. (I hope my point came through clearly enough.)

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: LooseBolt on 09/11/17 at 10:35 pm

I'll tell you what kind of rock subgenre I would like to see become popular again, rather than pop punk (nothing against grunge, I like that genre a lot too). Remember Weezer? Like, old-style, '90s Weezer? The Blue Album and Pinkerton sounded like a lonely nerd penned a bunch of poems, then a bunch of his friends who knew a few chords recorded them as songs in his garage. I loved that sound. No more of Rivers Cuomo's over-produced power pop. Maybe some stuff like Sunny Day Real Estate again, or if it has to be electronicized, stuff like The Postal Service.

I do not apologize for my emo salivating.

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: John Titor on 09/12/17 at 9:17 pm

That song and video are pretty jammin'. Of course, I hit the jackpot on the Similar Videos sidebar:

Guitar music is coming back with a vengeance and I love it. I'm actually rather surprised at the whiplash reaction insofar as a 2016-2017 cultural changeover that nobody seems to be noticing.



There is like a huge list from Warner that is getting payola from mtv lol

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts

Written By: JordanK1982 on 09/12/17 at 9:22 pm

UGH! This is terrible! Why can't they bring back the proper Enema of the State pop punk sound with bands in backwards caps and baggy dickies instead of this continutation of the 2005 tight pants pop punk sound (which never really left).

I prefer bands that look like this

And sound like this


Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts !!

Written By: LooseBolt on 09/12/17 at 9:35 pm

Mainly because this is the beginning of nostalgia for the later 00s, like 2005 and onward. The kids playing in these bands grew up with The Click Five and Fall Out Boy, not Blink or Bad Religion like we did. Of course don't count 'em out yet, we're still in the beginning of a new cultural period here and for all we know the real punks are coming. But these bands are mainly Gen Y and Z musicians, and they grew up with prim and proper looking bands like the ones they're emulating (not to mention Gen Z is generally more socially conservative, and so more prone to gravitate toward the cleaner look and sound than core Millennials like myself).

Also, if we should expect a new sound based on what the culture is feeling nostalgic about, a few years ago would've been the time for blink-182 lookalikes, what with the '90s nostalgia craze.

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts !!

Written By: JordanK1982 on 09/12/17 at 9:52 pm

The problem is that the 2020's haven't even started and the nostalgia cycle is so out of whack! I'd expect this kind of stuff to happen around 2025, not 2017. It's different if we saw bands that looked like blink circa 1999 start to come out since now's the time for late 90's/early 00's nostalgia but things are getting a too ahead of themselves with bands jumping straight to All Time Low 2007 and skipping all the blinks, Sums and Home Growns. Not to mention the fact that skinny jeans need to die already!

I wish we got some blink throwbacks but aside from a few bands like 2013-2014 Head Injuries (who have since changed their look to a more modern style) we got nothing.

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts !!

Written By: LooseBolt on 09/13/17 at 7:38 am

The problem is that the 2020's haven't even started and the nostalgia cycle is so out of whack! I'd expect this kind of stuff to happen around 2025, not 2017. It's different if we saw bands that looked like blink circa 1999 start to come out since now's the time for late 90's/early 00's nostalgia but things are getting a too ahead of themselves with bands jumping straight to All Time Low 2007 and skipping all the blinks, Sums and Home Growns. Not to mention the fact that skinny jeans need to die already!

I wish we got some blink throwbacks but aside from a few bands like 2013-2014 Head Injuries (who have since changed their look to a more modern style) we got nothing.

Except generational and cultural trends are not as rigid as all that; you can't just predict trends based on what year we're in. Generations and culture are organic; it's based on the people. Millennials came of age in the last several years and have been the main driving force in pop culture, which is why I would have expected blink lookalikes in 2014 or so, not because it happened to be 15 odd years hence.

In other words, there's no "cycle" or being out of whack; it's all a function of who is driving the publication of creative works at the time and what they grew up with.

Subject: Re: TRL is going to be pushing Pop Punk acts !!

Written By: JordanK1982 on 09/13/17 at 11:14 am

Except generational and cultural trends are not as rigid as all that; you can't just predict trends based on what year we're in. Generations and culture are organic; it's based on the people. Millennials came of age in the last several years and have been the main driving force in pop culture, which is why I would have expected blink lookalikes in 2014 or so, not because it happened to be 15 odd years hence.

In other words, there's no "cycle" or being out of whack; it's all a function of who is driving the publication of creative works at the time and what they grew up with.

No, but there has been a pattern during the last few decades that's being broken today. You can at least gauge enough of a prediction based around the year and sub-era of a decade due to culture typically changing around the time we hit the early/mid/late part.

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