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Subject: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: John Titor on 11/21/17 at 10:02 am

FCC is putting plans in place on a week where , telecos like Comcast & Verizon can charge extra prices
to view sites like Youtube and Netflix, they can put tiers in place as well.

The Internet is over guys.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: 2001 on 11/21/17 at 12:58 pm

I've been hearing a lot about this. I wonder where all the "free speech" went? ???

I hope it doesn't pass. This is worse than SOPA.  8-P

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Howard on 11/21/17 at 3:39 pm

FCC is putting plans in place on a week where , telecos like Comcast & Verizon can charge extra prices
to view sites like Youtube and Netflix, they can put tiers in place as well.

The Internet is over guys.

So what does all this mean? ???

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: HeyJealousy on 11/21/17 at 6:12 pm

This is why people don't (or shouldn't) trust the government, and their corporate cronies.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: questoftheninja on 11/21/17 at 6:24 pm

FCC is putting plans in place on a week where , telecos like Comcast & Verizon can charge extra prices
to view sites like Youtube and Netflix, they can put tiers in place as well.

The Internet is over guys.

well what does all this really mean and is it really a big deal

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: 2001 on 11/21/17 at 6:25 pm

So what does all this mean? ???

With the end of net neutrality, your ISP is allowed to sell your browsing history to a third party such as an advertiser. Obviously, there are huge privacy concerns.

ISPs can also throttle (reduce the speed of) certain website and boost the speed of others e.g. Comcast can throttle Netflix/YouTube and boost the speed on their own media websites. That's the example in the OP.

ISPs can also block websites they don't like e.g. block a competitor's website or block a page they disagree with politically.

Basically, the idea of net neutrality is that Internet bandwidth should be treated like a utility, like electricity or water. What you decide to do with your bandwidth is up to you, all bandwidth is the same (neutral), the ISP simply provides the bandwidth, and the your browsing history belongs to you only.

Republicans and the new FCC leader appointed by Trump see net neutrality as pointless regulation that gets in the way of profit. They want to get rid of it.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: questoftheninja on 11/21/17 at 6:41 pm

With the end of net neutrality, your ISP is allowed to sell your browsing history to a third party such as an advertiser. Obviously, there are huge privacy concerns.

ISPs can also throttle (reduce the speed of) certain website and boost the speed of others e.g. Comcast can throttle Netflix/YouTube and boost the speed on their own media websites. That's the example in the OP.

ISPs can also block websites they don't like e.g. block a competitor's website or block a page they disagree with politically.

Basically, the idea of net neutrality is that Internet bandwidth should be treated like a utility, like electricity or water. What you decide to do with your bandwidth is up to you, all bandwidth is the same (neutral), the ISP simply provides the bandwidth, and the your browsing history belongs to you only.

Republicans and the new FCC leader appointed by Trump see net neutrality as pointless regulation that gets in the way of profit. They want to get rid of it.
this probably isn't a big deal

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: 80sfan on 11/21/17 at 7:12 pm

Little Rhoda isn't happy.  :(  :(  :(

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: HeyJealousy on 11/21/17 at 11:06 pm

But maybe this is the "big event" that will put a dent in 2010s culture and alter the Internet for good.
It won't be a positive change. But still a significant change nonetheless.
It could even deter many away from the Internet and if major social-media platforms are affected in any way... say goodbye to the #Hashtag era.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: HazelBlue99 on 11/21/17 at 11:41 pm

The internet is "not over", nor is it "ending'". Changes occur on the internet, some good, some bad.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: LooseBolt on 11/22/17 at 2:20 pm

This is bad, bad news.

Sign the White House petition, donate to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, call your Senator, do whatever you can to try to stop the repeal of net neutrality. This is so important, we should all be making a sustained effort to stop this.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Slim95 on 11/22/17 at 8:27 pm

But maybe this is the "big event" that will put a dent in 2010s culture and alter the Internet for good.
It won't be a positive change. But still a significant change nonetheless.
It could even deter many away from the Internet and if major social-media platforms are affected in any way... say goodbye to the #Hashtag era.

Maybe we all need to get away from the internet for a bit.

How does this affect the internet in other countries?

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: 2001 on 11/22/17 at 8:37 pm

Maybe we all need to get away from the internet for a bit.

How does this affect other internet in other countries?

It doesn't, thankfully.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Slim95 on 11/22/17 at 8:55 pm

It doesn't, thankfully.

Oh what a relief.  :)

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: questoftheninja on 11/22/17 at 10:06 pm

Well relooking it up it could really be huge.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Slim95 on 11/22/17 at 10:11 pm

Well relooking it up it could really be huge.

The CRTC here in Canada has strong net neutrality laws and it has been stronger than the U.S. for a long time now. This is one of those times I am glad I'm not American. Good luck folks.  :-[

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Howard on 11/23/17 at 5:17 am

Maybe we all need to get away from the internet for a bit.

How does this affect the internet in other countries?

I don't want to.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Don Carlos on 11/23/17 at 9:31 am

This is why people don't (or shouldn't) trust the government, and their corporate cronies.

Wait!  Wasn't it "government" that established net neutrality in the first place?

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: 80sfan on 11/23/17 at 1:21 pm

I hope not! Oh Dear.  :(  :(  :(

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: HeyJealousy on 11/23/17 at 1:24 pm

Wait!  Wasn't it "government" that established net neutrality in the first place?

Originally? Yes.
But now it's that same "government" that's rolling back net neutrality, to the benefit of Big Business and to the detriment of the general population.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: LooseBolt on 11/23/17 at 2:10 pm

Originally? Yes.
But now it's that same "government" that's rolling back net neutrality, to the benefit of Big Business and to the detriment of the general population.

A Democrat-ruled government tried to permanently institute net neutrality and a Republican-dominated one is taking it away. But of course, both sides are the same.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: wixness on 11/23/17 at 4:40 pm

This is why people don't (or shouldn't) trust the government, and their corporate cronies.

Yup. We should make our own internet at this stage

with blackjack and hookers

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/23/17 at 4:41 pm

Yup. We should make our own internet at this stage

with blackjack and hookers
Does Tim Berners-Lee hold the patent for the Internet?

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: wixness on 11/23/17 at 4:54 pm

Does Tim Berners-Lee hold the patent for the Internet?

He'll let Americans do whatever with it still, but I don't know. I'm gonna unsub from this thread. Good luck, Americans.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: HeyJealousy on 11/23/17 at 5:07 pm

A Democrat-ruled government tried to permanently institute net neutrality and a Republican-dominated one is taking it away. But of course, both sides are the same.

They aren't.
I personally prefer a Democrat-ruled government. It's flawed for reasons I can elaborate on, if you want me to.
But it's generally miles ahead of what today's GOP has to offer, if we're talking about civil rights and liberties.
I think the two-party system is an utter joke. That's my opinion, gathered from observing the antics and motives of both major parties. But, until' a viable third party that I agree with rises, I would rather support Dems than Reps. Because I am passionate about civil liberties, transparency and civil rights.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: LooseBolt on 11/23/17 at 9:09 pm

They aren't.

I know, I was mostly mocking the old refrain.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: SpyroKev on 11/23/17 at 9:48 pm

I'll just keep checking in on this topic in case I will need to start saving all of my documents to a flash drive.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Foo Bar on 11/23/17 at 10:03 pm

Network neutrality was important.  Dig back to around early (Feb/March) 2015 and you'll see that we've had this debate before.

More recently.

Mr. Pai, on behalf of his incumbent telco backers, has basically guaranteed that the next Netflix, whatever it does, will not be an American company.

Future innovation will come from outside of America.  Americans can go back to the coal mines.  That's what they voted for, and that's what they'll get.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: wixness on 11/24/17 at 3:22 am

Network neutrality was important.  Dig back to around early (Feb/March) 2015 and you'll see that we've had this debate before.

More recently.

Mr. Pai, on behalf of his incumbent telco backers, has basically guaranteed that the next Netflix, whatever it does, will not be an American company.

Future innovation will come from outside of America.  Americans can go back to the coal mines.  That's what they voted for, and that's what they'll get.

Absolutely. Next up, the next world hegemony will be run by the Chinese, who are worse with internet freedoms.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: LooseBolt on 11/24/17 at 6:56 am

The fight isn't over, you know. They don't vote on their decision until December 14th, and in the meantime all of the FCC directors' email addresses are publicly accessible. Make your voices heard.

And if you think the FCC is slated to screw us over, laws passed by Congress trump regulations passed by the FCC. Call your Congresspeople and Senators and demand legislation to codify Title II net neutrality. We can beat them.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Don Carlos on 11/24/17 at 10:37 am

They aren't.
I personally prefer a Democrat-ruled government. It's flawed for reasons I can elaborate on, if you want me to.
But it's generally miles ahead of what today's GOP has to offer, if we're talking about civil rights and liberties.
I think the two-party system is an utter joke. That's my opinion, gathered from observing the antics and motives of both major parties. But, until' a viable third party that I agree with rises, I would rather support Dems than Reps. Because I am passionate about civil liberties, transparency and civil rights.

I quite agree, but...

1, Our constitution virtually guarantees the 2 party system and

2, "Viable" third parties become one of the 2 major parties, and as Pete Seeger put it "the sons of the sons of the fighters take all for granted and in turn oppress" and

3, this thread probably belongs in the political section 

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/27/17 at 9:57 am

FCC is putting plans in place on a week where , telecos like Comcast & Verizon can charge extra prices
to view sites like Youtube and Netflix, they can put tiers in place as well.

The Internet is over guys.

We already pay to view Netflix!

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: LooseBolt on 11/27/17 at 12:37 pm

I think he means paying ISPs just to access their website, which very well could happen. Imagine having to pay Comcast just to visit this forum.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Howard on 11/27/17 at 2:07 pm

I think he means paying ISPs just to access their website, which very well could happen. Imagine having to pay Comcast just to visit this forum.

I wonder how much it would cost?

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: LooseBolt on 11/27/17 at 3:21 pm

Any amount is too much. The internet should be free and open for everyone.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: 2001 on 11/27/17 at 5:54 pm

We already pay to view Netflix!

Your ISP could just say "Netflix takes up a lot of bandwidth so we're going to charge you more if you utilize it". Telecoms have monopolies in vast swathes of the country, so people would have no choice but to pay up.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: TheEarly90sFan on 11/27/17 at 6:50 pm

Any amount is too much. The internet should be free and open for everyone.


Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Howard on 11/28/17 at 7:06 am

Any amount is too much. The internet should be free and open for everyone.

Exactly, the electric bill is what we should be paying for, internet is free.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/28/17 at 11:25 pm

Exactly, the electric bill is what we should be paying for, internet is free.
...I already pay for my wi-fi!

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Slim95 on 11/30/17 at 1:44 pm

This isn't related to the topic but I honestly don't know where else to put it and I have to say it as it related to the internet. YouTube has now added the posts feature, and it looks like Facebook now. It is really tripping me out.  :o One of the most drastic changes YouTube has made, but I really like it.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Howard on 11/30/17 at 1:45 pm

This isn't related to the topic but I honestly don't know where else to put it and I have to say it as it related to the internet. YouTube has now added the posts feature, and it looks like Facebook now. It is really tripping me out.  :o One of the most drastic changes YouTube has made, but I really like it.

I don't see it on YouTube, Where is it? ???

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: Slim95 on 11/30/17 at 1:46 pm

I don't see it on YouTube, Where is it? ???

You have to update the mobile version of YouTube. It allows for status posts, pictures, and polls and more. Just like Facebook, so your subscribers can make statuses now. It's no longer just for videos. Get the new update, it was weird and trippy when I saw it but I do like the new features. Right now it's only on mobile but they may update the web version later.

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: mxcrashxm on 12/14/17 at 1:29 pm

It has been repealed >:( :(

Subject: Re: The Internet is ending..... (This is not a joke ) (Everyone on

Written By: meesa on 12/14/17 at 6:18 pm

It has been repealed >:( :(

And the lawsuits are already being filed, thank blog.

Can I just say, Ajit Pai is a complete jerk.

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