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Subject: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: christopher on 01/23/18 at 4:20 am

It seems that lately I stumble on more and more disturbing photos and stories all over the Internet. OK maybe I'm a bit squeamish but I feel like fainting at seeing things that med school students see - dissected animals and humans, organs, gore etc. And many stories are published only for shocked values. Even headlines exaggerate what actually happened using triggering language. Everything is made even more scary, shocking, gruesome etc. The more blood or gore, the better seems to be the motto these days on the Web.

But it seems that the Internet has started pushing the boundaries more and more. You search for something innocent, yet in Google all kinds of inappropriate things are bound to appear, especially on Image search. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac so seeing diseased organs or the like is just not my cup of tea. I don't remember so much creepy stories and gory images online in the 2000s and even the early 2010s. Along with the political wars online between SJW and the ultra right wingers it seems that very few places are safe online from faint/anger/fear-inducing things. the fear tactics of newspapers and TV channels are not only used, but exaggerated online. Is it time to do digital detoxes or/and regulate the Internet somehow as users are less likely to self-regulate what they post and many are eager to offend/disturb? But of course that could pose other problems. :)"avoid+the+internet"&source=bl&ots=0G7WhM1HwQ&sig=KmoIzK_nHfy3TeJsSodEdPzmotI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiu3enC6-3YAhUU6mMKHR3nC2EQ6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q=disturbing%20images%20on%20the%20internet%20%22avoid%20the%20internet%22&f=false

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: LyricBoy on 01/23/18 at 5:17 am

Don't forget the tear-jerker photos of abused pets on Facebook.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: 2001 on 01/23/18 at 11:03 am

Clickbait is a huge industry nowadays. I've learnt to ignore or roll my eyes at provocative headlines.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: HeyJealousy on 01/23/18 at 12:36 pm

Funny you should say this.
I've always had a soft spot for morbid curiousity, gore, and what have you. The nature of death just fascinated me for some reason I can't pinpoint exactly.
In fact, I still visit those "shock sites" (i.e. bestgore dot com) to get my daily fill of morbid news and photos. I'm attracted to the dark, I guess.
But I haven't seen what you've been seeing. In fact, I found that today's generation of Internet users is far more squeamish than the previous ones. Back in the early days of the Internet, if one wanted to achieve his "manhood", he'd have to visit rotten dot com and stomach dozens of photos of shotgun suicides, animal attacks, famine victims, war victims, etc.
Now, it's like if you frequent Tumblr and post photos of teddy bears, then you could still pass for a "man".

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/23/18 at 4:29 pm

Funny you should say this.
I've always had a soft spot for morbid curiousity, gore, and what have you. The nature of death just fascinated me for some reason I can't pinpoint exactly.
In fact, I still visit those "shock sites" (i.e. bestgore dot com) to get my daily fill of morbid news and photos. I'm attracted to the dark, I guess.
But I haven't seen what you've been seeing. In fact, I found that today's generation of Internet users is far more squeamish than the previous ones. Back in the early days of the Internet, if one wanted to achieve his "manhood", he'd have to visit rotten dot com and stomach dozens of photos of shotgun suicides, animal attacks, famine victims, war victims, etc.
Now, it's like if you frequent Tumblr and post photos of teddy bears, then you could still pass for a "man".

I've watched some pretty gory videos, myself. I can only stand like two videos per year. If I had to watch a beheading (a REAL beheading) everyday, I think I'd go insane. Not kidding.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: Zelek3 on 01/23/18 at 5:00 pm

Dude. 90s/early 2000s Internet was way more edgy/dirty/gory than current Internet, which is practically sanitized by comparison. 90s/early 2000s was the day of Ogrish, Goa Tse, Lemonparty, Tubgirl, and Newgrounds anime porn games.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: LyricBoy on 01/23/18 at 5:06 pm

I remember when "two girls one cup" and the Eunumclaw Incident "reaction videos" were all the rage on the 'Net.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: 2001 on 01/23/18 at 5:31 pm

I remember when "two girls one cup" and the Eunumclaw Incident "reaction videos" were all the rage on the 'Net.

I was in high school when 2 Girls 1 Cup came out. Kids watched it in class on their laptops and PSPs.  8-P

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: LyricBoy on 01/23/18 at 5:35 pm

I was in high school when 2 Girls 1 Cup came out. Kids watched it in class on their laptops and PSPs.  8-P

Did you see the Eunumclaw Incident video? ???

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/23/18 at 5:37 pm

Dude. 90s/early 2000s Internet was way more edgy/dirty/gory than current Internet, which is practically sanitized by comparison. 90s/early 2000s was the day of Ogrish, Goa Tse, Lemonparty, Tubgirl, and Newgrounds anime porn games.

Really? It might have been because I was only 12 then, around 2001. I wasn't interested in blood, so I guess it didn't show up on my radar??

I wouldn't be surprised if the 1990's and early 00's was way more edgy/gory. I mean, it was like a wilderness, and I probably didn't pay attention enough to look at gore.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/23/18 at 5:37 pm

I remember when "two girls one cup" and the Eunumclaw Incident "reaction videos" were all the rage on the 'Net.

I deny that video exists in reality!  ;D  ;D  ;D

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: mqg96 on 01/23/18 at 5:37 pm

Dude. 90s/early 2000s Internet was way more edgy/dirty/gory than current Internet, which is practically sanitized by comparison. 90s/early 2000s was the day of Ogrish, Goa Tse, Lemonparty, Tubgirl, and Newgrounds anime porn games.

Seriously? No. He's right, the internet has gotten much worse now when it comes to violence and sexual content. It's more likely to pop up on your screen or appear on google images more often now than it did back then. The rise of YouTube and Facebook videos throughout the late 00's and early 10's led to this. Think of all the violent and crazy videos that appear on your Facebook home page EVERYDAY depending on how many friends you have, including Twitter as well (more so that site). NOTHING compares where we are now to back then when social media wasn't even that widespread. Newgrounds was just a nerd site, but everybody is on Twitter and Facebook 24/7. It always starts small then it gets bigger and bigger. Even without going to the sites, Google images of YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, WorldStarHipHop, and INSTAGRAM for damn sure can pop up and could easily have porn content without even trying to search for it. What is considered as semi-porn now (all it's okay) was considered as legit porn (hell naw you're fired!) back during the old internet days.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: LyricBoy on 01/23/18 at 5:42 pm

I deny that video exists in reality!  ;D  ;D  ;D

I used to live in Indiana and we had this dude who was repeatedly doing this with all sorts of animals. The neighbor's dog, a chicken (yes, a chicken, he, uh, partied with it at the Valparaiso Motor Inn) and a guinea fowl.  :o

Every time he gets out of the slammer he gets caught at it again. Just got let out of the federal pen a few months ago.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: 2001 on 01/23/18 at 5:43 pm

Did you see the Eunumclaw Incident video? ???

I have no idea what that is and I'm afraid to search it.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: HeyJealousy on 01/23/18 at 6:08 pm

The Ricardo Lopez suicide video was very unsettling. Not particularly gory, but unsettling and disturbing nonetheless.
He was the one who documented his plans to kill pop-rock star Bjork and ended up shooting himself dead when his plans failed.
Even if you can't stomach actual blood and gore, you should give the "Lopez Tapes" a go because there is very little in the way of blood/gore. It's just a mentally disturbed young man speaking to the camera and ranting about his lonely, pathetic life and obsession with Bjork before eventually shooting himself through the mouth and the film cuts there. He tried to deliver acid bombs (or something along those lines) to Bjork's residence but when that failed, he decided "to hell with it" and took his own life.
I believe he was a diagnosed schizoid, though I could be wrong.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: HeyJealousy on 01/23/18 at 6:10 pm

Seriously? No. He's right, the internet has gotten much worse now when it comes to violence and sexual content. It's more likely to pop up on your screen or appear on google images more often now than it did back then. The rise of YouTube and Facebook videos throughout the late 00's and early 10's led to this. Think of all the violent and crazy videos that appear on your Facebook home page EVERYDAY depending on how many friends you have, including Twitter as well (more so that site). NOTHING compares where we are now to back then when social media wasn't even that widespread. Newgrounds was just a nerd site, but everybody is on Twitter and Facebook 24/7. It always starts small then it gets bigger and bigger. Even without going to the sites, Google images of YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr, WorldStarHipHop, and INSTAGRAM for damn sure can pop up and could easily have porn content without even trying to search for it. What is considered as semi-porn now (all it's okay) was considered as legit porn (hell naw you're fired!) back during the old internet days.

I take it you've never actually been to any of those actual "gore sites".
Look up Daniel Petry if you want to see "violent and crazy" at its rawest and finest.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: HeyJealousy on 01/23/18 at 6:12 pm

Did you see the Eunumclaw Incident video? ???

Is that the Mr Hands video, where that redneck scumbag molests a horse?

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: 80sfan on 01/23/18 at 6:17 pm

I have no idea what that is and I'm afraid to search it.

I wouldn't.  :-X

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: LyricBoy on 01/23/18 at 6:35 pm

Is that the Mr Hands video, where that redneck scumbag molests a horse?

Well I suppose that it's arguable who molested whom. But the dude ended up dead as a result.  :o

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: Rainbowz on 01/23/18 at 6:43 pm

I can see where you’re coming from. Personally, the Internet started feeling even more creepy to me when Logan Paul uploaded the video of him in a suicide forest showing a dead body.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: mqg96 on 01/23/18 at 6:59 pm

I take it you've never actually been to any of those actual "gore sites".
Look up Daniel Petry if you want to see "violent and crazy" at its rawest and finest.

It has nothing to do with what websites existed back then on when. It has to do with the majority of the world population on a daily basis. There are obviously more people and demographics on the internet now and more frequently than there were back in the early 2000's and even mid 2000's. Your average people are on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on an hourly/daily basis seeing a bunch of crazy posts. That's completely different than a group of nerds or some people going on these websites back in the early 2000's when not everybody had access (or the speed) or some didn't even know those sites period, and these days with so many posts on Twitter, YouTube (thumbnails), Facebook, and Instagram archived, you never know what crazy posts will pop up. You know what the Twitter search bar is for? "What's trending?". Back then you had to wait for newspapers or watching the news. These days you get instant notifications on your phone. Compare that to how more often you see "violent and crazy" stuff on the internet today.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: HeyJealousy on 01/23/18 at 10:54 pm

Well I suppose that it's arguable who molested whom. But the dude ended up dead as a result.  :o

He died in the hospital from his injuries, I believe, but the actual video itself doesn't show his death.
It's a very grainy clip, too, it dates back to around 2003 or so.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: HeyJealousy on 01/23/18 at 11:03 pm

It has nothing to do with what websites existed back then on when. It has to do with the majority of the world population on a daily basis. There are obviously more people and demographics on the internet now and more frequently than there were back in the early 2000's and even mid 2000's. Your average people are on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on an hourly/daily basis seeing a bunch of crazy posts. That's completely different than a group of nerds or some people going on these websites back in the early 2000's when not everybody had access (or the speed) or some didn't even know those sites period, and these days with so many posts on Twitter, YouTube (thumbnails), Facebook, and Instagram archived, you never know what crazy posts will pop up. You know what the Twitter search bar is for? "What's trending?". Back then you had to wait for newspapers or watching the news. These days you get instant notifications on your phone. Compare that to how more often you see "violent and crazy" stuff on the internet today.

I browse Facebook relatively often, and I don't see gore being frequently shoved in my face.
I'm the kinda guy who seeks out disgusting, disturbing material (mainly for self-education purposes, I don't fetishize death like some folks do). I know "violent and crazy" when I see it.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: LyricBoy on 01/24/18 at 12:30 am

I browse Facebook relatively often, and I don't see gore being frequently shoved in my face.
I'm the kinda guy who seeks out disgusting, disturbing material (mainly for self-education purposes, I don't fetishize death like some folks do). I know "violent and crazy" when I see it.

Grainy and disgusting.  8-P

A buddy of mine used to work at the same place as that dude, and he does not like to talk about the what’s come to be known as the Eunumclaw Horse Sex Case.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: HeyJealousy on 01/24/18 at 1:15 am

Grainy and disgusting.  8-P

A buddy of mine used to work at the same place as that dude, and he does not like to talk about the what’s come to be known as the Eunumclaw Horse Sex Case.

Oh, no doubt it was a disgusting case and video.
I couldn't possibly fathom myself engaging in such devious and disgusting behavior. But the poor dude thought it would be a good idea (not sure whether mental illness or alcohol were factors, possibly both). There's a term for it. Zoophillia. I say let the zoophiliacs have their cake, and die from it too.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: LyricBoy on 01/24/18 at 5:30 am

Oh, no doubt it was a disgusting case and video.
I couldn't possibly fathom myself engaging in such devious and disgusting behavior. But the poor dude thought it would be a good idea (not sure whether mental illness or alcohol were factors, possibly both). There's a term for it. Zoophillia. I say let the zoophiliacs have their cake, and die from it too.

Not only he thought it was a "good idea", that was not the first time that he and Mister Hands had a go at it.  :o 8-P

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: Howard on 01/24/18 at 2:19 pm

I was in high school when 2 Girls 1 Cup came out. Kids watched it in class on their laptops and PSPs.  8-P

I cannot even fathom that! 8-P

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: Howard on 01/24/18 at 2:20 pm

I deny that video exists in reality!  ;D  ;D  ;D

I'm pretty sure it does.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: ofkx on 01/25/18 at 7:42 am

Look up Elsagate. It’s a new and very disturbing issue. But tbh the internet has always been a “creepy pasta fest”.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: christopher on 01/29/18 at 11:50 am

I started using the web in 2003, regularly from 2004. Back then most ads were far more innocent, we didn't have the eye worm ad (I think google) places on some websites or the "Housewife finds the secret of eternal youth, doctors hate her", the creepy one where it looks like the lady peels her facial skin. :D We had much less whole-page ads. Maybe there were more pop ups, but I don't really remember. Most ads were small, animated gif banners that could be annoying with their flashing but I didn't mind them as much as present-day ads covering the whole page or background of a page. The Internet is virtually unusable without an Ad blocker these days.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: Howard on 01/30/18 at 2:32 pm

Look up Elsagate. It’s a new and very disturbing issue. But tbh the internet has always been a “creepy pasta fest”.

So, why do they call it "creepy pasta"? ???

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: HeyJealousy on 01/30/18 at 4:23 pm

I started using the web in 2003, regularly from 2004. Back then most ads were far more innocent, we didn't have the eye worm ad (I think google) places on some websites or the "Housewife finds the secret of eternal youth, doctors hate her", the creepy one where it looks like the lady peels her facial skin. :D We had much less whole-page ads. Maybe there were more pop ups, but I don't really remember. Most ads were small, animated gif banners that could be annoying with their flashing but I didn't mind them as much as present-day ads covering the whole page or background of a page. The Internet is virtually unusable without an Ad blocker these days.

Around 2003/2004 was when the "gore community" was in its prime.
If you were just a casual Internet user then, you probably wouldn't realize sites like Ogrish or Rotten even existed.
But those who were a little more "Internet-savvy" (for the lack of better words), were fully aware of the darker and grimmer side of the surface web.
Everybody wanted to see behind the scenes of the Iraq invasion. And let's be honest, that wasn't a war, that was a sheer invasion and infiltration.
The only websites that dared show the gruesome aftermath of the invasion, were "shock sites" like
To this date, the Nick Berg beheading video ranks among the most watched Internet videos since its inception circa-1993. And all thanks to Ogrish and its cousin sites, for making the Internet the "creepy pasta fest" it is today.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: SpyroKev on 02/28/18 at 11:00 pm

Its not just that. Don't ever type (insert legends) and click images. I accidentally seen some sh!t and man, its no joke. Horror fans are crazy as f.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: ofkx on 03/01/18 at 4:11 am

Its not just that. Don't ever type (insert legends) and click images. I accidentally seen some sh!t and man, its no joke. Horror fans are crazy as f.

My dumb ass literally looked up “insert legend” 🙂

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/01/18 at 4:19 am

For a start, it is on the Internet that all this fake news is originated.

Subject: Re: Is it me or the Internet has turned into a creepy pasta fest?

Written By: SpyroKev on 03/01/18 at 10:04 am

My dumbass literally looked up “insert legend” 🙂

Just don't go to images. You should be alright.

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