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Subject: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 12/31/20 at 4:24 pm

I'm getting tired of the restrictions.  >:(

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 12/31/20 at 4:40 pm

Probably 2023. I don't mind masks as much as the social distancing, which I hope ends by late 2021.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 12/31/20 at 4:49 pm

I think the question should actually not be "How long do we HAVE to go on wearing masks" (which you inaccurately refer to as a "restriction"), but "how long SHOULD we go on wearing masks". My answer to that is "hopefully, forever".  If we here in the US had been wearing masks as a matter of course all along, like they do in Japan, you wouldn't have this vocal minority of disgruntled people who feel they are being "restricted". It would just be normal, because it would have been their own idea from the start. Mind you, I'm not saying we should go on wearing masks everywhere, every second of the day, but I can't tell you how many times over the years, pre-pandemic, I was on a crowded bus or train thinking "if only we wore masks like Japan". Because it always seemed that coughs, colds, flu, etc was very easily transmitted on crowded buses and trains. It only makes sense.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 12/31/20 at 5:20 pm

I still believe they are pretty WORTHLESS.

My little family just got back from a Mexican beach vacation, flew on a packed plane down and back  home, and yes they wore masks on plane, but my grandson really resents them and kept taking  his off.    The attendants didn't bother him...and they were all masked up and with those plastic shields.

They said the beach town was wonderful and hardly any masks....

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 12/31/20 at 5:39 pm

I think the question should actually not be "How long do we HAVE to go on wearing masks" (which you inaccurately refer to as a "restriction"), but "how long SHOULD we go on wearing masks". My answer to that is "hopefully, forever".  If we here in the US had been wearing masks as a matter of course all along, like they do in Japan, you wouldn't have this vocal minority of disgruntled people who feel they are being "restricted". It would just be normal, because it would have been their own idea from the start. Mind you, I'm not saying we should go on wearing masks everywhere, every second of the day, but I can't tell you how many times over the years, pre-pandemic, I was on a crowded bus or train thinking "if only we wore masks like Japan". Because it always seemed that coughs, colds, flu, etc was very easily transmitted on crowded buses and trains. It only makes sense.

Yeah, this. I can see myself wearing masks long after the pandemic is over. It's the courteous thing to do if you have a sneeze. Plus, it's perfect for a quick grocery or cornershop run when you don't feel like shaving or getting ready. ;D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 12/31/20 at 7:14 pm

Well  you keep wearing your mask  young man, when I sneeze and I've been sneezing for over 80 yrs and never needed a mask.....good grief.... ::) ::)

Here  is one essay on the Mask Worthlessness, there are more:

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/01/21 at 2:23 am

Why do I even bother....

Here is the study the conspiracy dude is taking his data from:

I can't find "masks are worthless" anywhere in there....

BTW conspiracy dude also claims that the virus is pretty harmless as a lot of the infected Marine recruits in the study didn't show symptoms... Too bad we're not all young and healthy Marines I guess.... Someone needs to tell that to all the people who are dying from it... Make of that what you will....8-P

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Early2010sGuy on 01/01/21 at 4:44 am

Maybe 2022, I don't really care about masks, as long as we can stop social distancing  :\'( I really want this pandemic done and over with!

In China, and most especially Wuhan, life is back to normal although they're using masks as a way to prevent Covid-19, or to not spread diseases while they're sick.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Sman12 on 01/01/21 at 7:25 am

Maybe 2022, I don't really care about masks, as long as we can stop social distancing  :\'( I really want this pandemic done and over with!

In China, and most especially Wuhan, life is back to normal although they're using masks as a way to prevent Covid-19, or to not spread diseases while they're sick.

Hopefully America's like that this summer.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/01/21 at 12:36 pm

Why do I even bother....

Here is the study the conspiracy dude is taking his data from:

I can't find "masks are worthless" anywhere in there....

BTW conspiracy dude also claims that the virus is pretty harmless as a lot of the infected Marine recruits in the study didn't show symptoms... Too bad we're not all young and healthy Marines I guess.... Someone needs to tell that to all the people who are dying from it... Make of that what you will....8-P

Tragic that ALL t hose dying are NOT taking the wonderful great immune system supports I've talked about since day 1, but no one here wants to hear that.... 

On Worthless Masks, but you ALL  keep wearing  your masks... 

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 01/01/21 at 12:59 pm

Tragic that ALL t hose dying are NOT taking the wonderful great immune system supports I've talked about since day 1, but no one here wants to hear that.... 

On Worthless Masks, but you ALL  keep wearing  your masks...

I do take vitamin supplements. I can’t do grape seeds because as you said they don’t mix well with blood thinners. That’s my number one thing especially in the winter.

It’s unfortunate that masks work better in the offense than the defense. For the most part it’s asking the inconsiderate people to be careful. Not gonna happen. I think a good comparison is having to walk a violent city street to go about your duties. You can put on a bulletproof vest but it won’t stop you from getting shot in the head. The best solution is for the offenders to use care where they shoot or not shoot at all, but that won’t happen. Too bad we don’t have a better defensive solution besides a full suit of armor (hazmat suit).

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/01/21 at 1:37 pm

As I have heard so much and still do,,,the "cures are worse than the disease".... the cures the govt pushes, masks etc...never Vit C, D, Zinc etc etc etc..

I can't imagine how an intelligent thinking person trusts the govt.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/01/21 at 2:28 pm

Tragic that ALL t hose dying are NOT taking the wonderful great immune system supports I've talked about since day 1, but no one here wants to hear that.... 

How do you know? Where does your data come from that none of them took your supplements and I would like an answer this time!

As I have heard so much and still do,,,the "cures are worse than the disease".... the cures the govt pushes, masks etc...never Vit C, D, Zinc etc etc etc..

I can't imagine how an intelligent thinking person trusts the govt.
And I can't imagine how an intelligent being can trust the conspiracy crowd. They have lied to you again and again and yet you still trust them.
Remember "the virus has never been isolated", "The Virus doesn't exist!", "the virus does exist but is harmless", "the virus was made to depopulate the world", "masks are useless even though my data doesn't back it up..." , "bleach is good against aids and cancer" and "articles about deaths because of vaccines"?. How many more lies do you need to wake up?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 01/01/21 at 2:59 pm

I haven't looked into this yet, but I wonder if there have been more armed robberies since everyone has been wearing masks. 

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/01/21 at 3:18 pm

I'm getting tired of the restrictions.  >:(

Hopefully soon, my earlobes are killing me from wearing them around my ears.  :(

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/01/21 at 3:19 pm

Probably 2023. I don't mind masks as much as the social distancing, which I hope ends by late 2021.

So we'll have to wait 2 more years? Who will be the one to tell us to stop wearing the masks? The Governor or Dr. Fauci?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/01/21 at 3:21 pm

Yeah, this. I can see myself wearing masks long after the pandemic is over. It's the courteous thing to do if you have a sneeze. Plus, it's perfect for a quick grocery or cornershop run when you don't feel like shaving or getting ready. ;D

Well use a tissue or handkerchief.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/01/21 at 4:12 pm

I haven't looked into this yet, but I wonder if there have been more armed robberies since everyone has been wearing masks.

For sure, who the H knows who could friend or foe, with all the stupid  masks....and I mean stupid...

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/01/21 at 5:43 pm

Well use a tissue or handkerchief.

You should sneeze into your elbow even if you have mask on. :o I was just saying sneeze in case you have a minor cold.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/02/21 at 3:02 am

Don’t know if this will play here. A clip from an interview with Professor Hugh Montgomery, professor of intensive care medicine on the current situation and the new variant. This new variant is slightly more transmissible than the previous virus, but is essentially the same. The numbers are going up because people aren’t following the rules of staying two metres apart, wearing a mask, and frequent hand washing/not touching their face.

Sample quote “anyone listening to this who doesn’t wear their mask - they have blood on their hands”

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/02/21 at 3:32 am

How do you know? Where does your data come from that none of them took your supplements and I would like an answer this time!

Still waiting....

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/02/21 at 4:41 am

For sure, who the H knows who could friend or foe, with all the stupid  masks....and I mean stupid...

I know exactly what you're talking about, you could go into a bank and they would probably think you're about to rob them.  ::)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/02/21 at 4:41 am

You should sneeze into your elbow even if you have mask on. :o I was just saying sneeze in case you have a minor cold.

But that would leave a wet spot on my arm sleeve.  ::)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: suoerflykid2008 on 01/02/21 at 8:38 am

Probably late fall around Oct-Dec. The vaccine basically just keeps the person who takes it from getting sick, but your body can still carry the virus and until everyone else is vaccinated, it can still spread and get others sick. It’ll be a while before the majority gets vaccinated for many reasons, including skepticism.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: batfan2005 on 01/02/21 at 8:52 am

I think the question should actually not be "How long do we HAVE to go on wearing masks" (which you inaccurately refer to as a "restriction"), but "how long SHOULD we go on wearing masks". My answer to that is "hopefully, forever".  If we here in the US had been wearing masks as a matter of course all along, like they do in Japan, you wouldn't have this vocal minority of disgruntled people who feel they are being "restricted". It would just be normal, because it would have been their own idea from the start. Mind you, I'm not saying we should go on wearing masks everywhere, every second of the day, but I can't tell you how many times over the years, pre-pandemic, I was on a crowded bus or train thinking "if only we wore masks like Japan". Because it always seemed that coughs, colds, flu, etc was very easily transmitted on crowded buses and trains. It only makes sense.

I lived in Japan for 3 years and I agree. I always like their way of doing things and their culture of respect and courtesy. Of course the vocal minority you mention are also likely the nationalistic and xenophobic type so if you told them that's how they do in Japan they'll just tell you to move there and possibly worse, because "This is Am'rrka, the greeeeatest couuuuuntry in the wooorld, the country of freedom!"

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Don Carlos on 01/02/21 at 10:08 am

As I have heard so much and still do,,,the "cures are worse than the disease".... the cures the govt pushes, masks etc...never Vit C, D, Zinc etc etc etc..

I can't imagine how an intelligent thinking person trusts the govt.

What Elor said.

I don't get how you can say that, with over 340,000 and counting dead from COVID that the cure is worse than the disease.  The last disease this bad was the "Spanish" flue. 

I don't recall anyone here saying that supplements are bad.  Clearly we all need vitamins (A,B,C,D etc) and minerals (iron, zinc, magnesium, etc). Ideally we get them through our food but there is nothing wrong with taking extra (within reason, to much can be toxic), but supplements ARE NOT a panacea.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/02/21 at 2:02 pm

Don’t know if this will play here. A clip from an interview with Professor Hugh Montgomery, professor of intensive care medicine on the current situation and the new variant. This new variant is slightly more transmissible than the previous virus, but is essentially the same. The numbers are going up because people aren’t following the rules of staying two metres apart, wearing a mask, and frequent hand washing/not touching their face.

Sample quote “anyone listening to this who doesn’t wear their mask - they have blood on their hands”

Oh brother, no blood on my hands!!!!!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/02/21 at 2:05 pm

What Elor said.

I don't get how you can say that, with over 340,000 and counting dead from COVID that the cure is worse than the disease.  The last disease this bad was the "Spanish" flue. 

I don't recall anyone here saying that supplements are bad.  Clearly we all need vitamins (A,B,C,D etc) and minerals (iron, zinc, magnesium, etc). Ideally we get them through our food but there is nothing wrong with taking extra (within reason, to much can be toxic), but supplements ARE NOT a panacea.

And your masks are?????  Were you around for the spanish flu and survived?????

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 01/02/21 at 2:17 pm

And your masks are?????  Were you around for the spanish flu and survived?????

Well, the good Don Carlos is older than dirt.  ;D


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: LyricBoy on 01/02/21 at 2:18 pm

Were you around for the spanish flu and survived?????

My Aunt Maggie was around for the Spanish Flu.  And she did not survive it.    :\'(

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/02/21 at 2:42 pm

My parents were 9 and  10, and lived to 91 and I guess they survived...

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/02/21 at 3:07 pm

Well, the good Don Carlos is older than dirt.  ;D


How many times do I have to tell you he is not old. He is chronologically challenged.  :D ;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/02/21 at 3:26 pm

Oh brother, no blood on my hands!!!!!
How do you know? Do you know how many people you may have influenced with your careless posts? Maybe some took your "advice" and didn't wear masks and infected others. There is no telling whether you have caused illness and death or not but you can't rule it out for certain. You're playing with people's lives but I doubt you're realizing that or actually care.

Tragic that ALL t hose dying are NOT taking the wonderful great immune system supports I've talked about since day 1, but no one here wants to hear that.... 

How do you know? Where does your data come from that none of them took your supplements and I would like an answer this time!

Still waiting....

Do I get an answer or do I have to assume that you just made that up a.k.a. lied?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/02/21 at 3:33 pm

Oh brother, no blood on my hands!!!!!

Did you listen to it?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/03/21 at 1:49 am

Do I get an answer or do I have to assume that you just made that up a.k.a. lied?

Still nothing?
Well, I have my answer then.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/03/21 at 12:27 pm

I don't have to answer to you Elor, read the links I've posted...I'm not the maker of the masks and I choose NOT to wear one if I can help it.....Read read read the links...

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/03/21 at 12:33 pm

I don't have to answer to you Elor, read the links I've posted...I'm not the maker of the masks and I choose NOT to wear one if I can help it.....Read read read the links...

He wants you to prove that all the people that died were not taking any form of vitamin supplement or what ever other thing you are saying they should do so as not to get sick. You asserted that they were not doing this, but have not done anything to prove it.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/03/21 at 1:14 pm

I don't have to answer to you Elor, read the links I've posted...I'm not the maker of the masks and I choose NOT to wear one if I can help it.....Read read read the links...
I have and none mentioned that no one took supplements. So you just made the stuff up yet again. BTW maybe you should actually read the sources of your conspiracy guys. They usually contradict their articles.

It's funny, your track record of being right is pretty much non existent.

You fell for the guy claiming the virus has never been isolated even though the study he linked to as evidence didn't say that at all but you didn't notice that
You fell for the guy claiming masks are useless even though the study he linked for as evidence doesn't say so but you didn't notice that
you were the one claiming that you had an article about deaths caused by vaccines which turned out to be a blatant lie by you as the article never mentioned any deaths by vaccines
you claimed that none of the people who died from COVID took supplements without being able to back it up
You were the one not seeing that her conspiracy theories were mutually exclusive and therefore most of them had to be wrong
and you were the one telling Howard to forget about filling out his COVID form while not knowing the legal consequences he could have faced (this one probably pissed me off the most)
Wow! You have so little understanding of the topic yet dare to tell other people to read. Your hubris is amazing.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/03/21 at 1:19 pm

I lived in Japan for 3 years and I agree. I always like their way of doing things and their culture of respect and courtesy. Of course the vocal minority you mention are also likely the nationalistic and xenophobic type so if you told them that's how they do in Japan they'll just tell you to move there and possibly worse, because "This is Am'rrka, the greeeeatest couuuuuntry in the wooorld, the country of freedom!"

I'm real jealous. I wouldn't mind living there for a few years. I don't think my life would be better but definitely a very interesting experience. :D

Asian countries had a natural advantage in pandemics because of the conformist culture. People don't like to stick out or bring attention to themselves. In the West it is uniqueness that is celebrated even if the only thing making someone unique is how uniquely stupid they are. I saw those anti-mask protests coming from a mile away so I'm glad they're mandatory.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/03/21 at 1:26 pm

Bottom line HERE, all of you mostly are non supplement and into the pharma drugs and nothing I can do or say will make a hell hole of difference...done....and SHEEP who follow the "rules" of the govt and the likes of them.....not this gal....I question it all and go with what I believe is the right way for me and as I've said I'm not alone.

You mostly are in your SOCIAL MEDICINE world and that is where you will stay....

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/03/21 at 1:40 pm

Bottom line HERE, all of you mostly are non supplement and into the pharma drugs and nothing I can do or say will make a hell hole of difference...done....and SHEEP who follow the "rules" of the govt and the likes of them.....not this gal....I question it all and go with what I believe is the right way for me and as I've said I'm not alone.

You mostly are in your SOCIAL MEDICINE world and that is where you will stay....
Really? That's all? Calling others sheep while falling for every single conman no questions asked? Sorry but you questioning it all is the biggest joke I've heard on this board. You question absolutely nothing if it's against the official line and supports your narrative or you would have easily found the contradictions in the articles with their actual sources. You will gladly swallow it all and even when evidence is laid out for you you will still refuse to see it. Now THAT is sheep like behavior.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/03/21 at 2:07 pm

I'm the Lone Sheep here and even the person who led me here, gets attacked....I've seen that enough....

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/03/21 at 2:09 pm

I'm the Lone Sheep here and even the person who led me here, gets attacked....I've seen that enough....

What does this even mean?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/03/21 at 2:10 pm

Bottom line HERE, all of you mostly are non supplement and into the pharma drugs and nothing I can do or say will make a hell hole of difference...done....and SHEEP who follow the "rules" of the govt and the likes of them.....not this gal....I question it all and go with what I believe is the right way for me and as I've said I'm not alone.

You mostly are in your SOCIAL MEDICINE world and that is where you will stay....

Once again you think you know us. I, for one take a bunch of supplements and do not take any prescription drugs.

As for being sheep-most of us don't follow rules just because someone tells us to. When it comes to this virus, we follow the guidelines that have been put out by the EXPERTS in the field-not some joe schome who has a blog or got his/her degree out of the bottom of a Crackerjack box.

You say you go with what you believe is right. Did you ever think that you might be wrong? And yes, even experts are wrong from time to time but they admit it, make adjustments and move on.

And I have no idea what you mean by Social Medicine world.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/03/21 at 3:00 pm

What does this even mean?

Karen you are smart,  you can figure it out.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/03/21 at 3:15 pm

And your masks are?????  Were you around for the spanish flu and survived?????

He couldn't be that old?  :o

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/03/21 at 3:16 pm

Karen you are smart,  you can figure it out.

Well I interpret it as you are the only one who doesn’t think for themselves but follows the crowd. And someone else here told you about this website and told you to post here. This person is being attacked by other members here in your opinion.

Or possibly the Lone Sheep bit means you feel you are a leader that we should be following for some reason?

Why not actually post what you meant and then we won’t be able to misinterpret it in the future or be accused of putting words into your mouth

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/03/21 at 3:18 pm

Until my ears fall off?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/03/21 at 4:11 pm

I'm the Lone Sheep here and even the person who led me here, gets attacked....I've seen that enough....

So does that mean you are going to leave?


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/03/21 at 8:06 pm

Until my ears fall off?

I wonder how much this "high-tech" mask weighs.

Subject: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Dude111 on 01/03/21 at 11:31 pm

I'm getting tired of the restrictions.  >:(

Just dont do it thats all.... Thankfully hardily any place I go trys to force it.....

I dont like being treated like cattle!!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/04/21 at 10:35 am

Just dont do it thats all.... Thankfully hardily any place I go trys to force it.....

I dont like being treated like cattle!!

And others don't like dying from a preventable disease or go into prolonged lockdowns because some
people don't follow the rules and help spread the virus just because wearing a mask and staying 6 feet apart is too much to ask for... ::)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/04/21 at 10:40 am

Over the past few weeks it has occurred to me that if dinosaurs (used as collective term) wore face masks when the Earth volcanoes erupted causing their extinction, the dinosaurs would had survived?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 01/04/21 at 10:49 am

Over the past few weeks it has occurred to me that if dinosaurs (used as collective term) wore face masks when the Earth volcanoes erupted causing their extinction, the dinosaurs would had survived?

I don't think so because it wasn't a virus that killed off the dinosaurs. They really couldn't adapt to any changes. They were rather impractically built creatures. Nature was new at that kind of thing back then.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/04/21 at 10:50 am

I don't think so because it wasn't a virus that killed off the dinosaurs. They really couldn't adapt to any changes. They were rather impractically built creatures. Nature was new at that kind of thing back then.
Not a virus but breathing in the volcanic ash which can be harmful to the lungs.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Don Carlos on 01/04/21 at 11:41 am

I don't think so because it wasn't a virus that killed off the dinosaurs. They really couldn't adapt to any changes. They were rather impractically built creatures. Nature was new at that kind of thing back then.

Actually, they were very well adapted and as a group lived for millions of years, adapting to the gradual changes that occurred over the various geological epochs.  They were wiped out by a massive climate catastrophe caused by the impact of an asteroid near the Yucatan peninsula - much worse that the results of volcanic eruptions like Krakatoa   

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 01/04/21 at 11:59 am

Actually, they were very well adapted and as a group lived for millions of years, adapting to the gradual changes that occurred over the various geological epochs.  They were wiped out by a massive climate catastrophe caused by the impact of an asteroid near the Yucatan peninsula - much worse that the results of volcanic eruptions like Krakatoa 

Yes, even if it was breathing volcanic ash, that would only happen locally. A mass of erupting volcanoes, or asteroid, would send so much debris into the atmosphere that the sun would be blocked for a long time. Enough to cause drastic climate change, and plants (food) not to grow.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/04/21 at 12:04 pm

And others don't like dying from a preventable disease or go into prolonged lockdowns because some
people don't follow the rules and help spread the virus just because wearing a mask and staying 6 feet apart is too much to ask for... ::)

The sky is falling, grab that mask and distance...all those Made Up rules now going on 1 yr later....good to know some 99.5% or so have not died....

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/04/21 at 12:11 pm

The sky is falling, grab that mask and distance...all those Made Up rules now going on 1 yr later....good to know some 99.5% or so have not died....
So a 0.5% mortality rate is acceptable to you with over 200.000 infections per day? You are willing to sacrifice 10.000 people per day because you can't be arsed to put on a mask? BTW you are aware that people like you are contributing to the duration of lock downs and the strictness? But that has most likely never crossed your narrow mind....

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/04/21 at 12:26 pm

So a 0.5% mortality rate is acceptable to you with over 200.000 infections per day? You are willing to sacrifice 10.000 people per day because you can't be arsed to put on a mask? BTW you are aware that people like you are contributing to the duration of lock downs and the strictness? But that has most likely never crossed your narrow mind....

If you want to believe all the numbers you spew out that you "hear" go right ahead, I do choose to live in fear and I do not.  And of the over 6billion population I'm  not worried about your numbers....

Death is inevitable  and we happen to live in this mess of covid, which as I've said from the start --- all pretty much planned...

You are the one with the  narrow mind, mine is very open to many possibilities of what is going on.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/04/21 at 12:53 pm

If you want to believe all the numbers you spew out that you "hear" go right ahead, I do choose to live in fear and I do not.  And of the over 6billion population I'm  not worried about your numbers....

Death is inevitable  and we happen to live in this mess of covid, which as I've said from the start --- all pretty much planned...

You are the one with the  narrow mind, mine is very open to many possibilities of what is going on.
Yeah, your mind is so open that you fall for every conman out there without thinking for yourself or analyzing what they actually say. You have proven that beyond any doubt here. I don't have to put up that list, again do I?

BTW do you really believe that we follow the rules just because the big bad government told us to? If so you're mistaken. We follow the rules because we actually educated ourselves on the topic and came to the conclusion that it makes the most sense.
I also read each and every of your articles and found them to be lacking (that's the polite term for hilariously stupid) and could deconstruct them easily. How an adult is able to fall for that is actually beyond me. So yes, I made my choice after considering both sides and went for the one that made sense and rejected the stuff I could easily prove wrong.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/04/21 at 12:56 pm

You are in Germany right, and I believe I mentioned I was ONCE married to an american about closed  minds...

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/04/21 at 12:59 pm

You are in Germany right, and I believe I mentioned I was ONCE married to an american about closed  minds...
What does this have to do with anything? Good lord you're making an even bigger fool out of yourself.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/04/21 at 1:10 pm

What does this have to do with anything? Good lord you're making an even bigger fool out of yourself.

No I'm making a point about YOUR inflexible background...

Reminds me too of a friend who has a friend stay with her from Dusseldorf just about every year and this woman is so Rigid, but some flexibility as she has dual citizenships as she worked in lived in the U.S. for decades.  But boy she is Rigid. 

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/04/21 at 1:13 pm

No I'm making a point about YOUR inflexible background...
Inflexible background... good god are you 12?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/04/21 at 1:23 pm

Inflexible background... good god are you 12?

No you know I'm 82 and have not gotten this far being Rigid. 

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/04/21 at 1:52 pm

You are in Germany right, and I believe I mentioned I was ONCE married to an american about closed  minds...

You’re in America aren’t you? I met an American that everyone in the room thought was annoying and loud mouthed. Does that mean you are annoying and loud mouthed?

Can you see how silly it is to say things like this? It makes your comments on any topic seem worthless when you resort to childish insults.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/04/21 at 2:03 pm

*Puts on Mod Hat

Ok Everyone. Chill or I will lock this thread.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/04/21 at 3:14 pm

I wonder how much this "high-tech" mask weighs.

What's high tech about it?  ???

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/04/21 at 3:15 pm

Just dont do it thats all.... Thankfully hardily any place I go trys to force it.....

I dont like being treated like cattle!!

I think they're right, maybe we are being treated like sheep or cattle, maybe we were told to act like the Chinese do.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/04/21 at 6:14 pm

What's high tech about it?  ???

I found this product description

Featuring a couple of H13 HEPA filters - the kind of filters LG, Dyson, Philips and co. stick in their home air purifiers - the idea is that the PuriCare Wearable Air Purifier goes above and beyond what a regular face mask provides.

Instead of just giving you (and people around you) a bit of added protection from you-know-what, it also adds a load of extra benefits such as breathing purified air and boasts UV-LED lights that kills harmful germs.

The mask is able to take in clean, filtered air, and there’s a Respiratory Sensor built in that detects the cycle and volume of the user’s breathing and adjusts the dual three-speed fans accordingly.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 01/04/21 at 8:03 pm

I found this product description

That seems like overkill to me. Certainly it will cost $100 at a minimum and possibly in the neighborhood of $200-300, and is it really necessary?

It reeks of trying to exploit people's fears for product.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/04/21 at 8:35 pm

That seems like overkill to me. Certainly it will cost $100 at a minimum and possibly in the neighborhood of $200-300, and is it really necessary?

It reeks of trying to exploit people's fears for product.

When I first heard about it I half thought it was a joke and half thought it was not a bad idea. ;D

I think it was made with pollution in mind though rather than viruses. It costs 45,000 Indian rupees, or US$615 :o

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Don Carlos on 01/05/21 at 11:00 am

You are in Germany right, and I believe I mentioned I was ONCE married to an american about closed  minds...

I know an Italian guy who cheats at poker.  I guess that means that ALL Italian guys cheat at poker.

If this sort of remark were made with reference to a black, Latino, Muslim, or east Asian person it would be considered racist. 

I'm Puerto Rican and I agree with Elor's position on this issue.  I guess that makes me closed minded too

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/05/21 at 2:30 pm

I know an Italian guy who cheats at poker.  I guess that means that ALL Italian guys cheat at poker.

If this sort of remark were made with reference to a black, Latino, Muslim, or east Asian person it would be considered racist. 

I'm Puerto Rican and I agree with Elor's position on this issue.  I guess that makes me closed minded too

Yup-that is is why I warned you not to play with a certain brother-in-law.  ;) Of course he cheats at just about everything.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/06/21 at 2:30 pm

I'm starting to wear a bandana cause my left ear was bleeding a bit from the strap being around my ear so much and it felt like pins and needles going through my earlobes.  :(

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AmericanGirl on 01/06/21 at 2:35 pm

I'm starting to wear a bandana cause my left ear was bleeding a bit from the strap being around my ear so much and it felt like pins and needles going through my earlobes.  :(

Sorry to hear that, Howard  :(

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/06/21 at 3:12 pm

I'm starting to wear a bandana cause my left ear was bleeding a bit from the strap being around my ear so much and it felt like pins and needles going through my earlobes.  :(


Amazon sell ear savers. They fit round the back of your head and pull the elastic of your ears.  There are loads of different types. This link is for U.K. based companies, but I am sure you can find something similar

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/06/21 at 3:15 pm

Sorry to hear that, Howard  :(

It's OK, I'm feeling a bit better what it was, was the pressure of the wrap-around staying there for hours around my earlobe, so I am taking a brief break and will wear a bandana for the time being until it heals.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Early2010sGuy on 01/06/21 at 3:50 pm

I'm starting to wear a bandana cause my left ear was bleeding a bit from the strap being around my ear so much and it felt like pins and needles going through my earlobes.  :(
Ouch... Sorry to hear that 😬

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/07/21 at 7:06 am

Ouch... Sorry to hear that 😬

My Father wants me to continue to wear the mask but I'd rather wear a bandana and he said to put some lotion behind the ears for massage.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: KatanaChick on 01/07/21 at 1:39 pm

I'm starting to wear a bandana cause my left ear was bleeding a bit from the strap being around my ear so much and it felt like pins and needles going through my earlobes.  :(

Sounds like the mask was too tight. Find one that's looser fitting. I need to wear ones that are light weight or I suffocate in them otherwise.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/07/21 at 1:52 pm

From all the mask experts, they NEED to be tight for the effectiveness that it's said they do...I can't imagine wearing one. 

Sorry Howard for the pretty bad irritation....

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/07/21 at 2:15 pm

Sounds like the mask was too tight. Find one that's looser fitting. I need to wear ones that are light weight or I suffocate in them otherwise.

I think the mask was on too tight and it was stretching my earlobes that it felt like pins and needles most of the time, maybe I need to find one that comfortable for my ears.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/07/21 at 2:16 pm

From all the mask experts, they NEED to be tight for the effectiveness that it's said they do...I can't imagine wearing one. 

Sorry Howard for the pretty bad irritation....

It's OK, maybe I need to find a more comfortable one.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/07/21 at 3:43 pm

I think the mask was on too tight and it was stretching my earlobes that it felt like pins and needles most of the time, maybe I need to find one that comfortable for my ears.

The elastic shouldn’t be so tight as to pull on your ears,  but the mask itself needs to fit closely to your face. It is possible to get this to work.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 01/07/21 at 3:47 pm

It's OK, maybe I need to find a more comfortable one.

Look for one with thinner elastic. Everyone talked about 1/4” elastic in the beginning. It kept pulling off my ears and hurt too. My U of M masks have elastic that’s like 3/32”. I wear them all day and sometimes forget it’s on. Like a seat belt.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/08/21 at 3:44 am

The elastic shouldn’t be so tight as to pull on your ears,  but the mask itself needs to fit closely to your face. It is possible to get this to work.

How do you get this to work, I do have it close to my face.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/08/21 at 1:27 pm

Unbelievable how most of  you think breathing in your stinkin dirty breath is a good thing!!!!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/08/21 at 1:41 pm

Unbelievable how most of  you think breathing in your stinkin dirty breath is a good thing!!!!
Research suggests that a mask reduces the volume of germs the wearer breathes in, protecting the wearer from getting sick. So if you leave your nose uncovered, you're breathing in more particles from the air around you, putting yourself at greater risk of catching COVID-19.,risk%20of%20catching%20COVID-19.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/08/21 at 1:58 pm

Unbelievable how most of  you think breathing in your stinkin dirty breath is a good thing!!!!

My breath doesn’t stink

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/08/21 at 2:16 pm

Oh there is so MUCH info on the mask business, wear them if you think they are saving you....I know what is protecting me and it's NOT masks.

God forbid taking Vit C, D, Zinc, Quercein and others.... to strengthen the god given immune system one is born with.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/08/21 at 2:56 pm

Oh there is so MUCH info on the mask business, wear them if you think they are saving you....I know what is protecting me and it's NOT masks.

God forbid taking Vit C, D, Zinc, Quercein and others.... to strengthen the god given immune system one is born with.

why wearing a mask can help

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/08/21 at 4:20 pm

Oh there is so MUCH info on the mask business, wear them if you think they are saving you....I know what is protecting me and it's NOT masks.

God forbid taking Vit C, D, Zinc, Quercein and others.... to strengthen the god given immune system one is born with.

Are we running in circles? Cause last time I checked we had already discussed that and no one here was against supplements that have a proven beneficial effect. So why do you beat the dead horse? Or is it because we don't take stuff that has no quantifiable effect on the human body?

For the rest of your post we've been there and done that to death over the last months too. So far you're "info" on that matter was very uncompelling. Actually it was usually from conmen meant to impress stupid people who don't think critically, don't check the sources, have very little knowledge on the subject and will swallow everything unquestioned as long as it's a conspiracy theory.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/08/21 at 7:34 pm

::) ::) ::)  As I said God Forbid, why take food based supplements to help our immune systems, what does food have to do with it all?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/09/21 at 3:45 am

::) ::) ::)  As I said God Forbid, why take food based supplements to help our immune systems, what does food have to do with it all?

Did Elor mention food? I think he just said supplements proven to work.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/09/21 at 7:11 am

Unbelievable how most of  you think breathing in your stinkin dirty breath is a good thing!!!!

I don't like breathing in my bad breath.  8-P

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/09/21 at 7:13 am

My breath doesn’t stink

I try to brush my teeth as much as possible.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Don Carlos on 01/09/21 at 9:46 am

It's clear that there is no reasoning with Jammin.  We just keep going around and around beating the same dead horse.  In a way she's like Trump, accusing other of her own faults, like her rigid thinking, or is it UNthinking? 

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: KatanaChick on 01/09/21 at 11:31 am

I don't like breathing in my bad breath.  8-P

Those masks get gross after a day and I brush my teeth more than once a day.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 01/09/21 at 12:21 pm

Those masks get gross after a day and I brush my teeth more than once a day.

Don't you have more than one mask?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/09/21 at 1:17 pm

It's clear that there is no reasoning with Jammin.  We just keep going around and around beating the same dead horse.  In a way she's like Trump, accusing other of her own faults, like her rigid thinking, or is it UNthinking?

Talk about rigid, look in the mirror.  I am so far from rigid, and I'm not a trumper but he didn't have the worst suggestions early on with Covid... and I'm not a Biden fan as I don't believe in more masks and lockdowns, that has been going on and where are we???  Supposedly more cases, more deaths, if we believe all the media fear.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/09/21 at 1:30 pm

Talk about rigid, look in the mirror.  I am so far from rigid, and I'm not a trumper but he didn't have the worst suggestions early on with Covid... and I'm not a Biden fan as I don't believe in more masks and lockdowns, that has been going on and where are we???  Supposedly more cases, more deaths, if we believe all the media fear.

Not supposedly, actually

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: GH1996 on 01/09/21 at 1:52 pm

Things are almost back to normal here in Melbourne Australia, mask aren’t required anymore, we were under a long strict lockdown though.
Curfews, businesses closed and our state was hit the hardest, now we have less than 1000 active cases. Just in time for summer.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/09/21 at 1:59 pm

Those masks get gross after a day and I brush my teeth more than once a day.

Plus my nose is almost running, I sometimes have nasal drip so I wipe the snot on my mask.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/09/21 at 2:00 pm

Don't you have more than one mask?

My Father bought a whole box of masks.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/09/21 at 6:17 pm

Oh Howard, talk about germs...

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 01/09/21 at 11:58 pm

Those masks get gross after a day and I brush my teeth more than once a day.

I have a few. And every now and then I spray the ones I’m not using with disinfectant and let them air out.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/10/21 at 2:37 am

I have a few. And every now and then I spray the ones I’m not using with disinfectant and let them air out.

I have several and use them in rotation. I wash them with detergent and hot water.

The mask helps cut down transmission by droplet transfer. They are not designed to be air tight, no mask is. When wearing one you still need to keep some distance between you and others and practice good hand and face hygiene

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/10/21 at 8:18 am

I have a few. And every now and then I spray the ones I’m not using with disinfectant and let them air out.

I wash them under hot water and soap.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/10/21 at 12:25 pm

I have several and use them in rotation. I wash them with detergent and hot water.

The mask helps cut down transmission by droplet transfer. They are not designed to be air tight, no mask is. When wearing one you still need to keep some distance between you and others and practice good hand and face hygiene

It's almost laughable how some buy into the mask wearing, the droplet theory, not to be airtight... so many DIFFERENT theories on the mask issue. 

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/10/21 at 12:45 pm

I use surgical masks so I don't rewear any of them, unless I only wore it for <30 minutes.

I've been thinking of getting a rewearable mask for walks outdoors. It wouldn't really do anything, but truth be told I like virtue signalling.  ;D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/10/21 at 12:47 pm

... so many DIFFERENT theories on the mask issue.
Only among conspiracy theorists.... ::)
The people in the real world have a pretty good understanding on how that works.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/10/21 at 1:37 pm

It's almost laughable how some buy into the mask wearing, the droplet theory, not to be airtight... so many DIFFERENT theories on the mask issue.

Yes, we get that you are anti-mask. You have said that over and over again. And yes, we get that you have posted several links to "prove" your point but they have been debunked. We also get that no matter how much we inform you to the science of it, you will refuse the info. So why don't you just drop it.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/10/21 at 1:39 pm

It's almost laughable how some buy into the mask wearing, the droplet theory, not to be airtight... so many DIFFERENT theories on the mask issue.

These are not different theories, it is an explanation of the purpose behind mask wearing.

If they are air tight then you need an oxygen supply - totally different thing

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/10/21 at 1:59 pm

It's almost laughable how some buy into the mask wearing, the droplet theory, not to be airtight... so many DIFFERENT theories on the mask issue.

So what do you think when you see a bunch of people wearing face masks and you're not? What goes through your mind?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/10/21 at 11:53 pm

So what do you think when you see a bunch of people wearing face masks and you're not? What goes through your mind?
Probably a feeling of superiority. That's why so many people with sub par education and knowledge go for conspiracy theories. In their fantasy world they want to be the smart and wise ones. The ones who have figured it all out and are better than the others who are just "staggering around in the dark, unable to see the truth". 

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/11/21 at 12:42 am

Research suggests that a mask reduces the volume of germs the wearer breathes in, protecting the wearer from getting sick. So if you leave your nose uncovered, you're breathing in more particles from the air around you, putting yourself at greater risk of catching COVID-19.,risk%20of%20catching%20COVID-19.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/11/21 at 7:33 am

Probably a feeling of superiority. That's why so many people with sub par education and knowledge go for conspiracy theories. In their fantasy world they want to be the smart and wise ones. The ones who have figured it all out and are better than the others who are just "staggering around in the dark, unable to see the truth".

I don't know Elor, maybe we are being treated like cattle and sheep, maybe we are doing the things that the Chinese and Japanese are doing.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 01/11/21 at 9:49 am

Probably a feeling of superiority. That's why so many people with sub par education and knowledge go for conspiracy theories. In their fantasy world they want to be the smart and wise ones. The ones who have figured it all out and are better than the others who are just "staggering around in the dark, unable to see the truth".

I think it's actually a sense of helplessness that makes people believe in so many conspiracy theories. It gives them a handle on the chaos swirling around them. Mind you, I think some conspiracy theories have merit, such as "who really killed JFK?". But some of these theories today are getting more and more ridiculous.

Here's the thing that nobody ever talks about----did you ever notice that people who believe in conspiracy theories, no matter how outlandish, ALWAYS just assume that the mysterious people perpetrating them are SUCEEDING? It never occurs to them that these mysterious people behind the curtain could be screwing up badly just like the people (politicians, etc) in front of the curtain. What makes these hidden people so much more competent and brilliant than the people we can see? The whole lynchpin that these conspiracy theories hang on is that the people perpetrating them NEVER fail. It sounds pretty unlikely to me.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/11/21 at 10:09 am

The whole lynchpin that these conspiracy theories hang on is that the people perpetrating them NEVER fail. It sounds pretty unlikely to me.

Especially considering that is has to be done on a world wide scale here regardless of political system. They must cheat them all and not get detected by any... Extremely unlikely. Besides the official version in this case actually makes sense unlike all of the COVID conspiracy theories I've heard so far...

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/11/21 at 2:01 pm

Yes keep being obedient and wear those masks and don't question any of it....keep in your little boxes...of one way info.  :)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/11/21 at 2:05 pm

Yes, we get that you are anti-mask. You have said that over and over again. And yes, we get that you have posted several links to "prove" your point but they have been debunked. We also get that no matter how much we inform you to the science of it, you will refuse the info. So why don't you just drop it.


I'm not Anti, but I do question it all on the effectiveness of them....and true I've never had one on, but maybe some day when I go to my doc, I'll have to wear one...that is some months away....

I guess you guys wear them at home, outside around your houses, etc etc... Do you sleep with one on too?  When you take a walk, all masked up?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/11/21 at 2:08 pm

I don't know Elor, maybe we are being treated like cattle and sheep, maybe we are doing the things that the Chinese and Japanese are doing.

Oh  yes, they are very Obedient... happy to live where I do with freedom of Choice....

And my daughter says it's unbelievable almost when she's walking her dog and a person approaches her with a mask on, she does not wear one on walks, they almost physically attack her....

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/11/21 at 2:36 pm

Yes keep being obedient and wear those masks and don't question any of it....keep in your little boxes...of one way info.  :)
I have to ask you now whether you have problems to comprehend what you are reading? Because I could have sworn that I've told you that I actually read all of the articles you posted. I had to in order to dissect them and show their inaccuracies and outright lies but you were the one not accepting it even when I showed you where the flaws in their arguments were. So much for the one way info... I'm also fairly certain that I've told you that I don't follow the rules because of obedience but because I consider them a necessity and in my own interest. You on the other hand swallow blindly everything from any conspiracy theorist even when they are contradicting each other or it was proven that they were lying. I'm sorry but you really seem to live in that fantasy world of your own where you live in denial of reality.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/11/21 at 2:38 pm

I'm not Anti, but I do question it all on the effectiveness of them....and true I've never had one on, but maybe some day when I go to my doc, I'll have to wear one...that is some months away....

I guess you guys wear them at home, outside around your houses, etc etc... Do you sleep with one on too?  When you take a walk, all masked up?

I wear them when I get on public transportation, I wear them when I enter my supermarket getting ready to work on my shift but the only time I take them off is when I get off the bus going home because I am not around people but it's funny now stores have signs that say "No Mask, No Entry".

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/11/21 at 2:40 pm

Oh  yes, they are very Obedient... happy to live where I do with freedom of Choice....

And my daughter says it's unbelievable almost when she's walking her dog and a person approaches her with a mask on, she does not wear one on walks, they almost physically attack her....

That shouldn't happen but that's the world we're living in now.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/11/21 at 2:42 pm

Now but NOT forever Howard..All the control due to this covid MESS..and yes I call it a mess...

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/11/21 at 3:01 pm

Now but NOT forever Howard..All the control due to this covid MESS..and yes I call it a mess...

Everyone's afraid of getting cooties.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/11/21 at 3:26 pm

I'm not Anti, but I do question it all on the effectiveness of them....and true I've never had one on, but maybe some day when I go to my doc, I'll have to wear one...that is some months away....

I guess you guys wear them at home, outside around your houses, etc etc... Do you sleep with one on too?  When you take a walk, all masked up?

You have been shown articles on the effectiveness of mask wearing.

Your questions show how little you think of us. Do you honestly believe people wear masks at home?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 01/11/21 at 6:46 pm

Everyone's afraid of getting cooties.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/11/21 at 8:30 pm

You have been shown articles on the effectiveness of mask wearing.

Your questions show how little you think of us. Do you honestly believe people wear masks at home?

And I've posted links on their ineffectiveness... so it's what one wants to and who to trust....and yes an operating room MD and nurses need to wear them...lots of blood...

At  home, I wouldn't doubt if some wear them at many are paranoid.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 01/11/21 at 9:01 pm

That shouldn't happen but that's the world we're living in now.

Yes stupid and counterproductive. If you’re concerned about catching something from an anti masker, the last thing you should do is get close to them, attack them, and most likely a verbal exchange with happen as well. Just keep your distance, geez.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/12/21 at 1:57 am

And I've posted links on their ineffectiveness... so it's what one wants to and who to trust....and yes an operating room MD and nurses need to wear them...lots of blood...

As I recall you posted a video that had been edited - you could see the jumps where sections had been cut. Therefore we do not know exactly what the two ladies were saying. I would be interested in watching the original uncut video, but I doubt it exists any more. I certainly couldn’t find it when I had a quick look.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/12/21 at 7:22 am

You have been shown articles on the effectiveness of mask wearing.

Your questions show how little you think of us. Do you honestly believe people wear masks at home?

I certainly don't.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/12/21 at 7:24 am

And I've posted links on their ineffectiveness... so it's what one wants to and who to trust....and yes an operating room MD and nurses need to wear them...lots of blood...

At  home, I wouldn't doubt if some wear them at many are paranoid.

They only wear them when family members are symptomatic.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/12/21 at 7:34 am

I am trying to work out the simple logic of the benefit of wearing a facemask. If you do not wear a facemask you are more liable to breathe in the droplets of the virus in the air. It is known that facemasks can restrict the breathing and health conditions can be worsened if worn. When out in an enclosed space, people can show exemption forms, but the forms are for those that have a vulnerable condition. So simply putting it, vulnerable people should be at home shielding with someone else doing their shopping or ordering it online.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/12/21 at 8:14 am

I am trying to work out the simple logic of the benefit of wearing a facemask. If you do not wear a facemask you are more liable to breathe in the droplets of the virus in the air. It is known that facemasks can restrict the breathing and health conditions can be worsened if worn. When out in an enclosed space, people can show exemption forms, but the forms are for those that have a vulnerable condition. So simply putting it, vulnerable people should be at home shielding with someone else doing their shopping or ordering it online.

I dispute the bit in bold. I haven’t seen any evidence that it restricts your breathing. People couldn’t be asked to wear masks for long periods if it did.

I have seen some people online saying that they won’t wear a mask because they had been attacked previously and the sensation of something over their mouth is similar enough to remind them. This I understand, I had a friend who had been abused and strangled on occasion and didn’t like anything tight round her neck for that reason. These people should wear a face shield which would offer others protection from them.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/12/21 at 8:18 am

I dispute the bit in bold. I haven’t seen any evidence that it restricts your breathing. People couldn’t be asked to wear masks for long periods if it did.

I have seen some people online saying that they won’t wear a mask because they had been attacked previously and the sensation of something over their mouth is similar enough to remind them. This I understand, I had a friend who had been abused and strangled on occasion and didn’t like anything tight round her neck for that reason. These people should wear a face shield which would offer others protection from them.
For what I said in bold, is that I had to wear a facemask for over one hour (before the recent lockdown), when essential shopping at a very large Swedish home store, and are leaving and after removing my mask I felt rough with it and had to rest for the remainder of the day.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Don Carlos on 01/12/21 at 9:56 am

I'm not Anti, but I do question it all on the effectiveness of them....and true I've never had one on, but maybe some day when I go to my doc, I'll have to wear one...that is some months away....

I guess you guys wear them at home, outside around your houses, etc etc... Do you sleep with one on too?  When you take a walk, all masked up?

Not Anti?  That's a joke.  This one is semi-anti.  And I'll bet $$$ to donuts that none of us wear them at home, or out side around the house  etc.  We all have stated numerous time that we know the masks ARE NOT totally effective, but that they are the best protection available. 

Meanwhile you continue to insult our intelligence, call us sheep, and spew your conspiracy theories. 

Oh, and surgical teams wear masks not because of blood but to provide some protection from infection for the patient

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 01/12/21 at 11:46 am

I am trying to work out the simple logic of the benefit of wearing a facemask. If you do not wear a facemask you are more liable to breathe in the droplets of the virus in the air. It is known that facemasks can restrict the breathing and health conditions can be worsened if worn. When out in an enclosed space, people can show exemption forms, but the forms are for those that have a vulnerable condition. So simply putting it, vulnerable people should be at home shielding with someone else doing their shopping or ordering it online.

This is my understanding. The virus is much smaller than the mask openings. The mask is not a filter. Instead it is a diffuser. It spreads the path of your breath over a much wider area, therefore slowing the velocity of the air. And not projecting your airstream nearly as far. If you’re carrying the virus, it stays nearer to you. And you’re not spreading it to settle on objects that others will touch. Sometimes I forget I have a mask on and I try to blow the dust off my glasses. It doesn’t work. That’s how effective a mask is against projecting your air to others.

If you’re the mask wearer, you will still breathe the air that an infected person spread. So it’s not as effective. But the mask will slow the velocity of your air intake, pulling air from closer to you and less likely from others, if you can keep your distance.

Air currents can take it to others, but it’s at least had a chance to dissipate some. If you’re in an enclosed space for a length of time, sooner or later everyone will breathe your air. The mask is not 100% effective, but every little thing helps. Masks + distance + minimize time in enclosed space.

I like to think of it as having to unfortunately navigate a gang populated street on your commute. You can put on a bulletproof vest but it won’t stop you from taking a stray bullet to the head. The most effective solution is to control where the offenders send their bullets, but since those are the careless ones to begin with it won’t happen.

There are a couple things I was taught in my life. In hunter’s safety - treat every gun as if it were loaded. In electrical training - treat every wire as if it were energized. Later on, before you do something stupid on the road, treat every driver as if they were carrying a gun. And for 2020 and beyond, treat every person as if they were carrying the virus. You don’t know, and often times they don’t either. If everyone assumed every other person were infected, we would have this under control.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/12/21 at 12:07 pm

This is my understanding. The virus is much smaller than the mask openings. The mask is not a filter. Instead it is a diffuser. It spreads the path of your breath over a much wider area, therefore slowing the velocity of the air. And not projecting your airstream nearly as far. If you’re carrying the virus, it stays nearer to you. And you’re not spreading it to settle on objects that others will touch. Sometimes I forget I have a mask on and I try to blow the dust off my glasses. It doesn’t work. That’s how effective a mask is against projecting your air to others.

If you’re the mask wearer, you will still breathe the air that an infected person spread. So it’s not as effective. But the mask will slow the velocity of your air intake, pulling air from closer to you and less likely from others, if you can keep your distance.

Air currents can take it to others, but it’s at least had a chance to dissipate some. If you’re in an enclosed space for a length of time, sooner or later everyone will breathe your air. The mask is not 100% effective, but every little thing helps. Masks + distance + minimize time in enclosed space.

I like to think of it as having to unfortunately navigate a gang populated street on your commute. You can put on a bulletproof vest but it won’t stop you from taking a stray bullet to the head. The most effective solution is to control where the offenders send their bullets, but since those are the careless ones to begin with it won’t happen.

There are a couple things I was taught in my life. In hunter’s safety - treat every gun as if it were loaded. In electrical training - treat every wire as if it were energized. Later on, before you do something stupid on the road, treat every driver as if they were carrying a gun. And for 2020 and beyond, treat every person as if they were carrying the virus. You don’t know, and often times they don’t either. If everyone assumed every other person were infected, we would have this under control.
I am now staying in to be safe, only going out for essential reasons.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/12/21 at 1:16 pm

I think many are going out for essential reasons  and many are closed in doors, not a good thing either...if you have good clean air get out and walk in it..and all those  hung up on those droplets "they" tell everyone...everything is so made  up as all this goes along, one day this, one day that, all made up as going along, and here it is almost a year and changes virus etc etc... 

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/12/21 at 2:06 pm

Don’t know who “they” are

This is a new virus. It needed to be studied for a while before everything was understood about it. Some general avoiding a virus information came out at the start and then this was modified as more information became available.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/12/21 at 2:10 pm

Don’t know who “they” are

This is a new virus. It needed to be studied for a while before everything was understood about it. Some general avoiding a virus information came out at the start and then this was modified as more information became available.

Oh you know who I mean, "they" the officials who know it all or think they do and change it so much as "they" go along and we go along with them.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/12/21 at 2:22 pm

Not Anti?  That's a joke.  This one is semi-anti.  And I'll bet $$$ to donuts that none of us wear them at home, or out side around the house  etc.  We all have stated numerous time that we know the masks ARE NOT totally effective, but that they are the best protection available. 

Meanwhile you continue to insult our intelligence, call us sheep, and spew your conspiracy theories. 

Oh, and surgical teams wear masks not because of blood but to provide some protection from infection for the patient

I see that a lot in nursing homes and hospitals.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/13/21 at 1:47 pm

Oh you know who I mean, "they" the officials who know it all or think they do and change it so much as "they" go along and we go along with them.

It’s called scientific research.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/13/21 at 2:11 pm

Oh you know who I mean, "they" the officials who know it all or think they do and change it so much as "they" go along and we go along with them.
The UK has a coronavirus advisory group called Sage (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies)

Subject: Call for better coronavirus masks for all medical staff

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/13/21 at 2:15 pm

Doctors' leaders have called for urgent improvements in personal protective equipment for health workers.

The British Medical Association is appealing for a higher grade of face mask to guard against coronavirus infection.

It says there is 'growing evidence' that the virus is being spread through the air by aerosols.

These are tiny virus particles that can build up in stuffy rooms and they have been linked to outbreaks of Covid-19.

This follows an open letter from more than 1,500 health professionals for staff on general wards to be given the type of high-quality masks usually only worn in intensive care units.

Public Health England (PHE) has issued guidance on what PPE staff in different settings require. It was last updated in October 2020.

And you can read our explainer here on face masks, including what protection they offer, what sort can be worn, and what the rules are across the UK.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Don Carlos on 01/14/21 at 9:34 am

Oh you know who I mean, "they" the officials who know it all or think they do and change it so much as "they" go along and we go along with them.

Unlike the folks you rely on, good scientists know that they DO NOT "know it all",  They act on what they know and keep digging to learn more.  Sometimes that "more" causes them to revise their thinking.  It's called THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD, and it's what cured small pox, got us to the moon (or was that a hoax too), tame4s AIDS etc.  Try applying it once in a while

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/14/21 at 10:18 am

Oh you know who I mean, "they" the officials who know it all or think they do and change it so much as "they" go along and we go along with them.

Scientists know about science only, not about politics and aerospace engineering.
Politicians know about politics only, not about science and aerospace engineering.
Aerospace engineers know about aerospace engineering only, not science and politics.

So who understands rocket science the most?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/14/21 at 1:23 pm

Scientists know about science only, not about politics and aerospace engineering.
Politicians know about politics only, not about science and aerospace engineering.
Aerospace engineers know about aerospace engineering only, not science and politics.

So who understands rocket science the most?

The politician will act like he understands the most when he knows the least. It's called the Dunning-Krueger effect.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/14/21 at 1:30 pm

The politician will act like he understands the most when he knows the least. It's called the Dunning-Krueger effect.
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from people's inability to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, people cannot objectively evaluate their level of competence.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/14/21 at 3:04 pm

Until Deblasio and or Cuomo tells us it's time to discard the masks.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/14/21 at 3:31 pm

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from people's inability to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, people cannot objectively evaluate their level of competence.

Anti-masks/vaxxers in a nutshell.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/14/21 at 3:38 pm
I had many a day like this when I was working.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/16/21 at 1:40 pm

Charts, graphs blah blah blah, how did I ever make it to 82 and not living on charts.

When people have had ENOUGH of the mask control, is when it hopefully will end for many....or the whole world will be a China.

And yet there are many out resigned to the mask life. :( ::)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/16/21 at 2:01 pm

More good news on the Mask and Oxygen Depreviation and god help the little children who have no voice on this mess.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/16/21 at 2:05 pm

And Masks don't control Viruses, They Control YOU...

Enjoy some reading and MAYBE some of it sinks in...

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/16/21 at 2:23 pm

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/16/21 at 4:15 pm

More good news on the Mask and Oxygen Depreviation and god help the little children who have no voice on this mess.

Did you fact check this?

Here’s some more info on this

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/16/21 at 4:19 pm

And Masks don't control Viruses, They Control YOU...

Enjoy some reading and MAYBE some of it sinks in...

Again masks are not stopping the individual viruses getting through. We know they don’t stop an individual virus. The purpose of wearing a mask is stop virus laden droplet transfer. If you bothered reading around the subject you would find this is what is being said.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/16/21 at 5:49 pm

Oh Karen, I've read plenty about the masks and the droplets issue...and I just had a new shopper bring me a delish Reuben Sandwich from the Veggie Grille here and was HOPING I had met a new person who thinks like me and I had to beg him to take his mask down to see what he really looks like ::)

We exchanged some discussion and have a couple things in common but he is way way extreme on mask wearing ...does  his jogging with a mask on, one of them ::) 

Says we Americans  just are  not accustomed to wearing masks, duh, that is TRUTH.  I told him I was not born with one and won't die with one.

Oh and we got to talking about  health and said he lost  his mother to cancer and so I proceeded to tell him about Grape Seed Ex and how it MAY "prevent"  cancers so maybe I taught him something he didn't know. 

We can learn from others IF we keep our ears and minds open.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 01/16/21 at 6:11 pm

I can't wait until mask wearing goes away. I can't wait until this entire pandemic goes away.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/16/21 at 6:27 pm

Read what I post but I won't read what you post because I know I am right and everyone else is wrong.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 01/16/21 at 7:47 pm

which you inaccurately refer to as a "restriction"

It restricts my oxygen intake so therefore it's a restriction.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/16/21 at 8:42 pm

Slim, the way some seem to love their mask, they will miss it when we don't need to be ruled to wear them, not me, but millions out there...the young man whom I met today had a mask so big on  his face that  hardly any face was showing ::)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/17/21 at 1:16 am

To think of that some people like Reinhold Messner climbed Mount Everest without oxygen and came back with an intact mind... But according to some a face mask is blocking so much air that it creates an environment worse than in the frigging Death Zone. ;D

And all those surgeons and medical personnel that must be constantly making mistakes during surgeries and become demented once they are 30 years old from those god awful suffocating devices called face masks...oh wait....they don't....  ::)

BTW the Nazis did extensive tests for the Luftwaffe (German Air force) with concentration camp prisoners during WWII (usually leading to the death of said prisoners). They put them in high altitude chambers and observed for example at what altitude the behavior would change, when they would lose consciousness and how long they could survive at which altitude. Afterwards they dissected their brains in search of damage So all of these things have been tested and we know how much oxygen a human brain needs to function and at what level brain damage occurs. It's not a secret. The knowledge has been out there for 75+ years and obviously masks have been ranked as safe or them doctors wouldn't be using them themselves for crying out loud.

BTW the first sign of Hypoxia is a feeling of euphoria.  Does anyone observe people becoming euphoric around them when wearing a mask? No? ::)
Blue fingernails or lips? No? ::)
Must be the very sneaky kind of brain damaging hypoxia.

BTW isn't it funny that I can't find ANYTHING on that" leading" German neurologist on German websites apart from those conspiracy sites pointing to that one video or sites debunking it? Nothing else on her. Not even when searching for "Dr. Margareta Griesz-Brisso publications" (a leading neurologist should have a few of those or she wouldn't be leading). Yep, totally leading neurologist. That conspiracy theorists always have to lie...but I guess they don't have much else to make their point.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/17/21 at 3:36 am

We can learn from others IF we keep our ears and minds open.

Oh, the irony

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/17/21 at 7:53 am

Checked with my children who have been volunteering at the local vaccine centre. They have to wear masks for the entire shift of four hours or so. They both report no problems with any symptoms of low oxygen.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/17/21 at 12:49 pm

Checked with my children who have been volunteering at the local vaccine centre. They have to wear masks for the entire shift of four hours or so. They both report no problems with any symptoms of low oxygen.

Good I'm glad to hear they are fine with their masks...many claim to be and many HATE them and talk about the horrids of them on their faces...

My daughter and her children do ALL they can to not wear one and if they have to, get it off their faces Often.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/17/21 at 1:20 pm

Oh Karen, I've read plenty about the masks and the droplets issue...and I just had a new shopper bring me a delish Reuben Sandwich from the Veggie Grille here and was HOPING I had met a new person who thinks like me and I had to beg him to take his mask down to see what he really looks like ::)

We exchanged some discussion and have a couple things in common but he is way way extreme on mask wearing ...does  his jogging with a mask on, one of them ::) 

Says we Americans  just are  not accustomed to wearing masks, duh, that is TRUTH.  I told him I was not born with one and won't die with one.

Oh and we got to talking about  health and said he lost  his mother to cancer and so I proceeded to tell him about Grape Seed Ex and how it MAY "prevent"  cancers so maybe I taught him something he didn't know. 

We can learn from others IF we keep our ears and minds open.

This really disturbs me. You were putting the guy in a position that it was obvious he was uncomfortable with. Instead of accepting the fact that he doesn't believe the same as you, you were trying to FORCE him into doing what YOU want him to do. You claim that you are not anti-mask but yet you seem to think that EVERYONE shouldn't wear a mask because of what YOU believe about them. Your argument about not being born with a mask on is ridiculous. You weren't born with clothes on, either. Does that mean you will go around without them? Yeah, I know that is ridiculous to even think that because everyone knows that clothes protect us from the elements-the same way masks do.

I have said this before and I will say it again. Just because YOU believe that masks don't help, that doesn't mean that they don't. And if you don't want to wear one, that is your business and I hope you do not get sick or make others sick because of your stubbornness but the rest of us chose to acknowledge science and will wear one as long as we need to.

Again, PLEASE just let this go! You are NOT going to convince us and by continuing to try to make your arguments, you will just perturb people.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/17/21 at 2:21 pm

Oh Karen, I've read plenty about the masks and the droplets issue...and I just had a new shopper bring me a delish Reuben Sandwich from the Veggie Grille here and was HOPING I had met a new person who thinks like me and I had to beg him to take his mask down to see what he really looks like ::)

We exchanged some discussion and have a couple things in common but he is way way extreme on mask wearing ...does  his jogging with a mask on, one of them ::) 

Says we Americans  just are  not accustomed to wearing masks, duh, that is TRUTH. I told him I was not born with one and won't die with one.

Oh and we got to talking about  health and said he lost  his mother to cancer and so I proceeded to tell him about Grape Seed Ex and how it MAY "prevent"  cancers so maybe I taught him something he didn't know. 

We can learn from others IF we keep our ears and minds open.

Cause this is something new so it takes a while to get accustomed to.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/17/21 at 2:23 pm

I can't wait until mask wearing goes away. I can't wait until this entire pandemic goes away.

What would happen if it went away tomorrow? (for example)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/17/21 at 3:11 pm

Cause this is something new so it takes a while to get accustomed to.

Oh yes, very new for Americans, the Asians have been wearing masks for decades...and the fellow that helped me get food is Asian as I found out when he slipped  his mask down so I could see his he's Set in  his Ways, big time...born and raised in a country of masks.  But maybe he is born of Asian Americans and may have not been born in China, but it's what we're raised with and taught.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/18/21 at 3:33 am

Oh yes, very new for Americans, the Asians have been wearing masks for decades...and the fellow that helped me get food is Asian as I found out when he slipped  his mask down so I could see his he's Set in  his Ways, big time...born and raised in a country of masks.  But maybe he is born of Asian Americans and may have not been born in China, but it's what we're raised with and taught.

Maybe we were told to act like the Chinese and The Japanese.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/18/21 at 11:53 am

I can't wait until mask wearing goes away. I can't wait until this entire pandemic goes away.

Ditto. Although this time of year I'm usually housebound anyway ;D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/18/21 at 11:56 am

Maybe we were told to act like the Chinese and The Japanese.

What?  No one told me to act like the chinese and japanese, they told you that Howard?

Another good read, Howard, if you want to take the time.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Don Carlos on 01/18/21 at 2:35 pm

What?  No one told me to act like the chinese and japanese, they told you that Howard?

Another good read, Howard, if you want to take the time.

I took the time.  He has a right to his feelings - hardly an opinion.  Buy, me thinks, rather extreme

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 01/18/21 at 3:02 pm

I took the time.  He has a right to his feelings - hardly an opinion.  Buy, me thinks, rather extreme

"Extreme" is an understatement! The writer, Adam Dick (highly appropriate name) writes:

"I hate masks. I hate them so deeply it’s impossible to put it into words. But I’ll try. When I see a mask it’s like a gut punch to my soul."

He really needs to get over himself. I mean, is it really ALL THAT? I just don't get this deep hatred of masks. This is a new side humanity has shown of itself and it is disheartening. Even if it turns out masks areutterly ineffective, at least we TRIED. It's better than standing around wringing our hands nd saying "oh woe is me".

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Don Carlos on 01/18/21 at 4:30 pm

"Extreme" is an understatement! The writer, Adam Dick (highly appropriate name) writes:

"I hate masks. I hate them so deeply it’s impossible to put it into words. But I’ll try. When I see a mask it’s like a gut punch to my soul."

He really needs to get over himself. I mean, is it really ALL THAT? I just don't get this deep hatred of masks. This is a new side humanity has shown of itself and it is disheartening. Even if it turns out masks areutterly ineffective, at least we TRIED. It's better than standing around wringing our hands nd saying "oh woe is me".

Yup.  But Adam Dick was quoting someone else, some Israeli guy

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/18/21 at 9:02 pm

Everyone has opinions, Adam Dick, me, you, and millions out there...many quote others and many speak of themselves.  I do all.  But I  don't continually knock those who say their peace, even Fauci who I believe is a HIGH PAID govt as can be in his govt seat.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Don Carlos on 01/19/21 at 10:02 am

Everyone has opinions, Adam Dick, me, you, and millions out there...many quote others and many speak of themselves.  I do all.  But I  don't continually knock those who say their peace, even Fauci who I believe is a HIGH PAID govt as can be in his govt seat.

There's a difference between opinions and facts.  You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts, regardless of what Kellyanne Conway says

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/19/21 at 12:22 pm

There's a difference between opinions and facts.  You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts, regardless of what Kellyanne Conway says

And what does Conway have to do with all this?  I have never mentioned her.  And furthermore, so so many out there that I know none of you read or hear say ALL of this is a huge huge FRAUD from the very very beginning.

And the forces that planned it all out have been able to continue on with it as they have.    Closed down lives and on and on.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: jaminhealth on 01/19/21 at 12:38 pm

Just one article on the FRAUD of it all,  there are many essays/articles on all of this.

And another Message from another part of the world.

Read the stuff, I do.   

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/19/21 at 12:44 pm

Just one article on the FRAUD of it all,  there are many essays/articles on all of this.

Strange I thought death from heart diseases were up in the UK...

Oh and he gives no sources for his claims... Guess why...
You really don't fact check anything do you?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/19/21 at 3:01 pm

Ditto. Although this time of year I'm usually housebound anyway ;D

But do you go out?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/19/21 at 3:03 pm

What?  No one told me to act like the chinese and japanese, they told you that Howard?

Another good read, Howard, if you want to take the time.

Nobody told me that, I just assumed.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/19/21 at 3:49 pm

But do you go out?

In a typical January-March I rarely go outside, now even more so.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/23/21 at 7:29 am

Until 2022.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 01/23/21 at 4:21 pm

Until 2022.

I'm afraid so Howard.  :-\\

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 01/23/21 at 4:27 pm

I don’t mind the mask considering I have comfortable ones. Getting the flu is no picnic either and it helps keep me from getting that too.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/23/21 at 4:42 pm

Until 2022.

Probably 2023. The reason for this is this equation

P = 1 - (1/R)

P is the number of people you need to immunize to reach herd immunity. R is the rate of transmission of the virus. The lower R is, the fewer people who need to be immunized. Mask mandates are one way to reduce Rt, which means herd immunity can be reached earlier. If you loosen on up on mask mandates you risk reintroducing the virus back into the population. The virus will need to be eradicated globally before mask mandates go away.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 01/23/21 at 5:06 pm

I don’t mind the mask considering I have comfortable ones. Getting the flu is no picnic either and it helps keep me from getting that too.

Isn't it worse on your immune system in the longrun? Because you never get the opportunity for the immune system itself to fight off viruses if you're never exposed to it.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 01/23/21 at 6:16 pm

Isn't it worse on your immune system in the longrun? Because you never get the opportunity for the immune system itself to fight off viruses if you're never exposed to it.

I thought it would have been understood by now, but masks do not prevent people from being exposed to viruses. They help prevent people from SPREADING viruses. I REALLY thought that would have sunken in by now, but I guess people just don't get this mask thing. If I see ONE MORE PERSON wearing them under their nose...

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 01/24/21 at 1:30 am

If I see ONE MORE PERSON wearing them under their nose...
I never understood that. Makes you wonder whether people don't know what their body looks like on the inside. ::)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/24/21 at 7:39 am

I'm afraid so Howard.  :-\\

So what happens when 2022 comes rolling around, what do you do with all those newer masks, throw them out or just save them for when a situation arrives?  ???

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/24/21 at 8:22 am

So what happens when 2022 comes rolling around, what do you do with all those newer masks, throw them out or just save them for when a situation arrives?  ???

I think it is likely people will wear them when they have cold or flu symptoms to prevent the spread of these illnesses.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 01/24/21 at 8:26 am

So what happens when 2022 comes rolling around, what do you do with all those newer masks, throw them out or just save them for when a situation arrives?  ???

It is my hope that people KEEP wearing masks when this is over, as we should have been doing all along.

BUT all means hang on to them. Just to be prepared should anything happen again. When all this started it was IMPOSSIBLE to get masks either online or in brick and mortar stores. I was wearing cut up sheets and bandanas. Yet it seems everybody I saw on the street had masks. I wondered where they got them when they were so impossible to find. Did people just have secret stashes these things in their houses? It would seem so.

Part of the new culture that has arrived for good is that people will have masks on hand at all times.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: LyricBoy on 01/24/21 at 8:36 am

It is my hope that people KEEP wearing masks when this is over, as we should have been doing all along.

Indeed.  After Covid is gone away and exists only in the history books, people should continue to wear masks. You never know when the next virus is around the corner.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/24/21 at 9:26 am

I think I'll continue to wear them in the winter which happens to coincide with flu season, since I cover my face with a scarf anyway on cold days like this. It's going to be hard to care in November/December though which is also flu season.  :-X

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/24/21 at 2:12 pm

I think it is likely people will wear them when they have cold or flu symptoms to prevent the spread of these illnesses.

That is a good idea, you can use them when someone is sick.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/24/21 at 2:15 pm

I think I'll continue to wear them in the winter which happens to coincide with flu season, since I cover my face with a scarf anyway on cold days like this. It's going to be hard to care in November/December though which is also flu season.  :-X

Lately I've been wearing both a bandana and a face mask.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: LyricBoy on 01/24/21 at 2:21 pm

Lately I've been wearing both a bandana and a face mask.

It's always a good idea to double up on protection.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/24/21 at 2:34 pm

It's always a good idea to double up on protection.

wearing the bandana helps to keep the blue face mask from hurting my ears.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 01/25/21 at 1:56 am

My answer is until we get everyone, everywhere, who wants it, vaccinated ASAP.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/25/21 at 5:14 am

One of the science experts (in the UK) states that COVID-19 will most probably be here forever, like the 'normal' flu, and jabs will be needed on an annual basis.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/25/21 at 2:53 pm

My answer is until we get everyone, everywhere, who wants it, vaccinated ASAP.

most likely the whole country?  ???

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 01/25/21 at 3:47 pm

most likely the whole country?  ???

Whoever wants it can get it I guess?

I'm on the fence about it.  I want to get it and keep my mother safe but I worry about any side effects that can come from getting a shot when you haven't even gotten your flu shot in a while.  I haven't gotten an HPV shot because 1.  I don't know how it's going to protect me from that but 2. I don't know if there are any side effects that we're not even aware of.
So, that's my take on vaccines.  You're damned if you do get them and you're damned if you don't get them.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 01/25/21 at 4:40 pm

Whoever wants it can get it I guess?

I'm on the fence about it.  I want to get it and keep my mother safe but I worry about any side effects that can come from getting a shot when you haven't even gotten your flu shot in a while.  I haven't gotten an HPV shot because 1.  I don't know how it's going to protect me from that but 2. I don't know if there are any side effects that we're not even aware of.
So, that's my take on vaccines.  You're damned if you do get them and you're damned if you don't get them.

Can I suggest doing some research?

In general most people don’t have serious side effects from any vaccine. Soreness of the vaccination site, slight temperature and possibly a mild headache are things I have been warned might happen with the Covid vaccine. This vaccine has been tested as thoroughly as any vaccine. All side effects, and “adverse events” as they are known have been reported and the information will be available.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Contigo on 01/25/21 at 6:51 pm

We will be wearing masks well into 2022 and it may become a quasi-permanent thing for years after that. I am looking forward to receive the vaccine, it can't come soon enough.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/26/21 at 2:16 pm

I'm getting tired of the restrictions.  >:(

Q. How long do I have to wear each mask for before changing to a new one?

A. There is no set time, nor recommended number of masks you should use each day. It all depends on what you are doing. However, if your mask gets dirty, wet or damaged, or if you touch the inside of it, then you should change to a new one (following the steps above). When you take it off to eat or drink, you should dispose of the old mask, wash or sanitise your hands, and replace it with a new one once you have finished eating.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 01/26/21 at 4:19 pm

Q. How long do I have to wear each mask for before changing to a new one?

A. There is no set time, nor recommended number of masks you should use each day. It all depends on what you are doing. However, if your mask gets dirty, wet or damaged, or if you touch the inside of it, then you should change to a new one (following the steps above). When you take it off to eat or drink, you should dispose of the old mask, wash or sanitise your hands, and replace it with a new one once you have finished eating.

Thanks but I didn't ask that question. I asked when everyone can throw all masks in the garbage and move on from all this.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/27/21 at 8:15 am

Whoever wants it can get it I guess?

I'm on the fence about it.  I want to get it and keep my mother safe but I worry about any side effects that can come from getting a shot when you haven't even gotten your flu shot in a while.  I haven't gotten an HPV shot because 1.  I don't know how it's going to protect me from that but 2. I don't know if there are any side effects that we're not even aware of.
So, that's my take on vaccines.  You're damned if you do get them and you're damned if you don't get them.

I might take the vaccine just hope I don't get any side effects.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/27/21 at 8:16 am

We will be wearing masks well into 2022 and it may become a quasi-permanent thing for years after that. I am looking forward to receive the vaccine, it can't come soon enough.

So what should one do with all the masks they've worn over the past year?  ???

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/27/21 at 8:20 am

I might take the vaccine just hope I don't get any side effects.
I will take the vaccine, for I have been told, if you have no health problems in taking the annual flu jab, the vaccine should be fine to have.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 01/27/21 at 8:26 am

So what should one do with all the masks they've worn over the past year?  ???

Are they used?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/27/21 at 8:48 am

Are they used?

We still have a box full of them.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 01/27/21 at 9:35 am

We still have a box full of them.

Keep the new ones, throw away the old ones, assuming they're the disposable types. You should keep the reusable type if you in case you have a flu or something, that's going to be a thing from now on I bet.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 01/27/21 at 2:52 pm

Keep the new ones, throw away the old ones, assuming they're the disposable types. You should keep the reusable type if you in case you have a flu or something, that's going to be a thing from now on I bet.

I will do that.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 01/28/21 at 1:25 pm

Can I suggest doing some research?

In general most people don’t have serious side effects from any vaccine. Soreness of the vaccination site, slight temperature and possibly a mild headache are things I have been warned might happen with the Covid vaccine. This vaccine has been tested as thoroughly as any vaccine. All side effects, and “adverse events” as they are known have been reported and the information will be available.

Okay.  Thank you karen.  :) :) :) :)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 02/09/21 at 2:45 pm

I understand that people are tired of wearing them but now it's become a thing to do before you head out the house.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: violet_shy on 02/09/21 at 2:48 pm

I actually forgot to wear my mask when I took out the trash earlier. I had to use my scarf. ::)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 02/09/21 at 3:07 pm

I actually forgot to wear my mask when I took out the trash earlier. I had to use my scarf. ::)

That's OK we forget sometimes so don't feel so bad, I do that too.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/09/21 at 3:12 pm

I actually forgot to wear my mask when I took out the trash earlier. I had to use my scarf. ::)
I always have one in my jacket pocket.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 02/11/21 at 5:18 am

I always have one in my jacket pocket.

I keep 2 and my handkerchief as well.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: LyricBoy on 02/11/21 at 5:34 am

I always have one in my jacket pocket.

I always have one in my hoodie and keep a couple spares in my car and at my office.

You never know when you’re going to need protection, so you should always have some available.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 04/20/21 at 11:53 pm

My mother and I have gotten into the habit of taking our masks with us on our walks in case anybody is walking around and doesn't want to move over.  We just keep them in our pockets just in case.
I wear it when I go to the bank when we go food shopping and anywhere else we may need it.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: NightmareFarm on 04/21/21 at 4:16 am

Until the masses grow a pair and take to the streets.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 04/21/21 at 7:14 am

My mother and I have gotten into the habit of taking our masks with us on our walks in case anybody is walking around and doesn't want to move over.  We just keep them in our pockets just in case.
I wear it when I go to the bank when we go food shopping and anywhere else we may need it.

I always wear one outside even on my walks and bike rides because I like virtue signalling. On nights like yesterday when it was cold and snowy it has the added benefit of keeping my face warm and preventing my nose from becoming runny because of the humid air.

The park in front of my house is always super crowded and I don't think all those people are from the same household. In that situation I think people should definitely wear a mask. Fortunately on my walks there's not many people.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/21/21 at 7:37 am

My mother and I have gotten into the habit of taking our masks with us on our walks in case anybody is walking around and doesn't want to move over.  We just keep them in our pockets just in case.
I wear it when I go to the bank when we go food shopping and anywhere else we may need it.

Wearing masks since the pandemic started has become habitual now, it's something we've been doing for a year now.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 04/21/21 at 2:46 pm

Wearing masks since the pandemic started has become habitual now, it's something we've been doing for a year now.

In some cities and towns in Canada as well as some businesses that are considered to be essential masks are mandated anywhere that social distancing isn't possible... if that makes any sense?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/21/21 at 2:49 pm

My mother and I have gotten into the habit of taking our masks with us on our walks in case anybody is walking around and doesn't want to move over.  We just keep them in our pockets just in case.
I wear it when I go to the bank when we go food shopping and anywhere else we may need it.

Did you ever think you would ever wear a mask to go to the bank and ask for money?  :D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: violet_shy on 04/21/21 at 2:51 pm

Well, I wear mine everyday. They are cloth masks. But, they are triggering my asthma. I'll be so happy when we don't have to wear them anymore!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 04/21/21 at 2:57 pm

Did you ever think you would ever wear a mask to go to the bank and ask for money?  :D ;D ;D


Although I've never looked into it, I've often wondered if armed robberies have gone up since wearing masks in public has become normalized.  ;D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 04/21/21 at 2:58 pm

Did you ever think you would ever wear a mask to go to the bank and ask for money?  :D ;D ;D


No.  My bank is well equipped with surveillance cameras that there wouldn't be any way for somebody to rob the bank.  Unless I was to break into the bank in the middle of the night, which is something that I wouldn't think of doing anyway because I'm a good person, but still because my mask is black I could see why somebody would think that I was a robber.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/21/21 at 4:28 pm

In some cities and towns in Canada as well as some businesses that are considered to be essential masks are mandated anywhere that social distancing isn't possible... if that makes any sense?

So no one social distances?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/21/21 at 4:29 pm

Did you ever think you would ever wear a mask to go to the bank and ask for money?  :D ;D ;D


And all you need to say is "Stick Em Up".

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/21/21 at 4:30 pm

Well, I wear mine everyday. They are cloth masks. But, they are triggering my asthma. I'll be so happy when we don't have to wear them anymore!

I'll be happy and relieved.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/21/21 at 4:30 pm

Although I've never looked into it, I've often wondered if armed robberies have gone up since wearing masks in public has become normalized.  ;D

I think so.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 04/22/21 at 2:24 am

So no one social distances?

No, you try and be socially distant, but sometimes, due to lack of indoor space, it isn’t possible. Then you wear a mask.

For example at work we wear masks if we have to work next to one another at the computers  or showing someone how to use a piece of equipment. Otherwise we can keep two metres apart in our work space.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 04/22/21 at 2:29 am

Otherwise we can keep two metres apart in our work space.

A bit off topic but I always thought the UK was the last bastion of imperial units of measurement in Europe. Have you now converted to the metric system while I wasn't looking? :o

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 04/22/21 at 2:47 am

If I go shopping somewhere and they require me to wear a mask then I'll put mine on, because really putting a a piece of cloth over my face for a few minutes isn't a major inconvenience to me, but when I leave out I'll take it off the instant my face crosses the threshold of the front door.

I've had my shots, I think this whole thing is stupid and I'm done with it. I'm not going to be terrified of my own shadow just because my television tells me to be.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 04/22/21 at 2:48 am

A bit off topic but I always thought the UK was the last bastion of imperial units of measurement in Europe. Have you now converted to the metric system while I wasn't looking? :o


Plus as the older population dies off more people were only taught metric at school. Everyone seems to say two metres, but some shop marking uses both.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 04/22/21 at 3:42 am

So no one social distances?

I think that everybody does social distance where I am.  But everywhere where social distancing isn't possible people mask up.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/22/21 at 8:07 am

No, you try and be socially distant, but sometimes, due to lack of indoor space, it isn’t possible. Then you wear a mask.

For example at work we wear masks if we have to work next to one another at the computers  or showing someone how to use a piece of equipment. Otherwise we can keep two metres apart in our work space.

I wear a mask when I work inside and outside cause I am around people just about all day till I go home and take off the mask.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/22/21 at 8:10 am

If I go shopping somewhere and they require me to wear a mask then I'll put mine on, because really putting a a piece of cloth over my face for a few minutes isn't a major inconvenience to me, but when I leave out I'll take it off the instant my face crosses the threshold of the front door.

I've had my shots, I think this whole thing is stupid and I'm done with it. I'm not going to be terrified of my own shadow just because my television tells me to be.

I know, this whole mask mandate is stupid too, just about everywhere you go now, you must wear a "face covering", this is something new to everyone.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 04/22/21 at 5:12 pm

I'm getting tired of the restrictions.  >:(

I've been tired of all the fear mongering.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: violet_shy on 04/22/21 at 7:38 pm

Here in Rhode Island, the mandatory mask wearing is until May 7th. After that day we don't have to wear a mask anymore. I guess it is great news.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 04/22/21 at 11:33 pm

I know, this whole mask mandate is stupid too, just about everywhere you go now, you must wear a "face covering", this is something new to everyone.

It really all depends on the person and if they're willing to follow the rules.  But if you don't follow the rules then you're going to be super effed!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/23/21 at 7:33 am

Here in Rhode Island, the mandatory mask wearing is until May 7th. After that day we don't have to wear a mask anymore. I guess it is great news.

You can use the masks for other things like if someone in your Family has a cold or the flu OR for the winter to keep your face or mouth warm.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: violet_shy on 04/23/21 at 10:27 pm

You can use the masks for other things like if someone in your Family has a cold or the flu OR for the winter to keep your face or mouth warm.

Yes true. But they said that by May 7th things will be back to normal.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 04/23/21 at 10:54 pm

Yes true. But they said that by May 7th things will be back to normal.

That's the day I'm getting my second vaccination.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 04/23/21 at 11:19 pm

You can use the masks for other things like if someone in your Family has a cold or the flu OR for the winter to keep your face or mouth warm.

It’s been nice not getting the flu this season. Now it’s acceptable to put on a mask in places during flu season. Before I used to suck on zinc lozenges and try and when walking past people, only breathe out.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 04/24/21 at 2:27 am

I'm all vaxxed up now. I only wear a mask when it's required, and even then it's just so people will leave me alone.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 04/24/21 at 3:43 am

I'm going to book my appointment since I'm eligible right now.  1980/earlier.  I'm just unsure about the Astra Zeneca vaccine because of its side effects.  I just don't know if I want the Astra Zeneca vaccine because some people who got that vaccine got blood clots and that's just scary to me!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Sman12 on 04/24/21 at 6:44 am

I'm going to book my appointment since I'm eligible right now.  1980/earlier.  I'm just unsure about the Astra Zeneca vaccine because of its side effects.  I just don't know if I want the Astra Zeneca vaccine because some people who got that vaccine got blood clots and that's just scary to me!

I think you mean J&J, and yeah, that's why I'm taking Pfizer.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/24/21 at 7:31 am

Yes true. But they said that by May 7th things will be back to normal.

I was reading by the end of June this year.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/24/21 at 7:32 am

It’s been nice not getting the flu this season. Now it’s acceptable to put on a mask in places during flu season. Before I used to suck on zinc lozenges and try and when walking past people, only breathe out.

I can't remember the last time I got the flu, the only things I had were just colds and sore throats.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 04/24/21 at 8:54 am

I'm going to book my appointment since I'm eligible right now.  1980/earlier.  I'm just unsure about the Astra Zeneca vaccine because of its side effects.  I just don't know if I want the Astra Zeneca vaccine because some people who got that vaccine got blood clots and that's just scary to me!

Do some research beforehand. So far there have been something like 8 cases per million vaccines. Compare this to the number of cases for people taking long haul flights, using the contraceptive pill, or giving birth. But people still do all these things.

Edited to add I have the Oxford-Astra Zeneca vaccine

Another edit with a link to last time I posted on this.

Gives links to scientific study, not just my say so

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 04/24/21 at 9:26 am

I'm going to book my appointment since I'm eligible right now.  1980/earlier.  I'm just unsure about the Astra Zeneca vaccine because of its side effects.  I just don't know if I want the Astra Zeneca vaccine because some people who got that vaccine got blood clots and that's just scary to me!

I'm happy you decided to get it! It's the vaccine my parents got too. It's been over two weeks and they are immune now.

The official advice is to ask your (or a) doctor if the vaccine is safe for you to take, and they will also tell you what symptoms to look out for in case a blood clot does happen; it does not have to be lethal or even serious if you catch it in time. Keep in mind, like Karen said, the blood clot is extremely rare, and you have a higher chance of getting a blood clot from sitting in front of a TV/computer for extended periods of time, going on a long car/plane ride, taking birth control pills, and many other things we do without thinking too much . One shot of the AZ vaccine is 94% effective against preventing hospitalization compared to 88% with Pfizer. It's a good vaccine. Have fun with it!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 04/24/21 at 9:49 am

I'm happy you decided to get it! It's the vaccine my parents got too. It's been over two weeks and they are immune now.

The official advice is to ask your (or a) doctor if the vaccine is safe for you to take, and they will also tell you what symptoms to look out for in case a blood clot does happen; it does not have to be lethal or even serious if you catch it in time. Keep in mind, like Karen said, the blood clot is extremely rare, and you have a higher chance of getting a blood clot from sitting in front of a TV/computer for extended periods of time, going on a long car/plane ride, taking birth control pills, and many other things we do without thinking too much . One shot of the AZ vaccine is 94% effective against preventing hospitalization compared to 88% with Pfizer. It's a good vaccine. Have fun with it!

I have a constant battle avoiding blood clots and that’s why I got the vaccine. I have a far greater chance of getting the blood clots associated with Covid, than getting blood clots from the vaccine.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 04/24/21 at 10:25 am

I have a constant battle avoiding blood clots and that’s why I got the vaccine. I have a far greater chance of getting the blood clots associated with Covid, than getting blood clots from the vaccine.
Wait a minute. You have a problem with blood clots and they still gave you Astrazenica instead of any of the other vaccines? What the hell? :o

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 04/24/21 at 10:56 am

Wait a minute. You have a problem with blood clots and they still gave you Astrazenica instead of any of the other vaccines? What the hell? :o

No I got the Johnson and Johnson.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 04/24/21 at 3:09 pm

I think you mean J&J, and yeah, that's why I'm taking Pfizer.

No, I mean the Astra Zeneca vaccine.  I maybe have a little vaccine anxiety from all of the news reports that the Astra Zeneca vaccine that some people who had it got blood clots and one person died from taking it.

I want the Phizer or the Moderna vaccine because there are fewer side effects.

Do some research beforehand. So far there have been something like 8 cases per million vaccines. Compare this to the number of cases for people taking long-haul flights, using the contraceptive pill, or giving birth. But people still do all these things.

Edited to add I have the Oxford-Astra Zeneca vaccine

Another edit with a link to the last time I posted on this.

Gives links to scientific study, not just my say so

Thanks, Karen.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/24/21 at 3:29 pm

Got my second one today.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/25/21 at 7:18 am

Got my second one today.


How do you feel today?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/25/21 at 1:11 pm

How do you feel today?

Not great. Tired, achy, feverish but I did take a walk that that helped a bit. I'm sure I will feel better tomorrow.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/25/21 at 2:07 pm

Not great. Tired, achy, feverish but I did take a walk that that helped a bit. I'm sure I will feel better tomorrow.


Take a nice walk and get some fresh air, that should help.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/25/21 at 2:09 pm

I heard on the news that the "mask mandate" might go away in late May or early June.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/25/21 at 2:26 pm

Take a nice walk and get some fresh air, that should help.

I did. Now, I'm gonna lie down.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 04/25/21 at 2:28 pm

I heard on the news that the "mask mandate" might go away in late May or early June.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 04/25/21 at 2:31 pm

When the mask mandate goes away, I'm gonna take a trip to the mall and take my time shopping for hours for old times sake. I can't keep a mask on for more than 20 minutes without feeling like I can't breathe.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 04/25/21 at 2:52 pm

When the mask mandate goes away, I'm gonna take a trip to the mall and take my time shopping for hours for old times sake. I can't keep a mask on for more than 20 minutes without feeling like I can't breathe.

It’s all in your mind. I regularly wear a mask for 2 or 3 hours without a problem. After a break for a quick drink and a bit I put it on for another few hours.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 04/25/21 at 5:48 pm

When the mask mandate goes away, I'm gonna take a trip to the mall and take my time shopping for hours for old times sake. I can't keep a mask on for more than 20 minutes without feeling like I can't breathe.

What kind of mask are you wearing? Cloth masks are harder to breathe in depending on the material. Try on a surgical or a medical mask. I ride my bike while wearing it and have no difficulty breathing. Doctors/nurses have been wearing them all day for an entire year.

It might also be in your head like Karen said. You can buy an oxymeter for cheap and check your oxygen levels with the mask on. Many Samsung Galaxy phones also have an oxymeter built in. The air you breathe in with a mask on is going to be more humid, but not any less oxygen-rich.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 04/25/21 at 6:15 pm

I started out with homemade masks and were irritating, fogged my glasses, burned my eyes, made my ears sore. Then I switched to the 3 layer U of M masks I got at the hospital and I wear them all day at work, so like 9 or 10 hours until the others go home.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 04/26/21 at 5:30 am

It’s all in your mind. I regularly wear a mask for 2 or 3 hours without a problem. After a break for a quick drink and a bit I put it on for another few hours.
I only wear a mask in enclosed places, especially when shopping (we have to), but I cannot wear a mask for a long time, I begin to feel uneasy with it it worn for a long time. In truth, I am exempted from wearing one, but I still wish to be safe.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/26/21 at 7:20 am


I hope that one is true.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/26/21 at 7:22 am

It’s all in your mind. I regularly wear a mask for 2 or 3 hours without a problem. After a break for a quick drink and a bit I put it on for another few hours.

I wear a mask for a few hours at work, then If I need a quick drink or something to eat I take it off then I put it back on until the day is over.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/26/21 at 7:24 am

I only wear a mask in enclosed places, especially when shopping (we have to), but I cannot wear a mask for a long time, I begin to feel uneasy with it it worn for a long time. In truth, I am exempted from wearing one, but I still wish to be safe.

I wear a mask when I go food shopping for groceries.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/29/21 at 1:41 pm

Now they're saying July 1st.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 04/29/21 at 2:39 pm

In Canada, the Mask Mandate could be over by the start of the summer if we get enough people vaccinated.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 04/29/21 at 2:43 pm

When the mask mandate goes away, I'm gonna take a trip to the mall and take my time shopping for hours for old times sake. I can't keep a mask on for more than 20 minutes without feeling like I can't breathe.

You ought to look into getting one of these masks.

They're made by K&N, a company which is well-known in the automotive enthusiast community for making high-performance air filters for cars. I have a couple of them, and they breathe a lot easier than regular masks.

As a matter-of-fact, I'm getting 5-10% more horsepower than I do with a normal mask.  8)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/30/21 at 4:38 am

In Canada, the Mask Mandate could be over by the start of the summer if we get enough people vaccinated.

Is your mayor of Canada saying the same time frame?  ???

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 04/30/21 at 8:25 am

In Canada, the Mask Mandate could be over by the start of the summer if we get enough people vaccinated.

Who told you that? That sounds early. I wouldn't expect it to end until children can get vaccinated. The US is ending its mask mandates too early, they still have almost 1,000 deaths a day. Comparing it to Israel which kept their mask mandate and now have 0 deaths a day I'd rather be like the latter.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 04/30/21 at 1:45 pm

Who told you that? That sounds early. I wouldn't expect it to end until children can get vaccinated. The US is ending its mask mandates too early, they still have almost 1,000 deaths a day. Comparing it to Israel which kept their mask mandate and now have 0 deaths a day I'd rather be like the latter.

When do you think the mask mandate should end?  ???

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 04/30/21 at 3:25 pm

Who told you that? That sounds early. I wouldn't expect it to end until children can get vaccinated. The US is ending its mask mandates too early, they still have almost 1,000 deaths a day. Comparing it to Israel which kept their mask mandate and now have 0 deaths a day I'd rather be like the latter.

It was trending on Twitter that this is what Dr. Tam said but I wouldn't expect it to end as early as that assuming that this is what Dr. Tam actually said.  I would expect it to end whenever everybody who wants it gets vaccinated.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 04/30/21 at 5:30 pm

When do you think the mask mandate should end?  ???

When a sufficient amount of the population is vaccinated. That means we need either a vaccine for children (which we don't have as of yet) OR virtually every adult gets vaccinated, which I'm not banking on.

The virus has a natural reproduction rate of up to 3, that's not including variants and assumes no one is wearing masks or doing any social distancing.

Using the very simple equation for herd immunity and assuming the vaccines have a 95% efficacy, that means you need roughly 74% of the population vaccinated to reach herd immunity. In Canada, 16% of the population is under 15, which means only 84% is eligible for vaccination. To reach 74%, you would need to vaccinate 88% of the adult population. I'll be happy if we reach that, but I doubt it, so vaccinating children will be key.

Since herd immunity is a function of the reproduction rate, lowering the reproduction rate will lower the threshold for herd immunity. One way to do that is to wear masks. That way, you don't need an 88% vaccination rate to eradicate the disease, it will be lower. In Israel they managed to reach herd immunity with 65%– of course they have many other tools other than masks, for example if you're not vaccinated in Israel you are banned from going to the gym or going to a restaurant.

It was trending on Twitter that this is what Dr. Tam said but I wouldn't expect it to end as early as that assuming that this is what Dr. Tam actually said.  I would expect it to end whenever everybody who wants it gets vaccinated.

I think she meant restrictions as in going to the theatre or a concert, not masks. Masks are a provincial rule though and I do expect Doug Ford to be stupid about it.  ::)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 04/30/21 at 6:59 pm

When a sufficient amount of the population is vaccinated. That means we need either a vaccine for children (which we don't have as of yet) OR virtually every adult gets vaccinated, which I'm not banking on.

The virus has a natural reproduction rate of up to 3, that's not including variants and assumes no one is wearing masks or doing any social distancing.

Using the very simple equation for herd immunity and assuming the vaccines have a 95% efficacy, that means you need roughly 74% of the population vaccinated to reach herd immunity. In Canada, 16% of the population is under 15, which means only 84% is eligible for vaccination. To reach 74%, you would need to vaccinate 88% of the adult population. I'll be happy if we reach that, but I doubt it, so vaccinating children will be key.

Since herd immunity is a function of the reproduction rate, lowering the reproduction rate will lower the threshold for herd immunity. One way to do that is to wear masks. That way, you don't need an 88% vaccination rate to eradicate the disease, it will be lower. In Israel they managed to reach herd immunity with 65%– of course they have many other tools other than masks, for example if you're not vaccinated in Israel you are banned from going to the gym or going to a restaurant.

I think she meant restrictions as in going to the theatre or a concert, not masks. Masks are a provincial rule though and I do expect Doug Ford to be stupid about it.  ::)

That makes more sense.  I think I might have interpreted Dr. Tam's words the wrong way.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/03/21 at 7:38 am

You can take off the mask when your not around people but when you're with a crowd you must wear them.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/04/21 at 2:39 pm

You know what I can't wait until? When we stop needing to see masks on the ground. So gross. I know sometimes it's an accident. But if people purposely drop it on the ground that's just nasty!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/04/21 at 4:24 pm

You know what I can't wait until? When we stop needing to see masks on the ground. So gross. I know sometimes it's an accident. But if people purposely drop it on the ground that's just nasty!

I see a fabric mask in front of the fence of a house every time I go for a walk and I agree with you.  DISGUSTING! You don't know whose mouth has been in that mask? Or how long they've worn it?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/05/21 at 8:01 am

You know what I can't wait until? When we stop needing to see masks on the ground. So gross. I know sometimes it's an accident. But if people purposely drop it on the ground that's just nasty!

I've seen it a lot since the pandemic had began, it's disgusting.  8-P

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/05/21 at 5:29 pm

Got my vaccine appointment for May 11! Home stretch!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/05/21 at 5:45 pm


Oops, I meant to post that in the lockdown thread.  :-[

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: woahjoey on 05/08/21 at 12:52 am

I work in a clinic so probably never ;P which I'm fine with, at least around patients.  I also think people will be more willing to wear masks post-covid when they're feeling sick (fingers crossed).

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/08/21 at 12:55 am

I work in a clinic so probably never ;P which I'm fine with, at least around patients.  I also think people will be more willing to wear masks post-covid when they're feeling sick (fingers crossed).

I hope not.. If you're sick you need to stay at home. Wearing masks while sick will only increase the amount of people going out which creates a false sense of security. Forget the mask. Like pre-covid: If you're sick then stay at home. It makes logical sense.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/08/21 at 8:27 am

I work in a clinic so probably never ;P which I'm fine with, at least around patients.  I also think people will be more willing to wear masks post-covid when they're feeling sick (fingers crossed).

So you're a doctor or a nurse?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/08/21 at 4:37 pm

You can take off the mask when your not around people but when you're with a crowd you must wear them.

I wait until I'm outside of a business to take off my mask because I need it when I'm inside not outside.  And if someone gives me the required 6 ft/ 3 m of properly socially distanced space even better.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/08/21 at 5:05 pm

When a sufficient amount of the population is vaccinated. That means we need either a vaccine for children (which we don't have as of yet) OR virtually every adult gets vaccinated, which I'm not banking on.

Canada authorized Pfizer-BioNTech for 12-15 year olds, so the masks might be history sooner than I thought.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/09/21 at 7:42 am

I wait until I'm outside of a business to take off my mask because I need it when I'm inside not outside.  And if someone gives me the required 6 ft/ 3 m of properly socially distanced space even better.

I wait till I'm outside as well cause when I'm outside I don't need a mask but when will they finally rid themselves of the mandates altogether? ???

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/09/21 at 4:13 pm

Canada authorized Pfizer-BioNTech for 12-15-year-olds, so the masks might be history sooner than I thought.

I'll be glad about that.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/11/21 at 3:03 am

Long after this pandemic is over with I'm going to keep a mask with when I go to work, so I can protect myself from a particular co-worker who seems to immensely enjoy...making his presence known when we're down in the breakroom.  ;D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/11/21 at 3:56 am

Forever and ever and ever.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/11/21 at 4:03 am

Until the science shows it is safe to do so, but in the meantime, I will keep wearing one in enclosed and crowded places.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/11/21 at 7:26 am

Until the science shows it is safe to do so, but in the meantime, I will keep wearing one in enclosed and crowded places.

You must keep yourself safe from people until it's safe to remove the mask altogether.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/11/21 at 2:57 pm

Forever and ever and ever.

Until they make everyone walk around in plastic bubbles.  ;D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/11/21 at 3:00 pm

Until they make everyone walk around in plastic bubbles.  ;D
Something like this?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/11/21 at 11:33 pm

In my area, it's getting close...1971/earlier.  I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll have to make my appointment at the end of May/beginning of June.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/12/21 at 8:12 am

Until they make everyone walk around in plastic bubbles.  ;D

Like in that Seinfeld episode?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/13/21 at 2:03 pm

They're hoping by sometime in July.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Early2010sGuy on 05/13/21 at 7:42 pm

Masks, maybe for another year in Canada... But in my province (Saskatchwan), we almost have 70% of ages 50+ vaccinated, and then they're gonna authorize kids ages 12-15 to get the vaccine!!  :D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/13/21 at 8:53 pm

It's over.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AmericanGirl on 05/13/21 at 9:07 pm

It's over.

O0 That's my kind of news!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/13/21 at 9:55 pm

I'm going to call tomorrow and book my appointment.  I'll be a little less fearful of what's going on around me. 

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/13/21 at 10:01 pm

Papers please! Show your vaccine passport if you want to leave your house!

Lol. People embracing dystopia with open arms. I will never take this vaccine until I am strapped down and forced to.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/14/21 at 12:38 am

Papers please! Show your vaccine passport if you want to leave your house!

Lol. People embracing dystopia with open arms. I will never take this vaccine until I am strapped down and forced to.

Thank you!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/14/21 at 12:45 am

It's over.

No it's not. That article still says masks are still required on public transport and if laws or businesses require it. So it still feels like there is no end in sight.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 05/14/21 at 12:52 am

Papers please! Show your vaccine passport if you want to leave your house!

Lol. People embracing dystopia with open arms. I will never take this vaccine until I am strapped down and forced to.

Why not?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/14/21 at 12:55 am

Lol. People embracing dystopia with open arms. I will never take this vaccine until I am strapped down and forced to.
Will you have the vaccinations when lying in a hospital bed suffering terribly from COVID-19?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/14/21 at 12:57 am

Why not?

Because I believe these vaccines will have a lot of long term side effects that'll pop up in 5, 10 years or so like cancers, leukemia, maybe strokes, heart attacks, etc. I'm not shortening my lifespan to ally someone else's phobia.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/14/21 at 1:03 am

Will you have the vaccinations when lying in a hospital bed suffering terribly from COVID-19?

Already had it and have antibodies.

I've also known relatives - gasp - even older ones who had it and were okay, example A being my father who is turning 67 who has COPD (as well as paralyzed lower lobes of his lungs), a history of strokes, lifelong smoker and lifelong hypertension who had it and was fine. I've had other relatives who also have underlying conditions that would supposedly make it incredibly dangerous like a relative who is near 50, obese, diabetic, hypertensive and suffers from sleep apnea who had it and was okay.

It was pretty fun when my mother was listed as a Covid death on her state death certificate despite dying of end stage renal failure simply because she had had a history of having COVID (depsite testing negative and being moved out of the COVID specific unit and into the regular ICU in the last weak of her life). The funeral home director said they had to list COVID as a secondary cause as a formality since she had a history of having it. But no autopsy was performed. But I was there every day in communication with the doctors. She had had renal failure which went from chronic to severe after she suffered a major heart attack. Her kidneys had been "shot" as our family doctor put it as long as a month or more before her heart attack and she wasn't tolerating dialysis. She could not function without a respirator because her body kept filling up with fluids due to the renal failure, which led her to constantly have pleural effesusion.

But no, COVID death, all the way baby. Gotta wonder how many other people who happened to have Covid, then later died of something else were marked down as "COVID DEATHS" and used to pump those juicy numbers up?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/14/21 at 1:03 am

Because I believe these vaccines will have a lot of long term side effects that'll pop up in 5, 10 years or so like cancers, leukemia, maybe strokes, heart attacks, etc. I'm not shortening my lifespan to ally someone else's phobia.
But to be lying in a hospital bed suffering terribly from COVID-19, has the chance of shortening your lifespan to a matter of months.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/14/21 at 1:05 am

But to be lying in a hospital bed suffering terribly from COVID-19, has the chance of shortening your lifespan to a matter of months.

Already had it and have antibodies.

I've also known relatives - gasp - even older ones who had it and were okay, example A being my father who is turning 67 who has COPD (as well as paralyzed lower lobes of his lungs), a history of strokes, lifelong smoker and lifelong hypertension who had it and was fine. I've had other relatives who also have underlying conditions that would supposedly make it incredibly dangerous like a relative who is near 50, obese, diabetic, hypertensive and suffers from sleep apnea who had it and was okay.

It was pretty fun when my mother was listed as a Covid death on her state death certificate despite dying of end stage renal failure simply because she had had a history of having COVID (depsite testing negative and being moved out of the COVID specific unit and into the regular ICU in the last weak of her life). The funeral home director said they had to list COVID as a secondary cause as a formality since she had a history of having it. But no autopsy was performed. But I was there every day in communication with the doctors. She had had renal failure which went from chronic to severe after she suffered a major heart attack. Her kidneys had been "shot" as our family doctor put it as long as a month or more before her heart attack and she wasn't tolerating dialysis. She could not function without a respirator because her body kept filling up with fluids due to the renal failure, which led her to constantly have pleural effesusion.

But no, COVID death, all the way baby. Gotta wonder how many other people who happened to have Covid, then later died of something else were marked down as "COVID DEATHS" and used to pump those juicy numbers up?

My freedom doesn't end where your phobia begins.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/14/21 at 8:00 am

O0 That's my kind of news!

But I think you should wear them in tight close places that you should continue to wear them.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/14/21 at 8:01 am

No it's not. That article still says masks are still required on public transport and if laws or businesses require it. So it still feels like there is no end in sight.

We have long ways to go.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/14/21 at 1:33 pm

I just bought some masks that says "I'm vaccinated." I'm sure I will wear them anyway depending on where and the situation.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/14/21 at 2:00 pm

I just bought some masks that says "I'm vaccinated." I'm sure I will wear them anyway depending on where and the situation.


We keep our pack of masks in the house.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/14/21 at 2:42 pm

I just bought some masks that say "I'm vaccinated." I'm sure I will wear them anyway depending on where and the situation.


I called this morning to book my appointment because now it's 1981 and earlier but the operator on the other end of the line said I should call again tomorrow so that's what I'm going to do because I just want to get my first dose done! I've waited long enough! >:(

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/14/21 at 2:53 pm

I called this morning to book my appointment because now it's 1981 and earlier but the operator on the other end of the line said I should call again tomorrow so that's what I'm going to do because I just want to get my first dose done! I've waited long enough! >:(



Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/14/21 at 6:00 pm

2112: Peasants still wearing masks cause the hologram of Lord High Commissar of Health Fauci says it's still not safe to go outside.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/14/21 at 6:05 pm

Already had it and have antibodies.

I've also known relatives - gasp - even older ones who had it and were okay, example A being my father who is turning 67 who has COPD (as well as paralyzed lower lobes of his lungs), a history of strokes, lifelong smoker and lifelong hypertension who had it and was fine. I've had other relatives who also have underlying conditions that would supposedly make it incredibly dangerous like a relative who is near 50, obese, diabetic, hypertensive and suffers from sleep apnea who had it and was okay.

It was pretty fun when my mother was listed as a Covid death on her state death certificate despite dying of end stage renal failure simply because she had had a history of having COVID (depsite testing negative and being moved out of the COVID specific unit and into the regular ICU in the last weak of her life). The funeral home director said they had to list COVID as a secondary cause as a formality since she had a history of having it. But no autopsy was performed. But I was there every day in communication with the doctors. She had had renal failure which went from chronic to severe after she suffered a major heart attack. Her kidneys had been "shot" as our family doctor put it as long as a month or more before her heart attack and she wasn't tolerating dialysis. She could not function without a respirator because her body kept filling up with fluids due to the renal failure, which led her to constantly have pleural effesusion.

But no, COVID death, all the way baby. Gotta wonder how many other people who happened to have Covid, then later died of something else were marked down as "COVID DEATHS" and used to pump those juicy numbers up?

I am sorry for your loss of your mother.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/14/21 at 6:06 pm

Because I believe these vaccines will have a lot of long term side effects that'll pop up in 5, 10 years or so like cancers, leukemia, maybe strokes, heart attacks, etc. I'm not shortening my lifespan to ally someone else's phobia.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/14/21 at 6:15 pm

Getting the vaccine should be a CHOICE. Isn't the popular slogan these days "My body, my choice"? But instead, all of us who refuse to take it will be considered delinquents in society and labeled as murderers. It's already happening where I see people shaming people for choosing not to get the vaccine. Like the WITCH TRIALS in the dark ages, this is it... History repeats itself. Heck, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if in the near future the unvaccinated will be considered an infection for society and be sent to fema camps or the death row. This is history repeating itself. A lot like 1930s Germany. How did so many people fall for it? To kill all Jews? Brainwashing. The same scenario is slowly but surely going on now. This is happening through media brainwashing. The only difference now opposed to WW2 in Germany is instead of one man it is now a network of governments and media around the world working together. Which is even worse as it is more subtle, not isolated, and worldwide, so we have no one to protect us. This will be the "new normal" for the entire world. Soon enough the media will have people brainwashed to the point of agreeing to banish unvaccinated people from society. It is happening with travel and indoor entertainment events and I even heard that non-essential businesses may even require it and I heard this on GLOBAL NEWS not a conspiracy article. It is coming straight from the mouths of the mainstream media. THE SAME news outlets reporting on dangerous side effects like blood clots coming from the vaccines. Eventually the unvaccinated will be banned from many other things including grocery stores I bet.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/14/21 at 6:41 pm

Getting the vaccine should be a CHOICE. Isn't the popular slogan these days "My body, my choice"?

But instead, all of us who refuse to take it will be considered delinquents in society and labeled as murderers.

It's already happening where I see people shaming people for choosing not to get the vaccine. Like the WITCH TRIALS in the dark ages, this is it... History repeats itself.

Amen. There's song by Donovon that captures it really:

Histories of ages past
Unenlightened shadows cast
Down through all eternity
The crying of humanity

Heck, at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if in the near future the unvaccinated will be considered an infection for society and be sent to fema camps or the death row. This is history repeating itself. A lot like 1930s Germany. How did so many people fall for it? To kill all Jews? Brainwashing. The same scenario is slowly but surely going on now. This is happening through media brainwashing. The only difference now opposed to WW2 in Germany is instead of one man it is now a network of governments and media around the world working together. Which is even worse as it is more subtle, not isolated, and worldwide, so we have no one to protect us.

I wouldn't go that far but I believe COVID was a test-run for a much more devastating, truly Biblical proportion plague, on par with the Black Death. Or if not that, a test run to see just how much social control they could achieve. How much freedoms people across the world would willingly give up in the name of 'security' as a test run for further repression. I believe the vaccines may end up killing a lot of people or sterilizing them in the long run. I mean, you hear all these tech billionaires talk about population control and the like. Wouldn't it be convenient if the vaccines ended up sterilizing everyone? That solves what the rich science types see as a problem.

This is also I think a punishment of sorts for the public not embracing climate change measures earlier. "Okay, we played it nice. You didn't push hard enough for reform. Now you will wear masks forever."

This was the tutorial stage of the game, either way.

for the governments of the world to see how easily they could gain This will be the "new normal" for the entire world. Soon enough the media will have people brainwashed to the point of agreeing to banish unvaccinated people from society. It is happening with travel and indoor entertainment events and I even heard that non-essential businesses may even require it and I heard this on GLOBAL NEWS not a conspiracy article. It is coming straight from the mouths of the mainstream media. THE SAME news outlets reporting on dangerous side effects like blood clots coming from the vaccines. Eventually the unvaccinated will be banned from many other things including grocery stores I bet.

The bolded is what will more than likely happen, if not worse. Give it a year or two tops. Vaccinations will be mandatory with prison sentences for refusing to get it, on par with knowingly transmitting AIDS to somewhere. And your vaccine record or lack thereof will be transmitted to all potential or current employers and lack of a COVID vaccine could easily be made legal grounds to blacklist you from employment, or have you fired from your current job.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/14/21 at 7:16 pm



Thanks.  I had a bit of a freak out after that happened because it didn't go well so I needed that.  My mom told me that I can't freak out because something doesn't go my way.  But still.  >:(

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/14/21 at 7:19 pm


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/14/21 at 7:32 pm

Amen. There's song by Donovon that captures it really:

Histories of ages past
Unenlightened shadows cast
Down through all eternity
The crying of humanity

I wouldn't go that far but I believe COVID was a test-run for a much more devastating, truly Biblical proportion plague, on par with the Black Death. Or if not that, a test run to see just how much social control they could achieve. How much freedoms people across the world would willingly give up in the name of 'security' as a test run for further repression. I believe the vaccines may end up killing a lot of people or sterilizing them in the long run. I mean, you hear all these tech billionaires talk about population control and the like. Wouldn't it be convenient if the vaccines ended up sterilizing everyone? That solves what the rich science types see as a problem.

This is also I think a punishment of sorts for the public not embracing climate change measures earlier. "Okay, we played it nice. You didn't push hard enough for reform. Now you will wear masks forever."

This was the tutorial stage of the game, either way.

The bolded is what will more than likely happen, if not worse. Give it a year or two tops. Vaccinations will be mandatory with prison sentences for refusing to get it, on par with knowingly transmitting AIDS to somewhere. And your vaccine record or lack thereof will be transmitted to all potential or current employers and lack of a COVID vaccine could easily be made legal grounds to blacklist you from employment, or have you fired from your current job.

Yup and the fact that vaccine passports are talked about by mainstream news outlets and even political leaders themselves, makes all of the this true and not a conspiracy theory. The banishment from travel and entertainment events will definitely happen as it is already being talked about starting this fall. But in the next few years it could be jail or worse.

In the 1930s the fear propoganda to the Germans was a bad economy with no jobs and major poverty. How much more are people willing to go when the propoganda tool is fear for your life from catching the plague?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 05/14/21 at 7:59 pm

I wouldn't go that far but I believe COVID was a test-run for a much more devastating, truly Biblical proportion plague, on par with the Black Death. Or if not that, a test run to see just how much social control they could achieve. How much freedoms people across the world would willingly give up in the name of 'security' as a test run for further repression. I believe the vaccines may end up killing a lot of people or sterilizing them in the long run. I mean, you hear all these tech billionaires talk about population control and the like. Wouldn't it be convenient if the vaccines ended up sterilizing everyone? That solves what the rich science types see as a problem.

This is also I think a punishment of sorts for the public not embracing climate change measures earlier. "Okay, we played it nice. You didn't push hard enough for reform. Now you will wear masks forever."

This was the tutorial stage of the game, either way.

The bolded is what will more than likely happen, if not worse. Give it a year or two tops. Vaccinations will be mandatory with prison sentences for refusing to get it, on par with knowingly transmitting AIDS to somewhere. And your vaccine record or lack thereof will be transmitted to all potential or current employers and lack of a COVID vaccine could easily be made legal grounds to blacklist you from employment, or have you fired from your current job.

Who is the "they" in all this? Something I always want to know when theories like this are put forth is WHAT IS THE END GAME? When "they" control us all, what do they really get out of it? So we all show our papers, so we all do what they say, so we are all obedient little Stepford people. So they control our every move. What do "they" do next? Sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor? If they've already got all the money, all the power, all the sex, what else do they get? What is their motivation?

I'm not discounting your theory. Sometimes I see the world headed that way myself, unfortunately. But what does it look like followed through to it's logical conclusion?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/14/21 at 10:55 pm

Who is the "they" in all this? Something I always want to know when theories like this are put forth is WHAT IS THE END GAME? When "they" control us all, what do they really get out of it? So we all show our papers, so we all do what they say, so we are all obedient little Stepford people. So they control our every move. What do "they" do next? Sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor? If they've already got all the money, all the power, all the sex, what else do they get? What is their motivation?

I'm not discounting your theory. Sometimes I see the world headed that way myself, unfortunately. But what does it look like followed through to it's logical conclusion?

Isn't power enough? Why does there have to be some theatrical end game to it?
There's also I suppose tighter regulation of movement with "well intentioned" climate control ends, if you want to be grandiose about it. But I mean, if you can take power, why not take it? Henry Kissinger said (and this is a literal taped quote) "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." So, I mean sometimes power just for power's sake without there necessarily being a dramatic end goal. In this case, population control? Just greater control of movement of people? Lessening the carbon footprint by restricting movement? Or just pure and simple assertion of power. Who the f knows.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/15/21 at 7:27 am

2112: Peasants still wearing masks cause the hologram of Lord High Commissar of Health Fauci says it's still not safe to go outside.

That's 90 years from now.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 05/15/21 at 12:18 pm

I think the government will occasionally test ideas such such as vaccine passports by leaking the story and seeing how the public feel about them. If the general public seem happy with something as a concept then it might become a thing. If the general consensus is that something is a bad idea then it probably won’t happen.

Somewhere further up the thread was mention of media brainwashing around vaccines. I read an interesting article this morning about the fact that anti-vax websites started disparaging the Covid vaccine months before one was developed. So most of the crap about it does this, it does that was developed before we had any notion that there would ever be a vaccine. That is the brainwashing that is going on.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/15/21 at 12:54 pm

I think the government will occasionally test ideas such such as vaccine passports by leaking the story and seeing how the public feel about them. If the general public seem happy with something as a concept then it might become a thing. If the general consensus is that something is a bad idea then it probably won’t happen.

Somewhere further up the thread was mention of media brainwashing around vaccines. I read an interesting article this morning about the fact that anti-vax websites started disparaging the Covid vaccine months before one was developed. So most of the crap about it does this, it does that was developed before we had any notion that there would ever be a vaccine. That is the brainwashing that is going on.

The general public already feel happy about it. It's called brainwashing. Either that or they will LYING and saying they are happy about it.

The global news articles I read literally said 80% are in favour for vaccine passports... So what you described already happen. And it will soon become a reality...

They've done the same polling method with masks and now they are doing the same thing to convince most people are on board.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 05/15/21 at 12:56 pm

I think the government will occasionally test ideas such such as vaccine passports by leaking the story and seeing how the public feel about them. If the general public seem happy with something as a concept then it might become a thing. If the general consensus is that something is a bad idea then it probably won’t happen.

Somewhere further up the thread was mention of media brainwashing around vaccines. I read an interesting article this morning about the fact that anti-vax websites started disparaging the Covid vaccine months before one was developed. So most of the crap about it does this, it does that was developed before we had any notion that there would ever be a vaccine. That is the brainwashing that is going on.

There is brainwashing going on on all sides now, be it about the vaccine or other things. Because there is a means to do it with the internet and social media. There is no actual news anymore in any way. It is all slanted either left or right. Or some other way. But still SLANTED. Objective news is GONE. The sad thing is that a lot of low-information people can't even tell the difference when they are being manipulated. Walter Cronkite is spinning in his grave.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/15/21 at 1:12 pm



I'm officially booked for June 6.  I can't wait.  :)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/15/21 at 2:16 pm

STOP LIVING IN FEAR!!!!😱😱 says man who thinks a secret cabal is plotting to eradicate humanity and only let anti-vaxxers have babies because they want to prevent climate change.

The general public already feel happy about it. It's called brainwashing. Either that or they will LYING and saying they are happy about it.

The global news articles I read literally said 80% are in favour for vaccine passports... So what you described already happen. And it will soon become a reality...

They've done the same polling method with masks and now they are doing the same thing to convince most people are on board.

People support it but I bet they won't implement it, at least here. I know Israel did it. In a lot of European countries you either need to be vaccinated, infected+recovered in the past 6 months, or have a negative test in the last 3 days to attend a mass gathering.

Quebec says they will create QR codes for vaccination proof but I am not sure what they will do with it. Ontario said it won't. They cancelled all summer events and extended the stay at home order to June instead, because this place is run by dumbf*cks. I'll have to stay with my aunt in Montreal if it comes to it. I'm tired of living in a society run by and for the low IQ.

And you support and have always supported vaccine/health passports, you just don't realize it. Are you okay with someone with Ebola sitting beside you at the theatre? I bet not. Were you okay with West Africans being banned from entering during Ebola? Were you okay with Canada banning foreigners from entering the country during this pandemic? If you did, you support vaccine passports. You only want special treatment because it's you who's the subject now.

"My body my choice". You have the right to take drugs, but you will be punished severely if you sell them. There is personal choice, but once your actions negatively affect others it becomes a question of public safety. You don't have to get the vaccine if you don't want to, but you have no right to go to a mass gathering and infect everyone there. That has NEVER been the deal. Although I'm sure our stupid provincial government will just cancel all mass events rather than come around to reason and implement a vaccine passport system.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/15/21 at 2:34 pm

STOP LIVING IN FEAR!!!!😱😱 says man who thinks a secret cabal is plotting to eradicate humanity and only let anti-vaxxers have babies because they want to prevent climate change.

People support it but I bet they won't implement it, at least here. I know Israel did it. In a lot of European countries you either need to be vaccinated, infected+recovered in the past 6 months, or have a negative test in the last 3 days to attend a mass gathering.

Quebec says they will create QR codes for vaccination proof but I am not sure what they will do with it. Ontario said it won't. They cancelled all summer events and extended the stay at home order June instead because this place is run by dumbf*cks. I'll stay with my aunt in Montreal if it comes to it. I'm tired of living in a society run by and for the low IQ.

And you support and have always supported vaccine/health passports, you just don't realize it. Are you okay with someone who has Ebola sitting beside you at the theatre? I bet not. Were you okay East Africans being banned from entering during Ebola? Were you okay with Canada banning foreigners from entering the country during this pandemic? If you did you support vaccine passports. You only want special reatment because it's you whose the subject now.

"My body my choice". You have the right to take drugs but you will be punished severely if you sell them. There is personal choice but once your actions negatively affect others it is a question of public safety. You don't have the vaccine if you don't want to, but you have no right to go to a mass gathering and infect everyone there. That has NEVER been the deal. Although I'm sure our stupid provincial government will just cancel all mass events than ever come around to reason.

Partially vaccinated Canadians can socialize outdoors this summer, Tam says - CBC News

"Partially vaccinated people CAN socialize outdoors with close family members"

You expect me to thank Dr. Tam for allowing us to fulfill our basic human needs? Only if we get jabbed though.

Wake up, do you work for them or something???

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/15/21 at 2:53 pm

Partially vaccinated Canadians can socialize outdoors this summer, Tam says - CBC News

"Partially vaccinated people CAN socialize outdoors with close family members"

You expect me to thank Dr. Tam for allowing us to fulfill our basic human needs? Only if we get jabbed though.

Wake up, do you work for them or something???

You realize that is advice, right? Dr. Tam has no power and never did.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/17/21 at 10:07 am

STOP LIVING IN FEAR!!!!😱😱 says man who thinks a secret cabal is plotting to eradicate humanity and only let anti-vaxxers have babies because they want to prevent climate change.

People support it but I bet they won't implement it, at least here. I know Israel did it. In a lot of European countries you either need to be vaccinated, infected+recovered in the past 6 months, or have a negative test in the last 3 days to attend a mass gathering.

Quebec says they will create QR codes for vaccination proof but I am not sure what they will do with it. Ontario said it won't. They cancelled all summer events and extended the stay at home order to June instead, because this place is run by dumbf*cks. I'll have to stay with my aunt in Montreal if it comes to it. I'm tired of living in a society run by and for the low IQ.

And you support and have always supported vaccine/health passports, you just don't realize it. Are you okay with someone with Ebola sitting beside you at the theatre? I bet not. Were you okay with West Africans being banned from entering during Ebola? Were you okay with Canada banning foreigners from entering the country during this pandemic? If you did, you support vaccine passports. You only want special treatment because it's you who's the subject now.

"My body my choice". You have the right to take drugs, but you will be punished severely if you sell them. There is personal choice, but once your actions negatively affect others it becomes a question of public safety. You don't have to get the vaccine if you don't want to, but you have no right to go to a mass gathering and infect everyone there. That has NEVER been the deal. Although I'm sure our stupid provincial government will just cancel all mass events rather than come around to reason and implement a vaccine passport system.

You could've spared yourself some words and said "you will be wearing a mask until you die. Deal with it."

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/17/21 at 11:54 am

You could've spared yourself some words and said "you will be wearing a mask until you die. Deal with it."

Nice strawman argument. I've already explained how and why masks can come off once around 75% of the population has been vaccinated.

We should base rules on science/mathematics, reason, and minimizing deaths, suffering, economic harm, and infringements on civil liberties. Before vaccines, masks were THE lowest hanging fruit way to do that. Instead you'd prefer we base rules on your wailing over minor inconveniences. Funnily enough you are the one stalling the return to normalcy with your Alex Jones-tier beliefs and decision making skills.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/17/21 at 12:24 pm

Nice strawman argument. I've already explained how and why masks can come off once around 75% of the population has been vaccinated.

We should base rules on science/mathematics, reason, and minimizing deaths, suffering, economic harm, and infringements on civil liberties. Before vaccines, masks were THE lowest hanging fruit way to do that. Instead you'd prefer we base rules on your wailing over minor inconveniences. Funnily enough you are the one stalling the return to normalcy with your Alex Jones-tier beliefs and decision making skills.

There is no return to normalcy. This is 1984. Not getting chipped for your peace of mind. Even if 100% of the population was vaccinated, Commissar Fauci would find excuses to keep the masks going forever. They are never, ever, ever coming off. Life is NEVER returning to ANY semblance of normal. Got it? Good.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 05/17/21 at 12:41 pm

There is no return to normalcy. This is 1984. Not getting chipped for your peace of mind. Even if 100% of the population was vaccinated, Commissar Fauci would find excuses to keep the masks going forever. They are never, ever, ever coming off. Life is NEVER returning to ANY semblance of normal. Got it? Good.

You sound like you have existential anxiety. If they never come off, so be it. What's the difference? We will look back and say  "remember when things used to be that other way?" and get on with our lives. I personally remember what I call the "soulful" times of the 60s and 70s. The deeper, human meaning of things before social media took over. and things lost a certain human connection. Have you ever taken a clear eyed look at mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey who run Facebook and Twitter respectively? I mean, how MEDICATED are these people? These are the people society lets run their world now. I remember a time before it. But what am I gonna do, save for coming on here and telling people what it used to be like, just to give them a frame of reference? Life marches on. Cooperate with the inevitable. The future isn't what it used to be.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/17/21 at 12:45 pm

You sound like you have existential anxiety. If they never come off, so be it. What's the difference? We will look back and say  "remember when things used to be that other way?" and get on with our lives. I personally remember what I call the "soulful" times of the 60s and 70s. The deeper, human meaning of things before social media took over. and things lost a certain human connection. Have you ever taken a clear eyed look at mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey who run Facebook and Twitter respectively? I mean, how MEDICATED are these people? These are the people society lets run their world now. I remember a time before it. But what am I gonna do, save for coming on here and telling people what it used to be like, just to give them a frame of reference? Life marches on. Cooperate with the inevitable. The future isn't what it used to be.

It's not "existential anxiety" it's called, this is BS being forced on us to take away freedoms and people just don't care. They're slaves. They're gladly, happily throwing away freedom for peace of mind. It's like they're drones, with no minds of their own.

I don't have to cooperate with Jack. I will fight against the little self made slaves as much as I can. I'm no peasant. Dr. Fauci ain't my sugar daddy like he seems to be for a lot of people.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/17/21 at 1:23 pm

There is no return to normalcy. This is 1984. Not getting chipped for your peace of mind. Even if 100% of the population was vaccinated, Commissar Fauci would find excuses to keep the masks going forever. They are never, ever, ever coming off. Life is NEVER returning to ANY semblance of normal. Got it? Good.

Fauci literally said you can take your mask off if you're vaccinated, so what you're saying is demonstrably false. What's funny is once the masks come off and your population extinction theory doesn't come to pass you will never admit you were wrong, and you will just move onto the next insane belief. Dude, you need to get yourself together.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 05/17/21 at 1:31 pm

It's not "existential anxiety" it's called, this is BS being forced on us to take away freedoms and people just don't care. They're slaves. They're gladly, happily throwing away freedom for peace of mind. It's like they're drones, with no minds of their own.

I don't have to cooperate with Jack. I will fight against the little self made slaves as much as I can. I'm no peasant. Dr. Fauci ain't my sugar daddy like he seems to be for a lot of people.

Peace of mind isn't good?

"I'd give you everything I've got for a little peace of mind"
White Album

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/17/21 at 1:52 pm

There is no return to normalcy. This is 1984. Not getting chipped for your peace of mind. Even if 100% of the population was vaccinated, Commissar Fauci would find excuses to keep the masks going forever. They are never, ever, ever coming off. Life is NEVER returning to ANY semblance of normal. Got it? Good.

I would probably wear the mask in certain places such as supermarkets, The Doctor's Office, dentists and public transportation (buses and trains).

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 05/17/21 at 1:58 pm

I would probably wear the mask in certain places such as supermarkets, The Doctor's Office, dentists and public transportation (buses and trains).

A smart idea. Except maybe the dentist. How will the dentist get at your teeth with a mask on?  :D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/17/21 at 2:01 pm

I think things may return to some form of normal for those who got vaccinated, but for those who choose not to get the jab we will be treated as outcasts. A lot of people are asleep though. They just don't realize how many rights the world government(s) has violated or has said they would plan to violate in the last 12 months. I think because of fear people don't care. The Nazis used fear tactics on the Germans and look how that turned out. There really is no charter or constitution anymore. That's been thrown out of the window last year in every way imaginable.

To make matters worse, the small group of people who choose to protest and rebel against tyranny are labeled as "Anti-Maskers" by the media so they would be seen as a joke and not taken seriously. When it has absolutely nothing to do with masks lol. The protests that have been going on were not "anti-mask" (which just sounds ridiculous anyway), they were against government tyranny and the violation of rights of citizens (which includes forcefully shutting down businesses and restricting people from socializing). They are just labeled as "anti-mask" so they would be seen as a joke and not taken seriously. Scary stuff the media and the governments do.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/17/21 at 2:01 pm

A smart idea. Except maybe the dentist. How will the dentist get at your teeth with a mask on?  :D

You'd take off the mask.  ::)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/17/21 at 3:08 pm

I think things may return to some form of normal for those who got vaccinated, but for those who choose not to get the jab we will be treated as outcasts. A lot of people are asleep though. They just don't realize how many rights the world government(s) has violated or has said they would plan to violate in the last 12 months. I think because of fear people don't care. The Nazis used fear tactics on the Germans and look how that turned out. There really is no charter or constitution anymore. That's been thrown out of the window last year in every way imaginable.

To make matters worse, the small group of people who choose to protest and rebel against tyranny are labeled as "Anti-Maskers" by the media so they would be seen as a joke and not taken seriously. When it has absolutely nothing to do with masks lol. The protests that have been going on were not "anti-mask" (which just sounds ridiculous anyway), they were against government tyranny and the violation of rights of citizens (which includes forcefully shutting down businesses and restricting people from socializing). They are just labeled as "anti-mask" so they would be seen as a joke and not taken seriously. Scary stuff the media and the governments do.

You keep saying Charter Charter Charter. Have you even read it? Don't answer that; I already know you haven't. Unless you're a lawyer the document is completely incomprehensible because it's written in legalese. If you think you found a Charter violation I'd LOVE to see it. You are free to sue the government and I would support you. So what are you waiting for?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/17/21 at 4:39 pm

You keep saying Charter Charter Charter. Have you even read it? Don't answer that; I already know you haven't. Unless you're a lawyer the document is completely incomprehensible because it's written in legalese. If you think you found a Charter violation I'd LOVE to see it. You are free to sue the government and I would support you. So what are you waiting for?

No I am not free to sue the government since the charter isn't even in effect... It hasn't been in effect since the pandemic started. But mandating masks and vaccines is a violation of section 7 under body autonomy. But it makes no difference since it is NOT in effect. The government can do whatever they want now and people (including yourself it seems) are completely fine with it.

But section 7 only refers to abortions it seems, not vaccines.  ::)

You don't need the charter to realize that the government forcing people to restrict their oxygen levels by wearing a mask or forcing people to be injected is wrong. You only need half a brain to know that.

Dare I mention the violation in the charter in Section 6(2) for the freedom to travel anywhere in Canada? Did you know you are not allowed to do that anymore, travel inter-provincially? BC is handing out TICKETS to people who do that. Are you still gonna say there is no violations?

I can go on and on... Religious freedoms (churches closing down) among many others.

Like I said it doesn't matter because THERE IS NO CHARTER. The government has proven they could do WHATEVER THEY WANT TO THEIR CITIZENS during this past year.

If anyone says they trust the government and feel they still have freedom in this country after all they said and done, I really don't know why to say. China or NK may be a good fit for you then. This country among many others are leading that way.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/17/21 at 6:01 pm

No I am not free to sue the government since the charter isn't even in effect... It hasn't been in effect since the pandemic started. But mandating masks and vaccines is a violation of section 7 under body autonomy. But it makes no difference since it is NOT in effect. The government can do whatever they want now and people (including yourself it seems) are completely fine with it.

But section 7 only refers to abortions it seems, not vaccines.  ::)

Vaccines aren't mandatory so your argument is baseless.

You don't need the charter to realize that the government forcing people to restrict their oxygen levels by wearing a mask or forcing people to be injected is wrong. You only need half a brain to know that.

Where is your proof masks reduce oxygen levels? That argument would be laughed out of court.


I literally told you to go buy a cheap dollar store oximeter and check your oxygen levels for yourself, but it seems you are committed to seeing the world through your political ideology instead of science.

Dare I mention the violation in the charter in Section 6(2) for the freedom to travel anywhere in Canada? Did you know you are not allowed to do that anymore, travel inter-provincially? BC is handing out TICKETS to people who do that. Are you still gonna say there is no violations?

I can go on and on... Religious freedoms (churches closing down) among many others.

I just checked this section 6(2) and this is what the Charter Encyclopedia had to say

Section 6(2) thus far has been interpreted as applying to Canadians’ mobility rights as between provinces rather than to mobility within a province (McDermott v. Town of Nackawic (1998), 53 D.L.R. (4th) 150 (N.B.C.A.); McGregor v. Holyrood Manor, 2014 BCSC 679). 

A ruling from 1998 nullifies your claim of a Charter violation.

And no churches are not closed down, they are just not allowed to host 10+/25+ people indoors. They can still have mass gatherings outdoors or virtually. You can still go pray at church. Those are VERY reasonable compromises.

Like I said it doesn't matter because THERE IS NO CHARTER. The government has proven they could do WHATEVER THEY WANT TO THEIR CITIZENS during this past year.

If anyone says they trust the government and feel they still have freedom in this country after all they said and done, I really don't know why to say. China or NK may be a good fit for you then. This country among many others are leading that way.

You are misguided and have persecution complex. Canada has one of the most lax restrictions in the Western world. At no point during this pandemic was I not allowed to meet my friends outdoors, mask free even. The very few rules there are hardly enforced because most Canadians, unlike you, care about each other and have civic pride, so there is no need for police enforcement. Hundreds of anti-maskers in downtown Toronto march every week blatantly disregarding all our laws and the police look the other way (heck, escort them!), and they STILL scream and cry about persecution and how we live in North Korea like the man babies they are. ;D Trash.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/17/21 at 6:09 pm

Vaccines aren't mandatory so your argument is baseless.

Where is your proof masks reduce oxygen levels? That argument would be laughed out of court.


I literally told you to go buy a cheap dollar store oximeter and check your oxygen levels for yourself, but it seems you are committed to seeing the world through your political ideology instead of science.

I just checked this section 6(2) and this is what the Charter Encyclopedia had to say

A ruling from 1998 nullifies your claim of a Charter violation.

And no churches are not closed down, they are just not allowed to host 10+/25+ people indoors. They can still have mass gatherings outdoors or virtually. You can still go pray at church. Those are VERY reasonable compromises.

You are misguided and have persecution complex. Canada has one of the most lax restrictions in the Western world. At no point during this pandemic was I not allowed to meet my friends outdoors, mask free even. The very few rules there are hardly enforced because most Canadians, unlike you, care about each other and have civic pride, so there is no need for police enforcement. Hundreds of anti-maskers in downtown Toronto march every week blatantly disregarding all our laws and the police look the other way (heck, escort them!), and they STILL scream and cry about persecution and how we live in North Korea like the man babies they are. ;D Trash.

The media is literally talking about mandatory vaccines and pumping out that 80% people are in support of it. Of course it is in effect and they are working on it... Even if it goes against the charter, no one cares, so our rights are not even there anymore.

Do you hear the wording of government officials? "You can socialize" "You can remove a mask outdoors"... Those are not "recommendations" like you said in another post about Dr. Tam. Read the wording... They are orders.. That sounds something like Kim Jung Un would say..

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/17/21 at 6:13 pm

Another point, they've been issuing tickets to people who peacefully protest.. Since when does that happen? People can't even peacefully protest anymore. They would be stopped by the police and labeled as an anti masker by the media!

And how about the Quebec curfews? Didn't Ontario have curfews as well? Are we 10 years old now and the government is our father..? Since when was this acceptable??? Do you get it now???

Let's lay aside the stupdity of curfews to try to curb a pandemic (because having more people out in a shorter timeframe certainly makes logical sense to stop the spread) sarcasm... You STILL can't see how that's a move for control, power and to violate our rights? Even though the law makes no sense in stopping the spread?

The government has no right to tell Canadians when they are allowed to go outside or not, they are not our daddies. And people STILL think that's acceptable. Ridiculous.

It is indeed looking more like China day after day. These are all violations of people's rights.

Masks do indeed restrict breathing. I feel sick after wearing one for a long time. That is enough for me. I don't care what stats you looked up.

To tell people when or when not to socialize, to restrict people from going outside at certain times of the day, to tell people how or how not to socialize, to make people wear things on their face, to force injections into people, to cut off people's livelihoods and take away people's businesses, to induce fear through media brainwashing IS A VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, PERIOD. To say otherwise is dishonest with or without the plague. It is simply unacceptable and the sad thing is most people don't care and those who do are being silenced all the time.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/17/21 at 6:47 pm

The media is literally talking about mandatory vaccines and pumping out that 80% people are in support of it. Of course it is in effect and they are working on it... Even if it goes against the charter, no one cares, so our rights are not even there anymore.

No one asked about mandatory vaccines. We asked for vaccine PASSPORTS. Proof of vaccination. Gyms are still closed in Ontario and I can't meet my vaccinated family members indoors. Why can't I go to the gym or see my family if I'm vaccinated and at negligible risk of catching or spreading the diseases? This is the ACTUAL human rights you are ignoring, funnily enough, and you want to continue this charade so we can appease your anti science beliefs and persecution complex.

Do you hear the wording of government officials? "You can socialize" "You can remove a mask outdoors"... Those are not "recommendations" like you said in another post about Dr. Tam. Read the wording... They are orders.. That sounds something like Kim Jung Un would say..

There you are again with your persecution complex. Are those words law? No? Then that's the end of the discussion. You are free to take good advice from a well respected doctor or you are free to ignore it. It's not a law.

Another point, they've been issuing tickets to people who peacefully protest.. Since when does that happen? People can't even peacefully protest anymore. They would be stopped by the police and labeled as an anti masker by the media!

Didn't happen here. A restaurant owner received a health code violation and that is the worst that happened.

And how about the Quebec curfews? Didn't Ontario have curfews as well? Are we 10 years old now and the government is our father..? Since when was this acceptable??? Do you get it now???

Let's lay aside the stupdity of curfews to try to curb a pandemic (because having more people out in a shorter timeframe certainly makes logical sense to stop the spread) sarcasm... You STILL can't see how that's a move for control, power and to violate our rights? Even though the law makes no sense in stopping the spread?

There were no curfews in Ontario (although there should have been).

Curfews make total sense. If I get off work at 7 and the curfew is at 8, I avoid seeing my friends, avoid catching covid-19 and the pandemic gradually comes to an end. Quebec has the lowest infection rate in Canada right now among the big provinces so its funny to see you argue it doesn't work. This is why you're not in charge of public health, Slim, you have no clue what you're talking about. Actually this statement is proof you have no clue what you're talking about:

Masks do indeed restrict breathing. I feel sick after wearing one for a long time. That is enough for me. I don't care what stats you looked up.

Put your Dollarama cat whisker mask away and get a real mask. Your breathing should NOT be restricted. You are being ridiculous.

To tell people when or when not to socialize, to restrict people from going outside at certain times of the day, to tell people how or how not to socialize, to make people wear things on their face, to force injections into people, to cut off people's livelihoods and take away people's businesses, to induce fear through media brainwashing IS A VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, PERIOD. To say otherwise is dishonest with or without the plague. It is simply unacceptable and the sad thing is most people don't care and those who do are being silenced all the time.

They are not human right violations because 1) you are still allowed to do all those things, you are  just obliged to do them responsibly 2) other people have a right to life, which is the most sacred of human rights. We are not getting another 25000 people killed because of your misguided anti-science political ideology, and that's that on that.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/17/21 at 6:57 pm

No one asked about mandatory vaccines. We asked for vaccine PASSPORTS. Proof of vaccination. Gyms are still closed in Ontario and I can't meet my vaccinated family members indoors. Why can't I go to the gym or see my family if I'm vaccinated and at negligible risk of catching or spreading the diseases? This is the ACTUAL human rights you are ignoring, funnily enough, and you want to continue this charade so we can appease your anti science beliefs and persecution complex.

There you are again with your persecution complex. Are those words law? No? Then that's the end of the discussion. You are free to take good advice from a well respected doctor or you are free to ignore it. It's not a law.

Didn't happen here. A restaurant owner received a health code violation and that is the worst that happened.

There were no curfews in Ontario (although there should have been).

Curfews make total sense. If I get off work at 7 and the curfew is at 8, I avoid seeing my friends, avoid catching covid-19 and the pandemic gradually comes to an end. Quebec has the lowest infection rate in Canada right now among the big provinces so its funny to see you argue it doesn't work. This is why you're not in charge of public health, Slim, you have no clue what you're talking about. Actually this statement is proof you have no clue what you're talking about:

Put your Dollarama cat whisker mask away and get a real mask. Your breathing should NOT be restricted. You are being ridiculous.

They are not human right violations because 1) you are still allowed to do all those things, you are  just obliged to do them responsibly 2) other people have a right to life, which is the most sacred of human rights. We are not getting another 25000 people killed because of your misguided anti-science political ideology, and that's that on that.

Should refusing the vaccine carry a prison sentence?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/17/21 at 7:05 pm

Should refusing the vaccine carry a prison sentence?

"No one asked about mandatory vaccines", literally the first sentence in my post.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/17/21 at 7:23 pm

Should refusing the vaccine carry a prison sentence?

That's the next step most likely after banishment of public gatherings, prison or fema camps.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/17/21 at 7:36 pm

That's the next step most likely after banishment of public gatherings, prison or fema camps.

As a half lizard person and half Synth I am actually privy to what happens next. All straight white men will be abducted in their sleep and forced to get abortions to meet climate change population extinction targets. They will then be sent to FEMA camps to do gay for pay porn and the Gay Agenda will be fulfilled. Then Jesus returns to this Flat Earth and he sees what you all were up to and sends you to hell and eternal damnation.

You're insane. I was always bemused how you bust out the textbook definition of a conspiracy  and then say "it's not a conspiracy theory".

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/17/21 at 7:52 pm

As a half lizard person and half Synth I am actually privy to what happens next. All straight white men will be abducted in their sleep and forced to get abortions to meet climate change population extinction targets. They will then be sent to FEMA camps to do gay for pay porn and the Gay Agenda will be fulfilled. Then Jesus returns to this Flat Earth and he sees what you all were up to and sends you to hell and eternal damnation.

You're insane. I was always bemused how you bust out the textbook definition of a conspiracy  and then say "it's not a conspiracy theory".

Honestly though, I really think outside of the lizard and synth comments you're not entirely joking with what you'd want to see happen. The fact that YOU brought "straight white men" into the topic - bringing race, and gender into a topic that has nothing to do with either - with a sarcastic revenge fantasy on said people says a lot about your own humanity. And also the additional subtle mockery of Christians was nice too. Subtle, but nice. It's nice to mock others for believing things you don't because you're "on the right side of history."

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/17/21 at 7:58 pm

Honestly though, I really think outside of the lizard and synth comments you're not entirely joking with what you'd want to see happen. The fact that YOU brought "straight white men" into the topic - bringing race, and gender into a topic that has nothing to do with either - with a sarcastic revenge fantasy on said people says a lot about your own humanity. And also the additional subtle mockery of Christians was nice too. Subtle, but nice. It's nice to mock others for believing things you don't because you're "on the right side of history."

I was talking and joking with Slim in that post and not you. I had completely forgot about your... insecurities. Nice attempt at derail though.

Edit: actually, that you were so triggered by my harmless joke makes it 10x funnier to me. You must believe in half of that and I struck a nerve. Keep on keeping dude. Maybe next time we meet after the Great Reset it will be at a pizza parlour, or a pyramid, or a Rothschild-owned bank.

P.S. I didn't say this aloud before, but I had a hearty laugh earlier in the thread when you said to Slim "I wouldn't go that far", when what you said about a Rich Scientist cabal plotting human extinction to prevent climate change was 1000x more insane than he said about Nazi Germany.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/17/21 at 9:24 pm

I was talking and joking with Slim in that post and not you. I had completely forgot about your... insecurities. Nice attempt at derail though.

Edit: actually, that you were so triggered by my harmless joke makes it 10x funnier to me. You must believe in half of that and I struck a nerve. Keep on keeping dude. Maybe next time we meet after the Great Reset it will be at a pizza parlour, or a pyramid, or a Rothschild-owned bank.

P.S. I didn't say this aloud before, but I had a hearty laugh earlier in the thread when you said to Slim "I wouldn't go that far", when what you said about a Rich Scientist cabal plotting human extinction to prevent climate change was 1000x more insane than he said about Nazi Germany.

I don't, but the Great Reset is actually a book outlining these goals that was well written before the pandemic, and was mentioned by Trudeau in a press conference, that the pandemic offered a great opportunity for a "great reset." Let's not be naïve. You don't think governments & NGO's and corporations - and the way in this post merger and acquisition age and in post "corporations are people, my friends" age that there is an unhealthy synergy between governments, markets, media, and the like, especially after the court case which left no caps on corporate donations and the like, and the circle of the rich where you have the ultra rich, and tech people swimming around political figures, or donating to their campaigns and such?

This goes for both the left and the right, mind you, as well as both major political parties.

And it's not really an insidious, darkly lit, malevolent conspiracy. It's very well intentioned.

“First, we’ve got population,” he said during the talk organized by TED, a non-profit organization devoted to spreading ideas. “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3.”

However, Gates was not suggesting the global population should be killed off using vaccines. He is instead saying that improving public health using vaccinations can reduce unsustainable population growth in the future – and with it, lower carbon emissions.

The Microsoft co-founder has long been a proponent of population control to target the roots of poverty and unrest (here).

In 2011, he told Forbes magazine that when he first entered public health it was to focus on contraception (here).

When he later saw data suggesting that when mortality rates fall, so, too, do birth rates, Gates shifted his focus from preventing births to saving people already alive.

“We moved pretty heavily into vaccines once we understood that,” he told Forbes."

It's not some conspiracy to murder people, or whatever. But the goal is population control for sustainability, and the goal is also a change of the market ("You will own nothing and be happy") to also achieve these climate oriented goals.

I support climate change initiatives but my initiatives would be more reactionary and palliative to the damage done, rather than radical and reformatory of society as a whole.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/17/21 at 9:55 pm

I don't, but the Great Reset is actually a book outlining these goals that was well written before the pandemic, and was mentioned by Trudeau in a press conference, that the pandemic offered a great opportunity for a "great reset." Let's not be naïve. You don't think governments & NGO's and corporations - and the way in this post merger and acquisition age and in post "corporations are people, my friends" age that there is an unhealthy synergy between governments, markets, media, and the like, especially after the court case which left no caps on corporate donations and the like, and the circle of the rich where you have the ultra rich, and tech people swimming around political figures, or donating to their campaigns and such?

This goes for both the left and the right, mind you, as well as both major political parties.

And it's not really an insidious, darkly lit, malevolent conspiracy. It's very well intentioned.

“First, we’ve got population,” he said during the talk organized by TED, a non-profit organization devoted to spreading ideas. “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3.”

However, Gates was not suggesting the global population should be killed off using vaccines. He is instead saying that improving public health using vaccinations can reduce unsustainable population growth in the future – and with it, lower carbon emissions.

The Microsoft co-founder has long been a proponent of population control to target the roots of poverty and unrest (here).

In 2011, he told Forbes magazine that when he first entered public health it was to focus on contraception (here).

When he later saw data suggesting that when mortality rates fall, so, too, do birth rates, Gates shifted his focus from preventing births to saving people already alive.

“We moved pretty heavily into vaccines once we understood that,” he told Forbes."

It's not some conspiracy to murder people, or whatever. But the goal is population control for sustainability, and the goal is also a change of the market ("You will own nothing and be happy") to also achieve these climate oriented goals.

I support climate change initiatives but my initiatives would be more reactionary and palliative to the damage done, rather than radical and reformatory of society as a whole.

That's still a conspiracy theory. Birth rates were already declining long before Bill Gates and they have nothing to do with him. My maternal grandmother had 11 kids, 3 of them died before they reached adulthood (27% mortality rate). This was a massive improvement over the British Raj when the infant mortality rates were 50%+ and if you had 10 kids maybe 2-4 of them would make it to adulthood. My uncle had 5 kids, probably expecting a similar amount to die and have only 3 reach adulthood, but instead they all reached adulthood. Now that they don't know a world where children die young, my cousins have 0-3 kids each and expect them all to reach adulthood. India's birth rate has fallen below replacement and its population will peak with the Millennial generation and will start to fall when millennials start to die in the latter part of the century. This all happened before Bill Gates or rich tech people or whatever the hell happened in far away in America. What you're saying is a conspiracy theory when there's much more reasonable explanations for what's going on.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/17/21 at 10:23 pm

That's the next step most likely after the banishment of public gatherings, prison, or FEMA camps.

They mandated masks because some people aren't listening to the science.  They don't protect you.  They protect whoever is around you.  I wear a mask I protect whoever is around me? You wear a mask you protect everyone who's around you.  It's not rocket science!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/17/21 at 10:42 pm

It's not a conspiracy theory when it's coming straight from the horse's mouth. A conspiracy theorist didn't say vaccines cause blood clots. A conspiracy theorist didn't come up with Covid passports.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/17/21 at 10:57 pm

It's not a conspiracy theory when it's coming straight from the horse's mouth. A conspiracy theorist didn't say vaccines cause blood clots. A conspiracy theorist didn't come up with Covid passports.

No, but the stuff about FEMA camps and forced vaccination is. How do you even know what FEMA is if you're not American anyway? Because you listen to the crazy people who talk about it. And Ontario just announced the other day they will not make it mandatory for people and kids to get vaccinated to attend university or school, so the whole forced vaccination thing is just hysteria, paranoia, and yes, a conspiracy theory (at least the way you describe it as Nazis staging a comeback).

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/17/21 at 11:20 pm

No, but the stuff about FEMA camps and forced vaccination is. How do you even know what FEMA is if you're not American anyway? Because you listen to the crazy people who talk about it. And Ontario just announced the other day they will not make it mandatory for people and kids to get vaccinated to attend university or school, so the whole forced vaccination thing is just hysteria, paranoia, and yes, a conspiracy theory (at least the way you describe it as Nazis staging a comeback).

How is forced vaccination a conspiracy theory? The media is literally talking about COVID passports and taking polls to make it mandatory.. Global news even did a story about it.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/17/21 at 11:35 pm

How is forced vaccination a conspiracy theory? The media is literally talking about COVID passports and taking polls to make it mandatory.. Global news even did a story about it.

I *explicitly* said the way you described it is a conspiracy theory.  No, on its own as a poll question it's not a conspiracy theory. The part where all the government's of the world are secretly talking to each other to see what they can get away with and implement a Nazi Germany/North Korea-esque government is a conspiracy.

And vaccine passports is not the same as forced vaccination. It just means while we have yet to reach herd immunity, vaccinated people can return to normal life. Once we have herd immunity, everyone including unvaccinated people can return to normal life. There is no forced vaccination, you are just being hysterical.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/18/21 at 7:44 am

They mandated masks because some people aren't listening to the science.  They don't protect you.  They protect whoever is around you.  I wear a mask I protect whoever is around me? You wear a mask you protect everyone who's around you.  It's not rocket science!

And they won't take away the "mask mandates" until everyone is vaccinated.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/18/21 at 1:07 pm

I told one of my coworkers that even after the pandemic is long over I'm still going to carry a mask with me at work until the day he retires, to protect myself from him.

He asked me, "Why? I've been vaccinated." I told him, "I'm not worried about the air coming out of your mouth..."

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/18/21 at 1:30 pm

I think it's a good idea to save your box of face masks for just in case you might need them in the near future.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/18/21 at 2:26 pm

Has anyone gotten on a plane in the last 20 years or so? I have MANY, many times. (More times that I care to but that is another story.)  If you fly, there are many things that you HAVE to do in order to fly. First, you have to get to the airport several hours before your flight so you can have enough time to jump through all the hoops you have to in order to fly. Then you have to show an ID (sometimes two forms of ID). Then you have to take off your shoes, take off your belt (if you are wearing one) take out any electronics out of bags, empty pockets, and then go through a metal detector. Sometimes you get padded down (that has happened to me a few time). You can't have any liquids that is over a certain amount.

After you go through all that, then you wait and wait and wait. Finally, you are allowed to board. Most airlines cram in as many seats as possible so you are practically sitting on your neighbor. Since airlines now charge more for checked luggage, many people opt to bring carry-ons which add to the already crowded plane. And good-luck finding room in the overhead compartments. You do have some room under the seat but not much.

There was a time when airlines would serve you food. Now, if you want food, you have to pay for it. But, you can have snacks and soda/water. All of this does not really make for an enjoyable time-it just something to endure until you get to your destination.

Now, you add a deadly disease in the mix. When people are crammed together in a confined space, it just makes it so easy for this disease to find new hosts. If EVERYONE regardless if they are vaccinated or not, is wearing a mask, the odds of the disease to be transferred from person to person drops. Also, requiring vaccines to travel is not new. When I went overseas, I had to get vaccinated for yellow fever and typhoid. (And yeah, the typhoid shot hurts like a mother. And there is ALWAYS someone who wants to hit you in the arm right after you get it. Been there, done that.)

As I am flying, I would feel more comfortable knowing that everyone on that plane is wearing a mask and even more comfortable if everyone was vaccinated.

I don't understand why people are so against wearing masks when it could save your or even your loved ones lives. And it is only for a time. You don't have to wear them 24/7.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/18/21 at 2:32 pm

Has anyone gotten on a plane in the last 20 years or so? I have MANY, many times. (More times that I care to but that is another story.)  If you fly, there are many things that you HAVE to do in order to fly. First, you have to get to the airport several hours before your flight so you can have enough time to jump through all the hoops you have to in order to fly. Then you have to show an ID (sometimes two forms of ID). Then you have to take off your shoes, take off your belt (if you are wearing one) take out any electronics out of bags, empty pockets, and then go through a metal detector. Sometimes you get padded down (that has happened to me a few time). You can't have any liquids that is over a certain amount.

After you go through all that, then you wait and wait and wait. Finally, you are allowed to board. Most airlines cram in as many seats as possible so you are practically sitting on your neighbor. Since airlines now charge more for checked luggage, many people opt to bring carry-ons which add to the already crowded plane. And good-luck finding room in the overhead compartments. You do have some room under the seat but not much.

There was a time when airlines would serve you food. Now, if you want food, you have to pay for it. But, you can have snacks and soda/water. All of this does not really make for an enjoyable time-it just something to endure until you get to your destination.

Now, you add a deadly disease in the mix. When people are crammed together in a confined space, it just makes it so easy for this disease to find new hosts. If EVERYONE regardless if they are vaccinated or not, is wearing a mask, the odds of the disease to be transferred from person to person drops. Also, requiring vaccines to travel is not new. When I went overseas, I had to get vaccinated for yellow fever and typhoid. (And yeah, the typhoid shot hurts like a mother. And there is ALWAYS someone who wants to hit you in the arm right after you get it. Been there, done that.)

As I am flying, I would feel more comfortable knowing that everyone on that plane is wearing a mask and even more comfortable if everyone was vaccinated.

I don't understand why people are so against wearing masks when it could save your or even your loved ones lives. And it is only for a time. You don't have to wear them 24/7.


On my last few plane flights have been long haul, and I cannot imagine wearing a mask for 14 hours plus, especially I am really exempt from wearing one. Best to stay at home.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/18/21 at 2:38 pm

On my last few plane flights have been long haul, and I cannot imagine wearing a mask for 14 hours plus, especially I am really exempt from wearing one. Best to stay at home.

Yeah, that is a long flight. Many of the flights that we take are about 4 hours. The last time I flew was January 2020-pre-covid.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/18/21 at 2:47 pm

Yeah, that is a long flight. Many of the flights that we take are about 4 hours. The last time I flew was January 2020-pre-covid.

It has been nearly 4 years since I last flew, I cannot imagine flying again force Kong while yet. As for public transport, I have been on a bus or any form of train since last September, I been tempted to recently, but with the aspect of the rising number of cases of the Indian variant in the UK implies a stay at home policy. You don't have to wear a mask in your own living room.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/18/21 at 4:11 pm

I told one of my coworkers that even after the pandemic is long over I'm still going to carry a mask with me at work until the day he retires, to protect myself from him.

He asked me, "Why? I've been vaccinated." I told him, "I'm not worried about the air coming out of your mouth..."

Pigs can breathe oxygen via their rectum, so humans probably can too. – New Scientist

Maybe these are the kind of experiments they'll try out at the FEMA camps :o

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/18/21 at 5:10 pm

Pigs can breathe oxygen via their rectum, so humans probably can too. – New Scientist

Maybe these are the kind of experiments they'll try out at the FEMA camps :o

I mean, our government did much worse things in Tuskegee, Alabama between the 1930s and the 1970s...

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/18/21 at 7:39 pm

And they won't take away the "mask mandates" until everyone is vaccinated.

I know I feel a little bit safer knowing that people who listen to the science and listen to the health care experts are wearing masks to protect me and my mother and I'm wearing a mask to protect them.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/19/21 at 10:42 am

They mandated masks because some people aren't listening to the science.  They don't protect you.  They protect whoever is around you.  I wear a mask I protect whoever is around me? You wear a mask you protect everyone who's around you.  It's not rocket science!

Will you continue wearing them for as long as you live?

Will you make sure to push for laws that force others to wear them forever, as well?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 05/19/21 at 11:13 am

Will you continue wearing them for as long as you live?

Will you make sure to push for laws that force others to wear them forever, as well?

This is what we should do (warning NSFW language)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 05/19/21 at 11:17 am

Will you continue wearing them for as long as you live?

Will you make sure to push for laws that force others to wear them forever, as well?

I likely will continue wearing in situations like super crowded urban public transportation, just as I had ruminated doing for the past 15 years or so. I will not push for laws requiring others to wear them. It may likely catch on by itself, as things do.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 05/19/21 at 11:49 am

I likely will continue wearing in situations like super crowded urban public transportation, just as I had ruminated doing for the past 15 years or so. I will not push for laws requiring others to wear them. It may likely catch on by itself, as things do.

Before Covid, I would avoid stores and crowded places as much as possible during flu season. That’s when I would always get sick, at least since being in the hospital wrecked my immune system. I would suck on zinc lozenges, or avoid breathing in air from people as they crossed me. Now it’s socially acceptable to wear a mask, I feel better about going into places.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 05/19/21 at 12:11 pm

Before Covid, I would avoid stores and crowded places as much as possible during flu season. That’s when I would always get sick, at least since being in the hospital wrecked my immune system. I would suck on zinc lozenges, or avoid breathing in air from people as they crossed me. Now it’s socially acceptable to wear a mask, I feel better about going into places.

Airplanes are another place people may wish to wear masks by choice. All that stale air is a hotbed of germs and viruses.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/19/21 at 1:38 pm

Airplanes are another place people may wish to wear masks by choice. All that stale air is a hotbed of germs and viruses.

I plan on wearing a mask whenever I fly from now on. I don't care if it is 10 years from now. I think the last year it has made it acceptable if people want to do that.


Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/19/21 at 1:41 pm

Will you continue wearing them for as long as you live?

Will you make sure to push for laws that force others to wear them forever, as well?

Until it's OK to take them off and discard them for good.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/19/21 at 1:43 pm

I likely will continue wearing in situations like super crowded urban public transportation, just as I had ruminated doing for the past 15 years or so. I will not push for laws requiring others to wear them. It may likely catch on by itself, as things do.

I will wear the mask on public transportation cause I know that most times the buses can become crowded.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/19/21 at 1:44 pm

Airplanes are another place people may wish to wear masks by choice. All that stale air is a hotbed of germs and viruses.

And people are always coughing or sneezing plus they touch the poles too when it gets crowded on the bus.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/19/21 at 4:21 pm

Will you continue wearing them for as long as you live?

Will you make sure to push for laws that force others to wear them forever, as well?

Uh, no. 

If someone doesn't want to wear a mask then that's on them.  I will continue to wear a mask until I feel safe enough to take it off.  Even after I'm fully vaccinated, which won't be until almost the end of September, I will continue to wear a mask.  Asymptomatic spread is a very real thing.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/20/21 at 10:57 am

Slim95's Human Rights Watch condemns Quebec move to host 2500 fans at Habs vs Leafs game. "This is a genocide"

MONTRÉAL, Qc. – Canadians across the country look on with buoyant optimism and envy as the Quebec government plans to host 2,500 fans at a May 29 NHL playoff game between the Montréal Canadiens and the Toronto Maple Leafs.

"75% of Quebeckers have been vaccinated or have made their appointment to get vaccinated. This is 85% in Montréal. This means we can relax the rules a little," beamed Quebec's top doctor in the daily morning briefing.

Not everyone, however, is pleased.

In an acerbic report released by the Slim95's Human Rights Watch (SHRW), Quebec's move was slammed as a "government takeover". The report states "With every day that passes, Canada becomes more and more like North Korea. We see numerous examples of gross human rights abuses. In December of 2020, just 98% of Canadians were unvaccinated. Today that number is under 50%. Once a person is vaccinated, they cannot be unvaccinated again. This is a genocide happening before our very eyes, on Canadian soil."

The report goes on to say "The government has no right to compel people to get vaccinated. This contravenes the Canadian Charter. We can't say with certainty which section of the Charter, but we are scouring YouTube videos to find out which one. But make no mistake, making the vaccine available is a slippery slope towards mandatory vaccination, so we are suing the government to ban the vaccine. Unvaccinated people have the right to live free of fear."

When told that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can attend the event, Slim95 shot back "Who is the government to tell me what I can and can't do? This is a government takeover!"

The report alleges that governments around the world are in communication with each other in order to stage Nazi-style power grab. "Us unvaccinated people are like the Jews in Nazi Germany. The only difference now opposed to WW2 in Germany is instead of one man it is now a network of governments and media around the world working together. Which is even worse as it is more subtle, not isolated, and worldwide, so we have no one to protect us. This will be the 'new normal' for the entire world. Soon enough the media will have people brainwashed to the point of agreeing to banish unvaccinated people from society."

When asked for proof of this conspiracy by Penguin News, Slim95 responded "I don't have proof yet. But if you don't believe me, you are a sheep".

"This is 1984. Even if 100% of the population was vaccinated, Commissar Fauci would find excuses to keep the masks going forever. They are never, ever, ever coming off. Life is NEVER returning to ANY semblance of normal." states 90s Guy, an ajunked professor of political but not science at YouTube University, who co-authored the report.

When reminded that Dr. Fauci deemed it safe for fully vaccinated people to take their mask off, 90s Guy perplexingly responded "Dr. Fauci? Who is Dr. Fauci? There is no Dr. Fauci and there never was. We have always been at war with Eastasia."

90s Guy added "There is a concerted effort by Bill Gates, the rich science guys and tech guys to kill off the world population especially in places like Africa, ostensibly to prevent climate change. The virus was manufactured by them in a bid to kill off large swathes of the population. It's very likely the vaccines cause infertility. For that reason I chose not to get it."

"These people cannot be trusted. When have they EVER done anything good for us?" 90s Guy went onto say in an email sent through the World Wide Web.

When told that in Israel, whose adult population is totally vaccinated, people are continuing to fall pregnant and give birth, and that in Africa, teenage pregnancy and marriage are on the rise due to shuttered schools, which contradicts predictions of population decline, 90s Guy shot back in an email "Why are you talking about the blacks? Why do you have to bring race into everything? You Jew-loving Christian hater! Lugenpresse!!"

In an interview with Penguin News, Slim95 raised doubts as to whether masked individuals are doing so out of altruism. "I don't truly believe those who wear masks do it because they want to protect other people. Never mind that it DOES protect other people regardless of how people wearing the mask feel about it, I never cared about the numbers. What matters to me is how I feel. If I don't feel it in my heart and in my tingly bits then it is not worth doing."

When pressed on the part of the report that states curfews are ineffective, which Quebec used to great effect to get transmission under control and allow events such as this to happen, Slim95 testily responded "I don't care what science, data, and real world evidence have to say. I go by my poorly thought out preconceived notions and what my heart says."

Quebec has the lowest infection rate among Canada's big provinces and is set to lift its curfew on May 29, the same day as the 2500 people event. Other provinces such as Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan remain under lockdown and with school taking place virtually.

This is Penguin News, Toronto.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Don Carlos on 05/21/21 at 9:31 am

Slim95's Human Rights Watch condemns Quebec move to host 2500 fans at Habs vs Leafs game. "This is a genocide"

MONTRÉAL, Qc. – Canadians across the country look on with buoyant optimism and envy as the Quebec government plans to host 2,500 fans at a May 29 NHL playoff game between the Montréal Canadiens and the Toronto Maple Leafs.

"75% of Quebeckers have been vaccinated or have made their appointment to get vaccinated. This is 85% in Montréal. This means we can relax the rules a little," beamed Quebec's top doctor in the daily morning briefing.

Not everyone, however, is pleased.

In an acerbic report released by the Slim95's Human Rights Watch (SHRW), Quebec's move was slammed as a "government takeover". The report states "With every day that passes, Canada becomes more and more like North Korea. We see numerous examples of gross human rights abuses. In December of 2020, just 98% of Canadians were unvaccinated. Today that number is under 50%. Once a person is vaccinated, they cannot be unvaccinated again. This is a genocide happening before our very eyes, on Canadian soil."

The report goes on to say "The government has no right to compel people to get vaccinated. This contravenes the Canadian Charter. We can't say with certainty which section of the Charter, but we are scouring YouTube videos to find out which one. But make no mistake, making the vaccine available is a slippery slope towards mandatory vaccination, so we are suing the government to ban the vaccine. Unvaccinated people have the right to live free of fear."

When told that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can attend the event, Slim95 shot back "Who is the government to tell me what I can and can't do? This is a government takeover!"

The report alleges that governments around the world are in communication with each other in order to stage Nazi-style power grab. "Us unvaccinated people are like the Jews in Nazi Germany. The only difference now opposed to WW2 in Germany is instead of one man it is now a network of governments and media around the world working together. Which is even worse as it is more subtle, not isolated, and worldwide, so we have no one to protect us. This will be the 'new normal' for the entire world. Soon enough the media will have people brainwashed to the point of agreeing to banish unvaccinated people from society."

When asked for proof of this conspiracy by Penguin News, Slim95 responded "I don't have proof yet. But if you don't believe me, you are a sheep".

"This is 1984. Even if 100% of the population was vaccinated, Commissar Fauci would find excuses to keep the masks going forever. They are never, ever, ever coming off. Life is NEVER returning to ANY semblance of normal." states 90s Guy, an ajunked professor of political but not science at YouTube University, who co-authored the report.

When reminded that Dr. Fauci deemed it safe for fully vaccinated people to take their mask off, 90s Guy perplexingly responded "Dr. Fauci? Who is Dr. Fauci? There is no Dr. Fauci and there never was. We have always been at war with Eastasia."

90s Guy added "There is a concerted effort by Bill Gates, the rich science guys and tech guys to kill off the world population especially in places like Africa, ostensibly to prevent climate change. The virus was manufactured by them in a bid to kill off large swathes of the population. It's very likely the vaccines cause infertility. For that reason I chose not to get it."

"These people cannot be trusted. When have they EVER done anything good for us?" 90s Guy went onto say in an email sent through the World Wide Web.

When told that in Israel, whose adult population is totally vaccinated, people are continuing to fall pregnant and give birth, and that in Africa, teenage pregnancy and marriage are on the rise due to shuttered schools, which contradicts predictions of population decline, 90s Guy shot back in an email "Why are you talking about the blacks? Why do you have to bring race into everything? You Jew-loving Christian hater! Lugenpresse!!"

In an interview with Penguin News, Slim95 raised doubts as to whether masked individuals are doing so out of altruism. "I don't truly believe those who wear masks do it because they want to protect other people. Never mind that it DOES protect other people regardless of how people wearing the mask feel about it, I never cared about the numbers. What matters to me is how I feel. If I don't feel it in my heart and in my tingly bits then it is not worth doing."

When pressed on the part of the report that states curfews are ineffective, which Quebec used to great effect to get transmission under control and allow events such as this to happen, Slim95 testily responded "I don't care what science, data, and real world evidence have to say. I go by my poorly thought out preconceived notions and what my heart says."

Quebec has the lowest infection rate among Canada's big provinces and is set to lift its curfew on May 29, the same day as the 2500 people event. Other provinces such as Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan remain under lockdown and with school taking place virtually.

This is Penguin News, Toronto.

Great reporting!! This might get you a Pulitzer 

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/21/21 at 9:40 am

Great reporting!! This might get you a Pulitzer 
...or the Nobel Prize for Literature?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/21/21 at 12:23 pm

Slim95's Human Rights Watch condemns Quebec move to host 2500 fans at Habs vs Leafs game. "This is a genocide"

MONTRÉAL, Qc. – Canadians across the country look on with buoyant optimism and envy as the Quebec government plans to host 2,500 fans at a May 29 NHL playoff game between the Montréal Canadiens and the Toronto Maple Leafs.

"75% of Quebeckers have been vaccinated or have made their appointment to get vaccinated. This is 85% in Montréal. This means we can relax the rules a little," beamed Quebec's top doctor in the daily morning briefing.

Not everyone, however, is pleased.

In an acerbic report released by the Slim95's Human Rights Watch (SHRW), Quebec's move was slammed as a "government takeover". The report states "With every day that passes, Canada becomes more and more like North Korea. We see numerous examples of gross human rights abuses. In December of 2020, just 98% of Canadians were unvaccinated. Today that number is under 50%. Once a person is vaccinated, they cannot be unvaccinated again. This is a genocide happening before our very eyes, on Canadian soil."

The report goes on to say "The government has no right to compel people to get vaccinated. This contravenes the Canadian Charter. We can't say with certainty which section of the Charter, but we are scouring YouTube videos to find out which one. But make no mistake, making the vaccine available is a slippery slope towards mandatory vaccination, so we are suing the government to ban the vaccine. Unvaccinated people have the right to live free of fear."

When told that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can attend the event, Slim95 shot back "Who is the government to tell me what I can and can't do? This is a government takeover!"

The report alleges that governments around the world are in communication with each other in order to stage Nazi-style power grab. "Us unvaccinated people are like the Jews in Nazi Germany. The only difference now opposed to WW2 in Germany is instead of one man it is now a network of governments and media around the world working together. Which is even worse as it is more subtle, not isolated, and worldwide, so we have no one to protect us. This will be the 'new normal' for the entire world. Soon enough the media will have people brainwashed to the point of agreeing to banish unvaccinated people from society."

When asked for proof of this conspiracy by Penguin News, Slim95 responded "I don't have proof yet. But if you don't believe me, you are a sheep".

"This is 1984. Even if 100% of the population was vaccinated, Commissar Fauci would find excuses to keep the masks going forever. They are never, ever, ever coming off. Life is NEVER returning to ANY semblance of normal." states 90s Guy, an ajunked professor of political but not science at YouTube University, who co-authored the report.

When reminded that Dr. Fauci deemed it safe for fully vaccinated people to take their mask off, 90s Guy perplexingly responded "Dr. Fauci? Who is Dr. Fauci? There is no Dr. Fauci and there never was. We have always been at war with Eastasia."

90s Guy added "There is a concerted effort by Bill Gates, the rich science guys and tech guys to kill off the world population especially in places like Africa, ostensibly to prevent climate change. The virus was manufactured by them in a bid to kill off large swathes of the population. It's very likely the vaccines cause infertility. For that reason I chose not to get it."

"These people cannot be trusted. When have they EVER done anything good for us?" 90s Guy went onto say in an email sent through the World Wide Web.

When told that in Israel, whose adult population is totally vaccinated, people are continuing to fall pregnant and give birth, and that in Africa, teenage pregnancy and marriage are on the rise due to shuttered schools, which contradicts predictions of population decline, 90s Guy shot back in an email "Why are you talking about the blacks? Why do you have to bring race into everything? You Jew-loving Christian hater! Lugenpresse!!"

In an interview with Penguin News, Slim95 raised doubts as to whether masked individuals are doing so out of altruism. "I don't truly believe those who wear masks do it because they want to protect other people. Never mind that it DOES protect other people regardless of how people wearing the mask feel about it, I never cared about the numbers. What matters to me is how I feel. If I don't feel it in my heart and in my tingly bits then it is not worth doing."

When pressed on the part of the report that states curfews are ineffective, which Quebec used to great effect to get transmission under control and allow events such as this to happen, Slim95 testily responded "I don't care what science, data, and real world evidence have to say. I go by my poorly thought out preconceived notions and what my heart says."

Quebec has the lowest infection rate among Canada's big provinces and is set to lift its curfew on May 29, the same day as the 2500 people event. Other provinces such as Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan remain under lockdown and with school taking place virtually.

This is Penguin News, Toronto.

I thought you weren't allowed to ridicule others' sentiments. I was warned for doing that.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/22/21 at 1:40 pm

Hopefully the new US laws spill over here to Canada. I didn't hear anything from our politicians on removing mandatory masks.

Maybe the next question to be asked is how much longer do unvaccinated people need to wear masks?  ??? And how long until masks are no longer required anywhere?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/22/21 at 2:15 pm

Hopefully the new US laws spill over here to Canada. I didn't hear anything from our politicians on removing mandatory masks.

Maybe the next question to be asked is how much longer do unvaccinated people need to wear masks?  ??? And how long until masks are no longer required anywhere?

Who knows when that'll be. ???

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/25/21 at 1:56 pm

When The Mayor or Dr.Fauci says it's OK to ditch the face mask altogether.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/27/21 at 1:11 am

When The Mayor or Dr.Fauci says it's OK to ditch the face mask altogether.

When Dr. Tham says it's okay to take the masks off and keep them off.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/27/21 at 7:01 am

When Dr. Tham says it's okay to take the masks off and keep them off.

What does your mayor have to say about mask mandates?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/27/21 at 4:16 pm

What does your mayor have to say about mask mandates?

I don't know? He hasn't said anything yet.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Early2010sGuy on 05/27/21 at 7:55 pm

Slim95's Human Rights Watch condemns Quebec move to host 2500 fans at Habs vs Leafs game. "This is a genocide"

MONTRÉAL, Qc. – Canadians across the country look on with buoyant optimism and envy as the Quebec government plans to host 2,500 fans at a May 29 NHL playoff game between the Montréal Canadiens and the Toronto Maple Leafs.

"75% of Quebeckers have been vaccinated or have made their appointment to get vaccinated. This is 85% in Montréal. This means we can relax the rules a little," beamed Quebec's top doctor in the daily morning briefing.

Not everyone, however, is pleased.

In an acerbic report released by the Slim95's Human Rights Watch (SHRW), Quebec's move was slammed as a "government takeover". The report states "With every day that passes, Canada becomes more and more like North Korea. We see numerous examples of gross human rights abuses. In December of 2020, just 98% of Canadians were unvaccinated. Today that number is under 50%. Once a person is vaccinated, they cannot be unvaccinated again. This is a genocide happening before our very eyes, on Canadian soil."

The report goes on to say "The government has no right to compel people to get vaccinated. This contravenes the Canadian Charter. We can't say with certainty which section of the Charter, but we are scouring YouTube videos to find out which one. But make no mistake, making the vaccine available is a slippery slope towards mandatory vaccination, so we are suing the government to ban the vaccine. Unvaccinated people have the right to live free of fear."

When told that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can attend the event, Slim95 shot back "Who is the government to tell me what I can and can't do? This is a government takeover!"

The report alleges that governments around the world are in communication with each other in order to stage Nazi-style power grab. "Us unvaccinated people are like the Jews in Nazi Germany. The only difference now opposed to WW2 in Germany is instead of one man it is now a network of governments and media around the world working together. Which is even worse as it is more subtle, not isolated, and worldwide, so we have no one to protect us. This will be the 'new normal' for the entire world. Soon enough the media will have people brainwashed to the point of agreeing to banish unvaccinated people from society."

When asked for proof of this conspiracy by Penguin News, Slim95 responded "I don't have proof yet. But if you don't believe me, you are a sheep".

"This is 1984. Even if 100% of the population was vaccinated, Commissar Fauci would find excuses to keep the masks going forever. They are never, ever, ever coming off. Life is NEVER returning to ANY semblance of normal." states 90s Guy, an ajunked professor of political but not science at YouTube University, who co-authored the report.

When reminded that Dr. Fauci deemed it safe for fully vaccinated people to take their mask off, 90s Guy perplexingly responded "Dr. Fauci? Who is Dr. Fauci? There is no Dr. Fauci and there never was. We have always been at war with Eastasia."

90s Guy added "There is a concerted effort by Bill Gates, the rich science guys and tech guys to kill off the world population especially in places like Africa, ostensibly to prevent climate change. The virus was manufactured by them in a bid to kill off large swathes of the population. It's very likely the vaccines cause infertility. For that reason I chose not to get it."

"These people cannot be trusted. When have they EVER done anything good for us?" 90s Guy went onto say in an email sent through the World Wide Web.

When told that in Israel, whose adult population is totally vaccinated, people are continuing to fall pregnant and give birth, and that in Africa, teenage pregnancy and marriage are on the rise due to shuttered schools, which contradicts predictions of population decline, 90s Guy shot back in an email "Why are you talking about the blacks? Why do you have to bring race into everything? You Jew-loving Christian hater! Lugenpresse!!"

In an interview with Penguin News, Slim95 raised doubts as to whether masked individuals are doing so out of altruism. "I don't truly believe those who wear masks do it because they want to protect other people. Never mind that it DOES protect other people regardless of how people wearing the mask feel about it, I never cared about the numbers. What matters to me is how I feel. If I don't feel it in my heart and in my tingly bits then it is not worth doing."

When pressed on the part of the report that states curfews are ineffective, which Quebec used to great effect to get transmission under control and allow events such as this to happen, Slim95 testily responded "I don't care what science, data, and real world evidence have to say. I go by my poorly thought out preconceived notions and what my heart says."

Quebec has the lowest infection rate among Canada's big provinces and is set to lift its curfew on May 29, the same day as the 2500 people event. Other provinces such as Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan remain under lockdown and with school taking place virtually.

This is Penguin News, Toronto.
I love this!  ;D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Early2010sGuy on 05/27/21 at 7:57 pm

Since the Saskatchewan Health Authority has allowed the use of the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12+ for almost a week now, I just got my Pfizer shot yesterday!  :D

So hyped until things can get back to normal

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Elor on 05/28/21 at 2:57 am

Since the Saskatchewan Health Authority has allowed the use of the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12+ for almost a week now, I just got my Pfizer shot yesterday!  :D

So hyped until things can get back to normal

Well, since you're now injected with the Bill Gates computer chip can you now watch net flix when you close your eyes? :D ;D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/28/21 at 4:36 am

Well, since you're now injected with the Bill Gates computer chip can you now watch net flix when you close your eyes? :D ;D

LOL! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/28/21 at 7:12 am

I don't know? He hasn't said anything yet.

Our Mayor Cuomo and Deblasio said we can remove the masks but for only some certain places.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/28/21 at 7:12 am

Well, since you're now injected with the Bill Gates computer chip can you now watch net flix when you close your eyes? :D ;D

LOL!  ;D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/28/21 at 7:52 am

Since the Saskatchewan Health Authority has allowed the use of the Pfizer vaccine for ages 12+ for almost a week now, I just got my Pfizer shot yesterday!  :D

So hyped until things can get back to normal

Awesome! My two 15 year old sisters got their shots the past week too. Now my entire family has at least one shot!

It's funny to read my posts earlier in the year where I assumed I wouldn't get vaccinated this year. If you told me my entire family, my cousins and my friends would all be vaccinated by the end of May I would have thought aliens would be involved somehow. This is amazing! Can't wait to have a normal summer. :D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 05/28/21 at 8:14 am

Awesome! My two 15 year old sisters got their shots the past week too. Now my entire family has at least one shot!

It's funny to read my posts earlier in the year where I assumed I wouldn't get vaccinated this year. If you told me my entire family, my cousins and my friends would all be vaccinated by the end of May I would have thought aliens would be involved somehow. This is amazing! Can't wait to have a normal summer. :D

Same here, some states were really dragging their feet. Until Biden stepped in and set a deadline. Michigan cases are finally getting down. Last couple days we finally had below 1000 new cases a day. Still 30-100 deaths a day but hopefully lower numbers will catch up there too.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/28/21 at 12:54 pm

I can't wait until mask wearing will be seen as "dated"  ;D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/28/21 at 1:48 pm

I can't wait until mask wearing will be seen as "dated"  ;D

It probably won't be dated until the next couple of years.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/28/21 at 3:19 pm

It probably won't be dated until the next couple of years.

Yeah I think we're still gonna see people wearing masks for the next few years.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Early2010sGuy on 05/30/21 at 9:09 pm

Well, since you're now injected with the Bill Gates computer chip can you now watch net flix when you close your eyes? :D ;D
Oh I wish I could, it didn't happen  :\'(

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Early2010sGuy on 05/30/21 at 9:10 pm

Awesome! My two 15 year old sisters got their shots the past week too. Now my entire family has at least one shot!

It's funny to read my posts earlier in the year where I assumed I wouldn't get vaccinated this year. If you told me my entire family, my cousins and my friends would all be vaccinated by the end of May I would have thought aliens would be involved somehow. This is amazing! Can't wait to have a normal summer. :D
Nicee, happy for them too ☺

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 05/30/21 at 9:21 pm

Well, since you're now injected with the Bill Gates computer chip can you now watch net flix when you close your eyes? :D ;D

Maybe it will be like modern cars with accident avoidance. It will keep me from getting too close to someone with Covid.

But he doesn’t need to make an injectable chip. Most people already take care of that on their own. Carry smartphones everywhere, and drive modern cars with gps in the computer.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/30/21 at 9:29 pm

I'm just really getting tired of mask wearing. You can no longer spontaneously go places. Everywhere requires a mask or it closes early.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 05/30/21 at 9:34 pm

I'm just really getting tired of mask wearing. You can no longer spontaneously go places. Everywhere requires a mask or it closes early.

I just keep one or two in my pocket, and car. And can be as spontaneous as I want.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/30/21 at 9:35 pm

I just keep one or two in my pocket, and car. And can be as spontaneous as I want.

Yeah but it's a hassle carrying one around in your pocket.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/30/21 at 9:37 pm

At least, I miss the days when wearing a mask wasn't required. It became mandatory last summer.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/31/21 at 7:28 am

I'm just really getting tired of mask wearing. You can no longer spontaneously go places. Everywhere requires a mask or it closes early.

I don't blame you Slim, when I enter a place that needs a mask I wear it but when I go outside I take them off.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/31/21 at 7:29 am

At least, I miss the days when wearing a mask wasn't required. It became mandatory last summer.

I do too.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/31/21 at 11:01 am

I don't blame you Slim, when I enter a place that needs a mask I wear it but when I go outside I take them off.

Me too

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 05/31/21 at 11:20 am

Yeah but it's a hassle carrying one around in your pocket.

I don’t know where you’re from, but I can see if you’re in shorts and a tshirt all day it wouldn’t be as easy. I live where it’s cold so I take multiple pockets for granted.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 05/31/21 at 12:09 pm

I don’t know where you’re from, but I can see if you’re in shorts and a tshirt all day it wouldn’t be as easy. I live where it’s cold so I take multiple pockets for granted.

Men’s clothing always has pockets. My husband just keeps a mask folded into his wallet so always has one with him.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/31/21 at 12:12 pm

Men’s clothing always has pockets. My husband just keeps a mask folded into his wallet so always has one with him.
I always carry two, I have had one break on me before.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 05/31/21 at 12:15 pm

Men’s clothing always has pockets. My husband just keeps a mask folded into his wallet so always has one with him.

I thought the same thing. There is no hassle in carrying around a mask in a pocket, wallet, etc.

Although I must point out, men's pants have not ALWAYS had pockets.  ;D  There was a period in the 70s when some styles of men's tight jeans had no pockets, or maybe just a tiny, tiny one that could fit a key. Certainly no back pockets. I had a pair of these. It certainly could pose a problem. But that was then and this is now. Carrying around a mask is not  hassle. That's just an excuse for people who don't want to wear them.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/31/21 at 12:35 pm

All my life I've been saying how I'm glad I don't live in the States and thought it was so much better here. But for the first time I am actually JEALOUS of my neighbours to the south. The southern states are completely open. In Texas for example, things are completely back to normal with no masks or distancing required. No more restrictions and everything is open again.

In my neck of the woods masks will be required indoors until December 2021 at the earliest. So I don't see this pandemic fully coming to an end this summer. I think we may still be talking about the pandemic even in 2022, at least in Canada since the politicians don't know what they are doing here and we're behind every single other western country in the world.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 05/31/21 at 2:11 pm

At least, I miss the days when wearing a mask wasn't required. It became mandatory last summer.

Virtual hug!

I miss those days too.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/31/21 at 2:46 pm

Me too

Cause still some places may still require a mask mandate.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/31/21 at 2:47 pm

Yeah but it's a hassle carrying one around in your pocket.

It's a small thing so it can't be a hassle.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 05/31/21 at 2:49 pm

I always carry two, I have had one break on me before.

I try to carry a bunch with me.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 05/31/21 at 3:46 pm

All my life I've been saying how I'm glad I don't live in the States and thought it was so much better here. But for the first time I am actually JEALOUS of my neighbours to the south. The southern states are completely open. In Texas for example, things are completely back to normal with no masks or distancing required. No more restrictions and everything is open again.

In my neck of the woods masks will be required indoors until December 2021 at the earliest. So I don't see this pandemic fully coming to an end this summer. I think we may still be talking about the pandemic even in 2022, at least in Canada since the politicians don't know what they are doing here and we're behind every single other western country in the world.

I am grateful to live in a country where people put science above politics and care about each other.  8)

And BC is removing its mask mandate in July so you can stop being a doomer. The masks will come once enough people are fully vaccinated and that's how it's always been.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/31/21 at 3:51 pm

I am grateful to live in a country where people put science above politics and care about each other.  8)

And BC is removing its mask mandate in July so you can stop being a doomer. The masks will come once enough people are fully vaccinated and that's how it's always been.

That's a provincial mandate though. Alberta is doing the same provincially in July. But remember, city bylaws are still in effect. That's what really matters. Even before provinces mandated it, cities made it mandatory before that. So Vancouver for example can decide to make it a bylaw for much longer even if the BC mandate goes away. The two largest cities in AB, Edmonton and Calgary, will continue to keep the mandate in place until December 2021, they already confirmed they will do that. So masks will still be mandatory and required until the end of the year at the earliest unfortunately. That's how it will be for most cities and towns. Canada is falling behind the rest of the world. Trudeau brought in the vaccines too late. He is totally clueless and has no idea how to properly run this country. Furthermore, there are no jobs. The economy is horrible right now.

Side note: I went to a grocery store the other day that had a sign saying you must wear a mask with no exceptions and if you can't due to health reasons, you must wear a face shield. So you MUST no matter what, no exceptions, health reasons or not, wear something on your face be it a mask or face shield in order to enter into that particular grocery store. Very crazy and very scary.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/31/21 at 4:01 pm

That's just an excuse for people who don't want to wear them.

Do you know of people who like wearing them?  ??? Of course I don't want to wear them, who does? And of course it's a hassle carrying yet another thing in your pocket. This nightmare should be over and I am hoping you agree. If not, that's a little strange.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 05/31/21 at 4:21 pm

I was reading by the end of June this year.

In the middle of June, the state I live in is planning to lift its mandates for masking (but we'll see if it's safe to do so yet).

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 05/31/21 at 5:34 pm

In the middle of June, the state I live in is planning to lift its mandates for masking (but we'll see if it's safe to do so yet).

You guys are lucky because even it provinces do it here, city bylaws are still in effect and so we could be seeing masks for many many more months until it finally stops being mandatory.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 06/01/21 at 1:27 am

Do you know of people who like wearing them?  ??? Of course I don't want to wear them, who does? And of course it's a hassle carrying yet another thing in your pocket. This nightmare should be over and I am hoping you agree. If not, that's a little strange.

There is a difference between liking wearing them and just wearing them because it is the right thing to do.

I don’t get how a tiny thing like a mask is a hassle to carry. It is smaller than most people’s phones, yet they carry those without moaning.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/01/21 at 1:31 am

There is a difference between liking wearing them and just wearing them because it is the right thing to do.

I don’t get how a tiny thing like a mask is a hassle to carry. It is smaller than most people’s phones, yet they carry those without moaning.
So carrying two masks, as I do, is twice the hassle? Which is not.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/01/21 at 2:25 am

There is a difference between liking wearing them and just wearing them because it is the right thing to do.

I don’t get how a tiny thing like a mask is a hassle to carry. It is smaller than most people’s phones, yet they carry those without moaning.

I wear one because it's mandatory. If it wasn't mandatory I wouldn't wear it. I don't like wearing it, I can't breathe, and it's an all-around hassle.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: whistledog on 06/01/21 at 2:42 am

I don't like wearing it, I can't breathe, and it's an all-around hassle.

Still better than being dead.  Masks save lives.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/01/21 at 2:47 am

Still better than being dead.  Masks save lives.

Like I said the only reason I wear one is because it's mandatory. I can't wait to take it off once it's finally not mandatory anymore.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: whistledog on 06/01/21 at 3:51 am

Like I said the only reason I wear one is because it's mandatory. I can't wait to take it off once it's finally not mandatory anymore.

It should be mandatory until COVID is gone completely

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/01/21 at 6:54 am

Do you know of people who like wearing them?  ??? Of course I don't want to wear them, who does? And of course it's a hassle carrying yet another thing in your pocket. This nightmare should be over and I am hoping you agree. If not, that's a little strange.

I agree, some people do and some people do not like wearing them.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/01/21 at 6:55 am

In the middle of June, the state I live in is planning to lift its mandates for masking (but we'll see if it's safe to do so yet).

Mine said June too so we'll see what happens.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/01/21 at 6:57 am

There is a difference between liking wearing them and just wearing them because it is the right thing to do.

I don’t get how a tiny thing like a mask is a hassle to carry. It is smaller than most people’s phones, yet they carry those without moaning.

It shouldn't be a hassle.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/01/21 at 6:58 am

So carrying two masks, as I do, is twice the hassle? Which is not.

I don't think so, those are light as a feather.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 06/01/21 at 7:14 am

I don't think so, those are light as a feather.

They fold flat and I can still put my phone or altoids in my pocket just the same.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/01/21 at 7:16 am

I don't think so, those are light as a feather.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/01/21 at 7:36 am


It's like he thinks he's carrying a brick in his pocket.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Early2010sGuy on 06/01/21 at 11:09 am

Do you know of people who like wearing them?  ??? Of course I don't want to wear them, who does? And of course it's a hassle carrying yet another thing in your pocket. This nightmare should be over and I am hoping you agree. If not, that's a little strange.
I sometimes do, I use it to protect others and myself. I sometimes think masks are cute too, an unpopular opinion but yeah.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/01/21 at 1:48 pm

I think once wearing a mask will be no longer, many people might go start burning masks just like they did with bra burning In The 1960's/70's.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/01/21 at 1:49 pm

I think once wearing a mask will be no longer, many people might go start burning masks just like they did with bra burning In The 1960's/70's.

Haha that would be funny  ;D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/01/21 at 1:50 pm

It's like he thinks he's carrying a brick in his pocket.

Well Howard, one more thing in your pocket is one more thing in your pocket. Remember the days when you can enter into a store without reaching for a mask? I miss those days.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 06/01/21 at 2:06 pm

Although I must point out, men's pants have not ALWAYS had pockets.  ;D  There was a period in the 70s when some styles of men's tight jeans had no pockets, or maybe just a tiny, tiny one that could fit a key. Certainly no back pockets. I had a pair of these. It certainly could pose a problem.

Was that early seventies? Just that in about 77/78 I remember boys at school having trousers with loads of pockets, sort of like cargo pants but out of suiting material not denim/canvas. I wondered if they were a reaction to the non-pockets fashion.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/01/21 at 2:11 pm

Haha that would be funny  ;D
This could happen but yet it might spark off anger from doctors and nurses.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/01/21 at 2:13 pm

Well Howard, one more thing in your pocket is one more thing in your pocket. Remember the days when you can enter into a store without reaching for a mask? I miss those days.

I miss those days too.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/01/21 at 2:18 pm

Was that early seventies? Just that in about 77/78 I remember boys at school having trousers with loads of pockets, sort of like cargo pants but out of suiting material not denim/canvas. I wondered if they were a reaction to the non-pockets fashion.

Early-mid 70s. I remember the no-pockets style as late as 1975.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/01/21 at 2:19 pm
This could happen but yet it might spark off anger from doctors and nurses.

Mask Demolition Night?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/02/21 at 3:02 am

I only wear a mask in enclosed places, especially when shopping (I have to), but I cannot wear a mask for a long time, I begin to feel uneasy with it it worn for a long time. In truth, I am exempted from wearing one, but I still wish to be safe. Now I try and keep it to five minutes at the most.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/02/21 at 7:37 am

Mask Demolition Night?

You could call it that but it would have to have a special name to it.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 06/02/21 at 1:43 pm

No more masks at Costco! (They're also back to giving away free food samples!)

  :D :D :D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/02/21 at 1:52 pm

No more masks at Costco! (They're also back to giving away free food samples!)

  :D :D :D

Wonderful! O0

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/02/21 at 2:37 pm

No more masks at Costco! (They're also back to giving away free food samples!)

  :D :D :D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Early2010sGuy on 06/03/21 at 9:07 am

No more masks at Costco! (They're also back to giving away free food samples!)

  :D :D :D
Ayeeee  :D

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/03/21 at 9:23 am

Q. How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

A. With my condition, five minutes at the most, if I can.

Subject: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Dude111 on 06/03/21 at 9:33 am

No more masks at Costco! (They're also back to giving away free food samples!)

Thats g00d to hear AL-B!!!!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/03/21 at 1:34 pm

No more masks at Costco! (They're also back to giving away free food samples!)

  :D :D :D

Let's see if they can handle people without masks at some supermarkets.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 06/06/21 at 5:19 pm

I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today!  :) :) :) :)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: BornIn86 on 06/06/21 at 7:14 pm

At my job fully vaccinated people can go mask less. I feel awkward whenever I don't have a mask to put on during the times I would usually don one like  when I entered the building or after break.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 06/06/21 at 10:38 pm

I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today!  :) :) :) :)

Awesome; that's great. O0

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 06/06/21 at 10:39 pm

At my job fully vaccinated people can go mask less. I feel awkward whenever I don't have a mask to put on during the times I would usually don one like  when I entered the building or after break.

We still have to don one at our office (even though there's only three of us working in the office). Unless we're eating. But then again, each of us eats at our own desk.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 06/06/21 at 11:41 pm

At my job fully vaccinated people can go mask less.

Same here.
I feel awkward whenever I don't have a mask to put on during the times I would usually don one like  when I entered the building or after break.

I still keep a mask with me but I only put it on when an establishment absolutely requires me to wear it.

I'm trying to wear it as little as possible so I can break myself out of the Pavlovian conditioning that we've all undergone over the past year and a half.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 06/06/21 at 11:50 pm

Awesome; that's great. O0

I had to go all the way up to Peterborough to get it though.
They screened us outside and inside.
They checked us in and screened us for allergies to the ingredients in the Pfizer vaccine and then the doctor asked me my medical history.
Then he asked me to count down from 10-1.

I'm so glad I got it because it makes me feel safe that I got it.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/07/21 at 6:46 am

I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today!  :) :) :) :)

How do you feel now?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/07/21 at 6:47 am

At my job fully vaccinated people can go mask less. I feel awkward whenever I don't have a mask to put on during the times I would usually don one like  when I entered the building or after break.

Would they still kick you out if you didn't have a mask on?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 06/07/21 at 1:20 pm

How do you feel now?

I don't feel any different than I did before I had it done.  My left arm is a little sore.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/07/21 at 2:56 pm

I don't feel any different than I did before I had it done.  My left arm is a little sore.
If your arm feels sore for a long time and you do begin to feel rough (like I did), take a painkiller.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 06/07/21 at 8:06 pm

I had to go all the way up to Peterborough to get it though.
They screened us outside and inside.
They checked us in and screened us for allergies to the ingredients in the Pfizer vaccine and then the doctor asked me my medical history.
Then he asked me to count down from 10-1.

I'm so glad I got it because it makes me feel safe that I got it.

Well done! O0

I don't feel any different than I did before I had it done.  My left arm is a little sore.

So was mine, after I got the first one.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/08/21 at 6:27 am

If your arm feels sore for a long time and you do begin to feel rough (like I did), take a painkiller.

That's what I did.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/08/21 at 6:30 am

That's what I did.
My case it was twice, plus the effects a fortnight later.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/08/21 at 1:34 pm

What about with heat and very high humidity and you start perspiring through your masks?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/08/21 at 2:12 pm

I don't mind masks being worn on planes and trains, I didn't even mind it before the pandemic. BUT it should be optional and not mandated by the government, that's my only problem. I don't think the government has any right to tell us how to live our lives and most of us as individuals would be mindful of others and practice caution anyway without the government and media's help. Too much government control and tyranny is going on now from a result of this pandemic. Our rights are more important than what the government and media deems as 'safety for the collective population', pure communism. Of course I don't want people to die. But the government is NOT God and therefore should not be telling us how to take caution and mandating things, we should be free to decide those things on our own.

In fact, I think more people break the rules since it has been mandatory than if it was never mandatory in the first place since more people are suspicious of the government and media and fear they have too much control. So it only works the opposite. Of course the media doesn't want you to know that, they want you to do as the government says since they know best or else there would be "chaos" and large spikes. It's all baloney. If the media and government were honest about this pandemic and treated us as free citizens, I GURANTEE this pandemic would be over already since people would use the mind of their own and take caution to help each other out of their own volition and free will, and out of compassion, most of us would anyway. Not because the higher ups are forcing them to.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/08/21 at 3:53 pm

I believe masks will be the very last restriction removed. I think social distancing will be removed before masks are removed.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/09/21 at 7:42 am

I believe masks will be the very last restriction removed. I think social distancing will be removed before masks are removed.

I think everyone should be able to get together in a group without having to social distance.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 06/09/21 at 4:39 pm

I think everyone should be able to get together in a group without having to social distance.

People in Ontario, in the first phase of reopening, can get together on restaurant patios 4/table.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/10/21 at 6:17 am

People in Ontario, in the first phase of reopening, can get together on restaurant patios 4/table.

Are they wearing masks?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 06/10/21 at 7:30 pm

Are they wearing masks?

Yes I think so.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/11/21 at 7:05 am

Yes I think so.

That's good O0

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: 2001 on 06/11/21 at 10:14 am

Streams cross!

Canada surpassed Israel to become the most vaccinated country in the world! :D (excl. micro-states)

Perfect timing too with Stage 1 of le déconfinement beginning in Ontario today.  8)

We couldn't have done it without our amazing scientists. They made the bold choice of delaying the second dose to 16 weeks after the first to get everyone vaccinated as fast as possible. Now in my city almost 80% of adults have their first dose and COVID-19 is disappearing fast. And we don't have to wait 16 weeks anymore; my second dose is coming late June, so it will be closer to 7 weeks in the end for me at least. Bring on the summer!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/12/21 at 1:50 pm

I think it's silly to keep wearing masks, I understand a year ago wearing masks were mandated but no one lately has been giving briefings such as Deblasio and Cuomo telling people to keep your masks on.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 06/12/21 at 2:21 pm

I think it's silly to keep wearing masks, I understand a year ago wearing masks were mandated but no one lately has been giving briefings such as Deblasio and Cuomo telling people to keep your masks on.

I don't even keep one with me anymore.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/16/21 at 2:07 pm

I guess the mask mandate might be over but only to be worn in some certain places.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 06/16/21 at 8:04 pm

I guess the mask mandate might be over but only to be worn in some certain places.

It was lifted yesterday in California, but some work places are keeping it in effect until they feel it is ok to shed them.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/17/21 at 4:36 am

It was lifted yesterday in California, but some work places are keeping it in effect until they feel it is ok to shed them.

And some public transportation, they need to keep the masks on.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 06/17/21 at 7:55 pm

And some public transportation, they need to keep the masks on.

That's right, cuz anyone could be on there, and you never know which of them are vaccinated and which aren't.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: violet_shy on 06/17/21 at 8:14 pm

Our city buses are still asking anyone who rides on the bus to wear a mask. And also at the market places.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/18/21 at 4:47 am

Our city buses are still asking anyone who rides on the bus to wear a mask. And also at the market places.

It's not fully gone just yet.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: violet_shy on 06/18/21 at 8:24 am

It's not fully gone just yet.

It's not. Even though we're all vaccinated. I did notice that more people are riding the bus.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: wagonman76 on 06/18/21 at 11:39 am

Yes the Delta variant is going to dominate the US in the next month or two, it’s the worst one yet.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/18/21 at 11:42 am

Yes the Delta variant is going to dominate the US in the next month or two, it’s the worst one yet.
Are the borders, airports closed to foreign travel?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 06/18/21 at 12:02 pm

I have gone back to wearing masks much more at work (in a school). We have had to send home a year group after some positive cases after a weekend party. Cases have been rising locally as well, there is surge testing going on in one area of the town and the council has put letters through everyone’s door asking them to book a vaccine appointment if they haven’t already had one.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: woahjoey on 06/18/21 at 12:10 pm

Here in San Francisco, I've been noticing way more people without masks going about their day, even from just last week. We officially reopened to 100% capacity but many places still require a mask while inside. I work at a clinic so I'm used to wearing one for most of the day. Got into a lil disagreement with a patient who was being antagonistic about masks  ::)

I'm unsure of how the Delta variant is affecting the Bay Area -- but it does make me a lil hesitant to go out to the Castro for Pride weekend.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: violet_shy on 06/18/21 at 1:23 pm

Yes the Delta variant is going to dominate the US in the next month or two, it’s the worst one yet.

I did not know this. If this is the case then I will continue to wear a mask. But who knows if wearing a mask will help this time. I mean if the variant is worse. Maybe those of us who are vaccinated won't catch it as badly.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: karen on 06/18/21 at 1:29 pm

I did not know this. If this is the case then I will continue to wear a mask. But who knows if wearing a mask will help this time. I mean if the variant is worse. Maybe those of us who are vaccinated won't catch it as badly.

The mask will still help. Keeping two metres apart will still help.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/18/21 at 1:29 pm

I did not know this. If this is the case then I will continue to wear a mask. But who knows if wearing a mask will help this time. I mean if the variant is worse. Maybe those of us who are vaccinated won't catch it as badly.

Once it stops becoming mandatory, I'll stop wearing a mask. But who knows when that will be up here.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/18/21 at 1:30 pm

The mask will still help. Keeping two metres apart will still help.

The two metres apart thing is almost as bad as masks. Can't wait for that to go away too.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/18/21 at 1:45 pm

The two metres apart thing is almost as bad as masks. Can't wait for that to go away too.

Anyone in particular you feel like getting closer to?  ;D  ;)  ;D  ;)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/18/21 at 1:46 pm

Anyone in particular you feel like getting closer to?  ;D  ;)  ;D  ;)

No it just feels inhumane to "socially distance".

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/18/21 at 1:50 pm

No it just feels inhumane to "socially distance".

I don't know why they didn't just call it "distancing" in the first place. The "social" was unnecessary.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/18/21 at 1:55 pm

I don't know why they didn't just call it "distancing" in the first place. The "social" was unnecessary.

Yup makes you think there could be an agenda involved.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/18/21 at 4:33 pm

It's not. Even though we're all vaccinated. I did notice that more people are riding the bus.

public transportation is up so many people are taking buses and trains.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/18/21 at 4:34 pm

Once it stops becoming mandatory, I'll stop wearing a mask. But who knows when that will be up here.

Who even knows is right, someone should know?  ???

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 06/18/21 at 8:28 pm

I don't know why they didn't just call it "distancing" in the first place. The "social" was unnecessary.

I think they call it that to clarify distancing from people, rather than from animals or inanimate objects.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 06/18/21 at 8:32 pm

Anyways...the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (aka CAL OSHA) allowed workplaces to get rid of social distancing and mask-wearing this week...and my workplace (which only consists of three workers; all of us are fully vaccinated) made it official today! (However, we reviewed the guidelines in detail.)

So we could take off our masks, not worry about running into anyone else, and put our office back to the way it was prior to last spring. It kinda felt surreal (for lack of a better word) for us to walk around in the office without our facemasks, and be in close proximity to others.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/18/21 at 9:36 pm

Anyways...the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (aka CAL OSHA) allowed workplaces to get rid of social distancing and mask-wearing this week...and my workplace (which only consists of three workers; all of us are fully vaccinated) made it official today! (However, we reviewed the guidelines in detail.)

So we could take off our masks, not worry about running into anyone else, and put our office back to the way it was prior to last spring. It kinda felt surreal (for lack of a better word) for us to walk around in the office without our facemasks, and be in close proximity to others.

You're so lucky.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 06/19/21 at 1:14 am

You're so lucky.

Thank you. :)

I suppose if my office had more people in it, that would be a different story.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 06/19/21 at 4:52 am

I think they call it that to clarify distancing from people, rather than from animals or inanimate objects.

It's a way of spreading people out.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/30/21 at 5:49 pm

Amazing news! Masks will no longer be required in my town starting next week. FINALLY!

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 06/30/21 at 9:06 pm

That's good O0

Unless they can provide proof that they've been fully vaccinated and then they can sit 10/table.  But I wouldn't take a stupid chance like that.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: violet_shy on 06/30/21 at 9:32 pm

I still wear my mask in public. Because of that covid variant going around.  ::)

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 06/30/21 at 11:41 pm

I still wear my mask in public. Because of that covid variant going around.  ::)

Yeah. I have been bringing one along to have ready just in case I need it.

My office is no longer requiring them, but today at work we discussed our plans in the event that we do need to go back to wearing them. I mean, we've all been vaccinated in full, but if the variant gets outta control, then we will need to put 'em back on again.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: on 07/01/21 at 12:03 am

I still wear my mask in public. Because of that covid variant going around.  ::)

Oh no! I wouldn't take a stupid chance like that.

Yeah. I have been bringing one along to have ready just in case I need it.

My office is no longer requiring them, but today at work we discussed our plans in the event that we do need to go back to wearing them. I mean, we've all been vaccinated in full, but if the variant gets outta control, then we will need to put 'em back on again.

It's not a good thing to take a chance on something like that.  In case the variant is around I'm still going to wear my mask.  It's not something that I would take very likely because I'm not fully vaccinated yet.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 07/01/21 at 4:41 am

Amazing news! Masks will no longer be required in my town starting next week. FINALLY!

How are you feeling after the good news?

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 07/01/21 at 4:42 am

I still wear my mask in public. Because of that covid variant going around.  ::)

I wear them on public transportation.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 07/01/21 at 11:06 pm

I wear them on public transportation.

I haven't been on my local public transportation system in over ten years, but I would think that facemasks are still required on it (trains, buses, etc.).

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 07/02/21 at 6:11 am

I haven't been on my local public transportation system in over ten years, but I would think that facemasks are still required on it (trains, buses, etc.).

Yeah right now they haven't got rid of mask mandates on public transportation so you still have to wear them, unfortunately.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: nally on 07/02/21 at 11:53 pm

Yeah right now they haven't got rid of mask mandates on public transportation so you still have to wear them, unfortunately.

That makes sense. Like I said, it's been awhile since I last used public transportation, but I'm sure their websites have information about covid guidelines, such as mask mandates and social distancing.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: GH1996 on 07/06/21 at 11:01 pm

I wear mine when I’m in public/at work, mask restrictions have been dropped but lots of people still wearing them

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 07/07/21 at 4:43 am

I wear mine when I’m in public/at work, mask restrictions have been dropped but lots of people still wearing them

I will wear them inside buildings but when I come out of them I take them off.

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Early2010sGuy on 07/11/21 at 1:57 am

Today, in my province, we no longer have to wear masks! 😄 I'm still gonna wear one while I'm working though, don't want to show my grumpy face to the customers 😂

Subject: Re: How Much Longer Do We Have To Keep Wearing Masks?

Written By: Howard on 07/11/21 at 6:59 am

Today, in my province, we no longer have to wear masks! 😄 I'm still gonna wear one while I'm working though, don't want to show my grumpy face to the customers 😂

Do they still have to wear masks on transportation? ???

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