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Subject: How decadent/hedonistic will the 2020s be, and in what form?

Written By: 90s Guy on 05/14/21 at 1:13 am

IF Covid ends - Big if - there should be some sort of reaction to the repression of this period that exceeds it in decadence and hedonism. Two historical examples: Disco and all its decadence after the ten years of Vietnam and Watergate, or going back further, the bawdy and risque plays and theater of Restoration England after the repressive reign of Cromwell.

Or consider the "greed is good" manic episode America went under as soon as the economy roared back to life in the middle to late 1980s.

We tend to see periods like this in response to times of malaise or repression end.

That said, if Covid ends, how hedonistic or decadent do you think the '20s will be, and do you think we'll see a reoccurrence of trends or music stylings from previous "party" decades or eras?

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