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Subject: DAE want humor to go back to being simpler and less ironic?

Written By: NightmareFarm on 09/05/21 at 6:11 pm

Ever since 2016 we've been bombarded with ironic and post ironic memes which have gotten stale as hell by this point. I miss the memes of the early 10s where you just had simple, punchy humor like top text/bottom text memes. Even the sheeshty cringe ones you can at least laugh at since they are sincerely bad whereas now you have memes pretend to be cringe but it doesn't feel funny because its self aware of how cringe it is.

Subject: Re: DAE want humor to go back to being simpler and less ironic?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 09/05/21 at 7:35 pm

As anyone who knows my posts knows, the whole "ironic" and "post ironic" (which is just another form of irony) thing is a sore spot with me. The whole "ironic lifestyle' thing basically started with the Hipsters and it strikes me as such a sad, pathetic way to live. Nothing is truly your own, so just adopt things of the past, but with an "ironic" knowledge that you are actually making fun of them, or are above them,  by loving them. Sad, sad, sad.

But, as for memes, why are they even a thing? Can't they be ignored? They strike me as being something like the old political cartoons in the days of newspapers. If you didn't like them then don't look at them. But it's much harder to ignore memes, which again exposes how dangerous social media really is.  Memes operate somewhat like urban legends (or viruses). They circulate around and around, modify, change and update themselves.

Having said all that, there is ONE meme that I love because it speaks such truth. It's years old but I always return to it to prove a point when it needs proving. Never has a truer meme been memed.

Here it is:

Subject: Re: DAE want humor to go back to being simpler and less ironic?

Written By: NightmareFarm on 09/06/21 at 4:24 am

As anyone who knows my posts knows, the whole "ironic" and "post ironic" (which is just another form of irony) thing is a sore spot with me. The whole "ironic lifestyle' thing basically started with the Hipsters and it strikes me as such a sad, pathetic way to live. Nothing is truly your own, so just adopt things of the past, but with an "ironic" knowledge that you are actually making fun of them, or are above them,  by loving them. Sad, sad, sad.

But, as for memes, why are they even a thing? Can't they be ignored? They strike me as being something like the old political cartoons in the days of newspapers. If you didn't like them then don't look at them. But it's much harder to ignore memes, which again exposes how dangerous social media really is.  Memes operate somewhat like urban legends (or viruses). They circulate around and around, modify, change and update themselves.

Having said all that, there is ONE meme that I love because it speaks such truth. It's years old but I always return to it to prove a point when it needs proving. Never has a truer meme been memed.

Here it is:


Subject: Re: DAE want humor to go back to being simpler and less ironic?

Written By: JacobThePlante on 11/26/21 at 12:54 pm

I love the meme culture of today! But I've always had a silly, random, abstract sense of humor

Subject: Re: DAE want humor to go back to being simpler and less ironic?

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/29/21 at 5:18 am

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