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Subject: Webcore/Internetcore

Written By: LooseBolt on 03/15/22 at 8:53 pm

Move over vaporwave, there's a new underground sound in town! Whereas vaporwave was the sound of Millennials nostalgic for the '80s and '90s era of analog technology, this amorphous and loosely defined new genre (variously named Webcore and Internetcore on YouTube) is the province of Gen Z, who have never known a time before the Internet. Behold!




What interests me about this latest microgenre is how it doesn't necessarily consist of a lot of original music. The label seems to be retroactively applied to much older electronic music and video game soundtracks. I'm curious to know if any of you have any prior run-ins with this phenomenon.

I know it's not Top 40s - and probably never will be - but the underground has always interested me. And it continues to surprise and delight!

Subject: Re: Webcore/Internetcore

Written By: miserybusiness on 03/27/22 at 11:44 pm

i love this aesthetic

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