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Subject: Did the Ellen Show Get Cancelled Because of Ellen Being Exposed?

Written By: Slim95 on 06/13/22 at 1:47 pm

Do you think this is the real reason the show is going off the air?  ???

Subject: Re: Did the Ellen Show Get Cancelled Because of Ellen Being Exposed?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/13/22 at 2:12 pm

Oh, no doubt a lot of it had to do with her being exposed as the Queen of Mean and the way her employees were mistreated. Her image is tarnished. I think she had run her course in general anyway though. How much of that nonsense can people watch?

Subject: Re: Did the Ellen Show Get Cancelled Because of Ellen Being Exposed?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/13/22 at 3:30 pm

And another thing, when she got exposed she tried to pass the buck and claim she didn't know anything about it. Oh really? Meanwhile, it's in her employee's contract or job description that they are not even to LOOK AT HER if they pass her in the hall or some such. Such arrogance! But lest you think Mean Queen Ellen has the market cornered on elitism, that "don't look at me" clause is actually quite common among famous people. Stevie Nicks has it. Mariah Carey has it. Anna Wintour, the CEO of Vogue Magazine, has it. The employees of the Howard Stern show are instructed not to look at the famous guests. In fact, Anna Wintour takes it to such an extreme that one time she tripped and fell in the corridor of the Vogue office (and, believe me, she's not young), and an employee who was passing by just kept walking. He asked his direct supervisor if he did the right thing by not helping her, and he was told he did. Who wants to work in a culture like that? It's not human.

Subject: Re: Did the Ellen Show Get Cancelled Because of Ellen Being Exposed?

Written By: LyricBoy on 06/13/22 at 6:40 pm

Ellen got cancelled some time last year. It just took a while for her show to catch up.

Subject: Re: Did the Ellen Show Get Cancelled Because of Ellen Being Exposed?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 06/13/22 at 7:19 pm

Ellen got cancelled some time last year. It just took a while for her show to catch up.

Correct. All the stuff I mention pre-dates the cancellation and I'm sure contributed to it.

Subject: Re: Did the Ellen Show Get Cancelled Because of Ellen Being Exposed?

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 06/13/22 at 7:47 pm

Ellen had this prime-time game show where her contestants (mostly women) would play these quiz games that, if they answered wrong, would end up getting "punished" by getting dropped from about a 20 foot height into pudding or water or Jell-O or something after Ellen would gleefully pull some lever or push some button, and it always seemed to me like she took a little bit too much pleasure in punishing her contestants.

It gave me the impression that Ellen had a bit of a mean, sadistic streak in her.  :o :o :o

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