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Subject: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 6:20 am

i'm editing the 70s listboard and i have to delete all the questions from the "scenes from the 70s movies" threads because it's just supposed to be about specific scenes, but some of the questions i'm curious about so i thought i'd bring em over here and see if anyone knew anything about them.

first one:

"I'm looking for a late 70's early 80's movie where a bunch of kids lock their paprents into  a school  auditorium and eventually end up getting caught. In the final scene the kids are put onto a bus with the windows caged up.  As the bus rides off the song ooh child is playing.  This movie is a classic but I do not know the name of it.  The bus seen should be on this list. Could you tell me the name of this movie"

funny thing is, i can't really post the email of the requestors so they'll never knwo the answers. but at least i will. :P

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 6:21 am

there was one guy, all his favorite scenes were just scenes where women get shot or stabbed in the gut. he had a bunch of them. man, the internet is a scary place. :-\\

okay, another question:

"1970's fick with willem dafoe about a leather jacket gang speading terror and fear to people who pass through their town, kinda of a fast pace beatnik type movie. I seen it on tv. just can't find any info on it, I've never for got that show since I seen it in the late 70's, and haven't seen it since"

and another:

"I've een trying to remember the name of a movie I saw as a child.It was about female you had been rideculed for her into a car accident afterwhich she goes on a murder spree....any thoughts...thanks Christine"

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 6:34 am

"A women  is upset and leave her house.  She drives into a tree.  The next scene shows her surrounded by demons who force her to look into a pit to see her children dressed into their pajamas.  Help me! is this a dream or was this a movie in the 70s'?"


"can you tell me where I can acquire a dvd or vhs tape with greatest scenes from different movies?"

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 6:38 am

"I am looking for this video of the W.O. Mitchell novel, "Who Has Seen the Wind".  It is distributed by Astral Video and made by souris River Films Ltd., 1977.  Please help!"

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 6:40 am

"fire sale -- I'm actually looking for a copy of this old movie called fire sale.  I thought it was a Mel Brooks kind of movie with Marty Feldman and possibly Rob Reiner.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  It was really pretty bad in a good way."

" a movie called 'the mad tierneys' -- may be black and white,i thought it was 70s horror may be late 60s,all i remember is a lot of blood and murders,possibly axe murders,it scared the pants off of me as a kid, i cant seem to find it anywhere now,your help would be appreciated--thanks!    t."

sorry to postwhore, suddenly there seem to be an awful lot of these.

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 6:51 am

"Hi! Hope You can tell me, what`s the name of this movie(I suppose it`s from the 70s)..see, I realy liked it, but don`t know what it`s, the plot is following: there`s a school for young girls in an old gothic castle. The principle of the school is very stern lady, living there with her teenage son, who seems to be pretty shy(and likes to watch girls in the shower). Anyways, he and the gardener seems to be the only men around, and all of a sudden terrible murders of young girls start to appear..they find dissmembered bodies etc. During that, boys mother forbids her son to date a girl from the school, telling him, that one day he`ll find a perfect girl, just like she is. At the end everyone`s shocked, when find out, that boy was the brutal killer, when mother finds him in the attick with the parts of all his victims, which combined, create a "perfect girl" his mother has been telling him about..please, if you know what movie it is let me know. Thanks a lot! "

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 6:53 am

okay, this one is downright surreal but i think there's a question in here somewhere:

"ok. aforce brat in spain 70-74.memories.this movie of a 12year oldish blonde boy in the sahara desert, lost going thru hell, subtitled, rescued at the end. What was the name? Caramel ice cream, poolside at the Barahas hotel in 74 while watching an ABBA live concert. Why can't I find the smooth caramel light brown ice cream the hotel served to this day? Where is it?  Barahas hotel-"

aaaaaaaaaaand another...

"I remember I seent his movie when I was a little girl. All that I can remember is that it seemed to be the end of time. The movie I believe is made in the seventies or maybe even the sixties. And people where running every where trying not to die. Was nothing like zombies, or some other type movie made from that theory, but I wanna say that I might have watched it in church maybe? So, maybe some type of christain movie. I remember a girl ran under a bed and hide, and something about a cop car? Please email me back if you think that you might know the name of this movie."

i'm so not going to get any sleep tonight trying to think of what all these movies are! :(

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 6:58 am

"In the summer of 71' I saw a movie in Long Beach City Circle Drive In. along with "Willard" - starring earnest Borgnine.. The movie has to do will a trade-apprentice in the early 1500's or so that develops all these strange and intricate locks.. What was the name of this movie.. Please reply"

okay, this one's actually late 60s but hopefully we can allow it, it sounds totally insane:

"This was probably filmed in the late 60's. Said to be a true story. A white woman gives birth to a black baby boy. Husband, white, rejects her and she leaves with the baby. She goes through hardship and eventually dies in a fire in her room. The baby is rescued by a reporter (?) It comes about that this woman's husband had before having intercourse with her, had sex with a white prostitute, who in turn had had sex with a black guy. The black guy's sperm miraculously is transmitted to the white guy via the white hooker, and subsequently, the white woman, his wife,  gives birth to a black boy...."

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 7:12 am

sorry, yall. this really does go on. :P

"fire w/ fire? A girl that takes pictures and in one take she is taking a picture of herself in a pond,lake (water) and a boy is watching her.  THey go to seperate schools i think, of what i can remember??  Thanks"

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Capt Quirk on 08/06/07 at 7:51 am

okay, another question:

"1970's fick with willem dafoe about a leather jacket gang speading terror and fear to people who pass through their town, kinda of a fast pace beatnik type movie. I seen it on tv. just can't find any info on it, I've never for got that show since I seen it in the late 70's, and haven't seen it since"

According to, Dafoe didn't start his career until the 80's. The closest film that might fit, is Roadhouse 66.

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 9:49 am

According to, Dafoe didn't start his career until the 80's. The closest film that might fit, is Roadhouse 66.
i was wondering about that, it seemed before his time. a bunch of the posts are out of the time period. like there's a bunch of stuff about psycho, which was 1960, and 90s and 2000s movies come up a lot. i tried to leave those out as best i could.

a lot of these questions could be answered on imdb, i think, as long as they remember an actor who was in it that's usually enough.

honestly, there's a found poetry aspect to all these half-remembered movie scenes when you string them together like this. i'm tempted to pick up a camcorder and hire some extras and re-enact them altogether in some kinda art-fart surrealist chien andalou type thing. might wind up at cannes one year.

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: thereshegoes on 08/06/07 at 10:47 am

Sorry,i don't recognize any...but that "black baby/white baby" is a must seen :o

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 10:52 am

Sorry,i don't recognize any...but that "black baby/white baby" is a must seen :o
just about all the ones where they cant think of the name sound really crazy and interesting. but yeah, that one is just something else. so boldly, stunningly offensive that it must actually be a film of seaching social commentary. i hope someone recognizes it. the one with the car crash and the demons and the pit and the pajamas sounds like a real winner too. maybe it just happens to be called "pit and the pajamas"? :-\\

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 11:11 am

another one!

"black widow spiders????
I remember a family of females decended from the black widow spider, the girls had the red hour glass mark...but i could be wrong.."

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/06/07 at 11:14 am

"Hi! Hope You can tell me, what`s the name of this movie(I suppose it`s from the 70s)..see, I realy liked it, but don`t know what it`s, the plot is following: there`s a school for young girls in an old gothic castle. The principle of the school is very stern lady, living there with her teenage son, who seems to be pretty shy(and likes to watch girls in the shower). Anyways, he and the gardener seems to be the only men around, and all of a sudden terrible murders of young girls start to appear..they find dissmembered bodies etc. During that, boys mother forbids her son to date a girl from the school, telling him, that one day he`ll find a perfect girl, just like she is. At the end everyone`s shocked, when find out, that boy was the brutal killer, when mother finds him in the attick with the parts of all his victims, which combined, create a "perfect girl" his mother has been telling him about..please, if you know what movie it is let me know. Thanks a lot! "

This one sounds SOOOO familiar.


Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 11:16 am

This one sounds SOOOO familiar.

rereading the description i think i know it now. i believe it may be a horrifyingly atrocious spanish movie called "pieces."

if so it's actually from the early 80s. and totally does NOT deserve a 4 rating. more like a 2.

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: freeridemt on 08/06/07 at 12:00 pm

I think the one your talking about with Dafoe is Streets of Fire.
with Michael Pare& Diane Lane 1984.

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/06/07 at 12:11 pm

sorry, yall. this really does go on. :P

"fire w/ fire? A girl that takes pictures and in one take she is taking a picture of herself in a pond,lake (water) and a boy is watching her.  THey go to seperate schools i think, of what i can remember??  Thanks"

I do remember this. She was trying to recreate the painting "Ophelia" by John Everett Millais

But, I can't remember the name of the movie.


Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Capt Quirk on 08/06/07 at 12:58 pm

another one!

"black widow spiders????
I remember a family of females decended from the black widow spider, the girls had the red hour glass mark...but i could be wrong.."

That sounds like the plot from a TV show, either Special Unit, or another one I loved but can't remember the name. The Lead was a tabloid reporter who drove a PT Cruiser, and searched out all sorts of supernatural stories. It was on only a couple years ago.

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: Tia on 08/06/07 at 1:12 pm

that one's gonna be impossible, im guessing, the black widow one, but maybe there will be miracles.

here's one i deleted and hated having to. he was apparently IN this show and wants to find a copy of it, and it sounds mega-obscure? he left a bunch of personal information i had to delete (address and phone number on the internet! no no no!) but i saved it on my hard drive in case anyone knows anything about this. the show was called "kidsworld" and i've never heard of it.


It was around '70; the show featured one of the first black Little League Baseball teams known as the Warriors and Pitcher Napoleon "Bonnie" Johnson on national TV. The Warriors had a outstanding record of 15 and 0, and also as their star 'Pitcher' I had 10 shutouts games with a 0.1 ERA record.  I would like to give that Kidsworld video tape show of the my interview to my kids for XMAS as special gift. If you can help me find that video show taped between 1968 and 1970 in Hinds county, Jackson, MS.,I would greatly apprepriate that sincerely.  I will pay the cost of the tape and S&H.  Thanks, Napoleon  Contact me at:  Napoleon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: ladybug316 on 08/08/07 at 9:40 am

i'm editing the 70s listboard and i have to delete all the questions from the "scenes from the 70s movies" threads because it's just supposed to be about specific scenes, but some of the questions i'm curious about so i thought i'd bring em over here and see if anyone knew anything about them.

first one:

"I'm looking for a late 70's early 80's movie where a bunch of kids lock their paprents into  a school  auditorium and eventually end up getting caught. In the final scene the kids are put onto a bus with the windows caged up.  As the bus rides off the song ooh child is playing.   This movie is a classic but I do not know the name of it.   The bus seen should be on this list. Could you tell me the name of this movie"

funny thing is, i can't really post the email of the requestors so they'll never knwo the answers. but at least i will. :P
I think this is "Over The Edge" with Matt Dillon

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: lorac61469 on 08/08/07 at 11:57 am

I do remember this. She was trying to recreate the painting "Ophelia" by John Everett Millais

But, I can't remember the name of the movie.


Very familar, but I can not remember the name either.

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: snozberries on 08/11/07 at 10:47 am

there was one guy, all his favorite scenes were just scenes where women get shot or stabbed in the gut. he had a bunch of them. man, the internet is a scary place. :-\\
  :-X ;D ;D ;D ;D  :-X

"I've een trying to remember the name of a movie I saw as a child.It was about female you had been rideculed for her into a car accident afterwhich she goes on a murder spree....any thoughts...thanks Christine"

Actually it sounds more like Girl Most Likely To with Stockard Channing. She is an ugly duckling who is beautiful after plastic surgery  and seeks revenge on all who mocked her... 

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: snozberries on 08/11/07 at 10:56 am

okay, this one is downright surreal but i think there's a question in here somewhere:

"ok. aforce brat in spain 70-74.memories.this movie of a 12year oldish blonde boy in the sahara desert, lost going thru hell, subtitled, rescued at the end. What was the name? Caramel ice cream, poolside at the Barahas hotel in 74 while watching an ABBA live concert. Why can't I find the smooth caramel light brown ice cream the hotel served to this day? Where is it?  Barahas hotel-"

You remember the quote "The force is strong in that one"?  Yeah well the drugs are strong in this one... man surreal doesn't even come close to describing this we need a term for beyond surreal  ;D

honestly, there's a found poetry aspect to all these half-remembered movie scenes when you string them together like this. i'm tempted to pick up a camcorder and hire some extras and re-enact them altogether in some kinda art-fart surrealist chien andalou type thing. might wind up at cannes one year.

I would love to see it Tia.

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: snozberries on 08/11/07 at 11:00 am

I do remember this. She was trying to recreate the painting "Ophelia" by John Everett Millais

But, I can't remember the name of the movie.


The title was in the Question... go figure.  It's Fire with Fire starring Virginia Madsen and Craig Scheffer (1986)

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: snozberries on 08/11/07 at 11:03 am

"black widow spiders?
I remember a family of females decended from the black widow spider, the girls had the red hour glass mark...but i could be wrong.."

Isn't this ^ Black Widow with Debra Winger and Theresa Russell?  1987.  I remember seeing this one in the theater but I don't know why.

Subject: Re: questions about movies from the 70s

Written By: NbC on 08/20/07 at 7:45 am

another one!

"black widow spiders????
I remember a family of females decended from the black widow spider, the girls had the red hour glass mark...but i could be wrong.."

Could it be: The Curse of the Black Widow?

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