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Subject: Amway

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 01/19/08 at 3:51 am

When I was a kid, it seemed like every other one of my neighbors or relatives tried to push this pyramid scheme on my mom, and it drove her up the wall.

Anyone else have any annoying relatives or neighbors try and push Amway on you or your parents?  ::)

Subject: Re: Amway

Written By: sweet-lorraine on 01/19/08 at 1:58 pm

YES! I remember a friend of mom's invited her to a dinner party. she brought me along. after eating, they started in on the talk about some fabulous products. mom leaned in to me and told me to go to the bathroom. I didn't need to, but if mom gave and order, you did it. when I came out of the toidy, she grabbed my hand and we made a break for it. the wife actually caught us in the driveway! mom almost ran her over. he-hee

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