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Subject: 80s-early 90s children's show HELP!

Written By: catabrew on 07/18/03 at 08:43 a.m.

I've been trying to figure out what show this is for soo many years, I have vague memories of it. If this rings a bell with anyone please help! I'm so obsessed! It was not a cartoon. It had people dressed up as animals in really good costumes. A duck or goose and a bear and other animals. They seemed to me the hugest lumbering animals. I think they wore clothes and bonnets or hats. Lived in cottages in a forest and would visit each other and have tea etc. There was a white tent or bedsheet in one of the episodes. Think there was a pond. They were surrounded by trees. Was such a fun show.
It wasn't Zoobilee Zoo, the get along gang, New zoo Revue or Banana splits.
If anyone can remember the name of this show.. please respond!!!

Subject: Re: 80s-early 90s children's show HELP!

Written By: Kellswitch on 07/18/03 at 09:02 a.m.

Where did this show air?  It might have been a local production.

Subject: Re: 80s-early 90s children's show HELP!

Written By: catabrew on 07/18/03 at 09:09 a.m.

Singapore. It was definitely not a local production. Seemed to me Canadian or British? Can't say for sure.