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Messageboard Archive Index, In The 00s - The Pop Culture Information Society

Welcome to the archived messages from In The 00s. This archive stretches back to 1998 in some instances, and contains a nearly complete record of all the messages posted to inthe00s.com. You will also find an archive of the messages from inthe70s.com, inthe80s.com, inthe90s.com and amiright.com before they were combined to form the inthe00s.com messageboard.

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Subject: Introducing the New Breakfast Club!!

Written By: Diane on 9/1/1998 at 12:07 a.m.

Hi folks!

I just opened up a club on Yahoo's Club Listings, called "The New Breakfast Club". It's the coolest thing too...if you were too young or too old to be a part of the original Breakfast Club but would still like to join in, this club's for you!! And everyone else who's intrigued can jump right on in...we're all gonna be just revelling in the '80s and trying to live vicariously through the coolest bunch of teens on the planet, MY/our heroes, the Breakfast Club! You can look at the very bare, still under construction detention hall by clicking on the link below.

Thanks and hope to see you there soon!

Lots of love from the Allison of the group (except I don't lie nearly as much *damn*),


Subject: OOOPS! URL change.

Written By: Diane on 9/1/1998 at 12:10 a.m.

The link below should take you to the correct page. Sorry!

(p.s.: I'm RhodesScholar1 [soon to change to City Girl *cross fingers*] just in case you wanted to know.)


Diane, the basketcase