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Messageboard Archive Index, In The 00s - The Pop Culture Information Society

Welcome to the archived messages from In The 00s. This archive stretches back to 1998 in some instances, and contains a nearly complete record of all the messages posted to inthe00s.com. You will also find an archive of the messages from inthe70s.com, inthe80s.com, inthe90s.com and amiright.com before they were combined to form the inthe00s.com messageboard.

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Subject: 80s MTV

Written By: Sir Paul on 6/22/1998 at 11:59 a.m.

alright, somebody asked me this the other day and its been driving me crazy trying to find the answer. we all know that "video kiled the radio star" by the buggles was the first video played on mtv. my question is -- what was the 2nd video ever played? if anybody can help me i would certainly appreciate it.

Subject: Re: 80s MTV

Written By: Tracey on 7/26/1998 at 1:20 a.m.

: alright, somebody asked me this the other day and its been driving me crazy trying to find the answer. we all know that "video kiled the radio star" by the buggles was the first video played on mtv. my question is -- what was the 2nd video ever played? if anybody can help me i would certainly appreciate it.

It was Abracadabra by Steve Miller