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Messageboard Archive Index, In The 00s - The Pop Culture Information Society

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Subject: I GOT THEM!

Written By: Dan Nero on 9/5/1998 at 9:27 a.m.

Hello all,
Well after waiting and waiting and waiting until this morning when I finally got my e-mail from Ticketmaster.
I HAVE MY DEPECHE MODE TICKETS. Now for my gripe...in order to be able to get these tickets you had to pre-order the new CD which is fine being that I would buy it anyway. I waited with my browser on the DM site until the link became active and immediately ordered my copy. I am thinking great I got in there first I am going to have great seats. Well, I had to wait 2 days to get my email from Ticketmaster with my password to order the tickets. The problem is the seats are OK not great but not bad and I am probably going to go to a Ticket Vendor and pay upwards of $150
to get as close as possible.
I don't know I just feel kind of cheated. My partner has been laughing at me at the way I have been acting for 2 days about these tickets.
On a good note. I HAVE DEPECHE MODE TICKETS!!! I am going to see Dave and Martin, and Fletch again. I am going to see my favorite band of all time. I am going to scream and giggle like a high school girl :).
Thanks for hearing my rant guys,
Talk to you later,

Subject: Re: I GOT THEM!

Written By: Lindsay on 9/7/1998 at 1:32 a.m.

you know I share in your delight...I am so happy for you, but I want a play by play of the show!
As I write, Boy George is on the radio and you know how I would love to see him....I am happy someone gets to see their dream!