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Subject: Old reference

Written By: Dan Nero on 9/22/1998 at 8:53 a.m.

Hey all,
The other day I was watching "The Brady Girls Get Married" (yeah I know that's scary) but they made a reference in it that made me think.
Let me set the scene for you...

Marcia is talking a mile a minute and her new husband "Wally" tells her to stop and slow it down to 33 1/3.
This started me to wondering.

For all us from the 80's and loving music the way we all do, we clearly remember a turntable with the speed control for either 33 1/3, 45, or 78.
If a child from the 90's watches that (who knows?) that line is going to go right over their head.

I just found that interesting, yes it was a babble but I just wanted to share.
Have a good day all,

Subject: Re: Old reference

Written By: ChuckyG on 9/22/1998 at 1:25 p.m.

: Hey all,
: The other day I was watching "The Brady Girls Get Married" (yeah I know that's scary) but they made a reference in it that made me think.
: Let me set the scene for you...

: Marcia is talking a mile a minute and her new husband "Wally" tells her to stop and slow it down to 33 1/3.
: This started me to wondering.

: For all us from the 80's and loving music the way we all do, we clearly remember a turntable with the speed control for either 33 1/3, 45, or 78.
: If a child from the 90's watches that (who knows?) that line is going to go right over their head.

Actually, you forgot about 16 which wasn't too popular on turntables by the 80s... one of my friends has a comic book stand at a flea market, and he heard a ten year old kid (or thereabouts) asking what those records with the big hole in them were called... So it seems that kids still at least recognize records.. just not all the variants >grin<
: I just found that interesting, yes it was a babble but I just wanted to share.
: Have a good day all,
: Dan