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Messageboard Archive Index, In The 00s - The Pop Culture Information Society

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Subject: I guess no one remembers

Written By: Spinjas Fan on 9/23/1998 at 9:37 p.m.

So you don't recall the greatest toys ever?

Subject: Re: I guess no one remembers

Written By: Diane on 9/24/1998 at 2:07 p.m.

: So you don't recall the greatest toys ever?

Sorry, guy...I was a little girl in the '80s and I still don't recall anything called "spinjas". Wait...were they like some Asian warrior action figures that you spun around to get started or something? Because if that's what they are, then I may have seen them a few times at Toys R' Us or Kay-Bee (don't remember which one)....

Straining her brain as she just drops in,


Subject: Re: I guess no one remembers

Written By: Dan Nero on 9/24/1998 at 7:39 a.m.

: So you don't recall the greatest toys ever?

Hey there,
I remember a game called "Battling Tops" which sounds similar but that was in the 70's. Spinjas i have never heard of.