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Messageboard Archive Index, In The 00s - The Pop Culture Information Society

Welcome to the archived messages from In The 00s. This archive stretches back to 1998 in some instances, and contains a nearly complete record of all the messages posted to inthe00s.com. You will also find an archive of the messages from inthe70s.com, inthe80s.com, inthe90s.com and amiright.com before they were combined to form the inthe00s.com messageboard.

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Subject: The Other Ones, Part 2

Written By: tommyb on 9/30/1998 at 11:15 a.m.

Hiya again,

Just wanted to thank those who have responded to my previous posting a few lines down from here. I'm glad that there are others who remember them. To all others: please submit your comments and leads. Again, thanks to those who gave me some direction as where to search, as well as the personal thoughts. I'll buy ya a beer whenever you are in Pittsburgh, PA. Take care all:)