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Subject: Some strange science TV shows.....

Written By: Ang on 3/4/2000 at 2:45 a.m.

There used to be a show on in the (I think early) 80's. It was a group of young people/ teenagers??, and they all had a different and weird ability. The only one I remember is that one of them could shrink down to tiny sizes. And the title of the show, was two words, one on top of the other. And the letters of the tittle were all in weird shaped objects- i.e. the S was a paperclip unfolded.....etc. I think Scientists was in the tittle, and some word with an 'M'. This has been bothering me for years- I have to know the name of this show!! I am beginning to think I'm imagining it!!

The other show I wanted to know the name of, I think starred Louis Gosset Jr., or someone who looked liked him. He was always helping out this boy who had these like superhuman (blue) eyes......like he could see through stuff or things like that. The boy kind of looked like Ralph Mochio (The Karate Kid), (with eyes like Brian Bloom!). [my sister and I used to call it "The Boy With The Eyes"!]

I would appreciate any info!!

Subject: Re: Some strange science TV shows.....

Written By: Aj on 3/4/2000 at 5:33 a.m.

> There used to be a show on in the (I think early) 80's. It was a group of
> young people/ teenagers??, and they all had a different and weird ability.
> The only one I remember is that one of them could shrink down to tiny
> sizes. And the title of the show, was two words, one on top of the other.
> And the letters of the tittle were all in weird shaped objects- i.e. the S
> was a paperclip unfolded.....etc. I think Scientists was in the tittle,
> and some word with an 'M'. This has been bothering me for years- I have to
> know the name of this show!! I am beginning to think I'm imagining it!!

> The other show I wanted to know the name of, I think starred Louis Gosset
> Jr., or someone who looked liked him. He was always helping out this boy
> who had these like superhuman (blue) eyes......like he could see through
> stuff or things like that. The boy kind of looked like Ralph Mochio (The
> Karate Kid), (with eyes like Brian Bloom!). [my sister and I used to call
> it "The Boy With The Eyes"!]

Okay based on what you said, I can come up with the following that I remember:

Powers of Matthew Star Whizkids The Master Man Called Sloan Misfits of Science


> I would appreciate any info!!

Subject: Re: Some strange science TV shows.....

Written By: Tobias Winkler on 3/4/2000 at 9:33 a.m.

The first one you're talking about is the Misfits Of Science, a wonderful and extremely good 80s TV Series - a classic!!!

Yours, Tobi

PS: Visit my Misfits Of Science Website at www.bndlg.de/newclear