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Subject: Sonny Spoon

Written By: Justin on 11/14/98 at 03:13 a.m.

Who here remembers anything about the NBC television program, "Sonny Spoon?" I recall really liking that show. Of course, I was all of 10 when it aired and as a result, I remember very little of it, myself. Does anyone have any information on it they would like to tell me? The Internet is pretty much devoid of relevant info. All I remember is Mario Van Peebles acting suave (and it may have involved very little apart from that).

Subject: Re: Sonny Spoon

Written By: Kevin on 11/20/98 at 04:26 p.m.

He was either a private detective or a police officer, or something like that. Not much else to tell...

Subject: Re: Sonny Spoon

Written By: Farley Hatcher on 12/01/98 at 01:16 p.m.

I remember Sonny Spoon, with Mario and his father Melvin Van Peebles. Yeah, I watched a few episodes. Around 1987. Yep!