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Subject: Subcultures of the 1980s

Written By: Donnie Darko on 02/07/06 at 2:42 pm

Goth - Depressed, dark-minded kid.  1980s-present

New Waver - likes New Wave music, tends to be nerdish.  Modern equivalent would be a fan of Indie Rock.  Late 1970s - early 1990s

Valley Girl - late 1970s-1990s, but most common during the 1980s.  Basically any shallow, dumb teenage girl who speaks Californianese could be classified as one.  Generally on the conservative side, except when it comes to abortion. Today Vals are just female preppies.

Skater - Somewhat similar to Punk.  Very rude attitude, tend to like Punk Rock and perhaps metal. 1980s-present

Punk - Hardcore fan of Punk music.  Of rebellious/anarchic and almost always left-wing nature. 1970s-present

Metalhead - Obnoxious fan of metal.  Often similar attitude to Skater.  1970s-present

Jock - The athlete.  During the '80s they would shove nerds into lockers, but by the late 1990s this really only happened on TV for the most part.  1950s-present

Nerd - A person who works with computers and likes learning, esp technical stuff.  From the '50s to the early '90s they were the epitome of uncool, today they're simply seen as weird.  1950s-present

Surfer - The '80s was probably the last decade in which the Surf culture remained totally intact, although Snowboarding is pretty much a 21st Century update to it.  1950s-early 1990s

Preppie - The spoiled, egotistical rich kids that you despised then, and despise and miss now.  The '80s was the peak of Preppieness. 1950s-present.

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