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Subject: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: Harmonica on 06/09/05 at 4:09 pm

Even though she can be a major smart ass and rather crude sometimes I gotta give a huge thumbs up to Roseanne.

She smashed and thrashed the retarded stereotype of every actress having to be pretty and hot bodied, and I have the outmost respect for her.

I happen to think Roseanne is a very funny woman, and an extrememly talented actress.  She played the low class Roseanne on her show "Roseanne" and I think she was magnificent.

Speaking of Roseanne's TV show, I always thought of Darleen as a loner, one who stuck to friends like David and such, and I thought that the writers as well as the actors did a great job with the Dan/Becky relationship and the Roseanne/D.J. relationship.

Roseanne had great chemisty with whoever the actor was that played D.J., especially when he was little.

I'm rambling on, I know, I do that for a living.....but anyway one of my favorite episodes of Roseanne is when Roseanne loses her temper and hits D.J., and there is a moment when she is on the couch with him telling him how sorry she was and how much she loved him.  It was a very very real moment to me.

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: Carrie on 06/09/05 at 9:04 pm

I agree! I love Roseanne. She had (for lack of a better word) "balls" which you rarely see in sitcoms, especially with women. For once, it portrayed people and families in a more realistic light. (Not so much toward the end when it got silly when she won the lotto)

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 06/10/05 at 8:36 am

Roseanne is awesome...that has to be one of the funniest shows!!!  I love Darlene and David together...they are perfect...Jackie always makes me laugh...I can't stand Roseanne and Jackies mom..she's so annoying!

Oh..BTW, if anyone is interested in knowing, the season 1 of Roseanne is coming out in DVD sometime this summer!!! YAY!

Erin :)

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: Harmonica on 06/11/05 at 8:53 am

Roseanne is awesome...that has to be one of the funniest shows!!!  I love Darlene and David together...they are perfect...Jackie always makes me laugh...I can't stand Roseanne and Jackies mom..she's so annoying!

Oh..BTW, if anyone is interested in knowing, the season 1 of Roseanne is coming out in DVD sometime this summer!!! YAY!

Erin :)

I agree on the mother thing, although I thought Roseannes Grandma was awesome!  She had a Chicago Bears hat, and she cheated on her grandkids during poker!

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: Dagwood on 06/12/05 at 7:37 pm

Nanna Mary was the best character in the show.  Too bad she wasn't on often.

I loved the show, could have done without the last season, though. 

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: Indy Gent on 06/12/05 at 9:19 pm

Michael Fishman is credited as DJ.
Roseanne had great chemisty with whoever the actor was that played D.J., especially when he was little.

I'm rambling on, I know, I do that for a living.....but anyway one of my favorite episodes of Roseanne is when Roseanne loses her temper and hits D.J., and there is a moment when she is on the couch with him telling him how sorry she was and how much she loved him.  It was a very very real moment to me.

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: Harmonica on 06/13/05 at 3:59 pm

Nanna Mary was the best character in the show.  Too bad she wasn't on often.

I loved the show, could have done without the last season, though. 

I agree the last season was just sorta "Out there"

Although the last episode was a good one.

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 06/13/05 at 4:35 pm

I love the character of David!!! He is so sweet and emotional, he would be a great friend to have!

Erin :)

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: RockandRollFan on 06/13/05 at 4:59 pm

I loved the show as well. :)

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: iluvthe80s on 06/15/05 at 7:22 am

I loved Roseanne too - I know a lot of people were angry about the way she performed the National Anthem in 1990, but I don't think she meant to come off as offensive.  I thought it was kind of funny the way she sang off-key, although I don't think she should have grabbed her crotch at the end, that was kind of gross.

By the way, do you think Tom Arnold was a good husband to her when they were married, or was he just being an opportunist, as some folks said at the time?  I'm undecided on that one; although his film career started to take off with True Lies around the time they split up, that could just be a coincidence.

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: 90s boy on 06/15/05 at 8:37 pm

I loved Roseanne too - I know a lot of people were angry about the way she performed the National Anthem in 1990, but I don't think she meant to come off as offensive.  I thought it was kind of funny the way she sang off-key, although I don't think she should have grabbed her crotch at the end, that was kind of gross.

By the way, do you think Tom Arnold was a good husband to her when they were married, or was he just being an opportunist, as some folks said at the time?  I'm undecided on that one; although his film

i liked the show i watched it when it was on the air and i now watch reruns of it too and people did make a big deal about her singing the National Anthem in 1990 lol she also poked fun at it on the show too  she sed (it such a bebeautiful morning i could just sing) lol this show also came out in 1988 the year i was born lol

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: LikeTotallyTara on 06/15/05 at 11:46 pm

I still watch Roseanne every night on Nick @ Nite :D

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: Carrie on 06/16/05 at 2:41 am

Michael Fishman is credited as DJ.
Speaking of... I was watching this top 100 Child Stars (or something like that) on VH1 tonight and they showed him now. He is married and has kids.

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: BlondeyFHFan6 on 06/18/05 at 8:00 pm

I use to not like the Roseanne show but recently,I started watching in on Nick at nite and its actually a really good show.  :)

Subject: Her show was funny...not the anthem.

Written By: Patrick on 06/24/05 at 11:21 am

Ok then..since you all like her peformance of the National Anthem, go to Germany or some other flippingg country. I agree that she's funny..ON HER SHOW! You dont grab your crotch when saluting to our country you freaks! I know she apologized but all you stupid blue collered rednecks still think its funny. Do us all AMERICANS a favor and leave, because you are what is wrong with the world.

Your probably all democrats too. >:(

Subject: Re: Her show was funny...not the anthem.

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 06/24/05 at 8:42 pm

Ok then..since you all like her peformance of the National Anthem, go to Germany or some other flippingg country. I agree that she's funny..ON HER SHOW! You dont grab your crotch when saluting to our country you freaks! I know she apologized but all you stupid blue collered rednecks still think its funny. Do us all AMERICANS a favor and leave, because you are what is wrong with the world.

Your probably all democrats too. >:(

ok....first of all, I am not a democrat, but I really don't know what that has to do with anything.  Why all of the hostility?  Gosh...everyone has a right to post who they like or think is funny...if you happen not to agree, fine, but don't go reaming people a new one just because YOU happen to disagree with their choices!  Yes, what Roseanne did while performing the National Anthem, was uncalled for...but guess what? Who really cares? People do offensive things everyday...much worse than what she happened to do...and they still have followers and fans.  I happen to think that her show was one of the funniest shows on TV...and I still thoroughly enjoy watching the reruns of it to this day.  I mean, just because people enjoy her or her show doesn't make them "rednecks", because honey, I am the farthest thing from being a redneck, as is probably the other members on this thread.  I just LOVE how these GUESTS come on board and think that they can harass people who happen to be established MEMBERS! Do US all a favor...and be a little more open-minded, and quit trashing other people who happen to have a different opinion than you.

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: Carrie on 06/24/05 at 9:11 pm

Patrick needs to get over himself... Anyone who is too big of a wimp to register and say comments like that don't mean a whole lot to me anyway.

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 06/24/05 at 10:55 pm

Patrick needs to get over himself... Anyone who is too big of a wimp to register and say comments like that don't mean a whole lot to me anyway.

I agree!

Erin :)

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: 90s boy on 06/25/05 at 12:24 pm

I agree!

Erin :)

I agree too he is probley some southern red neck who maryed his cousin ;D

Subject: Re: Thumbs up to Roseanne

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 06/25/05 at 2:27 pm

I agree too he is probley some southern red neck who maryed his cousin ;D

LOL!!!! ;D

Erin :)

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