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Subject: Least Essential Albums of the '90s (link inside)

Written By: Ebontyne on 07/17/06 at 9:35 pm

At least according to this list courtesy of the AV Club... It was written in 1999 as a retrospective of the decade's most inconsequential (though not necessarily worst) albums, and it's actually quite fascinating and fun to read if you're a pop culture enthusiast. Naturally, we tend to pay attention to the broad popular trends and the things that made an impact - but pop culture is far larger than any trend and more complex than our generalizations about it tend to imply. So that's where a list like this comes in. ;)

If these albums were already forgotten about in 1999, I can only imagine most of them have become even more obscure since then.

Least Essential Albums of the '90s:

Subject: Re: Least Essential Albums of the '90s (link inside)

Written By: Eac Zeffron on 07/18/06 at 4:53 pm

Hey, Debbie Gibson was forced by her label like Nelly Furtado...atleast she's still an A/C pop artist

Want worse image makeover, check out MC Hammer goin' gangsta...

Subject: Re: Least Essential Albums of the '90s (link inside)

Written By: JamieMcBain on 07/18/06 at 6:39 pm

Like the mention of Pat Boone's heavy metal album!  ;D

Subject: Re: Least Essential Albums of the '90s (link inside)

Written By: Ebontyne on 07/18/06 at 8:14 pm

My favourite has to be Hating Brenda (1993) by Rump:

"Here's a puzzling little pop-culture artifact that couldn't be less relevant: a concept album, assembled by the editors of Ben Is Dead magazine, with eight songs about what a bitch Beverly Hills 90210's Brenda Walsh (played by Shannen Doherty) is. The liner notes are almost apologetic—"we feel it necessary to admit that we hate Brenda only as much as one can hate a fictional television character"—which makes sense. So why record, manufacture, and sell the album? It doesn't help that Hating Brenda's songs are dumb, forgettable genre exercises in techno, grunge, and so on."

I did a little extra searching and found the tracklist online:

1. Who Is Brenda?
2. Alternative College Radio Grunge Hit (Stinks Like Teen Brenda)
3. Brenda Can't Dance to This
4. Every Day Is Brenda Day
5. Choot 'Er
6. Dylan's Choice
7. Roto-Rod Activator
8. Who Is Brenda?


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