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Subject: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: Slim95 on 02/02/21 at 5:12 pm

I was only 4 in 1999 so I obviously don't have vivid memories from the era, But there are a few things I remember in regards to the culture. I distinctly remember Britney Spears song "Bsby One More Time" being played everywhere. I remember a memory of seeing musical albums in both cassette tape formats and CDs in stores. I remember seeing the Britney Spears album in the form of a cassette tape in the store. I remember using the internet for the first time on our Windows '98 computer (with an old white CRT monitor). The first website I visited was because I loved the show Zoom so I went on that website and did the activities on it. I remember the web was very colourful with lots of bright colours on websites. Again, these are just a few of my blurry memories of moments I had as a very small child in the late 1990s.

Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: wagonman76 on 02/02/21 at 5:45 pm

I moved out on my own and bought my first house in 1999. I wasn’t a fan of current TV or radio, but I was building my collection of used tapes and CDs, most of which I still have. I used my big satellite dish for pay channels, I still use it but for freebie channels.

I much preferred the internet of the late 90s to today. Pages were basic and for the most part not interactive. Yet everything I needed was out there. News, email, message boards, chat rooms, shopping, banking, dating which I did plenty of. I had an Angelfire page. Google didn’t exist and Amazon was just a bookstore. Lots of individual stores and sites that were not affiliated. eBay had quirky things you couldn’t get anywhere else. I could find what I was looking for so much easier because results weren’t controlled by ads or money.

Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: violet_shy on 02/02/21 at 6:10 pm

In 1999 I was getting into the florist business. Being a florist was my first real job. I didn't go to a college so I had to start work at only 19. So I became a floral assembler. I loved that job position! It opened so many doors for me, but being so young I wouldn't take any opportunities. I didn't understand how important those opportunities were for my future.

I remember listening to CDs more than cassettes in 1999. And let's not forget Jennifer Lopez "If you had my love"...that song was everywhere! I remember my sister buying the single that year. Just want to add that my sister's name is also Jennifer.... :D

Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 02/02/21 at 6:40 pm

I moved out on my own and bought my first house in 1999. I wasn’t a fan of current TV or radio, but I was building my collection of used tapes and CDs, most of which I still have. I used my big satellite dish for pay channels, I still use it but for freebie channels.

I much preferred the internet of the late 90s to today. Pages were basic and for the most part not interactive. Yet everything I needed was out there. News, email, message boards, chat rooms, shopping, banking, dating which I did plenty of. I had an Angelfire page. Google didn’t exist and Amazon was just a bookstore. Lots of individual stores and sites that were not affiliated. eBay had quirky things you couldn’t get anywhere else. I could find what I was looking for so much easier because results weren’t controlled by ads or money.

Yes, how many people now remember that Amazon started out selling only books?  I made my first Ebay purchase circa 1999 also.

I remember those old Angelfire and Geocities sites. They were pretty bad. Usually used by young girls to put up pages on whoever the latest boyband idol type was at the time.

Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: Ripley on 02/03/21 at 4:46 am

Yes, how many people now remember that Amazon started out selling only books?  I made my first Ebay purchase circa 1999 also.

I remember those old Angelfire and Geocities sites. They were pretty bad. Usually used by young girls to put up pages on whoever the latest boyband idol type was at the time.

Those sites were kinda fun to look at lol but I too remember Amazon starting out as just for books.

Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: AmericanGirl on 02/03/21 at 12:04 pm

I remember the late 90's well - I got married in 1998  :-*

It was a good time, really.  Things were still very 90s-ish, as would be expected.  I wasn't big on pop culture at that point (although some of it was thrust upon me by the not-grown people in my life).  As the 90's decade advanced, Y2K become more and more of a thing.

I had a little laptop computer, "Hitachi" brand (who remembers them).  It ran Windows 95.  If I remember it right it had a "sizeable" hard drive of 785 megabytes.  And of course a built in floppy disc slot and PCMCIA inputs.  No USB - although it had some kind of input so I could connect an external DVD.  Didn't use any internet at home at that point - the only option then was dial-up anyway.  But I had some spreadsheets on it, stuff like that.  And games.  I used it, just not like I use a computer today.

Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/03/21 at 1:57 pm

1998 was one of the best years of my life. As much as I was sorry that I moved out of my old apartment which I have a lot of fond memories and did a lot of growing and healing there, I moved in with Carlos. We took a trip across country-the first stop was in Tulsa for my grandmother's 90th birthday party. And then on to California-my very first trip there. While there, we sailed to Catalina on Carlos' sister's boat, and Carlos (with my sister's help) took me to Disneyland-and I was able to scratch that off of my bucket list.

My sister worked at the Disney Store and they gave employees tickets to Disneyland & Disneyworld. She had 2 tickets that were going to expire at the end of the year and she knew that she wasn't going to use them so she gave them to us. That day, Carlos kept saying to me, "Oh, we need to go on this ride." "I want to show you that." etc. etc. He was just giving me the grand tour. The only thing I was sorry about was by the time we got to the tea cups (the one ride that I REALLY wanted to go on), it was late-so we didn't go.

When we left the park, I thanked Carlos for the wonderful day and how that was on my bucket list because it was something I wanted to do since I was a little girl, etc. etc. He said to me, "I am so glad that you had a good time. And if you ever want to go again...take someone else because I HATE amusement parks!" My jaw hit the floor. He never once made any complaint -well, except after we got off the Indiana Jones ride because he didn't realize it was a roller coaster ride and he really hates roller coasters but that was it. He was showing everything, and just being a wonderful guide. I didn't have a clue that he didn't like it. At that moment I loved him so much more because he put aside his dislike for amusement parks for something that I had always wanted to do and didn't make my day miserable if he wasn't enjoying himself.


Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: karen on 02/03/21 at 3:20 pm

My daughter was born late 1998 so I was mainly thinking about parenting related things for much of 98 and 99.

We did have a home computer as I wrote my Masters thesis on it in 1997. We probably bought it in 1995. We had Encyclopedia Britannica on CD-ROM and a couple of computer games - Seventh Guest is one I remember.

We also had a mobile phone in 1999. A supermarket had a promotional offer of a Nokia (with interchangeable covers) and a pager of some kind. We were among the first of our friends to have such a thing

Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/22/21 at 4:17 am

At times, even yesterday is blur for me.

Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: wagonman76 on 02/22/21 at 11:31 am

I remember the late 90's well - I got married in 1998  :-*

It was a good time, really.  Things were still very 90s-ish, as would be expected.  I wasn't big on pop culture at that point (although some of it was thrust upon me by the not-grown people in my life).  As the 90's decade advanced, Y2K become more and more of a thing.

I had a little laptop computer, "Hitachi" brand (who remembers them).  It ran Windows 95.  If I remember it right it had a "sizeable" hard drive of 785 megabytes.  And of course a built in floppy disc slot and PCMCIA inputs.  No USB - although it had some kind of input so I could connect an external DVD.  Didn't use any internet at home at that point - the only option then was dial-up anyway.  But I had some spreadsheets on it, stuff like that.  And games.  I used it, just not like I use a computer today.

My first computer I got in late 1997. Tandy 386SX/33. 100 MB hard drive, 2 MB ram which I upgraded to 10 MB. 16 color VGA which I upgraded to 256 color with some chips I found. I had a whole disk drawer that was a monitor platform. I still have it and most of the disks still work. That was the most stable computer I ever had to this day.

Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: kr37 on 02/22/21 at 3:58 pm

If I can remember anything from the 1990s it would be very blurry because I was only two years old at the end of the decade. I do have a few memories from around 2000, and I'm pretty sure I can remember parts of 2000, so its possible some of my memories could be from 1999 as well. I wish I had clearer memories from then so I could say for sure I remember parts of that decade. I remember 1990s and earlier cars and technology though, which are much more rare now.

Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: yelimsexa on 02/28/21 at 8:00 pm

I could start something similar in the 1980s board with something similar (I'm ten years older than the OP). But even those puberty/early adolescence years seem nearly as blurry as my toddler/preschool years. But I still vividly remember the transformation of a society that seemed to change from a word of TV/radio/magazine media to one that could receive news practically instantly nearly overnight, and that was actually in the fall of 1996 (the beginning of the late 1990s) in school. I also remember the switch from the more mature Britpop/Grunge/early Post-Grunge/Eurdoance/Gangsta Rap/Contemporary R&B sound of the mid-90s to the TRL/Boy Band/Nu Metal/Modern Rap sound pretty quickly. The late 1990s was Peak Globalization, and global diplomacy never felt more secure. 

But I still have an Angelfire page that anybody from the late 1990s would easily understand in terms of its layout. Best of all, with a very few selections, all news websites were free, copyright infringement/takedowns wasn't yet a bid deal despite the passage of the DMCA Act in 1996, and the offline world was still a very essential part of our lifestyles, since most people had a limit on usage before charges for Internet usage really went up.

That said, there are a lot things today that have their advantages, such as thousands of hours worth of videos fitting in a pocket on a single flash drive, less need for auto travel even if you don't live in a transit-friendly or walkable area, and fewer people globally living in poverty (especially in Asia, parts of the Middle East, and Latin America). 

Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: BornIn86 on 03/06/21 at 7:44 pm

Yes, how many people now remember that Amazon started out selling only books?  I made my first Ebay purchase circa 1999 also.

I remember those old Angelfire and Geocities sites. They were pretty bad. Usually used by young girls to put up pages on whoever the latest boyband idol type was at the time.

I remember that about Amazon but I didn't get in on Amazon until around 2004.

I used to use those sites for:

1. Looking up sites of my favorite 90s YA novels especially Animorphs.
2. Stealing episodes of subbed Dragon Ball Z episodes
3. Chatting with people
4. Playing d&d text games
5. Looking up my favorite Toonami shows
6. Stumbling into sites with pretty gross content and telling my friends about it

Subject: Re: My Blurry Memories of the Late 1990s

Written By: violet_shy on 03/06/21 at 8:01 pm

6. Stumbling into sites with pretty gross content and telling my friends about it

Lol! Why were they gross? Just curious.

I loved Dragon Ball Z.

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