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Subject: 1996...the first true "90s" year? Or the "Peak 90s" year?

Written By: 90s Guy on 07/03/21 at 11:10 am

By 90s, I mean the time that we think of when our brains most immediately go to the 1990s....

If you think about 1991, 1993, 1994...There is a primitive quality to those years in a sense. It's the 16 bit era. People get more nostalgic for the PS1/N64 for that era. Grunge is sort of a dated hallmark of a brief period in time, even though I love Grunge, it's very much an "Early 90s thing" in a sense. Before Doom in 1993, gaming isn't as revolutionary. By 1996, you get a lot of the hallmarks of the 90s culturally being in place:

OJ Simpson trial is over

Tupac murdered

PS1, N64, Sega Saturn are all out by the end of 1996.

games like Tomb Raider, Mario 64, Crash Bandicoot are all out

DVD is on the way and gaining hype and will come out in the US in March 1997, but it's gaining a steady stream of hype throughout 1996

1996 is the first year 32 bit consoles outsell 16 bit machines

Spice Girls release their first album and have a massive hit with Wannabe

Quake released

Windows 95 has been out for a year, we're in the Windows age

Celine Dion

Independence Day which basically kickstarts the "dumb summer blockbuster flick" trend that'll go until the early 00s

No Doubt

Clinton is re-elected


Industrial/Pop Punk are mainstream


Subject: Re: 1996...the first true "90s" year? Or the "Peak 90s" year?

Written By: 80sfan on 08/20/21 at 11:47 am

The first year that is very 1990's, to me, was 1993!

Maybe 1996 was the first truly modern year of our era? Maybe that's a better way to look at it!
To me, by the time we get to 1995/1996, everything gets very modernized, very modern!
In the future, I think we'll see 1995/1996 as the beginning of 'this' era!  8)

Subject: Re: 1996...the first true "90s" year? Or the "Peak 90s" year?

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 08/20/21 at 11:59 am

The first year that is very 1990's, to me, was 1993!

Maybe 1996 was the first truly modern year of our era? Maybe that's a better way to look at it!
To me, by the time we get to 1995/1996, everything gets very modernized, very modern!
In the future, I think we'll see 1995/1996 as the beginning of 'this' era!  8)

You are basically correct about this. It was in 1995 that the internet started coming into wide usage. I was first exposed to it myself in 1996. And all things of what could be termed the "modern era" stem from the internet. All things.

Subject: Re: 1996...the first true "90s" year? Or the "Peak 90s" year?

Written By: violet_shy on 08/20/21 at 3:11 pm

The first 90s year to me was 1990. Fashion and music started to change. And if you listen to the music that was popular in 1990, it was beginning to sound more 90s and less like 1989. More House, Dance, and Contemporary music. 1996 to me was still very 90s. It started to feel different around mid 1998.

Subject: Re: 1996...the first true "90s" year? Or the "Peak 90s" year?

Written By: batfan2005 on 08/24/21 at 6:05 am

1996 was a quintessential 90's year but I would say 1994 was even more so. As for the first true 90's year, it was debatable between 1992 and 1993. The latter was when Bill Clinton was inaugurated and Beavis and Butthead premiered. The former was when Bill Clinton was elected. It's similar to 2008 and 2009 with Obama.

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