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Subject: Eating pork can get you fired.

Written By: Jessica on 08/05/04 at 1:23 pm

Woman Sues After Being Fired For Eating Pork At Work

I think it's pretty ridiculous that she got canned for that. Unless you're like eating something really gross or disturbing (fresh roadkill comes to mind :P) at work, they really have no right to tell you what to eat. And that BS about many Muslim workers and clients doesn't fly. THEY'RE not eating it, just us heathen Americans. :D

Subject: Re: Eating pork can get you fired.

Written By: LyricBoy on 08/05/04 at 6:13 pm

Woman Sues After Being Fired For Eating Pork At Work

I think it's pretty ridiculous that she got canned for that. Unless you're like eating something really gross or disturbing (fresh roadkill comes to mind :P) at work, they really have no right to tell you what to eat. And that BS about many Muslim workers and clients doesn't fly. THEY'RE not eating it, just us heathen Americans. :D

I agree, it's pretty lame to fire someone for eating a BLT.

But I am not sure if the woman who got fired has a legal case.  Since the eating of pork is not a "protected religious practice" for her, she can not claim that denying her the right to eat pork would be an infringement on a reasonable religious practice of hers.

The issue that the cpmpany does not have a "written policy that bans pork eating" is irrelevant.  Rules do not have to be written down in order to be able to fire somebody over beaking them.

Hopefully the public will see that company as one that is run by intolerant people.  Silly people who are greedy, barbarous, and cruel, who can not seem to coexist with people of other religions.  Also I hope that a picket line is established at their front door, with somebody giving away free cans of Spam and Bacon Bits.

Pass the pork rinds.  :P

Subject: Re: Eating pork can get you fired.

Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/05/04 at 8:58 pm

Pretty ridiculous...

Subject: Eating pork can get you fired.

Written By: Dude111 on 01/31/18 at 6:28 pm

I tried to find the story originally posted but I couldnt.....

Sounds quite insane!!!

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