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Subject: Irish wax museum figures 'stolen'

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/31/07 at 2:50 am

Dozens of figures from Ireland's National Wax Museum have been damaged or stolen after a "rave" party at a warehouse, officials say.

Models of famous children's characters, including Teletubbies and Bob the Builder, are among those taken from the museum's collection in Dublin.

There were signs of forced entry at the storeroom after youths attended a rave in a nearby warehouse, officials said.

Police believe the apparent thefts occurred between 3 and 20 June.

Subject: Re: Irish wax museum figures 'stolen'

Written By: spaceace on 07/31/07 at 10:32 am

Holy Smokes some hoodlums stole Bob The Builder.  I suggest severe punishment for the perpetrators.  I guess they can have the Teletubbies.

Subject: Re: Irish wax museum figures 'stolen'

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/31/07 at 8:12 pm

Aye, me lucky charms!

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