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Subject: Students played 'frisbee' with land mine
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/21/07 at 3:07 pm
Two Swiss students on holiday played frisbee with an object they found on a beach unaware it was a live land mine.
Lukas Aider, 20, and Christoph Kurz, 19, took a plunge in the Danube river in Budapest when they found the mine and began their potentially lethal game.
A lifeguard watching stopped them and immediately called the police.
A bomb squad then arrived to make safe what turned out to be an old Soviet 6 kilogrammes anti-tank mine.
Subject: Re: Students played 'frisbee' with land mine
Written By: Red Ant on 08/21/07 at 6:43 pm
How far can you throw a 13lb disc anyway? While didn't know it wasn't a landmine, they should have known it wasn't a frisbee!
Subject: Re: Students played 'frisbee' with land mine
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/21/07 at 8:41 pm
Actually, this happens from time to time in France. Some kids find old grenade or cannonball and use it for sport. Later the authorities confiscate it, it turns out to be live, and the bomb squad explodes it. Yep, Kaiser Willhelm might have a few tricks up his sleeve yet!
Subject: Re: Students played 'frisbee' with land mine
Written By: whistledog on 08/21/07 at 8:42 pm
Makes you wonder how a land mine washed up on a beach anyway
Subject: Re: Students played 'frisbee' with land mine
Written By: Foo Bar on 08/21/07 at 8:58 pm
Makes you wonder how a land mine washed up on a beach anyway
In all seriousness, if you're expecting a mechanized invasion by sea, the beach is about the only place worth mining. If it washed up on the beach, it wouldn't have been shaped like a frisbee.
In other news, an elderly gentleman dressed in Victorian garb was seen walking away from the beach, cursing that damn lifeguard.
Chuck typically bats .500 or better on hand grenades, but not so much on older munitions. In the case of old shells, something went wrong enough that the shell didn't detonate on impact. In the case of antitank mines, they're often designed such that the footsteps of an infantryman shouldn't set it off.
But frisbee. Damn. There ain't no justice. A real lifeguard would have yelled "YOU! OUTA THE GENE POOL!" and uploaded the video to Youtube.
Subject: Re: Students played 'frisbee' with land mine
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/21/07 at 10:24 pm
The Darwin Awards-type incident I never forgot was the two dudes from Alabama who were hospitalized with multiple venomous snake bites. The were playing "catch" with a live rattlesnake. The number and distribution pattern of the bites indicated several volleys before the boys figured out it wasn't such a great idea!
This was c. 1995. I think it was in "News of the Weird," which was my primary news source at the time!
Subject: Re: Students played 'frisbee' with land mine
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 08/24/07 at 2:08 pm
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