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Subject: Kid cracks Government's $84 million dollar porn filter in 30 minutes

Written By: ChuckyG on 08/25/07 at 4:58 pm,,22304224-5005941,00.html

glad to see it's not just the US that wastes money on pointless crap

Subject: Re: Kid cracks Government's $84 million dollar porn filter in 30 minutes

Written By: Red Ant on 08/25/07 at 7:05 pm,,22304224-5005941,00.html

glad to see it's not just the US that wastes money on pointless crap

And he cracked the replacement filter in 40 minutes. At least the second version was improved 33%...  :D


Subject: Re: Kid cracks Government's $84 million dollar porn filter in 30 minutes

Written By: KKay on 08/26/07 at 7:40 am

He needs to go into biz with the kid that worked out the I-phone thing...

Subject: Re: Kid cracks Government's $84 million dollar porn filter in 30 minutes

Written By: Foo Bar on 08/26/07 at 5:31 pm

Favorite Dilbert cartoon of all time:  Dilbert's coding some censorware, when Dogbert shows up and explains to him the situation:

Dogbert: So, you're pitting your intellect against the collective sex drive of every teenager on the planet?
Dilbert: Yes.
Dogbert: Did you know that if you put a little hat on it a snowball can last a long time in hell?

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