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Subject: 747 Flight Simulator in the bedroom

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/19/07 at 5:19 am

From Metro

A typical day sees John Davis flying a 'Jumbo Jet' over green fields and mountains – but he does not need to leave home to do it.

What started as a small project has turned into a hobby of mighty proportions – after the flying nut built a Boeing 747-400 simulator in his spare bedroom.

He has spent eight years and £15,000 building the life-size replica out of wood and bought most of the fittings off the Internet including an auto-pilot system, throttles and a weather radar.

The 47-year-old , who lives in Coventry, has now quit his job as a graphic artist to run a flight simulation business.

'I've always wanted to be an airplane pilot but I was never any good at maths. So this is the next best thing,' he added.

Subject: Re: 747 Flight Simulator in the bedroom

Written By: Tia on 10/19/07 at 5:23 am

that's kick ass! my dad built me a shuttle cockpit simulation out of cardboard once when i was a kid, but it wasn't nearly as involved as that.

Subject: Re: 747 Flight Simulator in the bedroom

Written By: Dude111 on 10/20/07 at 5:27 am

Thats awesome as anything!

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