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Subject: World's fastest clapper

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/27/07 at 10:12 am

Ya, this guy is pretty much amazing....think of how his hands must hurt when he is done clapping!! :o

Subject: Re: World's fastest clapper

Written By: TigerMystic on 11/27/07 at 7:46 pm

Holy crap--I mean, clap!  :o

Wow!  I wonder how long it takes to build up to something like that.  It's amazing what the human body can do, and what people who are determined enough can do with their body.

Neat vid--thanks, Quirk!  :)

Subject: Re: World's fastest clapper

Written By: lw81dotcom on 12/12/07 at 4:16 pm

what i'd like to know is how he thought of the idea?

did he one day say 'hey, i want to be the world's fastest clapper.'

what determines a talent?

Subject: Re: World's fastest clapper

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/15/07 at 7:56 am

What a load of clap!

I thought the warm up was it!

Subject: Re: World's fastest clapper

Written By: lw81dotcom on 12/16/07 at 7:32 pm

it's like running a mile before running a mile.

Subject: Re: World's fastest clapper

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/17/07 at 2:30 am

I bet he was clicking his teeth as well?

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