The Pop Culture Information Society...

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Subject: Train in Bangkok...

Written By: ChuckyG on 12/01/07 at 12:41 pm

Subject: Re: Train in Bangkok...

Written By: TigerMystic on 12/01/07 at 1:05 pm

;D ;D ;D

Wow!  Talk about maximizing the use of space!  And everyone just went about setting up afterward and perusing the goods like having a train pass through was the most normal thing in the world.  Hilarious!

Subject: Re: Train in Bangkok...

Written By: Red Ant on 12/01/07 at 5:03 pm

It seems like something out of an Indian Jones movie. Is space that limited in Thailand?


Subject: Re: Train in Bangkok...

Written By: wildcard on 12/01/07 at 9:47 pm

uh... ok

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