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Subject: 'Most unfortunate names' revealed

Written By: Philip Eno on 02/27/09 at 4:50 am

A list of unluckily named people, including Barb Dwyer and Stan Still, has been compiled by a parenting website.

Subject: Re: 'Most unfortunate names' revealed

Written By: MissDemento on 03/03/09 at 12:09 pm

Two more I found are; Justin Case and Anna Sasin.. Ouch!

Subject: Re: 'Most unfortunate names' revealed

Written By: Gis on 03/04/09 at 6:11 am

There was an Annette Curtain at my school. Friends of my sister, whose surname is Bell called their son Maximum Desi Bell. Poor poor kid.  ::)

Subject: Re: 'Most unfortunate names' revealed

Written By: MissDemento on 03/04/09 at 1:43 pm

That's pretty bad D:!

Subject: Re: 'Most unfortunate names' revealed

Written By: Fairee07 on 03/16/09 at 1:14 pm

I had this teacher who told us that he grew up with these neighbors called the Dicks...and they named their son Harry.  8-P

Subject: Re: 'Most unfortunate names' revealed

Written By: MissDemento on 03/16/09 at 3:53 pm

I JUST LAUGHED OUT LOUD! I would be his friend! And I'd have to introduce him to everyone!

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