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Subject: Two heads better than one?

Written By: Philip Eno on 08/06/09 at 1:39 pm

A two-headed cobra snake has been born in China.

Mr Liu, a rail worker who breeds snakes as a hobby, said he was amazed when he first saw the reptile.

He had bought 10 snake eggs to hatch at his home in Jiujiang, eastern China's Jiangxi province, reports Dajiang Network.

"When the cobras hatched out, one of them had two heads," said Liu.

He said the cobra was able to eat using both of its mouths simultaneously. It's four eyes were cloudy - but he expected that to change when the snake sheds its skin for the first time.

A spokesman for the local wild animal protection centre said the two-headed snake was most likely the result of genetic mutation.

Subject: Re: Two heads better than one?

Written By: Silver Power on 09/11/09 at 1:41 pm

A two-headed cobra snake has been born in China.


A spokesman for the local wild animal protection centre said the two-headed snake was most likely the result of genetic mutation.

A genetic mutation?? IN ASIA???? ARE YOU sheeshTING ME???????

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