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Subject: Man attempting to live off breast milk

Written By: King Tut on 09/22/11 at 7:01 pm

DURHAM, N.C., Sept. 22 (UPI) -- A North Carolina expert said a blogger attempting to subsist entirely on his wife's breast milk is unlikely to find any nutritional benefits.
The blogger, who identifies himself only as Curtis on the blog,, said his first child was born nine months ago and his wife has an extensive supply of frozen breast milk from the births of the infant girl and her two previous children, ABC News reported Wednesday.

"I mean cow milk was made for baby cows, why not drink human breast milk that was made for baby humans," Curtis wrote in his first post.

Curtis said he is aiming to find out how long he can live strictly off the breast milk and document any benefits he discovers.


Subject: Re: Man attempting to live off breast milk

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/22/11 at 9:12 pm

Tits a wonderful life!

Subject: Re: Man attempting to live off breast milk

Written By: King Tut on 09/22/11 at 9:19 pm

Tits a wonderful life!

The thing is, what he's doing is similar to not going to the strip club, but he's allowed to touch the clothings hanging in the closet hours after the performance is over.

Subject: Re: Man attempting to live off breast milk

Written By: Foo Bar on 09/22/11 at 9:40 pm

Curtis said he is aiming to find out how long he can live strictly off the breast milk and document any benefits he discovers.

...but I'll never judge a man for devising a new and innovative way to ensure that he gets boobs in his face every day!

Subject: Re: Man attempting to live off breast milk

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/26/11 at 10:52 pm

He wants an ice cream machine for his birthday!

Subject: Re: Man attempting to live off breast milk

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/27/11 at 1:40 am

"bitty?...not bitty now, bitty later!"

Subject: Re: Man attempting to live off breast milk

Written By: Bobby on 09/28/11 at 10:16 am

"bitty?...not bitty now, bitty later!"

That sketch from Little Britain was quite disturbing, lol.

I can't argue with Curtis's logic though personally I prefer a pizza...

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