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Subject: Invaders from Mars: Drone Aircraft Being Transported on US Highway Causes Alien

Written By: 80sTrivMeister on 06/15/12 at 7:44 pm

Sightings of a strange, unidentified object being transported by an eighteen-wheeler around the Washington, DC, area had many people believing alien visitors had arrived in the US capital! Turns out, it was a drone military aircraft...

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Subject: Re: Invaders from Mars: Drone Aircraft Being Transported on US Highway Causes Alien

Written By: Foo Bar on 06/16/12 at 11:13 pm

Sightings of a strange, unidentified object being transported by an eighteen-wheeler around the Washington, DC, area had many people believing alien visitors had arrived in the US capital! Turns out, it was a drone military aircraft...

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More like invaders from California, but I'll grant you that California (at least as compared to DC), might as well be Mars :)

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