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Subject: HOT SHOT

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/25/12 at 8:15 pm

Here's one for the Darwin Awards.

William Bonner, 36, of Albany, GA, had a friend douse his head with Bacardi 151 proof and set it ablaze.  Some friend, eh?  It was a barroom dare and, yes, both parties were intoxicated.  Bonner ran around like a headless chicken while he tried to extinguish the flames.  He was ignited for about ten seconds.  Witnesses said Bonner turned bright red and looked like melted plastic.  The "victim" was airlifted to a local burn treatment facility and was released a day later. 

Lt. Blaise Dresser (an officer at the scene, and yeah, that's his name) said the less was if you drink too much alcohol you are likely to do something horrible. 

I think the more basic less is: Don't pour combustible materials on your head and light it on fire.  But, hey, that's just me!

Subject: Re: HOT SHOT

Written By: warped on 07/25/12 at 8:25 pm

Here's one for the Darwin Awards.

William Bonner, 36, of Albany, GA, had a friend douse his head with Bacardi 151 proof and set it ablaze.  Some friend, eh?  It was a barroom dare and, yes, both parties were intoxicated.  Bonner ran around like a headless chicken while he tried to extinguish the flames.  He was ignited for about ten seconds.  Witnesses said Bonner turned bright red and looked like melted plastic.  The "victim" was airlifted to a local burn treatment facility and was released a day later. 

Lt. Blaise Dresser (an officer at the scene, and yeah, that's his name) said the less was if you drink too much alcohol you are likely to do something horrible. 

I think the more basic less is: Don't pour combustible materials on your head and light it on fire.  But, hey, that's just me!

If he were filming a Pepsi commercial at the time, then it might be "pop-culture" relevant.
Having decided to do what he did, setting his head on fire obviously didn't damage any important organs he's been using in the last few years.

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