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Subject: WPC sues gran over injuries caused by runaway goat

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/12/13 at 6:22 am

A hard-up grandmother is facing legal action from a policewoman injured by her runaway goat.

WPC Lorraine Bowman is demanding Jean Horsley, 63, pays her medical costs after the animal leapt on her from a garage roof.

Recently widowed Jean’s one-year-old billy goat vaulted a fence and made a dash for freedom while being unloaded from a trailer at an abattoir.

Jean said: “My husband and I had a smallholding and took one of the goats to the slaughterhouse — but he did a runner.”

A week later the pensioner, whose husband Fred died from cancer in April, was driving near the abattoir when she saw a crowd.

She said: “There must have been around 40 villagers and a load of police in the road and they had found my goat.

"I drove to the slaughterhouse to get help and when I came back I heard the goat had jumped on the WPC.”

Stuart Macpherson saw the bizarre accident in Caverswall, Staffs, last November.

He said: “It got on to a garage roof. As the WPC went towards it, the goat jumped and hit her on the back.”

Mr Macpherson’s wife gave first aid and an ambulance was called. The goat was caught by an abattoir worker, Jean went ahead with its slaughter and thought the matter closed.

But this week she received a letter from solicitors which accuses “keeper of the goat” Jean, from Cheadle, Staffordshire, of breaching the Animals Act 1971 by not keeping it restrained.

While not asking for a specific amount, it said Jean should pay towards the officer’s treatment for injuries to her ribs, back and shoulder.

The policewoman was off work for three weeks.

The letter says: “She has attended chiropractic treatment. We invite you to participate in addressing her immediate needs.”

Jean said: “I was in disbelief. I haven’t any insurance and don’t know what I’m to do. I haven’t any money.”

WPC Bowman refused to comment yesterday.

Policing commander, Chief Supt Juliet Prince, said: “The officer made a personal decision to seek legal redress.”

The Police Federation’s Andy Adams said the officer had “serious injuries” and added: “She has paid for private medical treatment for which she now appears to be seeking recompense. The claim is not one for profit.”

Home Secretary Theresa May said in May she wanted to crack down on “frivolous” compensation claims by police officers.

The goat injury claim is the latest in a series of legal actions.

WPC Kelly Jones began proceedings in March after tripping on a kerb at a garage in Thetford, Norfolk, and PC Richard Seymour is suing a burglary victim for £10,000 after falling into a drain on an inquiry in West Horsley, Surrey.

Subject: Re: WPC sues gran over injuries caused by runaway goat

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/12/13 at 10:03 pm

Run away! Run away!


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