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Subject: Ben Friberg paddle boards from Cuba to Florida

Written By: Philip Eno on 08/05/13 at 2:33 am

A US musician has become the first person to paddle board between Cuba and the US, accomplishing the 111-mile (179km) voyage in 28 hours.

Guitarist Ben Friberg of Tennessee was accompanied by a support boat - his father among the crew - providing navigational advice and nutrition.

He stood for most of the trip from Port Hemingway, Cuba, to Key West, Florida.

Mr Friberg, 35, spent about a year securing permission for the trip, according to expedition materials.

He wore long socks, a long-sleeved white shirt and a long-peaked cap to shield him from the sun as he paddled the 14ft (4.3m) board.

His support team said he encountered rough seas.

As he reached the beach in Key West on Friday - dehydrated and exhausted but otherwise healthy - he was helped ashore.

Before leaving, he said he was attempting the feat "to promote peace and understanding between Cuba and the US and to promote a healthy lifestyle."

Swimmers have attempted the journey several times only to abandon the effort after painful jellyfish stings.

Subject: Re: Ben Friberg paddle boards from Cuba to Florida

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/15/13 at 9:46 pm

Providing navigational advice and nutrition? 

He's lucky he didn't become SHARK nutrition! 

Next, Ron is going to eat Chichester Cathedral!


Subject: Re: Ben Friberg paddle boards from Cuba to Florida

Written By: Howard on 08/16/13 at 3:30 pm

How many hours did it take him? :o

Subject: Re: Ben Friberg paddle boards from Cuba to Florida

Written By: Philip Eno on 08/21/13 at 8:13 am

How many hours did it take him? :o

A US musician has become the first person to paddle board between Cuba and the US, accomplishing the 111-mile (179km) voyage in 28 hours.

Subject: Re: Ben Friberg paddle boards from Cuba to Florida

Written By: Howard on 08/21/13 at 1:51 pm

By plane about an hour & a half.

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