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Subject: Crocodile 'stalks' New Zealand man for two weeks

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/07/13 at 5:26 am

A New Zealand tourist has returned to safety after being menaced by a crocodile off Western Australia for two weeks, an Australian report says.

The man became stranded on an island because the reptile stalked him when he tried to leave by kayak, rescuer Don Macleod told broadcaster ABC.

Mr Macleod said he rescued the man on Saturday after spotting a light on Governor Island, near Kalumburu.

The crocodile was around six m (20 ft) long, Mr Macleod said.

The unidentified New Zealander had planned to kayak back to the mainland. But he "came to the conclusion very quickly that he couldn't get off without attracting crocodile", Mr Macleod said.

" started following him around so he made it back to the island," he added.

Mr Macleod said he had seen the crocodile "several times" before.

"He was going by quite fast one day and he just happened to surface alongside me as I was going past... My boat is 20 ft long and he was well up on the 20 ft mark."

The tourist said he did not know there were crocodiles in the area, Mr Macleod said. "A lot of people are a bit naive about these things."

"Even though the crocodiles have been reduced along the coast by this poaching business, there's still a number of these very old ones that are cunning and certainly on the lookout for an easy meal. He's very, very lucky," Mr Macleod told ABC.

"He wouldn't have made it much longer without water because he seemed to be a bit distressed when we found him."

Last week, a man was killed by a crocodile as he swam in a river in Australia's Northern Territory during a birthday party.

Subject: Re: Crocodile 'stalks' New Zealand man for two weeks

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/07/13 at 9:23 pm

You kayak in crocodile country, you take your chances.  You'd never get me out there, I'll tell you that much!

Subject: Re: Crocodile 'stalks' New Zealand man for two weeks

Written By: Howard on 09/08/13 at 3:40 pm

Did the crocodile get charged?

Subject: Re: Crocodile 'stalks' New Zealand man for two weeks

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/10/13 at 9:15 pm

Did the crocodile get charged?

You wanna serve 20 ft. croc a warrant, mate? I didn't think so.

Anyway, that idiot who got killed in Northern Australia tried to swim across the Mary River, which at that point is 80 meters (260 feet) across and overrun with crocodiles.  You can only afford to be so stupid when you're not at the top of the food chain!

Subject: Re: Crocodile 'stalks' New Zealand man for two weeks

Written By: Howard on 09/11/13 at 7:31 am

Subject: Re: Crocodile 'stalks' New Zealand man for two weeks

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/11/13 at 8:22 pm

Right, and that's a little one!

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